Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I love it when the union makes our case

I love it when the union makes our case. This morning a friend of our committee passed on a flyer that was getting circulated around the plant site by a union steward. It’s a typical union brainwashing document with a kinder gentler touch. I decided to post their document for them on our blog, because it makes our case better than it does theirs. How stupid do they think the workers are to fall for this psychobabble?
The first two sentences start off kind and understanding. Hard to believe this is a letter coming from the same organization that trained it’s workers to hate and never talk to “crossers”. Then they get completely stupid. They wrote ”It seems that these anti-union workers have somehow overlooked the value of having a union here at Raytheon.” EHEM! We took this into long consideration before challenging this bunch of bullies with facts to show they hurt rather than help the workers of Raytheon.
This is a fight for the truth at Raytheon. This union is going to wine and dine you until you fall for their seduction. Fact is they are just a parasite-business designed to suck your wallet and coerce you to give up 3 months of your pay whenever they demand it in a strike. Once they get your automatic deposit, it’s harder to quit than it is to recall the governor of California. Then they’ll force you to hate when others don’t follow their orders.
Lets talk about the LABOR CONTRACT they so boldly spell out on their flyer. What chance do these high school educated negotiators stand in a room full of company negotiators with Masters Degrees and years of experience doing contracts under their belts? Each successive contract, some new union boss comes along and tries his hand at beating the old pros and gets spanked every time. They are pitiful losers and you have suffered every single contract. Why do they brag about this contract when they got their butt kicked at contract time?
You get what the company lets you have, period. It’s always been that way. You won’t get less without a union, because they are paying the going rate for skilled labor. This silly notion that you’ll get $12.98 an hour without a contract is juvenile. They can’t fill all the ranks they have now with the rates they pay, and the union bosses are telling you they’ll reduce it? At twelve dollars an hour, this company would be competing against telephone call centers for workers. The union must think the average worker is an idiot to believe that line of crap.
Then they tell you about the court case, Retirees against Raytheon, the greedy company, and the CONTRACT. But they never admitted to the fact that this union never fought for these retirees. They didn’t “pick a fight” for those who paid dues for their entire careers. Those retirees got their own lawyer and fought that fight without the union. One union official told me in 2006 that he was very upset that the union didn’t fight for their rights under the contract. Now they have the gall to say that they support those retirees? The only thing they do is tell union members they must parade around outside the Herman’s Road Gate with pickets! The union is the greedy corporation, they won’t even spend the legal fees on their own elderly loyalists. But they trick you into believing they are fighting for you. What a sham.
The third paragraph, first sentence of this letter is SPOT ON! “…advocates for and protects our membership.” Let’s break this down for the sake of clarifying the message. They advocate for membership. And they protect our membership!
Yep, they advocate for you to join them by attempting to convince you the company will screw you without them. They sew seeds of envy within your heart to make you hate the company officers. They offer stories of despair and hopelessness for the worker with the antidote being of course, joining the union so we can all have it better here.
Then they protect membership from the truth. They want to hide you from the facts that may cause you to leave membership status. They tell coworkers not to talk to those anti union types, there is something wrong with them. They are fools, and they are careless bastiches that don’t have the collective welfare of the workers at heart.
This union isn’t about safety, benefits, dignity and jobs. It’s not even about getting you better wages. It’s about taxing you the worker, and getting you to agree to make the payment. It’s a business. They raise the wages of crummy workers at the expense of the good workers. They protect those crummy workers at all cost, because they are loyalists who will pay for the protection, because they know in their hearts they suck at their real job, and need someone to keep them on the pay role. You good workers out there are paying thousands of dollars a year for this “protection" in the form of reduced compensation.
The union doesn’t want it’s members going to anti-union web sites. But it is loosing the battle. They are in a frenzy, and don’t know what to do when the truth is competing with their lies. Go ahead, get on, and type iam933 and see by the numbers of hits what web site is getting viewed more. It’s obvious you are looking. We’re number One! They know it, but do you, the worker? You are concerned about how badly this union has hosed you down over the past few contracts. So are we. We promise change. They promise the same old prepackaged crappy representation.
I am so sure that this union is a complete failure, that I’ll stake a bet right here on line. If Raytheon screws us, then I’ll be one of the first to get on the band-wagon to restart a union. I’ll even become one of it’s officers and use my skills to benefit the new union. But I am betting that it’s not going to be needed. There are nine thousand salaried workers who enjoy working with us, and they have no union to protect them. They are not running to form a union. They have been laughing at us in the bargaining unit, because we haven’t been smart enough as a collective to free ourselves from the union. They are under orders not to tell us how they truly feel. It’s up to us to figure it out on our own.
Oh, and I love the last lines of their letter. They will continue to use the “moral high ground” campaign? HAHAHAHA! I fell out of my chair on that one. Tell that to my co-workers who are finding nails propped up against their tires, and getting damage done to their cars.


Superbia Parti said...

Today was fun! All these new t-shirts from the union. In particular, the shirt that reads "What part of union made don't you understand?"

Good t-shirts don't ask senseless questions. Am I supposed to infer that union labor equals quality? I've learned that union labor means obstructionism and disparaging workers. Unions teach their people to hate managers, hate the company, and hate whoever disagrees with their philosophy. So I return the question to union leaders. What part of union labor do you understand? In this town, the majority of the bad workers belong to the union. You guys are a crummy worker magnet. Even with a balanced split of good workers inside and outside of the union halls, the high number of bad workers hurt the reputation of the union. And so many of the good union workers are constantly angry at the world. They display the hopelessness they've learned from the stewards. And it rubs off on their co-workers. So what part of union labor is good?

Anonymous said...

I've noted that many of the "good union members" were NOT wearing any union gear on Thursday. I'm wondering why that happened; did they not get the propaganda from the union? Union gear on Thursday, red shirts on Friday; is this what is considered "solidarity?" Which colors are allowed on the other days of the week? When did the IAM become fashion consultants for the working class?

Anonymous said...

Union leadership views the hourly work force as a bunch of
inept dummies that can’t hold a job. This statement may be true for
less then 5 percent of the hourly workforce. This small percentage of the workforce need the union and is probably most vocal about keeping the union. The union leadership also thinks the workforce is too stupid to negotiate a good raise or set through a review. They also think the good souls paying their dues will listen to them about avoiding the “anti-union” website.
Well we know that several hourly hold degrees. Several have university or community collage credits. We know there are a lot of smart individuals that have maintained a good job or jobs before Raytheon without getting fired. We also know many of you have sat through a job review and are aware of what the process is. We also know many of you are adults who don’t need to be told what or what not to do.
Having someone without your best interest negotiating your wages and your possible career path is irresponsible. Do they know what your job requires as far as training and experience? No they go by a regional survey which ranges from Fortune 500 companies to small mom and pop sweat factories. To get an accurate wage reference they must use the average wage of the Fortune 500 company range which is higher. They are a master at skewing the facts.
They just don’t think you are aware of anything. Think about this when the union steward tells you with a side grin “You can be fired without a Union”, “You won’t have these good wages without a Union”

Anonymous said...

I just found out that one of the members for the unions negotiation team 2006 contract was wearing an orange shirt on Thursday. No names dropped however he works at bldg 811. Could it be some of the flock is crossing over to our non union side? Or perhaps he is abiding the unions request of not reading the website.

Anonymous said...

What? An apparel mix-up? Obviously, the wearer didn't get the union memo on attire.

Were they still wearing the 933 lanyard?