Thursday, October 11, 2012

Will you support the Strike Vote

Doing Twice the Work? Job at Risk? Will you support the Strike Vote? Did you ever feel like you are doing twice the work, but you are not getting paid for the increased effort? This is the message that the Union has been placing all over the factory these days. Funny how they are coming around to asking questions about wages eight years late. Where were they back in 2003 when they gave the work force a ZERO PERCENT raise for three years? We didn’t forget. Wages are an important part of the rift between college educated and highly skilled workers at Raytheon, and the members of the bargaining unit that got hefty raises at the expense of the rest of the work force. Electrical Technicians, Mechanical Service Technicians, Machinist Technicians, Prototype Tool & Die, Metrology, Calibration Technicians, & “Engineering Test Technicians” deserve an upward wage adjustment. The union wants our support, just like they would like yours. Power in numbers they say. Yep, I have to agree, there is power in numbers. When they repair the pay injustices of the past few contracts, they can count on the support of the very people with the brain power to help them most! Raytheon has an evolving workforce, and you can bet your bottom dollar RMS won’t replace product test specialists with others of equal caliber. NO, they are replacing them with this robot you see here. However, they will be hiring “Engineering Test Technicians,” Metrology Service Technicians, and Mechanical Service Technicians in the future, to replace those talented workers that over time will go out the door into the sunset. But the Union has ignored these technicians. Continue this trend at your own peril IAM 933. The type of workers who depend on the union are becoming less and less desirable to Raytheon as new hires, while the technicians who stand the most to gain from Raytheon’s 21st century improvements are ignored by the Union. Guess which high demand employees aren’t running down the doors on Ajo Way to join the Union? That increases the likelihood of another petition to decertify the union as the pendulum of time erodes the union’s majority. So while your Union is asking rhetorical questions like “is your job at risk?” or are you doing “Twice the Work?” They need to ask themselves “Can we afford to ignore these technicians any longer?” This weekend the Union is conducting a strike vote. Go vote! That’s the patriotic thing to do. As long as your most skilled workers are ignored, you stand a ZERO PERCENT of successfully conducting a strike against the Company. And if you do strike, the hundreds of workers who voted to decertify this union will work diligently to make sure a petition is circulated during the strike to eliminate the source of the injustices we have all suffered over the past three contracts.


Anonymous said...

Woah! Did I see some orange shirts today? Whats that all about? NO to 933!

Anonymous said...

"the hundreds of workers who voted to decertify this union will work diligently to make sure a petition is circulated during the strike to eliminate the source of the injustices we have all suffered over the past three contracts."

Hundreds?!! you pigs had less than 75....LOSERS!

Superbia Parti said...

Mr drunk @ 3AM, you obviously had a part in the vote count didn't you
? FYI Mr Lamebrain, there were two petitions. Did you know that? The one you speak of was just for the cal-techs to leave the Union. Had US Law permitted the shredding of a Union by classification, then they would already be gone. You see, they had an absolute majority, as recognised by the NLRB. More to come on that sunject as US Law evolves under the Obama administration.
But yes, there were "hundreds" of votes against this union from the entire bargaining unit. That petition and it's signatures was not turned in because we needed more signatures for that one.
You can choose to bury your head in the sand if you like. The fact is not even members like your union. Who's the pig?

Anonymous said...

How did those results turn out today?

Anonymous said...

We voted to bargain only for two classifications members and non members. The non members will get a 15% pay cut over the next 3 yrs and higher medical costs with no chance of free pizza. The assemblers will get a 12 % raise and all the free pizza they can eat.

Anonymous said...

The comedy continues in full song!

"The company made proposals that attack your seniority, hours of work and recall rights. We are under attack again."

Of course you are.

"This company does not want your supervisor responsible to do their job they want to hold you responsible."

Wait - what? If you screw up, why is it your supervisor's problem?

"We are so far apart we have no common ground, Tell Your Management this Company needs to start bargaining."

Or what; you'll strike?

Anonymous said...

Or what; you'll strike?

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the company wants to police CEP more. How about they just get rid of CEP it’s a farce and a joke anyway. CEP people are on a 40hr per week paid break and the CEP promoted workers are backed by a online diploma mill.

Anonymous said...

I look at the union leadership photos and come to the conclusion they are either constipated, confused, or both. Am I right?

Anonymous said...

