Friday, February 1, 2013

Are you concerned?

Is there a Union at Raytheon? Yeah? Really? Are you protected by a contract? Huh? What contract? Oh!! The one you voted on last October, but have never seen! Doesn’t it seem to you that the IAMAW Local 933 has dropped the ball on providing you workers the representation you pay dearly for? Some of you are paying over a thousand dollars a year and for what? There ain’t no contract! Three whole months have passed and nobody has a printed copy of the contract! There isn’t even a downloadable copy on the Union Website. So what are you paying dues for? Does it feel good? Yeah, you’re getting the shaft. Too bad you didn’t vote for the decertification effort back in ’09. Three thousand bucks in dues later you must be wondering if it was a mistake to have backed up these guys. What did they buy you? Did they get you any benefits more than the lowest paid salaried worker? No? But the witless protection is worth the investment! Isn’t it? You’ve got that contract to fall back on…right? Yeah, I thought so.


Anonymous said...

One week, no replies.

Just like the union representation; speechless.

Anonymous said...

Guess what... there is a down loadable "current contract" pdf link on their site. However boneheads as they are... it is the 2009 contract. I guess they just have to fake it until next contract. Big LOL to the union jokes!

Anonymous said...

Three weeks after the OP was written, they start to pass out contracts. I wonder if the "downloadable" version is still outdated. Schmucks.

Anonymous said...

I guess the concept of professionalism is nonexistent in this union. The clown union is what it should be called. Even its own members are questioning the president and dbr.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone mistreat Jenny McCarthy & Larry the Cable Guy by abusing that promo photo like that?!


This is truth...for those who can handle it!

Mark Twain Quote

Dani Alba said...

Hello! a post really interesting, I would like to know more about these contracts, what happened?, that happen? I encourage you to keep writing, because I think that no one writes on this subject and therefore goes completely unnoticed! thank you very much! greetings!

P.d: sorry for my English :)

Anonymous said...

I think this assemblers union is necessary, they do a better job of fixing our test equipment than metrology.

Anonymous said...

sweet home Alabama...