Friday, October 14, 2011

Angry Members = Non Members

Over the past few years the Ousties have adjusted their position to with the Union, prodding it to do a better job of representing the workforce. After the end of the petition drive back in 2009, we tried to figure out the best way to help the people who have suffered the most under the lodges blundering mismanagement of our trades. Recently the subject of the IAMAW Constitution came up. It appears that our local lodge has failed to demand use of its constitutionally approved job titles to identify its own workforce while bargaining with the Company, causing a drastic moral problem while permitting an unjust pay scale to continue. The workforce is angry.

While the Ousties argue whether or not the wages for lower skilled jobs were purposefully raised at the expense of higher skilled jobs, one thing is certain; the Union botched it representational duties when it tried to protect a small number of workers, and in-turn, did a grave injustice to the majority of technicians during negotiations that reduced the number of trades in the workforce a few contracts back. The meetings between the Union officials and a small number of Ousties in 2010 confirmed this problem and the Union side admitted it was fully aware of, but had been unable or unwilling to resolve yet. The problem is related to the general shift of wages that occurred during the combining of trades that created the “Assembly Technician” position, along with the “Product Test Specialist.”

According to the 2009 IAM Constitution, the definition of a Technician is a person who has served an apprenticeship of four years or completed college or vocational training in a particular field or has acquired a fundamental knowledge in the fields of aerospace, electronics, atomic energy, or other related fields or divisions of the machinist’ trade. The expectation required is equal to that of a Journeyman, but in a different skill set. A Specialist is a person who is employed in a particular branch or subdivision of the machinist’ trade, or a person who performs a particular line of work commonly recognized as work connected with the trade but requiring less general knowledge of the trade than a Journeyman (or Technician).

IAMAW LL933 turned this upside-down when they named all Assembly Specialists as Technicians, and demoted all the Test Technicians to Specialists. And they did a similar distortion to their pay too. Within each of these groups, there are members who do meet the constitutional requirements for their respective rating of Specialist or Technician, based upon their skill set. This distinction was never dealt with. As a result, members in both groups were given an unfair deal. Specifically the Prototype Technicians were robbed of the huge raise given to the other Assembly Techs. Electronic Test Technicians with component level troubleshooting skills were insulted when Test Specialists pay was raised to their level.

One solution is as simple as creating multiple pay grades within many of the trades represented within the workforce, depending upon need. Or create pay grades irrespective of trade, and have certain trades occupy a range of pay grades. Promotions are earned by individuals who work more demanding positions within their trade and can demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of an agreed upon authority. There are a number of crafts within RMS that could benefit from this proposition.

Skilled workers doing tasks beyond their job titles agree, for example: Prototype Tool & Die, Metrology Techs & Cal Svc Techs, PTS, Process Techs, Assembly Techs, & Prod Machinists should be evaluated for possible ways to meet increased needs for more capable workers and compensate those who meet the challenge. CEP has proven to be a colossal failure, and both the Union and Company are responsible for that mess. Crib sheets and unethical help by insiders gave unqualified workers advancements over others who were more deserving in the past. Why insult high skilled workers by paying low skilled workers the same wages? We need comprehensive pay reform at RMS. It needs to be fiscally neutral to the Company, but beneficial to those who worked the hardest to get skills needed by Raytheon the most. Bring back sanity to our job titles and pay scales.


Anonymous said...

what do you expec them to do the pay? the union cant do sh!t! its the company that made the deals. the union just takes whatever the company ofers. u suk!

Anonymous said...

The union sure has you fooled. Ask Watson next time you are on you knees paying homage to him.

Anonymous said...

""the union cant do sh!t!""
""the union just takes whatever the company ofers.""

Then why do you need them?

Anonymous said...

"No Rona, No 9/80, No pay raises to underpaid jobs, and no career advancement for the higher level jobs."
""the union cant do sh!t!""
""the union just takes whatever the company ofers.""

These are the issues this union cannot and will not address. In fact these are issues the union wants buried. Why do these unionist tea baggers continue to pay for services not rendered? One tea bagger I know who is happy with his wage is a deadbeat ex-union treasurer that lied on his job application. Representation provided by this idiot and others of his ilk are why we cannot get the wages due to the collage or military trained skilled workforce.

CEP is flawed; the union is flawed and the company knows it.

Lobofrio said...