"When they repair the pay injustices of the past few contracts, they can count on the support of the very people with the brain power to help them most!"
Brain power what brain power?! Everyone of you pigs who went to school and got a degree, to go salaried have been left behind and forgotten. What a joke, you don't have the intelligence to get out of the rain nor the balls to fight your way out of a wet paper bag LOSERS!!!

"However, they will be hiring “Engineering Test Technicians,”
No such thing!

"Metrology Service Technicians, and Mechanical Service Technicians in the future",
No they won't, Metrology will be the first to be outsourced! They cost too much!

"That increases the likelihood of another petition to decertify the union as the pendulum of time erodes the union’s majority."
Go ahead! Do it! We dare you! This will only shorten the time you pukes are permanently replaced!

"Where were they back in 2003 when they gave the work force a ZERO PERCENT raise for three years? We didn’t forget."
Where were you?! You pigs weren't members then either you wouldnot have supported it! You cowards would have crossed the line then on the first day just like last time LOSERS!!!

Anonymous said...

The above anonymous post defending this POS union seems to be from a Metrology person. With regard to this fact why would you as a metrology tech defend this poor excuse of a union. You know metrology is not being paid at current industry standards. The metrology techs had a majority vote in favor to decertify representation from this pathetic union. Are you satisfied with these wages or is this the only metrology job you can get with your qualifications. If metrology does get outsourced I'm sure you will be one of the few that will be at the unemployment office crying for your check.

Anonymous said...

"The metrology techs had a majority vote in favor to decertify representation from this pathetic union."

35 people?!! you think 35 people was a majority/!! You are a bunch of LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!HA! HA!

Anonymous said...

Dude, I have my pen ready. When do I get to sign this year's petitions?

Anonymous said...

What a Maroooon! The HAHA dude cant accept that a majority of his class voted for liberty. Dream on dude, smoke another one around the burn barrel this year.

Anonymous said...

Where is the petition. I want to sign it too.

Anonymous said...

Look at the union website on contract negotiations. Nothing but blah blah blah! What about a pay raise. Cola. Nothing! You guys forget about negotiating a wage increase?
Like the commercial "Wheres the Beef?" Same ole union, different day.

Anonymous said...

Hey guess why the company won't guarantee the medical benefits after 2013. Probably because of Obama care which the union basically voted for! Come on guys pony up. You wanted Obama and his health care laws. You won't need any company paid health care after 2013!

Anonymous said...

"Come on guys pony up. You wanted Obama and his health care laws. You won't need any company paid health care after 2013!"

Yep! and niether will you cuz we is gonna vote yes for a shitty contract just to screw you pigs! so howz it feel BOHICA!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, where is the decert petition? Where do I sign?
Where do I send it in to?
Please let's get rid of this union farce!

Oust933 said...

Hey, we were there in '06, where were you?

How come you didn't step up to the plate and help the cause at the beginning of this process, not at the end??

Didn't do your homework?

"In most workplaces, the 30-day 'window period' for filing a decertification petition with the NLRB occurs 60 to 90 days prior to the expiration date or 3 year anniversary of the contract, whichever comes first."

"A decertification petition can also be filed anytime after a contract expires or becomes more than 3 years old. However, if your employer and the union enter into a successor contract, the new contract will begin another 3 year "contract bar" on decertification elections. Thus, if you miss the "window period" for filing a petition for a decertification election, you may have to wait for another 3 years to request a decertification election. "

Please, next time, pay attention!


Anonymous said...

"So, where is the decert petition? Where do I sign?
Where do I send it in to?
Please let's get rid of this union farce!"

Never happen. We would rather the company move it all away to albama and lose our jobs so you lose yours before we let you scum decert us!

Anonymous said...

"We would rather the company move it all away to albama and lose our jobs so you lose yours before we let you scum decert us!"

The problem with your little theory is: You have no say so in it! If the union gets decertified, your words mean nothing. You will keep working there and you'll like it.

Go ahead. Strike! You don't got what it takes to put your money where your mouth is.

Anonymous said...

Voting Process

1. This year in order to give all members an easier and quicker way of voting we will be using two ballot forms.

2. One blue and one white ticket will be given at sign in Sunday 8 am thru 10 am. YOU will need these tickets to get both ballots.

