Saturday, April 9, 2011


Its time to call a spade a spade. For over a year, the workers at RMS have patiently waited for the union to defuse the differences between the Ousties and the Union. Apparently, they don't feel it is needed. They let henchmen visit this site and attempt to sabotage it with frivolous talk and vulgar racist xenophobic accusations. So today I decided to drop a hint. We Ousties are still here, we have a voice, and will use it. Union members are free to post here, but the sick trolls won't get their message through. You trolls want free speech? Go make your own blog! The rest of you are still free to comment here.
I was approached last week by a Union member who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. The Union lost this worker's trust, and they will speak with their wallet. So they asked wery wery quietly "how do I get out of the union?" Well I answered the question and then I smiled to myself as I know there are more coming. I wonder how long it will take the other Ousties to feel the friendliness of this former Union member after they stop listening to the rhetoric? Lets watch, shall we?
On a different sunject, the Union is blasting the Arizona Congress! They have a link on their website that goes to an AFL-CIO website with critique of some new legislation being considered by the State. Here are a couple of their slanted comments posted against new legislation. Behold, the phrase "paycheck deception bill!"
SB1325: UNION DUES; POLITICAL PURPOSES A paycheck deception bill targeting all public and private employers, requiring “each person paying the dues or fees to designate the types of candidates, legislation or issues or a political party to be supported” before any dues may be deducted for “political purposes,” loosely defined. Also requires unions to set a cap on the percentage of dues spent on “political purposes” annually at the time employees give their authorization.
SB1365: PAYCHECK DEDUCTIONS; POLITICAL PURPOSES A paycheck deception bill targeting all public and private employers: requires notification to business and workers of the percentage of dues spent on “political purposes;” requires annual sign-off on dues deductions used for “political purposes” in an effort to create new bureaucratic obstacles for unions; and requires immediate termination of deductions whenever employees choose to resign union membership. Charities and other organizations are exempted from these requirements.
SCR1028: PAYCHECK DEDUCTIONS; POLITICAL PURPOSES; REQUIREMENT A paycheck deception bill targeting all public and private employers, requiring annual sign-off on dues deductions that will be used to pay for any “political purposes.” (Identical to HCR2032, not listed here)
If you like what the State Legislature is doing, let your steward know. Ask him to forward the info to the top. Let them know that you don't like them spending your dues on politics.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Superbia. Don't let this union troll hold the blog hostage. He is just a expendable union employee that by the good graces of cep was able to keep his job here. There are only a few of these "workers" that need the "protection" offered by the union. And those that use the "protection" really shouldn't be working here anyway. The union will go away even if it is a slow process. The new younger employees are wise and know they don't need a union to be employed at Raytheon.
Good riddance to bad rubbish(lodge 933)!

Anonymous said...

For the unionites...
You may want to ask you grand Poobah,
We paid our dues, where's our change?

Anonymous said...

"The only change you get is if you pay with a $100 bill!"

Anonymous said...

"Well, when it CHANGES from YOUR pocket to OURS"..ROFLTAO

To any unionists reading this, here's a tip. . when your next window of opportunity(anniv. date)rolls around, go to payroll and have your dues switched to MANUAL PAY instead of Auto-deduct. That way YOU HAVE THE POWER to get the attention of your reps.
When they don't have that guaranteed flow of cash and have to actually listen and respond or be threatened with refusal of dues, YOU may be able to effect the change WE ARE ALL looking for!
A lot of the comments I hear from members don't sound all that different than what the ousties are saying.
I would venture a guess that the mere thought of ALL the members going on MANUAL PAY sends sheer panic thru the leaders!

Anonymous said...

A lot of the comments I hear from members don't sound all that different than what the ousties are saying.

There's always been some grumpiness and complaining from the masses. To me, it seems a bit more vocal now than in the past.

The Ousties tener cojones to actually say something, it seems.

Anonymous said...

I don't need our lousy State Legislatures getting into my union business. Those folks up there in Phoenix should have been focusing on jobs not immigrants.

Anonymous said...

This labor union in the scheme of things is summarily ignored at the state level:

Anonymous said...

I think that there are plenty of union members that want to get out however they fear negative peer pressure from the unionist minions.
I feel this will change once the aged union tyrants retire.

Oust 933 said...

Those aged ones usually started out as the young, militant ones.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the union comments have died off now that there is a moderator. All that time ramon was blowing hard but he never had anything to say. Where you at now commies?

Anonymous said...

An intelligent conversion with Ramon is a good example of an oxymoron.

He is set in his communist ways. He also believes everything in the world is owed to him.