Just wait until the coming layoff and they will see how far that assembly technician moniker will carry them when applying for jobs on the outside. The union has given these people a false sense of security in the job market. I guess this will further bolster the blackballed effect of someone getting a good job outside of Raytheon. IAM933 should be renamed the clowns union.

See you at Walmart IAM brothers and sisters. Thats if you get hired there. LOL

Anonymous said...

Are you happy with your steward?

Anonymous said...

happy than you. I can't wait for the next contract all the assemblers will get more everyone less, and you SAF"s are doomed!

Anonymous said...

Are you happy with your Jimbo?

Anonymous said...

Ok I checked all acronyms and all I could find for SAF is Single Asian Female. There may be a couple SAFs in the non union block. What do you have against Single Asian Females?

Anonymous said...

It seems Lobofrio has a crush on me! He keeps sending flattering throbbing depraved love letters requesting I go with him to the janitor's closet. Sorry Lobo, but I'm taken already. You're too scrawny, hairy, and have bulges in all the wrong places for me. Besides that, If I sat on you and smothered you like you asked, you probably would suffocate under my 330 lbs of love. The other Ousties you yearn for said you should take your on-line requests to the Male4Male listings on Craigslist.

Anonymous said...

Lobo out of the closet? OMG!
he must miss those old navy days.LOL!

Anonymous said...

""No Rona, No 9/80, No pay raises to underpaid jobs, and no career advancement for the higher level jobs.""

Until this union is gone. Its been confirmed.

""I can't wait for the next contract all the assemblers will get more everyone less,""

Anonymous said...

How many people know about the steward in 847 who lost his reelection, and forced a recall so he could steal it back?

Now many of his members are quitting the union! Good luck bolstering union numbers with that putz as steward. He is a slug!
Union corruption makes more members quit than the ousties ever did!

Anonymous said...

Crooks, All Flock, Excessive Dues, and NO ACTION!


Anonymous said...

OOOOOO! The boogieman "Layoff" is out of the closet agin!! Must be Halloween! Can't wait! No worry for me..with my seniority and all the blocks the union gave me..I mean "trained" me for, I'll be last out the door!! lol!

"..the union cant do sh!t! its the company that made the deals. the union just takes whatever the company ofers. u suk!"
Actually. . ,that's not exactly true.
The company surely tries to get the better deal,but it does this by playing to the greed of the small handfull at the table!
A few samples..'member Bobby M.,
ever notice that MOST of those benefiting negotiations are in the same job class as negotiators?
"We gotz arz!"
"{the steward in 847 who lost his reelection, and forced a recall so he could steal it back?"-yet another prime example of the "all for me" union mindset.

Those ousties did more than people give em credit for! They turned on the light of truth and it has set the people free! If there is a lay-off, I hope its deep enough to flush the crap out. Sure would shorten negotiations!

Anonymous said...

Lobofrio will be laid off with no education to back him up. Even
Walmart requires a GED. I think he will wind up at the corner of Valencia and Cardinal with his cardboard sign" Been Discriminated, Please help, Will work for a handout" These union stewards and leadership are all from the same DNA pool. They want everything handed to them without earning it. Its a cult of Losers!

Anonymous said...

Lobofrio said...
Just wait until the coming layoff and they will see how far that assembly technician moniker will carry them when applying for jobs on the outside. The union has given these people a false sense of security in the job market. I guess this will further bolster the blackballed effect of someone getting a good job outside of Raytheon. IAM933 should be renamed the clowns union.

See you at Walmart IAM brothers and sisters. Thats if you get hired there. LOL

Oct 22, 2011 1:25:00 PM

when is that layoff? it was rumored
to have been last year and then the spring of 2011, then the summer 2011 then...

Anonymous said...

when is the layoff?

Anonymous said...

"Those ousties did more than people give em credit for!"

Yep you boys helped dumb down the entire engineering profession, nice going BUBBA!

Anonymous said...

"when is that layoff? it was rumored
to have been last year and then the spring of 2011, then the summer 2011 then..."

Lobofrio the union psychic makes the predictions however they are never accurate. Must be that broken high price union made crystal ball he uses. What a F-tard!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Those ousties did more than people give em credit for!"

Yep you boys helped dumb down the entire engineering profession, nice going BUBBA!

