Monday, August 25, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, step right out into the monsoon

Today I got to see a flyer that states the union plans to have a demonstration out front of Herman's Road Entrance on Thursday 28 August at 3:00 pm. I want to announce their message after Company officials swept up the flyers. Why? Because I want the world to see how this union thinks. They ignored the retiree’s request when they first asked for help over two years ago. Frustrated, those retirees went off on their own, and found a lawyer to fight for them. Now the union wishes to bask in the light of the victory those four retirees won.

I challenged the union almost two weeks ago to contradict my statement, and they haven't said squat. This blog is an open forum, anyone can speak here. They read it daily. Still no response. Crickets chirping.......BUT NOW LETS HAVE A PARADE! *Carnival music please* Ladies and gentlemen, step right out into the monsoon and carry pickets to show our union pride in support of this great victory. We'll show this company! We'll show our critics! We won't back down; we have this lame, ehem, strong union to back us up! We will march out front in the rain to prove....what?!

Don't let these union saviors talk you into standing out on the corner to sweat and support what they refused to fund. The retirees paid dues for a whole career, and then they were neglected. They were forced to get their own legal representation, on their own dime. Now you members are getting corralled into a parade to make it look like the union supported the cause from the beginning. You are getting duped.

But meanwhile they will tell you that for the good of the collective, you must march. Show your pride. Show this company that you won't take it. Those greedy CEOs! Take PTO and come out to march, I say! Flex your time, but show your support for the commune! Do whatever it takes you are following the orders of a radical activist. The stewards said, "Give until it hurts." "One more day." "Borrow money from your 401K". And you did.

They got you to move mountains. You sacrificed your retirement security for them. They take your dues, make you march, dictate who you talk to, & teach you union "pride". Did you know they have an agenda? And it isn't yours. You too will be refused after you retire. Support change at RMS. Dump the union.


Anonymous said...

Some rally today.

Two hundred fifty or so? Perhaps.

Sad, so sad.

Anonymous said...

People showed?

Superbia Parti said...

It was a weak showing. The union had to show their "support" since they aren't spending money on the legal battle. I saw good people falling for this gig. They actually believe the union fights for them! They're getting led around by the nose. Why can't they figure this out?

Anonymous said...

Watson got a photo opp on the news tonight. Maybe the union could foot the bill for a good dentist he needs it.

Anonymous said...

Raytheon probably pays his health insurance per the contract. Do they still pay his insurance in time of strike......

Anonymous said...

Cornholio (cute!) Maybe he needs a trip to Mexico. I see the dentists are trying to get the turistas medicales to return.