What a loser!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need Jeffrey Hatley to post here the virtues this disfunctional union has to offer. It appears that he is the only sane spokeman for this union and yet he is from a california local.

Anonymous said...

In regards to SB1325 If the SCOTUS has determined that corporations are people and can donate to any politician of choice then how come unions aren't seen in the same way and need to be told what to do with their money? If my union is backing pro labor candidates so be it because that will help me.

Anonymous said...

"If my union is backing pro labor candidates so be it because that will help me."

Be careful of what you wish for. The pro-labor candidate usually isn't the pro-defense industry candidate.

Feels good supporting the leaches called the Democratic Party??

Anonymous said...

Be careful of what you wish for. The pro-labor candidate usually isn't the pro-defense industry candidate.

Feels good supporting the leaches called the Democratic Party??

Well I will not get into a democrat vs republican fight because that is no better than union vs no union. But address my question. Why does a corporation get to donate as much as it likes but some folks feel they need to regulate how a union can work. Heck any teapartiers here I would think wouldn't want our government getting into our business like that.

Anonymous said...

Good discussion here:

AZ Secret Ballot Issue

Anonymous said...

What is this I hear the grand pooba himself, jimbo "El Whappo" watson has mis managed the unions assests and now won't give an accounting?!
Could it be the sheeple have finally come to their senses?! Or could they have finally have had enough?!
Stay tuned to "AS MY STOMACH CHURNS"

Solo said...

The guy who was looking at his phone while the company was explaining that 12 people were going to get laid off in 814 due to slow down in work.........

Anonymous said...

Any union whistle blowers interested in receiving 15 to 30 percent of amount collected from the IRS if they did fudge their books and that includes mismanaged assets? Jimbo you should be ashamed. Did you get accounting lessons from Ramon? Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Yep, That's the guy... and his untrustworthy companion steve "what a waste" taylor!

Anonymous said...

Angry Birds on that phone maybe?

Anonymous said...

Which is worse, bidness agent who does nothing or a bidness agent who works hard to do nothing?

If both bimbo watson and his side kick worked as hard for the hourly as they do for themselves, they'd be heroes.

Anonymous said...

Hey nag with the "clock" agenda, get a life! Your drivel wont be posted. You wont play this blog.

Anonymous said...

OK so what's with the comments on Jimbo? I don't see any facts stated here, is this more of your let's tell lies mentality to alienate people?

How times have you said "just because you say it doesn't make it so"?

Facts! Put up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

I agree. If you're gonna cut on Jimbo & company, back it up at least. Lets not get in the rut we were in before. State your case, suggest a fix, make it real.

Anonymous said...

"State your case, suggest a fix, make it real."

....and only to fall on deaf ears however if you are a member then you get an added fake look of concern.

As predictable this union is, the company has no problems at setting contract negotiations to their benefit.

Then again you just have to look at the union professionals the company is up against.

Bigtime LOL! Ad infinitum.

Solo said...

I was there. I saw him playing with his phone not being professional while things were being explained by the company.....

Anonymous said...

"Solo said...
I was there. I saw him playing with his phone not being professional while things were being explained by the company".....

You should have chucked a rock at his head....
that's what the members have to do to git his attention!

Anonymous said...

Time to instigate some discussion

The original blog entry this comment string is tied to mentioned a current member who wanted to become an ex-member, by resignation.

How'd that turn out? Enough intestinal fortitude to do it?

Anonymous said...

That is a good question. I wonder if it is true, the union guys are saying mr. taylor lost his job. So is he coming back to raytheon?

Anonymous said...

As most on the floor say... Steve, just go away. Please!

Maybe the devoted union members are getting wise to the current clown squad operating the union.

The koolaid just doesn't taste the same does it.

BTW the CEP program isn't working out either. Just ask around. The dumbed down workers are multiplying.

Also is there truth to the rumer the there are missing assets at the union hall?

Anonymous said...

I heard taylor was dropping out of the union so he could come back as a freeloader like the rest of you P.O.S's

Anonymous said...

The thing that always amazes me is the terms the unionist use for non union workers.

How can you call a non union worker a freeloader when this person is losing a decent wage by being represented by this pathetic union? The difference itself is more than your union dues.

Also the term scab is used for a “union member” that crosses a picket line.

Let’s get rid of this clown union now!

Anonymous said...

"How can you call a non union worker a freeloader when this person is losing a decent wage by being represented by this pathetic union? The difference itself is more than your union dues."

What decent wage are you losing out to because of the union? If you feel you can find something better then shouldn't you go work at this other imaginary place that will pay you a decent wage?