Oct 28, 2011 7:44:00 PM

HUH??!!!I can't wait to hear the explaination for this comment!!
Geez!next thing ya know you'll blame the ousties for Bush too!!

Maybe they can explain why the double vote in 847? "I don't get my way!! WAHHH!!" It's bad enough the polititions screw us, I'd be really pissed if I was payin' dues and got bent over the barrel that way!!
Too bad more union members don't know about this stuff!!
Hey Lobofrio..why don't you invite yer friends to the site, maybe you could collectively put a coherant comment together!!

Anonymous said...

"Geez!next thing ya know you'll blame the ousties for Bush too!!"

and obama. Bunch of dambn inbreederz!

Lobofrio said...

You are doomed! Ousties and assembers. Layoff is coming. Company is watching you. Any slip your gone.

Watch and See

The Real Lobofrio.

Anonymous said...

So why are the ousties not trying to rid our selfs of this stupid unin? they are just going to screw us again unless they get thrown out.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in knowing whether there is a current union
decertification effort at RMS and if I could talk to someone about
that for a possible story. The site seems to be inactive
but perhaps there's more going on (I also see the sump933 blog, last
updated in April) Oustie or Union invited ; any takers?

>> Dave Wichner
>> Asst. Business Editor
>> Arizona Daily Star
>> 520-573-4181

Anonymous said...

It will have to be anonymous. The union thugs do not believe in free speech.

Anonymous said...

Five years ago today, you idiots went out on strike. You still haven't recouperated the money you lost when you abandoned the war-fighter and hung out at the burn barrels.

Anonymous said...

OOOOO! The newsies are hear! Any of you union big wigs that secretly read this blog wanna come out an play??
Like, how you total all the contracts the company wins, and demand "our share!" with your bogus math? Whips 'em into a frenzy every time!!
Anyhow, the question on the table is "Decertify"...any takers???

No matter,with the "layoff" and all the retirees-to-be, come 10/12 it may be a moot point!

Speaking of the bigwigs, how come there's been no response to the original post?

Anonymous said...

And who was it that said you could refinance your home in order to get the money to stand the line during this strike? Was it really worth it?
Do you still get your advice from the union’s financial wizard? Would you welcome any advice from this union? Its foundation is based on a losing principle guaranteed to make you lose in the long haul. You might as well tattoo a big L on your forehead. L can stand for either lobofrio or loser; take your pick.

Superbia Parti said...

"...How come there's been no response to the original post?"

There have been plenty of unrelated vulgar slurs sent in, they never see the light of day, but none of them respond to the original post.

Anonymous said...

I hired in as a test specialist couple of years after the strike. When I was hired I thought I had to join the union. I didn’t know it was a choice. I wanted to thank you for the get out of the union button on your website. I used your information and now I am free. I know firsthand about the CEP trainees. My training in electronics came from military service. I see the lack of training the CEP new hires have. I also see that experienced techs have to cover for their shortcomings. I see they are displacing the newer people with their seniority. I also see that the old fart union steward is either too busy looking for free pot lucks or trying to get in the assemblers pants. I have no use for this union and don’t understand why we need it. I have a question. Are the ousties trying to decertify the union or change it? The main website wants to decertify it and your blog wants to fix it. I think it would be best to decertify it since nothing is changing for electronics techs. My buddies in the service got the same kind of jobs with better pay. I may leave if nothing changes. Another question I read your blog and want to know what the heck is a lobofrio. Thanks for helping me get out of the union. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Dear Former Military Tester,
The union expects you to subsidize their workers with your skill so they can get you to pay for protecting their jobs, while they profit from it and hold you down. If you joined the union, you not only are paying dues with no need, but you are also paying for the other workers lack of skill with your hard earned dollars and work. If you can troubleshoot hardware, your skill is worth somewhere around 27 dollars an hour or more. You aren't making that much because the union has shifted the pay scales away from your skills and given the wages to workers who don't have your education. So how does it feel to be short changed $5200.00 a year? Don't forget to add the $881 for dues! Any Tester who stays in the union is an idiot! Decertify Them!

Anonymous said...

decertify is the key. the block heads don't know how to fix it or take advice!

Get ready for the next round!
Commies always lose in the end.

Anonymous said...

"...How come there's been no response to the original post?"

Maybe you have to dumb it down to a level they will understand. LOL!

Anonymous said...

"One solution is as simple as creating multiple pay grades within many of the trades represented within the workforce..."

