Friday, August 1, 2008

Let the T-Shirt Wars Begin

Ahhh, the joys of advertising. Ever since the fans began wearing t-shirts bearing witness to the cause, the union has caved to the temptation to put out their own anti-anti-union t-shirts. Thanks for the free advertising guys! They've put on sale "ghostbuster" like t-shirts with a logo that says "We stand Proud, Strong, & United against ALL (insert Ghostbusters 3 logo here) union busters."
Come on Leadership! You guys aren't Proud, United or Strong! The stewards are begging former union members who quit during the strike to come back! Some pride! You've lied to your membership and caused them shame, division, and weakness. Half the membership is ashamed of how poor you guys represented them before the strike, and since then, your stewards have done a crappy job of representing the individuals who needed your "protection". They are torqued off at your dumb ideas and your crass arrogance. The only reason they stay in the union is because they hope the union will get better against all odds.
You have completely failed your charter. You go around blaming others for the problems you have caused. The union leadership is the cause of the red circles and take-aways. The union leadership has steered it's people to cause the company to treat labor as second class workers. The raw obstructionism and sour attitude that foams out of the leaders has spoiled the good will of the salaried ranks. You have taught your members to hate their neighbors. This is just some of the reasons your union deserves to be decertified.
To see the kind of shirts that scare the union leaders, check out these pages. and ! More people at Raytheon are hearing the good news and donning their own t-shirts as our message is spreading faster than dropped hardware rumors during the strike. HR has repeatedly given the green light to wear these shirts. They've been asked after each building wears their iamnot933 attire for the first time. The stewards complain, they call the big-wigs. Every time they get shot-down in flames by HR. Then they pout about the "crossers" for a few days in the corner. All of you who have been wondering if it's OK to wear anti-union t-shirts, word is out; Wear them with Gusto!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The union has provided a symbol for the anti-union with the unionbusters shirt logo of three ghosts. All that is needed is to remove the rhetoric and leave the unionbusters logo and name the ghosts, Larry, Curly and Moe just like the stooges that run Lodge933.