Anonymous said...

Taylor resigning the union? Is he taking a salaried job?

Can't wait to see how that turns out.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the union web site, Steve is still ABDR. Either he is still with them and you oustees are wrong, or they are slow to update their web.

Anonymous said...

"What decent wage are you losing out to because of the union? If you feel you can find something better then shouldn't you go work at this other imaginary place that will pay you a decent wage?"

You must be an assembler to come up with this quip. When there is a layoff we shall see how employable you are. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hey unionist look at your union's roots. Do you really embrace this ideology?

Anonymous said...

dockjmzkAnonymous said...
Time to instigate some discussion

The original blog entry this comment string is tied to mentioned a current member who wanted to become an ex-member, by resignation.

How'd that turn out? Enough intestinal fortitude to do it?

Jun 4, 2011 3:06:00 PM

The individual is waiting on registered letter from payroll with response and further in struction to stop the auto-deduct.

Any word on what they are willing to sacrifice on next contract?

I've heard rumors of a 24/7 12hr. shift starting on one of the programs. Any details? or just more rumor-mongering.

Hey, any more breakfasts planned?

Anonymous said...

No rumor; it's true. Six month trial run to get program back on track.

The shift being worked is this one:

New Schedule

Cuts way back on that overtime.

How in the heck did the union agree to this? Simple; they were forced to deal with it this way.

Hope it works; would like to see it plant wide.

Anonymous said...

That shift gives 84 hours work for 112 hours pay. It is in line with the contract. Problem is, you don't have a fixed week routine. It makes it hard for a assembler to go to school. But the pay is good for now. It wont work. The company take away the pay next contract after it is too late to back off from the schedule.

Anonymous said...

Read the contract! No way this will ever happen.

Anonymous said...

Anon Jul 1

I don't believe that's the exact shift, but it's close to what the intent of the task is; four platoons, 12 hour shifts, 24/7 coverage.

Anon Jul 2 3:37pm

It's not a matter of 'if' it will happen; it WILL happen; your union HAS agreed to this for six months.

Remember, the inmates (still) do not run the asylum.

Anonymous said...

Anon Jul 2 3:37pm

It's not a matter of 'if' it will happen; it WILL happen; your union HAS agreed to this for six months.

Remember, the inmates (still) do not run the asylum.

Jul 3, 2011 8:12:00 AM

I'm sure this is as reliable information as engineers doing testing at Rita Rd. But only time will tell I guess.

Anonymous said...

Im in 47 and can tell you the shift is starting. They approved by both sides. They continue until one of the sides says stop, or six months whatever comes first. Like it or leave.

Anonymous said...

You forget one very important fact. The CBA is a legal binding document and the shifts are listed as eight hours, they cannot legally force anyone to work more!

A Nony Mous said...

I see you are only reading portions of the contract!

Art III, Sect A, Para 2 reads in part, "All employees will be assigned such workweek except as may be otherwise negotiated."

Do you know what Letters of Agreement (LOA) are? Did these employees working this shift volunteer or were they conscripted to do so?

Look, pretty obvious this was negotiated between the parties; there's a LOA out there, and this could be a slippery slope that the union has agreed to.

Didn't you attend the union meetings that discussed this topic in detail? No? Why not; too busy to worry about your representation one day a month?

Now, let's make sure you really do have a copy of the labor agreement:

Union Contract

Run along; do a little reading & educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

Puhleez! You guys got bigger problems to worry about. I've heard the stewards talking, seems the vote to rid yourselves of taylor has to be approved by the international. Word has it if they say no there will be a mass exodus of members from the local. Apparently the people don't want a union where their vote doesn't count.
I guess the affects of the koolaid finally wore off!

Of course this is good news for everyone else, you'll decertify yourselves by default, you gotta love that

Anonymous said...

"Of course this is good news for everyone else, you'll decertify yourselves by default, you gotta love that "

It'd be so nice if that happened; in the end, decisions will be changed, placating the masses.

It's called "politics", perhaps you've heard of it. Seems to be a very Democratic thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Is another petition to throw out the union allowed? They were already stopped last time.

Anonymous said...

As they will be stopped again, the union is not the are!

Anonymous said...

The "union member I want it all for nothing" mentality is the enemy.

Anonymous said...

