Friday, October 8, 2010

The Heart of Democracy

On November 2nd, Arizonans will have a chance to defend democracy from thieves who would steal it. Arizona decides if the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) really supports free choice. It doesn’t matter if you are pro-union or anti-union in this fight. The only thing that really matters is how you feel about protecting your freedom of choice without the possibility of coercion. Our nation’s fathers wisely figured that the secret ballot was the only way to assure the will of the people could be known. Your right to a secret ballot is a distinct American privilege. The EFCA tries to chip away at that right in the name of protecting workers. In fact, some of the ideas in the EFCA really are good, but there is no justification to give up your secret ballot.

The arguments have been brewing on both sides of this issue for years. The supporters of EFCA are out of step with the American Constitution. At the federal level, liberal actors are telling us that they need our vote to let unions have a fair chance at organizing the workers for the workers sake. They are pushing hard for the EFCA which would let union organizers pass out signature cards at a workplace that have the power with enough signatures, to instantly have a union recognized, without having an election. It sounds good for the workers, and they say if there are enough people who support starting a union, who needs a secret ballot? America does!!! This is just one more example of how we must be vigilant against the erosion of our rights. Why do they fight against a formality that guarantees your liberty?

When you examine the EFCA, the vast majority of the bill has merit. Article three says that following a union being certified, the union can make the company begin negotiations within ten days. Article four says it would make the NLRB come down on employers who discriminate against employees who try organize a union.
These are good ideas that every fair minded person could negotiate. But the poison pill in the bill, the idea that ruins the whole thing is article two. Article two would allow the recognition of a union as their collective bargaining agent if a majority of employees sign cards stating they want the union to represent them. That’s equivelent to “if enough people sign cards, we the people can impeach Obama.” It may sound good, but that’s not how America is supposed to work. Ben Franklin said something that resembles “Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.”

The Arizona legislature has given you a chance to protect your rights from the liberals on capitol hill, and to put the power back in the hands of the people. Make old Ben proud, and vote YES on Arizona Proposition 113 this November 2nd.


Anonymous said...

"On November 2nd, Arizonans will have a chance to defend democracy from thieves who would steal it."

so what happened all the other times.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Since it seems like the apathy has raised its ungly head once again, let's revisit some relics in this battle, shall we??

Why is it I have the last stanza to the 60's classic "Mrs. Robinson" rummaging thru my brain as I read these??

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
A nation turns it's lonely eyes to you (Woo, woo, woo)
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Joltin' Joe has left and gone away
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Anonymous said...

So where are you, hero? Are you going to sing to us? Or are you going to lead the band?

Ye of little faith. Yes some have walked away. Others are plotting volume two. The union would want to defuse this, but it could only be through cooperation. We warned O@TR and his crew that this would never happen. See? WTYS!

Stay tuned to another episode of...Survivor Sonora.

Anonymous said...

• In Arizona, union membership was 7.9 percent in 2009, representing 194,000 workers. That's a drop from 9.8 percent of the work force in 2008, representing 254,000 workers.

• National union membership was 12.3 percent in 2009.

• Older workers are more likely to be in unions. Workers ages 55 to 64 had a 16.6 percent union membership rate, versus 4.4 percent membership for workers ages 16 to 24.

Anonymous said...

Then it is just a matter of time before this union goes away. Who really believes the union does anything anyway?

Anonymous said...

This union will NOT go away on its own! Current members must consciously choose NOT to remain in the group. Being complacent is what gives the organization the opportunity to survive.


Anonymous said...

I see those who use YouTube as a discussion aide have returned once again to our blog.

Debate-team bench-warmer??

Thrilling discussion yet again.

I'll check in about a week from now.

Superbia Parti said...

Silly YouTube posts deleted.

Anonymous said...

Anon. Oct 10, 2010 2:29:00 PM

"Or are you going to lead the band?"

"Others are plotting volume two."


C'mon, now - don't leave us hangin'! Do we have a leader in our midst?

Anonymous said...

I’m your huckleberry!

Anonymous said...

if you are our huckleberry, come out from the shadows and be the liaison for the cause.

Anonymous said...

"C'mon, now - don't leave us hangin'! Do we have a leader in our midst?"

Oct 24, 2010 4:50:00 AM

"if you are our huckleberry, come out from the shadows and be the liaison for the cause."

Oct 24, 2010 10:29:00 AM

Don't have the balls to do that yourself?

Anonymous said...

I noticed you have a lot of tuber posters, so consider this:
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Anonymous said...

Now consider this as well:
"Well hello Clarice..."

"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."

Anonymous said...

Just one more, this time no cute video:
"A person who has no conscience cannot be reasoned with, or pleaded with. They may be capable of great cruelty."

Anonymous said...

Now you want details, names, etc... Too bad. I like anonymity. It serves me well, it makes some live in doubt, some in fear, but all in distrust.
That I will use to accomplish the goal you could not.
There will be no frivilous paper petition to sign that those fear of others discovering. I have a better plan. Conquer by dividing & destroying, permanently.
The end to the means is all that matters,no bickering, no petition,and no more games.

These best describe me, I have the heart of Inigo Montoya, relentless I will never quit. I have the conscience of Hannibal Lecter I do not care who gets in the way, ruined or destroyed.

