Saturday, August 25, 2012

Step right up, its show time!

Step right up ladies and gentlemen! It’s time for another fabulous shew!!! This contract season we have a variety of talented story tellers to make you foam at the mouth and buy your way back into the Union because you just realized how much you hate the Company! How much baloney are you ready to eat when the Union says the Company's profit mongers will force those funky twelve hour shifts on you while they cut the wages that you earn working from five PM till 5:30 AM? By the time November rolls around, you are going to be delerious. While Chacha is riding a unicycle on top of the tight rope, she's preaching that the managers don’t want to give premium pay for those long shifts. Are you ready for the BIG DISTRACTION Leigh will use to sell you out? When the negotiating committee accepted the twelve hour shifts they didn't fight for the values they claim to defend. Now the Union is getting ready to shaft the workers, threatening a pay cut on the premium pay for those long shifts. If this was an issue, they should have held out and got it in writing that this would not be a permanent working condition on our workers. Once upon a time, unions fought to stop abuse, but these guys will divert your attention and sell out, again and again. Get ready, because there's a twelve hour shift coming to a product near you! Your brave negotiating committee is going to fight tooth and nail when the Company plays the factory cards and shows a full house of 2+3+2 schedules that will demoralize you and turn you into a zombie robot. can hear it now; "If you freeloaders would join the union, we would have the power to get a better deal." The problem isn't the Company, clowns. It’s the way IAM933 does its monkey business. The Union will still screw the workers, no matter how hard they fight, because they can’t see when the Company negotiated for those twelve hour shifts, they openly admitted they under pay the talented workforce that saved their contracts! Its time this Union demonstrated to us non members that you have the smarts to fight for the right causes instead of the dumb ones. There are hundreds of us non members who feel that we could do our own negotiations better than this union has done over the past three or four contracts. Can you do better?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yeah there is something to be said about CEO pay. That is to be taken up to the stockholders, only they can decide a CEO's pay. Its not a unions cause. The problem with this union is Pay disparity among the hourly ranks. Focus on the issue. You want more members then fix the disparity. And above all focus on the issues.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Aug 25, Your link talks like an "Occupy" hippy. Are you gonna play the envy card on us? Get real and get the union to fix what they can instead of griping about stuff it can't control.

Anonymous said...

I think we should all ask for a pay cut! We need to embrace China's philosophy and all work for $0.75 a day and produce crappy quality products. That way we will be the most favored nation and all the worlds manufacturers will want us to make all their products!

Anonymous said...

So much for focusing on the subject. Is it a fact that the whole union needs a double dose of Ritalin? Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
I agree with you about embracing China's work ethic with one exception. We should work for pizza only. Most Chinese manufacturers have their employees live on site, so if we get free pizza we do not need any money.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of China, why did Raytheon build a plant in Korea?

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever notice how stupid this blog gets when union members come around? The cant even focus on their own problems. The union is going to lose a hundred assembly positions because they are opening positions in Nogalez in two years. Any takers?

Anonymous said...

Talk about pay disparity and they talk ceo pay. Then it goes to china talk. They they are diverting the main issue of pay disparity among the labor ranks. Why? Could it be they cannot do anything because the assemblers have control of what the union fights for. Yep this is an assemblers union and that is why the skill labor doesn't need this union. Your so called "united" philosophy doesn't work when you favor the majority. We can only hope you go on strike again so we can enjoy the workplace without your constant whining about how unfair the company treats you. You should be lucky to be employed here. Most places won't hire you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Korea,
Ask metrology they are the ones who started this blog, started the decert petition, and helped make ready all the test equipment the company sent to Korea.

Anonymous said...

So you're sayin the ousters caused all the outsourcing?

Anonymous said...

"So you're sayin the ousters caused all the outsourcing?"


Anonymous said...

Not too sure that any Oustie has that kind of pull to decide what stays and what goes.

I think you give the cause too much credit if you believe that nonsense!

Anonymous said...

I can see it, cause and effect. If the company can buy you pigs with free pizza and koolaid, why shouldn't they think they can pay less to outsource?! After all you greedy pigs proved to them that working for free pizza and koolaid was cheaper than paying for better benefits and pay raises.
We all have seen your fathers, Doug Mckinney, Willie Stubbs, Pat Coyne, eat their share of free pizza. It's like watching piranhas at a feeding frenzy! Only they are more trust worthy!