I have worked for other companies besides Raytheon and yet I have never worked for one as dysfunctional as Raytheon. Why the dysfunction? Most would say it’s the companies fault. I would say yes it is partly the company’s however I would say that the union is mostly at fault. The other places I worked for had camaraderie. You were part of a team and you were a valued member of that team. The concept of teamwork doesn’t exist here at Raytheon. While the union at Raytheon promotes ineptness by its members the company seems to condone this ineptness. Using salaried employees to provide the knowledge that the union employees lack only shows disgust and resentment to the employees that do know how to their job. If you look at the manufacturing floor you will see a tester watching while the engineer troubleshoots the problem on the unit. The tester is now just a button pusher. Other places I’ve worked for had the tester troubleshooting the unit along with troubleshooting the test station; they actually know how to do their job. You may say ok if you don’t like Raytheon then leave. Don’t worry, I have my resume out and I will leave this place and not look back. I know now I will never work for a union represented job again. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

"The "union member I want it all for nothing" mentality is the enemy."

Wrong douchebag, the "i want it for nothing" is YOUR scabby freeloaders mentality!

Anonymous said...

At one time there really was teamwork here, but not nearly to the level that you describe.

It really wasn't that bad of a place to work back then.

Anonymous said...

"Wrong douchebag, the "i want it for nothing" is YOUR scabby freeloaders mentality!"

the above verbal upchuck comes directly from the enemy. To be laid off soon I hope. No big loss. They always expect a handout from the sweat of others. Go back and read your Communist Weekly loser!

Dysfunctional said...

Anon July 12

Dysfunctional is such a nice description for the ineptness of many who work here.

You have seen the light; you know the truth. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Anon Jul 3, 2011 6:02 PM

"I'm sure this is as reliable information as engineers doing testing at Rita Rd. But only time will tell I guess."

100% fact; the schedule started as advertised.

Engineers are testing as well.

Now whatcha gonna do?

Anonymous said...

"Anyone hear of a rumour about metrology being outsourced starting 8/12/2011?"

Still waiting for this one to play out. To the rumor monger I hope you are employable. The union won't help you out on this one. rotflmo!

A Nony Mous said...

Wouldn't the union insure that those honest-working, card-carryin' members of the tribe be taken back into the fold if that was to happen?

Oh, yeah, occupation with low % of members, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Anyone hear of a rumour about metrology being outsourced starting 8/12/2011?"
"Still waiting for this one to play out. To the rumor monger I hope you are employable."

Just out of curiosity, when metrology does get outsourced because you geniuses (who make too much $$) are crying for more money. Are you going to be employable? At the same rate of pay? Or will you go groveling to the company who gets the outsource bid and work for them at $17.00 /hr?

Anonymous said...

"Oh, yeah, occupation with low % of members, isn't it?"

But they represent ALL bargaining unit members, not just union members!

Anonymous said...

"Are you going to be employable? At the same rate of pay? Or will you go groveling to the company...?"
The answer to both questions is; Yes & No. Why don't you ask Cody H, your friendly metrology guy what Cal Techs are worth around town, and what they are getting in other states. $29 & $31+ and hour is about what he'll tell you. Maybe more.

Anonymous said...

""Just out of curiosity, when metrology does get outsourced because you geniuses (who make too much $$) are crying for more money. Are you going to be employable? At the same rate of pay? Or will you go groveling to the company who gets the outsource bid and work for them at $17.00 /hr?"" Blah Blah Blah and so on.

Did you ever wonder if metrology was outsourced the metrology folks with no union affiliation will most likely be hired at good pay instead of the unionist? The contracting company will not want union labor.
Also the contracting company will want workers instead of those who want something for nothing. I suggest you get your resume ready. BTW you should also check your grammar and spelling before you send resume out since most employers prefer those with education.

Anonymous said...

??Just out of curiosity, when metrology does get outsourced because you geniuses (who make too much $$) are crying for more money. Are you going to be employable? At the same rate of pay? Or will you go groveling to the company who gets the outsource bid and work for them at $17.00 /hr???
A little scared aren't you. You can always go back to your janitor job.

Anonymous said...

14 days and counting. Is the unionist rumor monger going to be correct? I bet he is really scared of Dec 21, 2012. LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

"what Cal Techs are worth around town, and what they are getting in other states. $29 & $31+"

Then why are your sorry whinny asses still here?!!

Anonymous said...

"Then why are your sorry whinny asses still here?!!"

We're here to make your union-leach underbelly life as miserable as possible, so you'll retire or quit early. And it is working too. Look how many have already gone!
Then we'll have another election to get rid of the union. Raytheon will be union free, its a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

You are joking right? Talk about needing help to get your job done! You cal guys can't even fix a test set. I can't remember when any ONE of you guys didn't have an engineer have to come to your rescue or when it didn't take a month or three to get it working. Yeah you're employable alright just start talking with a Hindu accent you'll fit right in.