The Socialist attitude that permeates the ranks of the trade unionist will never let something as novel as this happen. Listen to the howls of the auto worker as those folks take a 50% reduction in pay - and hope they still have a position in two years.

The efforts of the late 80's and early 90's to reduce the pay/grades/occupations at Hughes (then Raytheon) were some of the most comprehensive in the industry.

Why? Both the company and the union wanted that flexible workforce. To the company's benefit, not the unions.

Ask the management around back then to compare & contrast what was then and how it is now.

You must eliminate the unionist attitude to have a sporting chance of your idea coming to fruition.

Anonymous said...

"Listen to the howls of the auto worker as those folks take a 50% reduction in pay - and hope they still have a position in two years."


Anonymous said...

Here's why this won't work. Godd article on Wikipedia:

Trade unions generally seek to reduce wage dispersion (the differences in wages between workers doing the same job).[3] Not all unions are successful at this. A 2008 study of collective bargaining agreements in the United States found that 25 percent of union contracts surveyed included a two-tier wage system.[3] Such two-tier wage systems are often economically attractive to both employers and unions. Employers see immediate reductions in the cost of hiring new workers.[3] Existing union members will see no wage reduction, and the number of new union members with lower wages is a substantial minority within the union and subsequently unable to negatively affect ratification votes.[3][6][8] Unions also find two-tier wage systems attractive because they encourage the employer to hire more workers.[3][6][9] Some collective bargaining agreements contain "catch-up" provisions which allow newer hires to advance more rapidly on the wage scale than existing workers so that they reach wage and benefit parity after a specified number of years, or which provide wage and benefit increases to new hires to bring them up to party with existing workers if the company meets specified financial goals.[5]

Yep, the union plays into this game as much as the company does.

Consider the possibility that a two-tiered wage scale will be discussed. You read it here first.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... If they cut the assemblers pay by half they would be still making 50 percent more than average industry standard. If you were to pay techs average industry standard they would be getting at least 10 percent more. That average standard is including the small aerospace sweatshops! Where is the fairness, equity, or at least respect. Justice should be done. We work at a premier aerospace company and the higher skilled labor is getting ripped off by the union. Boycott IAM933 now! Show your displeasure by wearing a orange shirt on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

This Thanksgiving I will be thanking the half baked turkeys running the union and providing me with a mediocre wage for my family to live on. Thanks for the fair and equitable representation you provide. How can we do without you.

"for the unionist with a dense skull this is a satirical jab at your union"

Anonymous said...

I am willing to take a pay cut, I am NOT willing to keep this union!
Hello Raytheon, we will take a pay cut GET RID of local 933! Then EVERYONE will be THANKFUL!

Anonymous said...

Instead of a pay cut, give yourselves a pay raise and resign this pathetic excuse of a union.

Only then will we receive benefits like 9/80, RONA and all of the others.

Anonymous said...

Existing assemblers pay would be red-circled. The only "bonus" would come from overtime.

New assemblers would come in at a lower pay scale. There has already been a precedence set here, but it was a couple of decades ago.

Anonymous said...

Suprema maricón más conocido como Partido Superbia, es un traidor!

Anonymous said...

"Existing assemblers pay would be red-circled. The only "bonus" would come from overtime."

Incorrect. Union leadership received documents in 2009 that show them how to fix the pay disparity without redlining anyone. They are welcome to more copies, if they can handle it.

As for the rest of your comment, everyone already comes in at a lower pay scale. What's your point?

Anonymous said...

"What's your point?"
mi punto es el supremo señor maricón Superbia es un traidor!

Anonymous said...

"As for the rest of your comment, everyone already comes in at a lower pay scale. What's your point?"

The point is that the highest wage needs to be reduced, not left where it is, thus limiting the wage range.

Anonymous said...