Anonymous said...

If any job gets outsource it is because your union cannot provide a quality workforce. This union uses the most inept job representatives to determine what training is required for skilled fields. Most these job reps cannot do the job they are assigned to. Metrology is one example of this union farce. Most of these union trained people could not get a metrology job on the outside with their background. All they do is watch the engineer troubleshoot for them. Outsourcing is going to happen and it is the unions fault. Point the finger at your lodge Blunders ie Brothers.

Anonymous said...

LOL on Commietard's post blaming outsourcing on the ousties. Is your little Che hat too tight for you today?

Anonymous said...

Hey Commietard do you work for the company or for the union? I think the free pizza offered by the company is easier to swallow than what your union offers. And it is much cheaper! LOL!!! FYI get rid of that Che hat, you embarrass the real workers.

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that union stewards in 847 get some upskirt flashing by the assemblers.

Anonymous said...

I am an Oustie. When I got a big compamy achievement award I converted it to Pizza instead of cash and shared the entire award with my coworkers. Union as well as Non Union scarffed it down all the same. My steward didn't do like that. Call me selfish if you like. Actions speak louder than words. So what's your big complaint this contract?

Anonymous said...

At the meeting today, dont vote for the guy who got fired from his last job!

Anonymous said...

"So what's your big complaint this contract?"
Wage disparity, we all need to take a 50% pay cut so we can give more back to our CEO and shareholders.

Anonymous said...

who got fired from their job?

Anonymous said...

"who got fired from their job?"
You, wait for it.....

Anonymous said...

So nice to see Jimbo at the 9/11 get-together today.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone ever notice how stupid this blog gets when union members come around?"

They dumb everything down just like the CEP training requirements for skilled labor. No wonder the company takes advantage of them. The union won't fix anything; they don't know how and they won't listen. They can't even focus on the subject matter in the blog. Just imagine the wild directions they will take the debate during contract negotiations. I can hear it now. Company:" So you want a pay increase." Union:" We want to lower CEO pay!" I bet they settle for a 2% raise for all and call it a win. What a joke!

Michael Ruiz said...

Why is it that all of you cowards talk all this crap, but hide behind an anonymous login. If you believe in what you say, you should be damn proud of it, own up to it,and not care what anyone thinks about it.There is something about a person who hides behind a keyboard, wait lemme guess, for fear of retaliation, as opposed to a person who clearly speaks their opinion out in the open.Yeah, were gonna get boned again this contract, no doubt in my mind, but it wont be the unions fault, look around at greedy corporate America. Even they can SACK up and openly Have an opinion....more than I can say for you cheese eating rodents!Keep blaming whoever you want,if you dont like working in a unionized company, leave. go somewhere that you can negotiate your own wage.(good luck with that)Dont let the door hitcha where the good Lord splitcha!! I dont understand why you stay in such a horrible place.Oh yeah, cuz its really not that horrible, you just like to Beech and whine. Go get a job in the real world, and youll soon realize how well we all have it here. SACK up, or shut up!!!

Joe said...

It's not the unions fault. Damn coorporate America. How can I succeed without a Union insuring my piece of the coorporate pie. I just can't do it on my own. I can't negotiate my wage its just too complicated. I have Jimbo to do that for me. It's just not fair. I cant get a good job on the outside without this good ole union to protect me. I just keep making bad decisions. My house is over mortage due to the refinace loan to cover me during the strike. So I walk away from my loan, its ok. The union treasurer said it was a good way to get money to cover my bills while I hold the line. I believed him after all he was the treasurer at the time. He knows finances. Its not my fault. I also don't have to worry about posting my name on the net, I have my union pals to protect me from those cheese eating rats. After all they have no regard for personal property. I have no worries as long as I am a proud member in this machinist union. I make the best wages in america as an assembler and I have Jimbo and the Machinest union to thank for it. -Joe the union man

Anonymous said...

"Why is it that all of you cowards talk all this crap, but hide behind an anonymous login."