Anonymous said...

Can't get the job done without an engineer around?

Plenty of other positions besides metrology that seem to have issues.

Anonymous said...

-You are joking right? Talk about needing help to get your job done....-

Look at the pot calling the kettle...If you know so much to call metrology out, why the hell dont go and do their job? Because you are not qualified to say such shizat. In twelve days, your rumor will be proven false. Go back under the pile you came out from.

Anonymous said...

"If you know so much to call metrology out, why the hell dont go and do their job?"

Anybody who can read could do metrology's job. They don't fix anything they swap out equipment and follow a guide to turn knobs BFD!

Trained animals can do that. Monkey boy!

Anonymous said...

That's why companies are willing to spend so much on them, huh? Moron.

Anonymous said...

I bet the unionist rumor monger is just as correct as his union telling us they represent all occupations fairly. Geez what a joke.(the union that is...)

Anonymous said...

PMEL Calibration Technician @ Barksdale AFB
« on: 06-28-2011 -- 09:29:23 »
HOURS: 7:00am – 4:30pm
SALARY: $31.24/hour
The Technician is responsible for providing calibration and repair on electronic and physical/dimensional Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE).
___________________________________This looks like a metrology job! Tell me it isnt so! It looks like the IAMAW got them in Lousy-ana better pay than they would get here. Too bad monkey boy cant qualify. He is stuck here sweeping floors.

Anonymous said...

Are the LA. cal techs being represented by the iamaw. LA is a right to work state with lower cost of living. I don't see any proof of this job being represented by this union. Thus higher the pay for this occupation. Louisiana is not a bad place. Just no Los betos every other block. Who dat?

Anonymous said...

It's either National Federation of Federal Employees (affiliated with IAM...the second-largest union of federal workers) or IBEW.

Anonymous said...

Google PMEL Barksdale and IAMAW!

Our union works for others, but they shaft us here!

Anonymous said...

""Our union works for others, but they shaft us here!""

Figures comming from an assemblers union.

Anonymous said...

Bargaining unit size of ~72 at that facility.

There's something to be said that bigger isn't necessarily better.

Too bad that 933 members & staff can't see that.

Anonymous said...

One more week for the IAM douche bag's metrology out source prediction. I imagine he will show how he is just about as credible as his union. All talk no results. Typical!

Anonymous said...

Hey, let's get another rumor started!

"Engineers will be actively building product along with hourly workers soon."

Anonymous said...

"Engineers will be actively building product along with hourly workers soon."

I have a rumor that will top this rumor.
The engineers will be joining the iamaw union due to loss pay and benefits.


Anonymous said...

Engineers requiring representation - in this state??

Never. Pipe dream. Nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Here it is! The twelfth of August! Yup, the day the Delusionist had predicted all metrologists would be given pink slips. Its official, if you worked in metrology, then as of today, you are being outsourced. So when you get your notices tomorrow, write back here and admit we told you so...NOT! Instead, when you DONT get laid off, then you should resign your union membership because you object to keeping party with idiots.

Anonymous said...

The union's chicken little that forcasted metrology outsourcing is as credible as his union. Maybe the the union should be outsourced due to lack of crediblity. Come on how do you unionist expect respect from the company and your peers when all that comes from your mouths is garbage. How professional!
I think chicken little is eating some crow now.

Anonymous said...

I got my pink slip today. It told me I have two weeks to find a job or at least take a job as a union steward passing out communist newspapers. Can any of you stewards have a heart and give me your job so I dont get fired from here and I can keep paying union dues..? NOT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

The union's doomsdayer must be using a IAM manufactured and certified crystal ball. Made with loving care from CEP trained hands. YIKES!

Anonymous said...

Where is the union label on that crystal ball?

Anonymous said...

Covered with a rework IST.

Anonymous said...

Collective Bargaining = Collective Suicide

On Sunday, August 7, 2011, some 45,000 members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), walked off the job and onto the picket line after their collective bargaining negotiations with Verizon broke down over the full gamut of employment issues.

On Friday, August 11, 2011, Verizon called in the FBI to investigate some 90 allegations of sabotage that occurred since the strike began. Landlines across the Northeast were cut, including those serving a hospital and a police station.

The CWA promptly issued a prepared statement that read, "CWA does not condone illegal action of any kind, and instructs its members to conduct all strike activities in accordance with labor law." That guarded statement, of course, did not deny the distinct possibility that individual union members, acting alone or in concert, were responsible for the cutoffs in service.

More here: Collective Bargaining = Collective Suicide

Anonymous said...