This union is only good for insuring there will be No 9/80, No Rona or bonus, No equitable wages for all hourly workers and higher dues for all. They cannot even negotiate themselves out of a wet paper bag unless you provide them with dumbed down instructions. Who will win the next contract? Why the company of course. They win year after year after year and so on. The negotiators from the union are always blindsided by the wits of the company. They are putting up their GED trained skills against University trained individuals. This union and all other unions are a joke. This union is flawed and the company will take advantage of it.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like the comments of a genuine communist. Those who work hard have to give up theirs so the unwilling can take what aint theirs. Thats why the smart people left the union years ago. And the union members that went salary wont try to start one! Whoever is writing crap we cant read, knock it off or go back to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I was taught along time ago to do research before you purchase an item or to commit to something. It is stupid to buy a Ford just because it’s a ford or to buy a Toyota just because it’s a Toyota. Why vote straight democrat or straight republican when the package as a whole is hard to swallow. Why settle for this union when there are alternatives that are far better. Why would you let them determine a fair wage for you? Most of these union leaders cannot negotiate a good deal even when it comes to buying a car for their family. Ask them about the past strike. Was it for better pay or benefits? No it was because they didn’t strike on the previous contract. They wanted respect from the company. Yeah right. They also negotiated away our rona and 9/80 work week. Are they really fighting for us hourly or are they fighting for themselves. Many questions need to be answered however they just don’t seem to recall the correct answers. They denied the scab list they had. They misused the company private information concerning hourly addresses and phone numbers. They damaged personal property. They seem to be above the law, right Agent Smith? Did you ever find your Morpheus of the ousties yet? And they keep saying they need 100% membership for the union to work. With above malfunctions of this leadership they will never get 100% membership for their club. So why do we need them? We are all far better without them.

Anonymous said...

Simple. What's bad for you is good for everyone else. Because we HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scabby Do said...

They had their chance. They didnt follow through. They want us to keep quiet about their poor representation. You union guys should get your money back including those who are paying for fear of retribution. Give yourself a bonus for the year. Get out of the union now. They don't deserve your hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Fear is the unionists best friend, just ask one.

Anonymous said...

""HELL NO!!!! We want you as miserable as possible even if we have to suffer greatly for it!!

Welcome to being screwed by your fellow workers scumbags!""

The voice of the communist speaks...Listen to it or suffer.

Anonymous said...

"HELL NO!!!!" Yea whatever. You cant make me miserable like I do to you. Remember, I stayed warm, ate, drank, and was merry while you sucked barrel smoke and begged for food at the food bank. Would I do it again? You can bank on it! Your union is doomed because of people like you and me. You, because you are stupid. Me, because I will sign the next petition, and cross any strike line you make.

Anonymous said...

Very few take the threats of this union seriously.

Especially those in management.

Anonymous said...

Then why do we need them. Why should those that know the job and are productive have to put up with the lower wages in order to keep the inept employed. Mediocrity rules with this union as long as you pay the dues. Screwed until contract time.

Anonymous said...

I think Scabby Do has it right. If you are in the union, and are unhappy with it, take back the power! Stop paying your dues with payroll deduction. Pay your steward regularly, write him a check. As long as you give by payroll deduction you are weak because they just take your money and don't really have to deal with you. But if you pay by check, they know that they better listen, because you can hold back those payments if you get ignored. Its called representation for a reason. So take back control, and tell your union bosses that you don't work for them, they work for you.

Anonymous said...

"If you are in the union, and are unhappy with it, take back the power!"
I say if you are unhappy with the union, QUIT! Stop paying those jerks money to screw up everything. We need to start another petition around here, because these boneheads are not doing a damned thing.

Lobo Caliente said...

Fact; the company is doing hourly labor behind closed doors. Why? They can't get the qualified people from the CEP diploma mill. More jobs are being done by “A” level salary and the union cannot do a thing about it. The union is so hard headed about moving their own up the ranks that they are promoting their own demise. This union is destined for extinction and pulling us along with them. If they strike next contract time they are gone. The company knows this and the union knows this. I’d rather go to the winning side and work for the company and not for this union. Decertification is needed NOW! Decertify it at least for the sake of your employment.

Anonymous said...

"This union is destined for extinction and pulling us along with them."

Doesn't matter how you die as long as YOU do!So if that's what it takes, Adios Muchacho!

"I’d rather go to the winning side and work for the company and not for this union."

Promises promises! So when are you leaving?!

Oust933 said...

"This union is destined for extinction and pulling us along with them. If they strike next contract time they are gone. "

There won't be another strike for some time to come, trust me. The union bosses know this, the rank-and-file knows this, and most importantly, the management of the company knows this.

As you said, IAM933 won't be stupid enough to kill themselves over "respect" another time. You saw what happened at their last opportunity, EPIC FAIL!