Whats more pathetic is a union coward hiding behind a bogus name. Mike we do have the same means as you do in looking up employees at raytheon. If you are going to spew crap then you better take some lessons from your union on how to cover up your lies. Jimbo should have some good pointers.

Oust933 said...

Michael R.: Sucking from the teat of socialism for all these years has twisted your thought processes.

Joe (plumber?): The union has brainwashed you into believing that you will be taken care of by the state. To both of you: pathetic & scared.

Take a bit of time and re-live some of the early blog history. Read back at the posts that prophesied what is happening today, this week and this month.

There is another brief window of opportunity to walk away from this coming up in just a matter of weeks.

Are you ready to take control of your own destiny?

Anonymous said...

Tell me who exactly is Michael Ruiz since he does not work for Raytheon nor is he a member of local 933?

Someone the 0ustie pigs made up?

Superbia Parti said...

Mr Ruiz is niether a member of the Ousties, nor apparently a worker at Raytheon. He is probably a fictional character made up to stir the pot. He can probably get better results talking the issues the workers face.

Anonymous said...

" Superbia Parti said...
Mr Ruiz is niether a member of the Ousties, nor apparently a worker at Raytheon. He is probably a fictional character made up to stir the pot. He can probably get better results talking the issues the workers face."

Thank you for admitting he was a fabrication by you 0ustie pigs. First time you actually told the truth maybe there is hope for you after all.

Superbia Parti said...

Anonymous from this morning, it's not the fabrication of any Oustie. Read Mr "Ruiz's" post again, it is a unionist posting. Unionists come here to stir the pot frequently, so your assertion is false.
Now, have your guys given in to mandatory 4-10s and abandoned the "traditional" 40 hour work week yet? I'm writing a piece about the 14 Oct strike vote now...what are you and your cronies willing to cave-in to this time? There won't be a strike, let me tell you what. And you won't get a good bargain neither, because you don't even know what to demand.

Anonymous said...

I always thought they demanded respect. After all the 2006 strike was all about that. Did they get it. NO! Not from the company and not from your peers. What a bunch of douches! All they can do is fabricate fictious names to post on this blog to stir the pot. At least for the sake of your "respect" show us you can debate the issue on why we need your union. The company is laughing and the non-union is laughing at you as well. Prove us wrong if you have the guts.

Anonymous said...

"And you won't get a good bargain neither, because you don't even know what to demand"

First off you jack arses are the ones who wanted and brought about the 4-10's, second we don't care and third we will be demanding paying cuts just to make you miserable. After all youi are the ones who constantly state we aren't worth it.

Anonymous said...

"First off you jack arses are the ones who wanted and brought about the 4-10's"
You mean those of us who have no voice and couldn't decertify this joke of a union had the power to bring us 4-10s?
This is why you jerks can't get respect. You must be the same unionist beavis who wrote the mike ruiz post and then said it was an oustie.
Go ahead and cut pay, we'll all quit the company, and they'll move production to Redstone.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and cut pay, we'll all quit the company, and they'll move production to Redstone."

Swine, now we know your true agenda!

Oust933 said...

Anon. Sep 29, 2012 7:49:00 PM:

Re: Respect, and the 2006 strike.

Yes, that strike was about respect; just look at how much respect for this bargaining unit membership has been lost as a result, not to mention the thousands of dollars lost for each household that participated in that feeble attempt at a labor action.

SP is right; there's no way this local will pull that trick again.

They'll vote heavily in favor of a strike sanction vote, but read between the lines to see just how many total votes that will be cast.

Anonymous said...

With all the gloom and doom printed on the Union tracts littered in the break rooms I’d say the union is hurting for members. Free membership? Not free after trial period if you signed for payroll deduction. Union Lie. Only cost 3hr per week out your pay. I would add it up and see what you get for your money. With their track record you are still in the hole. If they really want members they should point out what membership in the union will provide. Oh wait let’s see… what is it do they provide?
Don’t cave in to this cult.

Oust933 said...

I think it's time to roll back the hands of time and replay some of the greatest hits of Oust933!

Oust 933 from years ago!

Has there been any change?

Are these reasons still valid?