It is tempting to say about the efficiency of
the nasty person what Kant says about the “coolness of a
scoundrel,” that it “makes him not only far
more dangerous but also immediately more
abominable in our eyes” (Kant 1785, Ak. 4:
394). When Aristotle writes about cleverness
(deinotes), “which is such as to be able to do
the actions that tend to promote whatever end
is assumed and to attain them,”

Anonymous said...

Ohh puhleeeeease! Get a pair already.

Anonymous said...

That is why you fail!

Anonymous said...

"The end to the means is all that matters,no bickering, no petition,and no more games."

You are the huckleberry? No petition? Not legal, I'm afraid.

"Conquer by dividing & destroying, permanently."

In the club, or out of the club. That part we know.

Anonymous said...

Yes but talk is cheap. These sheeple have too many union friends, that they have known for far too long, that is what makes the transition too hard for them.
Watch what happens when they turn their backs on each other, and they will soon start doing just that. Some already have.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Read the earlier post, I DO NOT CARE about legalities or anything else but the means to the end.

Anonymous said...

Hey Huckleberry!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Oct 24, 2010 10:54:00 PM said...

"I DO NOT CARE about legalities or anything else but the means to the end."

Agree with your statements; especially about the closeness of the clan members, yet I fear that your comprehension of the situation is a bit naïve and maybe reckless.

Nevertheless, how do we help?

Anonymous said...

"I DO NOT CARE about legalities or anything else but the means to the end."

This is why you will fail. You are dealing with federal law here kiddo. If you like your job, obey it. Your childish tantrums will do nothing. Organised workers can choose to have a union, or remove one, but it must be done in accordance with US law.

Anonymous said...

""These best describe me, I have the heart of Inigo Montoya, relentless I will never quit. I have the conscience of Hannibal Lecter I do not care who gets in the way, ruined or destroyed.""

Ramon R.(Agent Smith, Ha-Ha)? Are you tired of your youtube comments and rebuttals? Are you comming out of your union closet to take over John the stewards role? Do you really think you have any creadiblity at all to do such a task?

"" I like anonymity. It serves me well, it makes some live in doubt, some in fear, but all in distrust.
That I will use to accomplish the goal you could not.

Sorry about dropping your name however I think its fair to play by your rules. I also know you will accomplish nothing.

BTW- A film clip or movie is not healthy way to govern your life.

Anonymous said...

You may think or say what you like about my comments, however do not insult me by accusing or even comparing me to ramon or any other union member. Look closer and dig deeper you will find I am indeed NOT a union member or affiliated in any way with them.

First of all ramon is not that intelligent, neither are his counter parts. The Youtube references were strictly for tubers who visit here and think it's cute. I have had my own blog since 2005, had my own website in college and even had posted against this union when they struck against the company in '06.

So if this is too much for you to take in all at once so be it. I can still accomplish the tasks at hand with or without you, but do not complain when I run over you in the process as well. As I stated earlier I do not care who gets in the way or damaged in the process.

Game On!

Anonymous said...

To "Game On",
It must be working already.
I see a lot of treachery among their ranks. There seems to be more of member-on-member than against non-members.
Times -they are a gettin' desperate- I see 'em nitpickin' everything and anybody in 801!
I hear some of the "lifers" sayin
"enuf iz enuf!"
So, whatever your plan-how can we help? GO GAMER!!

Anonymous said...

To "Game On",

You, out for you have your steak cut. Read the Gaga, and obey our goal. Seek Yoda. The majority you can get, need all you.

Anonymous said...

Rumors, Rumors,& more Rumors.

Anonymous said...

"Game on" you are right; I am wrong to accuse you of being Ramon. Its true he is not intelligent enough to engage in a healthy debate let alone mastering any union position he managed to obtain. He is known on our blog for his use of youtube clips to communicate his thoughts. Lately its muppets. You've got to wonder where his mind is. Anyway as stated by another poster your plan is naive and without thought. We welcome your help however it must be done legally. Another thing, please provide a link to your blog you've had since 2005 otherwise your credibility is at the same level as Ramon's.

Oust 933 said...

"I see a lot of treachery among their ranks. There seems to be more of member-on-member than against non-members."

I must give "Game On" (c'mon, better handle than that??) a bit of credit; he's only a reporter, nothing else.

That member-on-member treachery are the hard-core members vainly attempting to keep the wavering masses from jumping off a sinking ship. As contract discussions begin amongst the leadership of the union, the hangers-on will wait with baited breath each nugget of information and wisdom provided. A few of those need to stop by here and invest a bit of time and learn our teachings.

"I hear some of the "lifers" sayin' "enuf iz enuf!""

Since they've "been there, done that", maybe some of the young punks should listen to their elders at this time.

Anonymous said...

Game On!

Anonymous said...

Where is John? Has he deserted us?

Anonymous said...

The web steward no longer participates.

Anonymous said...

Who is this "Bubba-Joe"? Is he our "Huckleberry"?

Anonymous said...

From the Oct 29, 2010 6:49:00 PM post I'd say someone thinks he's l33t or a sp( @ )( @ )k!

Anonymous said...

Bubba-Joe where were you from Dec 06 until you recently came here asking who to follow? So you posted one time on your blog about the union. Big deal! You didn't follow through.

