Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grotesque Hypocrisy

I've recently been told that our fighting machinists have picked a fight against the owner of the website. He has come under hypocritical legal assault. Headquarters IAM has complained about his website address to the World Intelectual Property Organization (WIPO). To see a link to the case click this link: which was filed on the 3rd of September. Why didn't they attempt a cease and desist notice earlier? The union never wrote the webmaster of about this issue. The address is posted on the website for all to see. But no communication was ever attempted. They might have better results if they had gone about this differently.

It seems the union can't handle the heat of a few buckaneers telling the workers what's really going on around here. It's obvious to them that they are the minority at RMS, and they intend to railroad any attempt by courageous workers to put this petition to the people. We've asked them on many occasions to come to the web and debate with us. I've asked on this forum, and the owner of has a debate page asking for a healthy exchange of ideas. Since last November, the union has been asked to debate on . They chickened out! Their ideas don't hold water against the ideas of free minded workers. Instead of debate, they are trying to squelch us. They are using a Soviet Style lack of respect for freedom of speech. It's a total lack of respect for the voice of the workers. And another example of the unions coercive methods they use to keep control of the people they wish to influence.

We like the fact that they've resorted to the legal venues however. In other times, we could expect far more inappropriate methods of coercion. We will let the legal system sort this out. I think the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution trumps them on this case, and they're going to take the union's lawyer to the wood shed over it. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Why, just recently the union posted a real nice video about it. . Isn't it nice how they pasted "Freedom of Speech" on the entire back wall of the stage in this short clip, but then try to censor free speech of the critic? Notice the date of the clip. This is a Grotesque Hypocrisy.

So here's the union's case. They think the workers here at RMS are idiots. They think YOU are too stupid to tell the difference between, and They say the websites are SO Close in name, that you the union member, or represented worker, would go to the web site disguising itself as the Union in order to lure unsuspecting viewers. The union says that the owner of the ".net" web site has fully incorporated the union’s IAM933 unregistered trademark into the domain name for the sole purpose of diverting Internet users from union’s web site to criticism site.

Excuse me? This means that the Grand Lodge thinks the web surfers at Raytheon can't tell the difference between the union's site and the critisism site. What kind of morons does the union think it represents?! This is a no brainer to me. If you are in the union, and you're fighting for respect, then you need to get respect from your union first! I interpret that they say workers here are too mentaly handicapped to find the web page desired.

Now the union thinks they have to right to take IAM933.NET because it's a protected trademark? Ehem, if you guys wanted to protect your UNREGISTERED trademark so much, why didn't you buy the web address
when it was for sale for under ten bucks a year last November? Why didn't you offer to buy it before the complaint blew up? Why didn't you buy when it was offered to you for 257 dollars only a few short months ago? Presently that site is owned by Transure Enterprise Ltd. of the Virgin Islands. It's still for sale folks! If the union wants to protect it's interests so much, why leave the trademark out in the open?

In my opinion, they don't care about their unregistered trademark so much as they do about stifling the oposition. They want free speech so long as that speech is in their favor. God forbid anyone stand up and speak out against them. God forbid the represented workers hear anything other than the mantra coming from the drumbeat of Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez. It's time the workers rise up and say enough! Enough of the double talk! Enough of the psychobabble. Enough of the union! It's time to OUST 933!


Anonymous said...

You are kidding me - the National IAM did what ??? Just can not believe National would take the time to be involved.

Folks, follow the strikes currently going with BOEING and VOUGHT AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES, INC.. There trademark is getting allot of attention. We have two aircraft companies on STRIKE, ie: voluntary quit from a good paying jobs. Now they want to get the Pilots and ground all spun up to fight the greed of their employees. I can see the logic there, walk off the job that provided the means to survive.

As a side note: according to the IAM constitution, no bargaining unit employee under shall: Article K, SEC. 3. "Members shall discourage the working of overtime, in order to further the opportunities for full employment, a living wage, and a 40-hour workweek.". So why do they slow down to work weekends ?

The IAM's bottom line seems to clog up the works, slow things down, get folks are worried, to obtain what - loss of respect among their workers, management, their neighbors.

Every wonder why union dues is 2 times your rate.. so you can declare it as a tax deduction at end of the year. The difference between a Union and Church is how you can deduct your contribution to a non-profit organization.

Superbia Parti said...

Last week, I said the union's lawyer would get taken to the wood shed. Well the union has withdrawn their complaint against suddenly. Look at the WIPO link I posted on this blog. The case is terminated. Freedom of speech has prevailed because frivolous accusations don't stand the constitutional test. We doubt that this is the union's last try. We hear rumors that the union is "building a list" of people "unwanted" also.

It's time the union accept the people's voice. The union is going to be the poster child of twenty first century web based decertification. Your workers are tired of poor representation. Your members are endlessly talking about this crummy union. They are ready to vote you down. We're sure you already know this. Many members aren't even wearing their shirts on Thursday. Even some of your stewards refuse. It must be hard to focus when your own team is not supporting you.

Anonymous said...

On the topic of politics....

What is with the "Machinists for Obama" shirts?

Bad Obama.

Good Obama.

Nearly six months to the day from slamming him for the tanker contract dispute, they're snuggling up to him as the savior to the working class!

Isn't is weird to be a die-hard union supporter, when it's the big, bad, businessman who runs the defense plant you work in?

Have a look at +40 days into Boeing vs. IAM and see how similar it looks:

Union Complains.

Community Comments.