3. When it is time to vote one ballot will be blue to accept or reject the contract offer.

4. The other is White which is for a strike/not to strike vote.

5. Once voting is complete we will count the votes on the acceptance/rejection ballots.

6. We need 50% plus 1 of those voting to accept or reject the Company’s Last best and final proposal. If the membership (50% plus 1) rejects the Company’s Last best final offer we will then proceed to count the strike/not to strike ballots.

7. If the strike ballots carries by a 2/3 majority we will be on strike.

8. If the membership fails to carry the 2/3 the Company’s final offer will be signed and the contract will be in place for three years.
Shitty contract here we come!

Anonymous said...

Giving Mr. G a retirement gift like this - priceless!

Superbia Parti said...

The union released this today. I will see you all at work tomorrow!

A contract was voted upon and accepted by Local Lodge 933 Members today October 28th, 2012. A big thank you goes out to all members who came out today and showed their support for our organization by voting and being a part of LL933. Also, as members, we would like to thank our negotiation committee for their outstanding hard work, dedication, and perseverance in getting this membership the best possible contract for its members.

Anonymous said...

$750 signing bonus payable on November 15, 2012 and a General wage increases each year are 2.75, 2.75 and 2.50 percent. You guys couldnt even get $1000 for a signing bonus? Way to fight!

Anonymous said...

You guys are such cowards with your little anti-union blog. Why don't you wussys join the Union and get involved? Do you really think you guys are so smart and charming that you'll get your own great pay & benefits on your own? Yeah right Get Fing real... Most anti-Union testers and cal techs are weirdos. Getreal you guys are anti social nerds who would get no respect except for kissing up to engineers... Man up and get involved for once you guys will never get anything on your own!! Read up on Union history, this is American mutha fudgas! Unions made this country strong and can keep it strong if people don't let themselves be kept down.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funny you say "cowards." Too bad you did'nt invite me this week, I would'a gone. You arent nobody to say cant get better pay, except you cant get your own. If antisocial means not paying dues to Obama reelections is what you mean, I am glad to be that nerd that didn't vote for Obamacare. Your Dues helped elect him, and will help reelect him too. Your union put flyers out for all socialists lefties. You are the wussy for not having the balls to quit when you know its a crappy union that cant even get a bonus equal to the one in 2006.Or did the negociating commitee not recomend it and that fact cost everyone 500 dollars each again. luh-ooo-zer!

Anonymous said...

.Why would I join an assemblers union. You still don't represent my job. Union dues wipe out the sign in bonus. You union people are a joke and yes we laugh at you. Too bad that laugh cost me some money I would had have if represented by a real union. I just have to wait. Unions are fading away. This one is following the trend too.
Signed by the anti-union,anti-social,weirdo whom doesn't understand the concept of forced unionist socialism.

Anonymous said...

"Why don't you wussys join the Union and get involved?"

"Man up and get involved for once you guys will never get anything on your own!!"

Is this the writing of winners, or whiners?

Anonymous said...

"You still don't represent my job. Union dues wipe out the sign in bonus"
That was was your free membership ticket since you had no say so in the negotiation of the "members" bonus.
"Unions are fading away. This one is following the trend too"
So are high paying jobs like metrology and techs, so I guess you'll be outsourced soon enough.
"Signed by the anti-union,anti-social,weirdo whom doesn't understand the concept of forced unionist socialism."
You also don't understand by saying yes sir, more of the same sir please, is why corporate america knows how to control you suck wads and keeps your wages stagnant.
You can't rage against the machine through rebllious consumption, and we don't care what you think because you seldom it!

Anonymous said...

Member's bonus? Funny, I can't find that in the contract language. What you mean is, your last years dues is paying for my kegger party on 15 November. Metrology jobs getting outsourced? Maybe you better look on the CEP jobs listings posted around the plant. Two classes in Metrology need people right now. Your job is more likely to get outsourced. And you say we don't understand? You are too pathetic to understand just how much of a tool you are.

Anonymous said...

"You still don't represent my job"
Of course not, you area freeloading scab! why should we?!!

Anonymous said...

Because its the law. You will do it and like it. You will pay dues to make sure everything you get, we get. The cost of you getting a contract is you have to give us one too. You call us scabs, we call you communist thugs. He said you dont represent us. I say you do.But you do a shitty job of representing yourselfs and us too. So we are like a virus to your union body. We will make you puke sick until you collapse. We want the company to run amok over your dead carcass, to trample your tee shirts on thursday and to take away your classifications.

Anonymous said...