You also see why this union waited ~30 years between strikes. Things changed - drastically from the perspective of a unionist - and it wasn't for the better. Ten week strike for less than what was rejected the first time.

It's been posted here & elsewhere for years; rid yourself of the union tax by resigning the union as a gift to yourself and to those you love. Eventually, when enough of you do this, the union will lose the 50% +1 margin in membership; the union then no longer becomes the bargaining agent for the hourly ranks. It really is that simple.

The _next_ big project that heads to Alabama will be the beginning of the end of this place; SM locating there was just the start of what lies ahead.

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

"Happy Holidays!"

So when are you leaving?

Anonymous said...

So when are you leaving the union?
If you are not leaving the union why are you still a member?

Oust933 said...

I've left this sorry excuse for a union years ago.

C'mon you can do it! A New Year resolution that is easily accomplished!

Anonymous said...

"This union is destined for extinction and pulling us along with them."

Doesn't matter how you die as long as YOU do!So if that's what it takes, Adios Muchacho!

"I’d rather go to the winning side and work for the company and not for this union."

"Promises promises! So when are you leaving?!"Dec 21, 2011 9:49:00 PM"

What He Said!

Anonymous said...

About the ex steward. Did the union fight for his job back or are they just selective in their battles. So did he really get his full value out of this union?

Anonymous said...

"That's cuz you are a...." Does it really matter why? We are gonna do it. You have no balls to speak of, and you sold your soul at the communist temple of doom. So why are you whining? Save your energy to learn how to write a resume. I hear McDonalds is hiring burger assemblers.

Anonymous said...

"You jerks will be out of a job, and I will have a salaried job"

Oh yeah that's right!!! There are at least 5 or more of you homies that have gotten engineering degrees! Some of who graduated more than two years ago. AND THEY STILL HAVEN'T MADE YOU WORTHLESS PLUGS AN OFFER!
Oh but I am sure that when all the manufacturing jobs leave the offers will just come pouring in. After all they wouldn't close down this facility with all the managers admins, supervisors, and engineers. Then again all the managers and supervisors and admins really won't be needed since the engineering portion of Raytheon only makes 45% of the workforce. Maybe you should read their own reviews, pay attention to the "cons".,8_IL.9,15_IM869.htm

P.S. hope you like Alabama!

Anonymous said...

McDonalds needs workers Not dead weight. Unionist wont get hired there.

Anonymous said...

I was hired by the company and prefer to work for the company instead of being job shopped labor provided by the union. I prefer their benefits not the ones determined by the unionista. The only whores I see are the ones sucking up to the union teet.

Anonymous said...

I read your article on glassdoor and it said RMS Rocks! What is your problem, whiner? You write like a wuss.

Anonymous said...

"I prefer their benefits not the ones determined by the unionista"

Really?! Then give back the double time you worked over the holiday since NOWHERE but Tucson does Raytheon take those days off! Yes you can thank the union for those days and double pay scale prick!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Dec 28, 2011 6:38:00 PM said...

all the managers and supervisors and admins really won't be needed since the engineering portion of Raytheon only makes 45% of the workforce.

Perhaps it's YOU who need the reality check.

Raytheon - not just Tucson - has over 2000 projects today in all states of development.

You think that 55% of the workforce is P&M (production & maintenance)? How sadly mistaken YOU are, writer!

Look, just in Tucson, that percentage is skewed highly toward the engineering ranks - you do the math; 10,500 employees, ~2000 hourly employees; ~20% hourly, ~80% salaried.

Simple math also states that there is probably an equal number of salaried support employees. You remember them, the same ones that did your job - better than you did - a few years ago as you were inhaling barrel smoke.

Think about that simple math the next time that discussion comes around regarding striking Raytheon. No more union, no more strikes.

They will transfer a few key employees to Alabama, but most will be new hires for less money from that local area.

Anonymous said...

" can thank the union for those days and double pay scale..."

That is why the other 8000 of us non union salaried types get this time off too! What a blow-hard you are! The reason we get that time off is it's convenient for RMS. Your inflated ego is only matched by your stupidity.

Anonymous said...

I guess I can thank the union for my stagnant wages and dead end career opportunities for the past 17+ years. If I was an assembler I would sure be happy. This union is a morons union and only a moron would pay dues to this money pit.

Anonymous said...

Double pay scale... Isnt that the assemblers pay scale? LOL to the union drone.

Anonymous said...