Anonymous said...

Isn't everyone a bit of a sp( @ )( @ )k around Halloween?

Anonymous said...

Don't do it.....unless they give you candy...

Anonymous said...

Trick or Treat

Anonymous said...

Where were you?

First look at my post and date,
The truth behind IAM 933...

Now look at yours,
Time to Dump 933,/ Why I Started the Petition

It is clear your agenda was to decertify and scrap the union from the start. While I whole heartedly support and agree with you that was not my goal. Mine was simply to state the facts and show how these misguided people were being duped and lied to.
There are also other things I have had to take into to consideration,but timing is everything and until recently that was not it.

Secondly as I said previously I like my anonymity. I would not have presented you with my link except for the issue of credibility. In fact I believe I have already given far too much information about myself away.

As far as following through, I have been following your blog, posting to it and supporting your position on the floor since the strike.
I have also been actively helping to get things set in place and waiting for the moment to arrive.

Lastly I did not ask anyone for anything, you did. Look at your posts, it is obvious that you are struggling.
You already failed with the petiton, and you cannot unite your own people never the less lead the hourly workforce.
You are unwilling to do what is necessary to win. This is why you fail, it is also why you will continue to fail. You automatically assume that I came here wanting
followers or that I have done nothing to help the cause.

I have spent the last 3 yrs studying my enemies and making plans to meet them in battle,you have spent the last 3 yrs wasting precious time. You my friend would not last the first week in battle, I came here to offer strategies that will work,but I am not sure you are ready for them.

All I can say is have fun on the outside looking in.

Game On!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight - Game On / Bubba Joe is salaried??

Who do we need to talk to in order to get this solved??

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused

Anonymous said...

sed iacet aggeribus niveis informis et alto terra gelu

Anonymous said...

Rust Never Sleeps..................................................

Anonymous said...

Proposition 113 (card check) another nail in the coffin of unionists statewide.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of the 0usties I would like to take this time to thank the Union for getting us our latest pay raise

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Looks like you'll be busy for quite some time, weeks perhaps. After all you pigs have such big fat a$$e$. Then again if I were as lazy as you bozo's I'd have a biggun too!

Anonymous said...

Bubba Joe, the owner of the blog doesnt even show up here hardly any more. But he' probably watching this. I dont think you will do much. While we took a stand, you wavered. You wanted your anonymity so much that you didn't join us when you could have made a difference. Thanks, but really, do you think you are going lead the ousties when you chose not to get more involved last time? And then you say WE were unwilling to do what was nessesary? What balls! (Not) You only spent the last three years studying your fear. Go ahead, mention strategies, but your delivery being public is all for show. You'll get more done playing mafia wars on facebook dude.

Anonymous said...

Cool.....Another 0ustie Blog!

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. You got a new kid on the block and you are blaming him for your failure?!!
You guys are too much!!!
Poor Unfortunate 0usties

Anonymous said...

". you are blaming him for your failure?!!"

No. he did. he blogged before me. but did he flyer the parking lots in Jan 08? or print and pass out petitions,, and collect them? I don't know. ask him. oh thats right. he spent three years studying his enemies.

"There are also other things I have had to take into to consideration,but timing is everything and until recently that was not it."


Anonymous said...

We need to focus and stop the infighting. Right now you are feeding the enjoyment of the union maggot. He is happy with the paltry raise the union negotiated for us hourly.
It doesn’t take much to be a fellow oustie. Just common sense, awareness that the union is screwing us hourly, and a overwhelming desire to get rid of this representation. If Bubba Joe is against this union then he must be an oustie. Welcome to the group Bubba Joe.

Anonymous said...

I think you're wrong. I think you should be blaming his mother for giving birth to the suckwad!!!

Anonymous said...

Now a word from our sponsor...0ustie's The Musical

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my bad, not usually up this early, and....Now a word from our sponsor...0ustie's The Musical

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Whoooooaaa there cowboy how am I gonna use the 0usties as a role model for my younguns when you use that kind of language.

Anonymous said...

Gee, now using "grown-up" language is permitted?

I can see this is going to degrade quickly.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to this blog?
Seems there is nothing but random posts or garbage. What happened to the breakfast club? What does our future look like? Any plans being made? What when where and how????????

Anonymous said...

0usties Untie!
Now is the time for all good 0usties to join forces and plan to anhilliate the evel union umpire!!!!

Anonymous said...

Spell check; works even when you don't want to!!

Anonymous said...

0usties Untie!
Nov 10, 2010 4:54:00 AM

You are kidding right? This from the superior klan?!!

Anonymous said...

Untie.....Untie....OMG! Anyone could see it should've been Unite!.....Untie, what were you thinking of? That's too funny. Or.... are you messin wiff us?

Anonymous said...

NOT that the union is right about anything, but this one time it would have been good to have the right people join the union for 1 year and run for these offices.

meeting at 11:00 AM and nominations for the following:

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Recording Secretary
4. Secretary Treasure
5. Conductor/Sentinel
6. Trustee (3 positions)
7. Audit Committee (3 positions)
8. Lay members of executive board (9 positions)
9. Negotiating Committee (3 positions)
10. State Council of Machinist (6 positions)
11. Pima Area Federation (4 positions)
12. Arizona State AFL-CIO (4 positions)

Then WE would OWN this lame union,or at the very least CONTROL it.