This is a developing story as police are still investigating the shooting of a non-union business owner, John King, by what appears to be a union assailant.

With around 25 employees, John King owns one of the largest non-union electrical contracting businesses in the Toledo, Ohio area. As a non-union contractor, his business happens to be doing well at a time when unions in the construction industry are suffering. This, it seems, has made the usual animosity unions have for him even greater, making him a prime target of union thugs. So much so, that one of them tried to kill him last week at his home.

More here: Violence against Non-Union Business Owner

Anonymous said...

Even the fighting machinists cant argue for the wimpy verizon workers that went back to work without a contract.

Not933 said...

As the membership was able to go back to work, the union actually does their job and continues negotiation seemed to be the lesser of the evils available.

Eleven weeks off here and no substantial change. There seemed to have been a vocal minority at that time who could see the light and have the same desire.

We know what the leaders and the sheeple chose.

Which labor organization was working for the benefit of the bargaining unit as a whole?

Anonymous said...

Fact: The Union cannot provide decent CEP trained electronics techicians for vacant positions. Company now in a bind.

Fact: Union president thinks "anyone" can be trained to fill the vacant slots. Union in a bind.

False: The union represents all positions equitably. Really?

There is a solution to this conundrum. And we all know what that is.

AS THE UNION CHURNS--my stomach that is...

Anonymous said...

DBR needs to go on a weight-loss plan; anyone see that photo in the "We Don't Call It FACO Anymore?" pictorial a week ago!

Oust933! said...

"15th Annual Labor Day Picnic - Reid Park Bandshell, 1100 S. Randolph Way. Honors working families and union members. Hot dogs, musical acts, dancers, labor history exhibits, children's activities and "Union Olympics" games. Hosted by the Pima Area Labor Federation (PALF), a subsidiary of the Arizona AFL-CIO. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday."

Wait a sec. There's some fun times to be had right there. Seriously, what is Union Olympics

The story & photo in the Red Star tomorrow about this should be priceless.

Anonymous said...

It's probably the Hot dog eating contest. Can you see Watson doing a 100m run?lmao

Anonymous said...

Gee, and it's only September!

Top 10 Union Thug Moments of 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

Same story different union. Are these actions in their union operations handbook? THUGS!

Anonymous said...

Will the Union vote to keep Steve Taylor as your ADBR? The Outsourced Metrology workers will have a major say in his destiny this Sunday, Eleventh of September. Don't Touch That Dial! We'll be right back with election play by play as your disfunctional union trolls fight each other over Steve's future role in IAM933!

Anonymous said...

I hear Willie Stubbs is running for that position.

Anonymous said...

I hear there are eight metrology people retiring end of October with no plans on replacing them.Seems to me that's as good a reason as any to start outsourcing!

Arnold Watsonator said...

Way to Go Jimbo! Divide your minions left & right for the yea or nay vote that's what we like to see.
Too bad you can't see that you are next on the hit list, although unlike Steve you won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

"I hear there are eight metrology people retiring end of October with no plans on replacing them.Seems to me that's as good a reason as any to start outsourcing!"

Better yet... Pull metrology out of the union. They really don't want union representation anyway.

Anonymous said...

"I hear there are eight metrology people retiring end of October with no plans on replacing them.Seems to me that's as good a reason as any to start outsourcing!"

There are plans. Its because the union cannot provide any qualified CEP trained metrology replacements.
Get your story straight bubba.

Anonymous said...

"Sep 11, 2011 7:31:00 PM"

Hey Bubba get your story straight, it's not the unions job to provide workers in the first place. Secondly CEP is a joint venture between the Company & the union so yo daddy (RayMart) is 1/2 the problem. Booyah!

Anonymous said...

"Hey Bubba get your story straight, it's not the unions job to provide workers in the first place."

Yes it IS! The union tries to limit the company to hiring metrology workers from within, but does a crappy job of training them. Half of all new internal metrology hires are a waste of oxygen. The union makes it impossible to get the best people, because there is no incentive for the best to rise up.
Most of those eight retiring metrology workers are union members. Remember, there was a strong majority of metrology workers who voted to decertify the union before last contract. Now a bigger percentage is against them. Thats just a symptom of how the workers feel about their representation here.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! You guys piss & moan about how much more talented you & the "testers" are and deserve more money, and yet those "waste of oxygen" hires ARE TESTERS!!!!!

Get real it wouldn't matter if every union worker quit you guys would still bitch about something and blame everyone but yourselves or the company.

get informed BUBBA:

Will the real Thugs stand up?

Where does RayMart fit in?

Who's your daddy?

search 4 yourself

Anonymous said...