To "the anti-union,anti-social,weirdo whom doesn't understand the concept of forced unionist socialism"

Fortunately, we work in a right-to-work state - we leave that compulsory unionism to those in the states to the east, pummeled by a storm named Sandy.

We'll now see just how screwed up the system is as they attempt to rebuild NYC.

Anonymous said...

City of Tucson can help them on thate one! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey you freeloading welfare scabs, don't forget to vote for your savior obama !

Anonymous said...

You a little confused. Your communistic union club endorsed Obama. Also some of your union dues went for his campain. Ask your grand poobah Watson. He will tell you who to vote for. As usual you union people are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Anonymous said...

"You a little confused. Your communistic union club endorsed Obama." Congratulations you freeloading, liberal, welfare scabs, got what you wanted. another 4 yrs of obama-nation. riding on the backs of others dues getting the benefits without paying for it . how's the free obama phone can you here me now!

Anonymous said...

No twinkies for you union boys. It doesn't matter since your union is full of twinkies. Is it the Union Way to drive a company into backruptcy. I guess the jobless union brothers will be crying to the government about their retirement going away.

Anonymous said...

"No twinkies for you" We were told the non union employees (freeloading scabs) were threatening the union with a decertification petition if they didn't get a better deal. So it was freeloaders like you who forced the "No more twinkies" bankruptcy! Figures you welfare mongers would pull that crap!!!

Anonymous said...

"We were told the non union employees (freeloading scabs) were threatening the union with a decertification petition if they didn't get a better deal."

You're pathetic.

It just can't be both ways.

Have the gonads to be an assemblers-only organization & decertify all other other occupations & see how far you'll get.

Besides, the Teamsters did agree to the concessions, it was the Bakery Workers union who decided to be tough guys and "stand up to the man!"

In this case (after the courts get finished...) the company will win and they will go out of business.

Besides, you guys need to put more good stuff in your lunch bags; don'tcha know those things'll kill you??

Anonymous said...

I love it when the Bolshavics loose track of who's side they're on! Looky here union nimkompoop, you're supposed to like other unions, socialist ideas and Obama. Get with the program. You're beginning to sound like a confused conservative that doesn't know that unionism is a left-wing kinda thing to do. If you're gonna vote republican, you are contradicting the funding you sent to Obama's campaign. You are a liberal by definition. You support welfare because your union wants it that way.
Oh yea, your dues got me the same raise you got. See that ZL1 Camero next to Bld 811? Yea you bought that, with the raise plus my strike funds. Vroom!

Anonymous said...

The confusion is compounded by the fact thy're employed by one of the most right-wing industries in the nation.

Anonymous said...

Union Member Requirements: Confusion, Supidity, Peer Pressure, and most of all a payroll deduction for union dues.

Anonymous said...

When did the haha dude change his ways. Going from democrat to republican. Is his Che hat too tight? He better not let master Watson know. Its just not the union way.

Anonymous said...

To the scab who said "When did the haha dude change his ways. Going from democrat to republican. Is his Che hat too tight? He better not let master Watson know. Its just not the union way." lets get one thing straight. Me and my fellow members still think you sorry sacks of sheep dip aren't worthy to breathe the same air never the less occupy space in our world. Having clarified that let us agree on one thing, this union is done! There will be a mass exodus this year both in retirees and membership withdrawls. After that last abortion our lez president pulled with the flag, we no longer trust her or the dbr's for letting it happen! Just know we still don't like you!

Superbia Parti said...

Well well well, it looks like the difference between us is shrinking Mr Disgruntled Union Member. The person who has learned the most is you. By the sound of it, you'll be on the inside next strike, if there is one. Then we'll see if you don't like us. In the mean while, you keep calling us names. It gives you something to hold on to while you discover like we did how screwed up this union is.

Anonymous said...

To "Superbia Parti said..."

Listen lard ass, didn't say we don't like unions. Fact is I'd rather be union than not , also didn't say the union was goin away, just its leaders. As for you jackals you never were members and don't tell you were. I been here 32 years I know who you %&^$$%#@'s are!

Superbia Parti said...

Ooooo, touchy! Look Schizoid, I didn't say your union is going away, YOU did. Read your comment! "Having clarified that let us agree on one thing, this union is done! There will be a mass exodus this year both in retirees and membership withdrawls." Unless that wasn't you speaking, you need to remember your own words, scatter brain. Never mind though. Your predictions are right. You union members are going to abandon this lame union and forge for yourselves. So you keep calling me lard ass, and I'll keep calling you out as the schizophrenic union member who votes repubican, while funding the democrats. I can't wait to see how you react when the blinders finally come off. You'll probably enthusiastically take over the Oustie movement and push what's left of the union off the cliff. We'll be there to help.

