Sunday, August 17, 2008

The War is Over

Aight, team Oust, it's official "The War is Over"! No more orange shirts. No more being harassed by the union. We are done. I checked my mail on Friday, and to my amazement the union has finally sent me something worthwhile. I've been bought out by them. No more de-cert talk. They have done won me over. I'm sorry if yall didn't git nuthin' good from them like I did, but too bad. I'm callin' it quits. We can't talk bad about them no more since they finally sent me somethin' to prove they aren't totally useless.
Me and my rat stinky approve of this union, so yall just stop it already!


Anonymous said...

My eyes welled up with tears as I read the bio of these three stellar individuals. *Sniffle*, It was too much to take. One of them even has some college credits completed!

Is this the best they have?
That's who is representing us?


Back page----These IAM933 clowns can no more take credit for advances in US Law from the mid twentieth century than they can be charged for racial injustice and non reparations in the nineteenth century.
This gang has a habit of taking credit and basking in the glow of another's victory.

Anonymous said...

Is this the "beginning of the end?" Is this the "last chance final days" sale at IAM?

Members: did you notice that YOUR union dues actually went to organizing, rather than improving the contract or other things as promised? How can mailing each member of the bargaining unit that bit of near-useless trivia be of benefit to YOU? Ask your local and your leadership WHY they wasted that money on that!

Anonymous said...

I have a question. Are you people only posting anti-union comments or is the union not responding to this site? I am personally on the fence about this whole thing. It seems that the union affords us non-degreed workers a modicum of protection. If I lost my job at Raytheon not because I am incapable but because my supervisor doesn't like me, where else in Tucson can I get a good paying job with benefits like this one? And the Union has gotten us the pay/benefits we get if you listen to what they are saying. I will grant that in these modern times, laws have been enacted so that we can not be forced into slavery however, I feel safer knowing that the union is looking out for me. How do you respond to this? Will you post this or just toss it out?

Superbia Parti said...

Anonymous: Thank you for posting a good question on our blog. You are welcome to write pro or anti union material here. We appreciate a good debate. Any information directed to the masses at RMS will be useful to make our collective mind up for the decertification election. To answer the other part of your question, the union isn't answering today. ;-) Their leadership doesn't encourage reading this page, for fear of the membership awakening to their game. But word is out. Many are taking a peek!

Regarding the "modicum of protection" the union offers, I prefer to call it the illusion of protection. Even bad bosses don’t fire good workers. They get a transfer. And the union has not gotten you the pay & benefits you earn, YOU DID! Did they train you to qualify for your job? Or did you qualify yourself before employment here? 9000 unprotected engineers can't all be wrong. How many of them are running from their jobs? Without a union we would be treated well, as exemplified by the unprotected majority.

The union doesn't provide safety either. They simply milk their membership and coerce the others. Most people who dislike the union are afraid to express it. Why do non-members fear the union if they are about protection and safety?! They are not looking out for you, they are looking out for themselves. They need to get hundreds, even thousands of workers to give up two percent of their pay in perpetuity without handing over anything tangible. They are willing to get angry to do it. But first they'll play nice.

Did you get your flyer in the mail this weekend? They are drumming for new victims (members) and wish to portray themselves as the nice guys. This parasitic business is designed to take a small amount of money from each of the workers. Why you ask? To amass power while they teach despair and hatred toward their employer so they can make their victims (members) willing accomplices of their treachery and evil.

This permits them to demonize the company and get a collective group of people to coerce the company to bend to the wishes of the power brokers that have their own agenda. The last attempt was a miserable failure. The individual members are so pent up with anger at the "evil" company that they can't see they are being used by the union to advance an agenda that they don't personally stand for!

You can't walk into a group of union folks and not find one without serious doubts about the true nature of this union. Many of them are angry with the union, but hold on to their membership out of fear of no "protection", and hope that one day they will come through for them. I can't count the members who have expressed "one last chance" for this union, and if they don't come through this time they quit! I hate to pop their collective bubble, but the union isn't coming through for them this time either. They may as well quit. As for you, sitting there on the may as well not join them. They have nothing to offer you that you don't already have. Welcome to the debate.

Anonymous said...

Superbia Parti, thank you for the reply. However, it seems you danced a little around my question or perhaps I did not state it very well. My premise is that the engineers and other non hourly workers who have degrees are relatively safe from the ax since they can feasibly find employment elsewhere. However, little old me and my various co workers who do not hold 4 year degrees would be like fish out of water if we got the ax. I believe that the union protects us to a certain extent from this happening. I am a skilled worker and I believe that I benefit the company enough that they would not like to lose me however, I also believe that the union also keeps the ax men in the company at bay. What do you say to this?

Superbia Parti said...

Nobody is safe from the axe of layoffs or being fired. It's a tough subject to deal with, salaried or hourly. But the situation at hand is better than you think. There is a very real shortage of skilled workers in America right now and for years to come. Raytheon is very aware of it. Recently RMS had the option of laying off some workers over the summer, as there was a "bathtub" of production between contracts. The reduced production had many workers without work. So RMS had them out beautifying the plant site for pay instead of a layoff. This is a small clue to how much they are fighting to keep you. RMS stands to loose more than you if you decided to leave. I don't have a four-year degree either. But I have a clearance, and a skill that is in demand. You do too. So shake off the fish scales and have faith in yourself. Keep your chin up and be proud of who you are. If you like your job now, then be the best worker in your skill. That alone will keep the axe men away better than any union ever could. And it won't cost you two percent protection tax! If you want advancement, go to school; jobs await you.

Anonymous said...

The flyer also makes a good shoe liner to cover the wear hole since I can't afford good shoes with my union wages so low.

Anonymous said...

I never received a Union flyer......
Then again I have never been a member......

Oh well.....

The Anti Anti-Union shirts just seem to bring more attention to the Anti Union movement IMO.....

What was with the "Right to Work" Flyer the Union had up a few weeks ago? It stated in a nut shell about your right to work ment you could not get fired from your job because of the Union. Do they not realize that "Right to work" means that in an open shop you have the right to work in their shop and not be obligated to be a paying member of the union......