Sunday, October 21, 2018

IAMAW 933 is 1/1024th Union!


This Union is 1/1024th Union!
They are about nothing. Either they are totally sucking up to the Company and are head in the sand ashamed of it, or they are in total disarray and couldn’t organize another strike if their lives depended on it.
Here we are, Twelve years after the strike of 2006. This morning the Local 933 is out voting on if they will accept the contract of 2018 from Raytheon here in Tucson. No rallying. No flyers looking for support. No, just a deafening silence that makes members unsure if they even have a pulse.
If you go to the Union Website, they have been pretty mum over the past month about the negotiations. Even hard core members have been left guessing what their negotiation team is up to. They have done little. They had one tiny rally out front of the company, on Nogalez Road.  And what, a token gathering at the hotel? As I now write, the Union hasn’t even seen fit to publish their account of the process for the last day. No “Up or Down” recommendations were handed out. They offer nothing but vague assertions that they are fighting for you, the worker.
Vote! Vote little children. We know you will vote to approve the contract. Regardless of your side not getting the pension you begged for, or the medical bennies are all but gone. Gone are the days of fighting for “No Passthrough Language!”  Don’t feel bad, you did get your “Justice Delayed” T-Shirt, no?


Superbia Parti said...

I read that the union finally accepted the contract. As I stated before, they seem to be sucking up to the company. It may have good terms, but it dooms this union.
They accepted a FIVE year contract. One of my partners here at Oust933! told me in September that would be a grave mistake on their part if they did. Because NLRB rules state the union becomes vulnerable to a two year decertification window after the 3rd anniversary of this contract. Good luck Lodge 933!

Anonymous said...

Whine Cry and Complain because that's all you can do. You couldn't get a decert petition signed, you couldn't get rid of the union and you couldn't get the company to give you a better deal.
So get back on your knees boys and start sucking up......LOSERS!

Superbia Parti said...

Poor feeble loyalist. How does it feel knowing there is an impending decertification against your union, now that you've blundered that bad?

You have three years to wonder and worry. "Will they or won't they?"

We will just sit here like frogs watching. The machinery is already in place.

You won't sleep at night worrying. Do you have fifty percent?

Anonymous said...

You'll be more like toads than frogs since NOTHING that you have EVER stated has come to pass.

Superbia Parti said...

Got 50?