Any non member file a grievance lately? Maybe it would be a good thing to keep them busy working on things that have to be paid by union members. Think about it.

Game On!

Anonymous said...

Bubba Joe - Guess you didn't do your Cause & Effect diagram on what you just proposed before posting it, did you?

Anonymous said...

Better than you know!

Game On!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Game On,

I don't read or look at this blog like I used to. I am chasing another rainbow. But tonight I decided to comment. In the past, I met with the Ousties & I met with the Union too. I will meet with them again. I categorically reject your ideas. Your approach to this blog is just going to get readers, not a decert. I can give you a few clues to why you won't succeed. No offence intended.

If you want to help the workers, call. The Union will help us, because they need help. But if you are going to be all fiesty with them, then you will fail. If what you want is justice for the workers, call me. You know how to reach me. I wont be on here much, but I will look more often now.


Anonymous said...

Game On; some of us are known by the union membership. We would be rejected for membership for our current stance. Your plan will fail to work.

If joining an organization solely for the purpose for dismembering it, do you think there might be some legal issues that you (as a union official) could be held liable for?

No, you did not think this through completely, you have not mastered the concepts of how things work. Therefore, your credibility is zero, as is your effectiveness.

Sad to say, Ousties & union members will agree on this topic.

Anonymous said...

"Any non member file a grievance lately? Maybe it would be a good thing to keep them busy working on things that have to be paid by union members. Think about it."

What a dumb idea. What does that gain you?

Anonymous said...

Reply to:
Nov 12, 2010 7:44:00 PM"

Well now, looks like we are not in Kansas anymore Toto.
Not with all this rainbow chasing.

Let me make myself clear.

1.I made suggestions only because the Ousties were asking for someone to take up the charge, read your blog.

2.It was the Oustie leadership who said they wanted to "get rid" of local 933, read your blog.

3.I stated several times now I was not trying to get a decert , but totally obliterate the union, read your blog.

4.The Oustie leaderships goal was to have no union so that each individual could negotiate for themselves,
I am not trying to help the workers I am trying to obliterate the union, read your blog.

5.I am not here for an audience, followers, or kudos, I am here to obliterate the union, read your blog

6.It appears to me that you and the other Oustie leadership have turned your backs on your people and are just trying to get the union to negotiate for you by pissing and moaning.In fact I get the impression you never did want the union decertified or gone, you just wanted to manipulate them as your personal little puppets.

Anonymous said...

"We would be rejected for membership for our current stance. Your plan will fail to work."

The union will take anyone back in membership, this they have already agreed upon. They need the numbers and want your money.

"do you think there might be some legal issues that you (as a union official) could be held liable for?"

Has anyone held them liable for mis-managing and not representing to the best of their ability?
This WOULD work.

"No, you did not think this through completely,
Sad to say, Ousties & union members will agree on this topic."

I have worked this out better than you think. I have not given all the specific details because I do not want certain individuals to get knowledge of it. These ideas are just a drop in the bucket. You have yet to see the whole picture.

At this point with all of the comments made here,it makes me wonder if the Union wasn't right about the Ousties.

Anonymous said...

Reply to:
"Nov 13, 2010 10:42:00 PM"

Since this blogs inception, I have posted to this blog 138 times before giving any hint of identity.

I have ensured the termination of one steward, and the discipline of another, whose fall is imminent.

I have also ensured the termination of 3 union members and the discipline of 11 others, my ideas DO work.

The idea is not dumb it has 8 different possible senarios and if you can not see the potential of it
then you do not need to be working in a missile factory because you are dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Your rants are inane at best.

There is one point that proves your failed concepts are little more than the bitter ravings of a salaried employee that regularly wipes up after the union:

"3.I stated several times now I was not trying to get a decert , but totally obliterate the union, read your blog."

De certification of a union means the union no longer represents the hourly labor force. There's been more than enough information here and elsewhere for those who wish to learn about that topic.

If we're working toward the same goal (I think we are, your later comment Ousties & the union leadership being summarily ignored!), then I think you need to see things from that hourly perspective.

If you can't (or won't) at least comprehend the situation here, there could be serious ramifications between yourself and this union for interference in the collective bargaining process.

God help you, friend, if your identity is ever disclosed. You can bet that after comments like that, the union goons will be hunting you down.

Not a threat. A promise.

Anonymous said...

"Unions as they have existed in the past are no longer relevant. Labor law of 40 years ago is not appropriate to 20th century economics." Pat Hill-Hubbard, senior vice-president of the American Electronics Association

Anonymous said...

We don't want a union!
We will start our own union!
We will bring in a different union!
It's the union's fault!
The union lied to us!
The union finally listened to us!
You can't interfere with the union!
Unions are useless!

You sound like WOMEN!!!!

Are you a bunch of sissy men?

Or do you have your heads so far up your ass or Bob Guth's ass that you cant see straight?