You overlook a few important facts there Bubba. Not all testers are created equal, but your union pays them that way. Thats why most quit your union.

Ask John Crosby who he'ld rather hire as a cal-tech, fresh meat from outside or a union slug who passed the test with crib sheets. There are plenty of jobs that are under represented by this union. You've been shown charts and graphs. If your pathetic union wants more members then fix what you broke.

Anonymous said...

None of the links you provide have anything to do with Metrology or Testers pay or qualifications. You and your union only seem to be only concerned with company operations. As you say to us that don’t believe in your hyperbole “If you don’t like it than just leave” well comrade if you don’t like the company than why don’t YOU leave. You can spend your free time at Reid Park talking about corporate injustices with people like you.
To get back on track…
Your union operates the CEP program
Your union thinks anyone can be trained to do technician jobs. Remember “Anybody who can read could do metrology's job. They don't fix anything they swap out equipment and follow a guide to turn knobs BFD! Trained animals can do that. Monkey boy!”
Your union underpays the qualified electronics techs and higher skilled labor.
Your union is an assemblers union run by assemblers.
And that is why we will not get better pay or qualified people to do the higher skilled jobs. Got it Bubba?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"You see change is needed. But you didn't follow through."

Complacency: A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with an unawareness of danger, trouble, or controversy.

Anonymous said...

The real question...
Can labor survive this union?
Answer that comrade Watson.
You have your koolaid party ready?

Anonymous said...


Just wait you bastards are next on our shit list!

Anonymous said...

How many times must a man go bankrupt or forfeit his property before the union stops listening to his "financial advice?" He sits on committees preaching to others about greedy corperations, and he leached off the banks all the while. Now he decided it isn't convenient to pay them back for the borrowed money. Wouldn't that effect his clearance? After all, this isn't his first time.

Anonymous said...

"How many times must a man go bankrupt or forfeit his property before the union stops listening to his "financial advice?" He sits on committees preaching to others about greedy corperations, and he leached off the banks all the while. Now he decided it isn't convenient to pay them back for the borrowed money. Wouldn't that effect his clearance? After all, this isn't his first time."

Hey I know who this is and you know what? He has no remorse and will put the blame on others for his blunders in finance and career. He regards himself as intelligent yet his wisdom is very superficial.
He may help the oust movement as he is one of the many malignant cancers this union possesses.

Security said...

"Now he decided it isn't convenient to pay them back for the borrowed money. Wouldn't that effect his clearance? After all, this isn't his first time."

This is called "adverse information" If you know something, you are the one responsible for reporting it. If the information is not reported (since mentioned in a public forum), YOU are in as much security difficulty as he allegedly is. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

If this is the person I think it is the info had already been reported and common knowledge to those who work around him. He is not afraid to tell you. This guy wants to lose his clearance just to get out of an area he was assigned to. Talk about going to the extremes just to get what you want. No conscience in his actions, he is just a manipulative tool. What if the company required all employees to possess a security clearance? What will he do then? He doesn't think things through. He is guided by ego alone.

HR already knows this.

Anonymous said...

Its reported. its talked about all over 801. Rumor is, he wants his clerance pulled so he can go back to his old job.

Security said...

We thank you for your diligence.

Anonymous said...

Eight engineers,4 cal tech's and 4 months later you guys can't fix a test set. So what do you do? Call in two UNION facility dudes and they got it running in 4 hrs and it's not even in their field of expertise!

You jerks don't deserve a raise you should be fired for incompetency. How many more millions will you cost the company because of your ineptness?

Anonymous said...

In your dreams! Wheres the HAHA dude? HAHAHAHA!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA jerk is braging about maxing out his credit cards before his bankruptcy. He thinks he is screwing the system over.

Thanks for being a dreg on society Mr Haha dude. Your family should be proud of the example you set.

Anonymous said...

"In your dreams! Wheres the HAHA dude? HAHAHAHA!!!!"

Think so? Ask scabby pants it's in his area and YES it DID happen!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe those facility duds should hire into metrology.

Oh wait... They would have to take a pay cut. LOL!

Anonymous said...

In the real world, the two union facility guys told them "Its not my job!" You unionistas lie 3 times more than your grand puba!

Anonymous said...

If they did hire into meteroology they should take a pay cut.... after all thy'd be dumbing down!

Anonymous said...

I think your story is BS. If facility guys fixed the problem, it was because it was their job, not because they outsmarted 12 other more educated workers. How come dummies who can barely run a ground line think they could design an iPhone? So tell us, genius, what names and occasion? This oughtta be good.

Anonymous said...