Double the pay for half the work?

You betcha!

Anonymous said...


Has there been real, substantial change in 2 1/2 years?

Not doing much? Spend some time re-reading what your fellow employees have been saying here & elsewhere for years!

Make 2012 the year this ends.

Anonymous said...

May you all have a Happy New Year without union burdons in 2012. Free yourself of this useless union and take a three hour per month pay raise.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Has there been real, substantial change in 2 1/2 years?

I think so. . more people are aware of the crap this union is pulling and are starting to push back. I have had several members say they're fed up and I gladly told them to get off the auto-pay for dues! I even got a Christmas card with a big Thank You! from one who succesfully got off the auto-pay! I sure hope the idea spreads!!
"Hope" 2012 is the year for "Change"!! LOL!!
Remember..YOUR DUES supported THAT too!!


Anonymous said...

I read in this blog about getting off auto-pay.How? I've asked a steward and he wasn't sure you could!
Please repost links or info.

Enough is enough!!

Anonymous said...


Enuf alredy!! anybody with FACTS read this thing?? Let's share! The suspense is killin me!!
I hear from 150 to 3200! What crap!
Oh wait ...its contract year! lets drag the layoff Boogieman out for a spin!!BLAH - BLAH - BLAH!!!

Oust933 said...

Anon Jan 8 9:53pm

How to get off auto-pay: Resign Autopay Directions Note that the concept for cancelling autopay and resigning the union is virtually identical. Additional details are on the web pages.

Anon Jan 8 9:59pm

Said in a Jim Mora whine - "Layoffs? Layoffs?"

Are you concerned? Think the unionists are propagating that rumor to keep the sheep in the flock? Worried about losing that 'protective shield' that being a member creates?

Ask that former union steward how that 'protective shield' worked out for him.

In fact, read your contract to find just who in the union hierarchy has that "super seniority" applied to them, in the event of a layoff.

Anonymous said...

When the right to work question is raised at Raytheon, remember; your union backs making Arizona a Forced Union State.

Here is what Neal Boortz says about it.

"...private sector unions depend on force to maintain their memberships. They need to be able to FORCE people to join unions or FORCE them to pay unions dues in order to survive."
“What do we call a man who has to force a woman into having sex with him.
The answer, my friends, is “Rapist.”"

Anonymous said...

to all those who crossed the 06 picket line and 0usties.

I forgive you.

Oust933 said...

Forgiveness? For crossing the line?

"What we forgive too freely doesn't stay forgiven." --Mignon McLaughlin

Forgiveness only comes to those with a filled-out union membership card - and a check, it would seem.

Anonymous said...

Is forgiveness needed? You forgive me for coming into work to provide for my family's well being. You forgive me for being fiscally responsible for paying my bills that are due. You forgive me by going to work in order to support the war effort at that time. I have forgiven most of you for your gang banger criminal actions upon those of us whom did cross the line. However to forgive us? That is really a small pedestal you are standing on. How about we forgive you for being in the union.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your forgiveness. I was only doing what the union teaches-Watch out for my family!
Of the same heart, I pray you see the light and cross with us in the event this foolishness comes around again.

Anonymous said...

I really miss that strike. The days of double overtime training the salaried folks how easy the assembly job is. I also miss the catered in olive garden lunches. Hey lets do it again.

Anonymous said...

Let us look at forgiveness, ok?

IAM Words from 2007 Remembering the Holiday Season

RMS Performance for Dec 2006

Should we forgive? Even after words like that are written by this union about those who continued?

Individuals might forgive, but not the collective.

Anonymous said...

Who is checking the mail at IAM933? Check your mailbox for a half dozen resignations. We Quit! We are taking our first pay increase out this weekend to party! No representation is better than yours.

Oust933 said...

Congratulations on breaking free of the tyranny of IAM and their lackluster representation.

Go forth and evangelize others.

Anonymous said...

Anybody out there with whats in store for this contract?
So far, I've heard about a big push for $3.00 bump for testers.
Consolidating classifications in Fab Shop, combining wips and material handlers.
Nothing on benny's.
Anybody else??

Solo said...

Process combined with assembly

Anonymous said...

Fact: Metrology training requires 100+ course work through formal education excluding on the job training.
Union’s proposal to company is 40hr on the job training plus a few key classes at an online collage.
Conclusion: another epic failure by the union.
Since when is the company accepting this “throw it against the wall and see if it sticks” attitude?
Metrology outsourcing sure looks evitable. Another job bites the dust!