You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

Reply to:
"Well now, looks like we are not in Kansas anymore Toto."
Put down the bong, Bubba Joe. You suggested that you take charge, but you failed to lead. Read the blog. You say you had The Steward fired, that's absured. Read the blog. Your mastery of the english language is mediocre. The word "obliterate" doesn't fit, unless you are "postal." You are against the union but rant against the ousties, then want them to follow you. I say you're fickle. Read the blog. To sum it up, your comments really are

Anonymous said...

""""We don't want a union!
We will start our own union!
We will bring in a different union!
It's the union's fault!
The union lied to us!
The union finally listened to us!
You can't interfere with the union!
Unions are useless!""""

It just boils down to the fact that anything is better than having this current union represent us. You just are too dense to understand it.

Your posts here are;
Useless, Unwarranted, and a total waste of bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

Way 2 Go Game On!

Two union members fired last week.


Anonymous said...

Game On didn't get any body fired. Thats a crock of sh!t

Anonymous said...

Two union workers did get canned, was it because of lil' ole bubba?

I doubt it. Nice try though

Anonymous said...

This will be my last post.
The Nov 15, 2010 5:22:00 AM post was not mine, yes I took a few cheap shots at you, but you deserved them. You do not always adhere to your own words and lack consistency. However I would rather live in the muck and mire with any of you than spend a day on the most beautiful of beaches with a union member.

Believe what you will about me, it does not change what I have helped to accomplish or what I will continue to do. I have studied long and hard, I have been methodically maneuvering and as I said I have been setting things in place and waiting for the moment to arrive.

Within two months you will begin to see these things, within six to ten months some will think they have been devastated.

I had nothing to do with the last two terminations, you should know there are three salaried posting to this blog. I know who your blog troll is, it is not who you think, and there are more than one.

I will be contacting the webmaster and others at your personal e-mails, they were not hard to find.

I wish you my best.
Game On!

"Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It's all about timing." - Stacey Charter

Anonymous said...

Hey Bubba

How about updating your blog with your ideas for
union destruction. If it looks good we might add your blog to the links.


Waiting on that email you promised.

Anonymous said...

Game on is full of Cr8p

Anonymous said...

Gameon is a union troll.

Anonymous said...

We work in the dark, We do what we can, We give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the maddness of art.


Anonymous said...


We get someone willing to help get rid of the union and what do some of you do? Ridicule and chase him off.
The only thing I saw, was that he asked if anyone filed a grievance, he was only suggesting.
I agree some things he said were pretty radical and hard to believe, but he was willing to to the chances we should have let him. In fact he would have been the one to take the fall or fail no one else.

Anonymous said...

you come in spewing garbage, it dont fly. we believe in equal oportunity. make proposals. be serious. be legit. thats how we roll.

Anonymous said...

Whats this? More union lies? Didn't get your fill of lies in 2006 or the last contract. You probably voted yes for the lousy contract we now have. You voted yes because Watson told you to vote yes. You have no independent thought. And you know darn well that You and your union are known for lack of integrety. Talking about theives... The only theives I know are located at 369 W. Ajo.

Anonymous said...

"Whats this? More union lies? Didn't get your fill of lies in 2006 or the last contract. You probably voted yes for the lousy contract we now have. You voted yes because Watson told you to vote yes."

Ok so you are saying if a no vote was placed on the "lousy" contract you would have been willing to go on strike? You don't have the balls.

Anonymous said...

"Whats this? More union lies?Nov 20, 2010 7:05:00 PM"

Want to talk about lies....okay how bout this:

"Anonymous said...
I could not believe it, most of my friends were in line ahead of me! Even the Union Shop Steward!
Nov 9, 2008 10:00:00 AM"

There were **NO UNION STEWARDS** that crossed and that's a **FACT**.

You guys have been posting lies since day one and sadly no one has called you on it.

Your Mr.Fred has made known to certain individuals in 801 that he hates Mr.Pat & was delighted when he got turned in to HR, he also got in an argument with one of the stewards and told him (loud enough for all to hear) that he needed to be careful or he'd take him to HR "ALSO" as in = too, as well, in addition to, you are not the first!

So cut the crap your own people hate each other. In fact I'd bet your own mothers don't love you!

Makes me wonder if Mr.Fred turned in your porno pig Billy Watts, keep up the good work Fred!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Whats this? More union lies?Nov 20, 2010 7:05:00 PM"

Want to talk about lies....okay how bout this:

Taken from oust website:

"Iamnot933 Blog by an individual that did "hold the line" during the 2006 strike while experiencing lack of union support"

Everyone knows that IAMNOT933 is Gary Leatherman who started the oust group. Everyone who knows anything about him knows he was **NOT** amember when we went on strike, yes he stayed out 1 week, but as a SCAB & only as a SCAB!

Here's a post from him:

"IAM NOT 933 said...
All union members should contact their stewards and ask WHY ARE WE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR RESULTS SHARING?!!! If the union had your best interests at heart we would also be rewarded.

Feb 28, 2008 11:31:00 PM"

This was answered and **ANYONE** can go to HR and ask,
the company said either pay raise or RONA **NOT** both. This was not the unions choice!