This is the difference between the unionists perspective and the non-unionists.

Who cares that it took far too long to get a qualified individual to help repair the equipment? Why wasn't this person called earlier?

Anonymous said...

That story is a bunch of crap. It didn't happen. It is another unionist lie. Facility thugs do not work on test stations. They might do is run a wire to one. It did not take 4 months to figure out.
Bull8hit liers!

Anonymous said...

The big fat metrology cal guy on second shift 801 was on of the morons who couldn't fix it, ask him!

Anonymous said...

"Why wasn't this person called earlier?"


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Reminds me of the union fabricated story that during the strike someone ran a forklift into a wall at blg 801. Lodge 933 should be crowned the liers club.

Anonymous said...

Would anyone want to buy a union made Iphone? I think the answer is obvious.

Anonymous said...

They wont give details because thats how they roll. They tell lies, then they twist it around. That's why most technicians are not members. They see right through your lies.

Anonymous said...

Some of you flea baggers didn't read the posing that's been up since April! And you want to write here? It says "Union members are free to post here, but the sick trolls won't get their message through. You trolls want free speech? Go make your own blog!" You want to get published? Clean it up. Baseless derogotory comments get flushed.

Anonymous said...

Some of us know the real story and it is different then that of liar troll. No facility guys were involved. 8 engineers were not involved, 4 cal techs were not involved. Maybe only 2 engineers and 2 cal techs and the station is up. To the troll is that how you lie to your mortgage company on your delinquent payments? You are a worthless liar. Got it now!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I stand corrected. There were 8 people involved, 4 engineers from Rita rd & 4 cal guys from metrology. NONE of who could fix it. It was 2 mechanical guys from metrology who "re-engineered" it to make it work.
Those mechanical guys were union by the way, only proving you scabs are worthless!!

Anonymous said...

"I stand corrected..."

I now say you are a lier and a waffler. You should move up the union ladder well with those talents. Buy the way what other prophecies do you have for us since 8/12/2011 has passed. You are a joke to the union and to the company. Watch out for those bill collectors,LOL!

Anonymous said...

"Okay, I stand corrected". NO! You DON'T stand corrected, you only try to twist the lie even more. You change your story like a thug under interogation. Your story is BS, and it just proves what Ousties have been saying for over four years. Lieing Union Slugs are worthless.

Superbia Parti said...

"Okay, I stand corrected. There were 8 people involved, 4 engineers from Rita rd & 4 cal guys from metrology. NONE of who could fix it. It was 2 mechanical guys from metrology who "re-engineered" it to make it work."

This was some kind of joke played on you, foolish union guy. You are obviously not a witness to the story, you are just a gossip girl. Someone told you a story of a friends story, you embellished it, and you got it completely wrong. I bet you feel real dumb right now; serves you right.

Hey all, did the retirement calculation go down to 1.5 from 1.75? That means your pension goes up! Maybe you want to jump ship. before the last good opportunity expires.

Anonymous said...

SP, good to read your words again!

"Maybe you want to jump ship. before the last good opportunity expires. "

That's just it. There are many who live off the teat of the overtime around here, which will twist their expectations of retirement when it does happen.

Even with a great number like that, plenty will hang around for a few more years, still spending their wages like drunken sailors in a crappy economy.

I can't wait to see those same faces working at McDonalds, Wal-Mart or some other menial job after retirement, realizing that what they left really wasn't so bad.

Anonymous said...

Two weeks and nothing?

All out doing some Occupy Tucson activity?

Anonymous said...

Chili Cookoff win?

Not 'representing the people'?

Anonymous said...

Sad. So sad. Nothing for a month.

Tony C. Saladino said...

Wow! This site seems to be a one-sided attack on the same unions that helped to provide a forty hour week, the weekend and the whole slate of benefits that have come with organized labor. If those who bad-mouth unions for their political stand on issues have a problem with them, then work in non-union industries. Simple. Anyone who expects Ratheon to develop a conscience and bargain in good faith with individuals has got their head clouded with cigar smoke. Labor not only has the right, but the responsibility to organize and the members of any organization have the power to change the organization at will. Democracy is a beautiful thing if you would just learn to use it!

Anonymous said...

Tell us again how IAM is looking out for the little guy! How'd that last 'labor dispute' turn out that IAM dictated?

Oh, yeah: A Blow to US Labor Movement

"Workers have this sense that there’s a larger dynamic that’s playing out," says Robert Bruno, professor of labor and employment relations at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "If you can't wage a good battle and get a good contract now, when will you get one? In that sense, this is their last stand."

What makes you think it's going to work now?