Anonymous said...

I was a 20+ year union member; I see just how FUBAR the union local and its leadership is when I resigned. This local has long since lost their way, sad to state.

Meanwhile, you contine to contribute to the problem by maintaning your membership.

Anonymous said...

To Union old fart of 32yr. It appears that your union is not working out for you. Why not cut your union umbilical cord and be a free independent thinker. If you are a "skilled" worker then why do you put up with being dragged down by this assemblers union? Man up you don't need a crutch to work here.

Anonymous said...

"After that last abortion our lez president pulled with the flag, we no longer trust her or the dbr's for letting it happen"

Curious what was "the abortion"?

Anonymous said...

Even as it blamed unions for the bankruptcy and the 18,500 job losses that will ensue, Hostess already gave its executives pay raises earlier this year. The salary of the company’s chief executive tripled from $750,000 to roughly $2.5 million, and at least nine other executives received pay raises ranging from $90,000 to $400,000. Those raises came just months after Hostess originally filed for bankruptcy earlier this year.
Hostess is hardly the only company that has compensated its executives during bankruptcy or times of financial instability. Failed financial firm MF Global gave CEO Jon Corzine an $8 million pay package after it filed for bankruptcy, and Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit received a $6.7 million pay package when he resigned, despite Citi’s 88 percent profit loss during his final quarter. And Hostess isn’t alone in giving executives massive raises while asking for concessions from union workers either: construction giant Caterpillar rewarded its CEO with a 60 percent pay raise, paying him $17 million, even as it forced a pay and pension freeze on its union workforce.So it looks like the real<a href=">Twinkie Ousters</a> were your buddies!

Anonymous said...

Two wrongs don't make a right. Overpaid CEO's and Union Greed. This company deserved to fail however who will survive without a paycheck once the dust settles. Who will settle for a fraction of their pension that was due to them upon retirement. Union pride put these unionist out of a job instead of letting the shareholders take action. Besides this still doesn't solve why we are represented by an assemblers union. Eh?

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

This in weeks ago from a 'quality source' of labor news & commentary:

"Our enemies are constantly thinking bigger thoughts. They plot and they scheme and they focus on changing ‘the rules of the game’ relentlessly. Even when we are down and barely breathing, they have the sense to try and exterminate us. That is the difference between us and them, and in reality, why they are winning....labor’s problem is not one of money or resources. Certainly, for the unions involved the loss of the dues involved will likely hurt representation, as free riders will no longer be required to pay for the benefits of unionism. But in terms of labor’s future, our problem is not the lack of resources....Our bigger problems are really ones of ideology and overall strategy."

RTW & Solidarity Destruction

See? Even the 'hard-core' unionists are begining to see why things are continuing to look bleak for the worker.

Anonymous said...

Your union has lowered the wages of its most qualified members, so they all left, except the ones who don't know math. The union does to skilled labor what the companies did to us over 70 years ago. Why pay a union lower your wages when the company can do it for you free? What right does the union have at establishing the workers wages, when it is working in it's own interest, not the worker? History is beginning to show the union's days are numbered because it didn't live up to the promise of improving the worker's lot. As more and more states see the value in right to work, your unions will become weaker, and we shall all rejoice in the slow smoldering destruction of the forces that have robbed us of our value toward our homes and families. Remember when we worked and took home pay, while you fools stayed out and froze your asses off. I made eleven thousand dollars while you begged the food bank. You got a pin to wear, I got a pimpin' watch for Christmas that year. I'm still wearing my watch. You are still paying back your 401K. The only way unions can survive is to fight for the rights of the talented workers who used to help the most. We are disgusted in your efforts to rob us, so we withhold our talents and money, and we celebrate every loss you suffer in Michigan, in N Carolina, and in Wisconsin. Little by little, your strength weakens, and we lift up our heads in jubilation, singing praises of glory to God, your forces are weak, and you will soon be gone. We see the end of days for the IAM933 at Raytheon. Our generation will not pass before this union is a footnote in history. And there is nothing you will do to stop it, even though you could. So you hard core unionists can see that things aren't bleak for the worker. They are bleak for the unionist!