So take **YOUR LIES** and shove it!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Whats this? More union lies?Nov 20, 2010 7:05:00 PM"

Want to talk about lies....okay how bout this:

"Anonymous said...
You sign up to help by passing the word around to like-minded hourly members of your work team about our cause and this and other blogs and web pages.
"Together we will achieve more!"
Nov 9, 2008 7:03:00 PM"

Or this:

"Anonymous said...Tonight we're meeting at the TTT truckstop to count the 83 pallets of boxes full of petitions against your little fleecing outfit. Also we'll be at the scales weighing them to see how much tonnage we must pay to ship them to the NLRB.
Aug 29, 2009 3:30:00 PM"

And this:

"Superbia Parti said...
Tonight we counted signatures. We think we have enough signatures to send in a Form NLRB 502 (3-96) to see if we qualify for an election. It's not as it might seem. It might really be over now. I don't know.
Aug 29, 2009 9:55:00 PM"

So exactly how does.....

"Together we will achieve more!"

equate to you pigs bailing out on all the other non metrology people you tried to seperate from the group?

What about the comments you had 83 pallets of boxes full of petitons?

Seems to me you pigs not only lie but you are selling out the rest hourly workforce in the process.

Is it just a coincidence that all the leaders and founding members of the ousters all work in metrology?

Is it also just a coincidence that all the leaders tried to seperate just the metrology people?

I think not. It is apparent you are not only watching out only for yourselves, but you have never had any intention on doing what is best for the workforce period.

You are a bunch of **LYING** **SELFISH** **PIGS**

Anonymous said...

To: Nov 21, 2010 9:12:00 PM,

Although Gary had his hands full of Oustie work, the individual signed on as IAMNOT933 is not, nor ever was Gary. He was a union member during the strike, and stood out there with you for a very long time. Until he changed his mind. Read his blog, what date did he start? Why don't you read it again, now that you know it's not Gary. Your guessing about the Ousties does you just as much good as calling us names.

You didn't really fall for 83 pallets full of petitions, did you?! Don't let anyone ever tell you that you have a sense of humor. Or for that matter, any sense. A Ream of paper has 500 sheets. If EVERYONE in labor signed, there would be four reams. Do you know how much space that takes up? SSHHHHH! Our secret,(whisper) just between us, all of them fit in a small cardbord box. They were not lying to you, they were taunting you.

The union officers who met with the Ousties know they are not just out for one class of workers. They made a set of charts to illustrate how bad most workers took it in the shorts for the few who got "super-raises".

I bet you are in one of those fields. Your argument that the cal-techs abandoned the rest is simply not supported by the facts, I don't care how much you cry, pout, or call names.

I fully understand you wouldn't save me if I were on fire. It would be because I became qwenched in the blaze as I put you out, and you were unable to help. Peace out.

Anonymous said...

Since you say you are in the know...Did mr fred turn in mr.pat or did you turn in mr. pat or is the whole thing a made up union lie. I think it never happened. As it is now you are still batting zero on your integrety level.

Anonymous said...


Look at the facts, the pdf WIPO case shows that Gary Leatherman leases the website from Go
Gary has stated he is the webmaster, that he always posts as IAM933.NET,
his blog profile shows his web page as

You can **LIE** all you want! We are not that gullible and if you think different you have brain damage!
NO union member would give this much notoriety or publicity to his or your trash. The only reason I do so now is to expose your Bullsheet!
If you had started your efforts without the **DECEIT & LIES** you may have won more support,as it was said earlier, You pigs don't or can't even live up to your own rules.

Note his web page

Anonymous said...

hey troll

your blogger link doesn't work.

You're still at zero on your crediblity level.

you are not the sharpest tool in the union woodshed.
LOL on you!

Trolling for 0usties! said...

"Nov 21, 2010 10:58:00 PM"


You can delete this post as many times as you wish, I'll keep posting it!

So you think the guy here saying he's gonna moderate the blog as the "Blog Nazi" is a union member huh?

"IAM933.NET said... does not condone personal attacks on certain individuals regarding their personality and professional shortcomings. We’ve talked to the blog owners and they are aware of this.
If anyone name drops or jabs at certain individuals union or otherwise the webmaster of will de-link this blog until there is moderation. Keep the content of your comments on track. If you can't behave then "No More Blog for You!" You may now call me the "Blog Nazi"
Aug 6, 2009 3:25:00 PM"

Trolling for 0usties! said...

"Nov 21, 2010 10:58:00 PM"

What about the this post here:

" said...
"First of all always I post under because I am the website owner. I volunteer my time and money to as webmaster for this website because I believe this to be a noble and just cause." I decided not to de-link this blog. If you want the details in 1997 you ask me in person. You think I and Willie are the only ring leaders. The movement is much larger than you think
Aug 16, 2009 9:27:00 PM"

Are you saying this is a union member?! I don't think so!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed at the amount of vomit you will spew just to win a silly argument. Just because IAMNOT933 claims as "his" page, doesnt mean he owns it, you dork. IAMNOT933 WAS a union member, not IS a union member. You will cry foul regardless. If Gary owns that blog, why did it start in '08? Didn't you say he " started the oust movement?" So who started this page in Nov '07? (
Or this (
What seems to you a lie is simply the fact that you can't figure this stuff out. You are a mental midget that chooses to call out liar to whatever you don't understand. I pity you. But keep trying. At least you are dedicated to something.

Anonymous said...

