Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paying the bills on time?

Did anyone notice this weekend that the union website was down? Did anyone take the time to read the notice that replaced the normal drivel found on their pages? If you were a web-steward, it must have felt embarrasing to wake up Saturday Morning and find your site was turned into a pregnancy education page because someone forgot to pay the bill. Yep, the site was taken off line late Friday Night 19th of Sept. untill sometime before 10:00 AM Monday the 22 Sept. because it said it was EXPIRED! The page had a nice little reminder there that said something to the effect of 'if you own this web site, please pay up or the url can be sold.' Of course I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the gist of the message. By now, you the reader are probably laughing unless you're sympathetic to the union. So my simple questions are: If these guys let their own domain name and website expire, what makes you so sure they won't let you expire? If they lack financial responsibility, how do they keep your financial interests protected? Why am I giving them my money? Why do I let them have the right to negotiate my future at RMS?! It's time to Oust 933!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cricket Cricket......