Anonymous said...

Both the co. and the union know the situation; the union placates the discussion here by doing this.

Better idea? All metrology & all other technical occupations resign from this union and start their own bargaining unit.

Assembly is not a technical occupation.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Lawrence---"In appreciation of your efforts in 2011, all eligible employees will receive a Performance Sharing payout in the amount of 2.8 percent of eligible earnings."
And why are the hourly ineligible? To rehash another union blunder... the sleazeballs running the union a while ago decided to negotiate it away. The current sleazeballs want to bury the issue. Maybe some of the union members will wake up and stop their union extortion payments in order to recoup this lost money.

What benefits does this union offer? Please answer that unionist.

Anonymous said...

Will there be another attempt this year to dismantle this union? Talk about being screwed, these people that are brainwashed by them will continue to support them as long as they get THEIRS regardless of who else it screws.

Anonymous said...

Assemblers outweigh all technical occupations. We are screwed!
Separate the techs from this union now! We don't want their pathetic representation.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Lawrence---"In appreciation of your efforts in 2011, all eligible employees will receive a Performance Sharing payout in the amount of 2.8 percent of eligible earnings."

Raytheon hourly employees are eligible. It is just the hourly employees represented by the pathetic IAM that are not eligible. I bet the other hourly employees are putting use to that money. Get rid of this POS union now.

Oust933 said...

The same discussion that has been here for years continues.

Dismantling this union as a group didn't necessarily fail...It does take more, though.

As an individual, you have to make that decision to divorce yourself from the union by resigning. It also helps if your colleagues do the same.

Anonymous said...

Unionist take on the situation...
Ignorance is bliss my friend!

Anonymous said...

Nearly five months - time for anew blog topic?

Anonymous said...

Dead Blog? Or calm before the storm.

Anonymous said...

Hard to say, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

One month and nothing?

Guess it IS dead.

Anonymous said...

I find this very sad. It appears that your movement has failed. This blog hasn’t had any posts in the last month, all the furor that you raised 3 years ago has faded. I was at your web site and saw a dust bunny hop by. And the union cranks on with its insanity fueled by the fears of its uneducated members and bolstered by Obama’s failing economy. Maybe it is in the best interest of the hourly that you have failed. After all, when Rayco has to declare bankruptcy due to it’s inept policies, Obama will step in and buy it (being that it is too big to fail) and since he is beholden to the Unions he will give all unionist hourly’s back their jobs. The bean counters will also get their jobs back since they draw such nice charts and graphs. Woe to the useful however, they have no place in the future at Rayco. Join now so the union can send even more money to make this real.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they will strike again and we will be rid of these communistic a-holes. At least through the holidays. LOL!

Blog is not dead. More like a hiatus. This union may have strenghen its numbers by promoting up its no skilled members. These unskilled cep techs that are guided by the brains of the overlooking engineer is what the company wanted and the union fell for. Yes they (the "union") won't be missed if there is a strike. what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Union membership is dropping in Wisconsin. Hmm wonder why.

Anonymous said...

How about this:

Just like here; the machinists union strikes, and the factory keeps on as if nothing happened.

Anonymous said...

Hear what happened to Ramon? He had his clearance revoked for not handling his personal finances! But he was the IAM933 treasurer! I told you before he couldn't be trusted. This is the second time he took the bank's money and refused to pay back. Who knows how much union money he took and didnt pay back.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the union is trying to match the salaried know, their 9/80. But the union is willing to better that with 4/10! With the exception that the Boss can TELL you when you get a "weekend". Tuesday will be the new Saturday. YEAH!! It's already in play out at TOW. Coming soon to a shop near you! It's the improved version of the 12hr 3/2 work week.Just have to hammer out the details on who gets to pick the BEST shift so's not to get screwed outa Holiday Pay (like the 12hr folks did).
So..likin' the "Change" now? Are ya?
Of course these are "trial" shifts,
"all voluntary" for now.
Looks like the unionies finally got the hint..just made a left turn instead of the Right turn.
Anybody got any news on next contract?...or to ashamed of it to say anything?

Anonymous said...

There's no news to share; they're not yet ready to rally in the hallways of the workplace.

It's still a bit early for all of that to happen.