Monday, September 2, 2013

Drink your Milk my little Pretties!

Happy Labor Day! Welcome one, welcome all to the continuing circus known as the International Association of Minions and Wannabees Union at Raytheon in Tucson. In Feb 2008, this blog posted an announcement that anyone who was unhappy with the union, simply wear and orange t-shirt on Thursdays, the same day that the union wore their union blue. Over the years they responded with red superchicken shirts, Ghostbusters shirts and silly rat buttons. And their stewards intensely trained their minions that any opinion outside the soviet camp was just not healthy for them. Times sure have changed! How many of you have noticed that the union members are parading around the plant site wearing orange t-shirts? Why would they change colors? Why would they wear Orange? Did they think there were a lot of members who sympathize with the Oustie struggle to make wages fair at RMS? Maybe, but that doesn't fit the union model. Throughout American History, unions struggled to LOWER wages of the most skilled workers, to give it to the unskilled. We call it the misguided Robin Hood syndrome. This union did it well in 2003, and then made the membership feel like it was the Company's fault. But I digress. Could the union have been invaded by some covert Ousties who used whatever tricks they thought it would take to get the union to let their colors run, and put on the colors of their opponents? Maybe... We've had our moles in the past. One of the guys in 811, a metrologist was implicit in sharing info with a cal tech that exposed lots of embarrassing facts about this union. Too bad for them, he was never discovered. Thank goodness for him, they still think he is untainted. But why is the convergence of Orange t-shirts in both the Ousties and Union groups? I suspect the Union thinks they can drown out the impact and stigma of the Orange T-Shirt having to do with the black eye they suffered when their union was dealt a decertification attempt. They think they can hide behind false pride by wearing the colors that shamed them. It wont fix the fact that every technician on the plant site gets ripped off every paycheck because the Union stole their wages and handed others a lopsided payraise in 2003, while everyone else got zero GWI for three years. And so it continues. Are you paying over 800 dollars a year in dues and paying about 3000 dollars a year subsidizing your coworkers? An especially Happy Labor Day to You!


Anonymous said...

Heard Ramon was unhappy at Jimbos union dealings with the company. Maybe the ha ha guy wants to fill Jimbos position. This union is ready to implode at any time now. Watch and enjoy, the fun is just starting all over again.

Anonymous said...

Is this union really going to implode?

Many of us have been waiting to sing "Victory!", but it has not happened.

Oh, wise one, what happens next?

Anonymous said...

If the work force wants to take the Union to the boxing ring again and give them another beating, that can be done.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the flyers left in the break rooms? They say:
Why was Bob Guth seen personally removing Louie Martinez's flyers from bulletin boards and Break Rooms?

#Answer: Because Article XI of the Contract, section K designates the place for those. Other locations are not permitted.
All other questions on the flyer are assuming the Head of HR is trying to help Jimbo based upon one ignorant soul's assumptions that Mr Guth was acting improperly. He was acting in line with the contract, period. BTW, the last DBR named Martinez made us take an asswhoopin' during the strike so he could promote! Yup, I'd vote for that!

Anonymous said...

I know it its against labor laws however I really would like to see Guth remove all the union degenerates from the plant site. These parasites only promote low morale and a pathetic work environment.

Anonymous said...

We know Jimbo and Leigh are sympathetic to the ousties cause, but we didn't realize the feeling was mutual and that you were such great Jimbo supporters.

Anonymous said...

Leigh was seeing SP. Then it stopped.
Did Jimbo make them?

Anonymous said...

We don't support any of you union swine, but Jimbo is the best bet for the quickening of your demise!

Anonymous said...

re: Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't support any of you union swine, but Jimbo is the best bet for the quickening of your demise!

Nov 10, 2013, 9:10:00 AM

This poor excuse for a union will survive a little longer due to the time required by HR to retrain the new DBR.

Anonymous said...

Something's going on I hear that when she snaps her finger Jimbo jumps to her command. That seems like a symbiotic relationship.

Anonymous said...

"We don't support any of you union swine....Nov 10, 2013, 9:10:00 AM"

Maybe we should. I overheard about a dozen of unionists in an 801 break room claiming they and many others will resign their membership if Jimbo gets re-elected. He might be our greatest resource to end this tyranny!

Anonymous said...

Now that SP has retired will he continue to post?

Superbia Parti said...

I plan to post for the foreseeable future. I am here for the honest workers who deserve better than this union has given. What's the steward gonna do to me now?!

Anonymous said...

Who will do more to help the union in next week's election? Can Mr Martinez bring respect back to the union? Jimbo is nothing more than a yes-man for the company these days.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the election from the tenth of December? Did Jimbo attempt to hijack it by saying there were voting irregularities? Is Louis Martinez ready to bargain away jobs by letting Raytheon get away with 12 hour shifts? You know Jimbo already did that! And what about all those grievances?

Anonymous said...

The IAM is a joke - look what the people did to preserve their jobs in Washingon.

It will happen here next!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year! Now for the easy part... what is with Tucson JP Criminal Docket
Explain please!
Another day in the bomb factory and another chapter with this pathetic union.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Raytheon made all the security guards reapply at the company they are going to use to outsource them. Maybe they should have joined a union instead, ha ha ha ha ha ha!