IAMNOT933 and are not the same. read again. IAMNOT933 and are not the same. read again.IAMNOT933 and are not the same. read again.IAMNOT933 and are not the same. read again.IAMNOT933 and are not the same. read again.IAMNOT933 and are not the same.

Anonymous said...

Is this what it comes down to??

At some point, you knew this day would come; it seems as if it has.

Anonymous said...

""Is this what it comes down to??

At some point, you knew this day would come; it seems as if it has.""

Yes it has. "Happy Thanksgiving Holiday"

Anonymous said...

I hear an angry steward (DS) is harrrasing ousties for going to work if called by beeper! He says thats "illegal". I say BS! When his boys are out milking the company, he says nothing. But when a guy just does his job after his employer calls him and asks a favor, he whines like a baby.
Supervision can beep any time. If the worker takes the job, its nobody elses business.

Anonymous said...

"going to work if called by beeper! He says thats "illegal"."

Call in work is different from scheduled OT and not illegal. However if you are asked by the company to keep your pager on you should technically be paid for being on call. If you are not asked to keep your pager on but do so, then it's your choice. Be aware habits can be hard to break. Supervisors have your home home phone numbers as well and there have been issues when they have constantly called on weekends etc..

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, turkeys!

Anonymous said...

Deny this all you want This is Gary's reply:

Ok I decided to check the blog out. You union guys are very entertaining. I wanted to see how this subject would blown up out of proportion because you guys like the union have a hard time with the actual truth. First of all always I post under because I am the website owner. I volunteer my time and money to as webmaster for this website because I believe this to be a noble and just cause. I do not run the blogs so you will have to figure those people out for yourselves. I also decided not to de-link this blog due to you’re your problems with the truth. If you want the details in 1997 you ask me in person. Right now I will say my only break in service for 26 years was for 1 week during your successful strike. You think I and Willie are the only ring leaders. The movement is much larger than you think and also includes current union members. We have no leaders just a lot of people fed up with your antics. Until then…"
Aug 16, 2009 9:27:00 PM"


Notice these items in particular:

"I post under because **I am the website owner**.
**I volunteer my time** and money to as **webmaster** for this website"

"If you want the details in 1997 you **ask me** in person. Right now I will say **my only break in service for 26 years** was for 1 week during your successful strike."

Now you say IAMNOT933 & IAM933,net are not the same. Do you have a Poser amongst you?!!

I am supposed to believe you tell nothing but the truth?!!

Bite Me!

Anonymous said...

The website started November 16, 2007 by Gary, this current blog and petition were started by Willie Stubbs a.k.a. Decertify 933 Committee on MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 2007.

Although he posted "why I started the petition" on THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2007 at 2:20 PM. I sure hope he wasn't using company assets to try to decert or on company time.

For more details just Google willie333 tucson follow all of his links (
you'll see his posts, from there it's not hard to connect the dots, and before you get anal...

These are ALL in the public domain where THEY THEMSELVES posted it.

Now just for fun would you like to know the identity of

Anonymous said...

"Nov 29, 2010 4:44:00 PM"

Could you show the date-time of those posts you claim link the two identities to the same person?

Anonymous said...

"They can begin by admitting they did wrong today, and that they will correct the situation "for sure" before we even think of backing off. There are hundreds of signatures in our hands. It's just a matter of time. We don't take "we'll try" for an answer. The union has the power to mold the paychecks in negotiations, as long as they stay within the budget that the Company will accept, and it lets the Company hire the talent it needs in each field. That brings me to a different point. The one brought up on the original post.

What is the union going to do about the Company putting salaried workers in Tester positions this fall? It's going to happen. Is the union going to strike over this? Is the union going to reshape wages so the technical fields can be hired? Or is the Company going to force the union's hand by letting engineers do touch labor and tell the union to shove it if they wont let the Company pay fair labor rates? The union is in a conundrum. I plan to work through the strike along with 1500 union and non-union workers when this happens.

REPEAT! Read the news! The Company is going to replace touch labor this fall! Engineers are going to do Testers work! The union can't do a thing! The crossing union members will finally come out of their sleep when they see first hand how much the union lied. And if the union doesn't strike, the workers will see it as the union putting their tails between their legs and running off like a scared pup. There is no way out. This union is finished.

So Jeff, you can keep talking about Gary and Willie. Those guys are but a small part of this movement. We've infiltrated the union and are getting advance notice on some things. And we laugh. We see the thrashings of a retarded union scared of the ghosts who they can't see. They don't answer to anyone. Some of us joined recently.
It's a small investment to get into the monster. You're infected. You're owned. You're doomed.
Aug 16, 2009 6:47:00 PM"

So Jeff, you can keep talking about

Gary and Willie.

Those guys are but a small part of this movement.
We've infiltrated the union and are getting advance notice on some things. And we laugh. We see the thrashings of a retarded union scared of the ghosts who they can't see. They don't answer to anyone. Some of us joined recently.
It's a small investment to get into the monster.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

So Jeff, you can keep talking about

Gary and Willie.

Those guys are but a small part of this movement.
We've infiltrated the union and are getting advance notice on some things. And we laugh. We see the thrashings of a retarded union scared of the ghosts who they can't see. They don't answer to anyone. Some of us joined recently.
It's a small investment to get into the monster.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.

