Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mayday! May I have another?

We celebrate another Mayday in the Old Pueblo, and our mothers at the union are cooking up their old tricks to steal your money again this fall. This time they plan to dismantle the Machinist's trade, and redistribute the money around the lower pay grades at the expense of the other classes. Are you ready to see the union tell you "The Company" wants to do away with certain trades within the machinists, and they want to combine the skills. Of Course, they want to pay the low skill schlubs the high dollar that the metrology and Tool and Die Makers get. You know what that means for the rest of us? NO Pay Raise, again, like 2003! Oh, maybe there will be, but it will be small, because they are going to take money that you WOULD HAVE gotten in a GWI, and redistribute it to them. How's THOSE Socialist apples for ya? If you complained about the 2003 contract when you got no raise, then stand up and fight these peckerwoods about this one, because BOHICA! Happy Mayday! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day Too!


Anonymous said...

Lets see:
1.petition to decertify = failed
2.attempt to decertify metrology only = failed
3.ousties BS blog = failed

You freeloaders wouldn't join & crossed the picket line for what? to strengthen the companys resolve or the unions?
Piss and moan all you want YOU helped create this mess now own it!

Anonymous said...

Were most of the ousties, union members in 2003? NO!

Did those who were members vote down the contract? NO!

Are the ousties part of the problem? YES!

Superbia Parti said...

Dear sad sack Union Schlub, you have become part of the corrupt establishment. You work for the company. The Union Company. You are in the business of scraping wages off the tops of your workers pay while lying to them about their employer. You might even do it for free, which is worse.

We understand too many people were afraid of the Union to sign a petition back in 2009. You understand an absolute majority of metrology voted to toss the Union, regardless. The fact that you still visit this blog disproves the blog failed.

Now that the socialist president has changed the laws regarding unionization, beware; if the metrology folks make another attempt, Obama's NLRB law may support individual class decertification this time. Thank the SEIU for that.

By the way, many of the most creative Ousties WERE Union members in 2003. Some of them voted to vote down the 2003 contract. They were out voted by the greedy socialists. The Ousties are part of the solution.

Workers at Raytheon, beware, the Union is coming for your GWI and they are going to tell you "the company" forced it on you. Tell your steward and neg-comte rep you won't accept them shrinking the classes and giving out pay raises to tin snippers in exchange for your pay raise.

The Union IS the problem because they are negotiating your raise away while they calculate a bigger pay raise for themselves.

You voted out Jimbo for what? Go on strike! I dare you.

Anonymous said...

This union would have to be really backed into a corner to strike again. The recovery from the last joke of a strike continues to this day. Superbia, you're right; they choked and passed on their opportunity to 'be somebody' in 2003. The perfect once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the union leadership folded like a sandcastle in a hurricane.

The company will bend 'em over, the negotiating committee will recommend passage of what is handed out, and life will go on. Not only for this upcoming contract, but for several contracts to come.

Don't believe me? COme back here in four months or so, and we'll compare notes.

Anonymous said...

You forget 1 thing grasshopper, the Union leadership of 2003 is no longer in charge!

Anonymous said...

What again has changed in these twelve years?


The leadership is still the leadership that continues to drink from the tainted well called unionism. The names and faces are different, the philosophy remains.

Enjoy one weekend every three years being a militant unionist.

I look forward to seeing you all back on Monday.