Anonymous said...

lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied
There are hundreds of signatures in our hands.
lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied

the union lied

There is no way out. This union is finished.

you can keep talking about

Gary and Willie.

Those guys are but a small part of this movement.
We've infiltrated the union and are getting advance notice on some things. And we laugh

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.
"Aug 16, 2009 6:47:00 PM"

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.
"Aug 16, 2009 6:47:00 PM"

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.
"Aug 16, 2009 6:47:00 PM"

lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.
"Aug 16, 2009 6:47:00 PM"
lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied

lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied lied
We've infiltrated the union

you can keep talking about

Gary and Willie.

You're infected.

You're owned.

You're doomed.
"Aug 16, 2009 6:47:00 PM"

Anonymous said...

Wow, those last two look like a lame union tactic. You must be that neo-oustie.

Anonymous said...

"Ive fallen and I cant get up." Is that pro or anti union?!!! It all is pretty anonymos to me! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

On Nov 30, 2010 5:17:00 AM someone said:

"So Jeff, you can keep talking about Gary and Willie."

I hope you were talking about another Jeff. I have not posted here in a LONG time. Mostly due to the rants here have all been local issues, not unionism as a whole. Since I do not work at your place of employment, I can not comment on those things.

Just felt I needed to clear that up. I hope you have a great day!

In solidarity,

Go IAM!!!

Anonymous said...

“it takes a thorn to pull a thorn”

Anonymous said...

“it takes a thorn to pull a thorn”

Excellent Quote

They (the union) are more concerned with who the ousties are, what they do, and whom they try to turn into HR on bogus issues. They totally forgot the prime issue of fixing the pay disparity within the hourly ranks. Talk about lack of focus.
Until they wake up and smell the roses we will still be a thorn.

Our blog troll must be a happy overpaid assembler.

Anonymous said...

Most likely he's the one that claimed the ousties got him fired for not doing his his job. Wouldn't that be a hoot!

Oust 933 Now said...

A wise man wrote: "They totally forgot the prime issue of fixing the pay disparity within the hourly ranks. Talk about lack of focus. Until they wake up and smell the roses we will still be a thorn."

Much as I agree, they didn't forget at all. They're hopeful that we'll shut up and play along.

'You don't play until you pay' is their mantra to us. Still.

Until the union is eliminated, this conundrum will persist.

Anonymous said...

I think it's time we name our troll and expose his actions. I say we call him

Anonymous said...

Happy Hanukkah Jeff, and have a great Christmas. I havent seen you around here for ages. Are you still checking this blog out? And the same to all you bloggers out there on both sides of the big question. Whoever wrote "It takes a thorn" thats a pretty cool quote. I heard it many years ago, but how does it relate to this blog? I'm still curious about meeting and talking about these issues. I see some stuff written that isn't helping. I'm available for breakfast, as I have been since March. Any takers?


Anonymous said...

Yes Jeff
Our issues are local only. We are represented by a assemblers union which miss-labels itself as a machinist and aerospace workers union.

You have a great holiday.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good evening

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to all of you reading this bog!

I have been reading this blog for a long time, and will continue to read it. There are some good points brought up by both sides, as well as some points that are just false or crazy.

Someone posted: "Our issues are local only. We are represented by a assemblers union which miss-labels itself as a machinist and aerospace workers union."

Are you not aerospace workers at your place of employment? Are you a true machinist?

The IAM represents a wide variety of craftspeople. Both skilled and unskilled. But everyone represented is afforded the same representation. You can't tell me that you believe you are more important than any of the other workers at your plant.

United is the only way to stand.

As always,


Anonymous said...

Merry Freakin Xmas To You Too Jeff!

Corporate Profit$ Are At An All Time High,
Obama Raises Taxe$ On Poor To Pay For The Wealthy,
And Now Gov. Cuomo Will Spend $4M To Fight A War Against The Union,
Because It's All There Damn Fault!
Now You Want To Talk Pleasantries?! Hmmmmmmmmmm!

I Think You Need To Go Back To School Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Jeff:” But everyone represented is afforded the same representation."

Your statement is only valid in a utopian one worker does all company. Several of the job classifications require high level training or collage education to do their job. Please don't give us that naive "everyone has the same representation." The bulk of the union is assemblers and only they have the weight on the voting rights. Thus this union concept is flawed in representation (pay) when it comes to the other fewer skilled job classifications. Yes I do believe I should make more money then I am making now and allot more then the assemblers.
Do you want your family physician to make the same as your garbage man?

Anonymous said...

"Do you want your family physician to make the same as your garbage man?"

C'mon Jeff will admit readily that if that garbageman is represented, that he SHOULD make nearly as much as thee physician.

The garbageman takes six months to learn his job, the physician at 10 years.

Dispute that logic, Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Okay you're right, but the garbageman is worth more than you and can do better work!

Anonymous said...

The garbageman has but one skill; loading trash into the truck.

There are some of my co-workers who I think don't even possess that much skill.

Anonymous said...

Garbage haulibg s an unskilled job, numbskull. You must not have a mother, for thinking unsklled labor is worth more than skilled labor.

Anonymous said...

Howard Hughes was once asked during a tour of Hughes Aircraft;" How many people work for you?" His responce "About 25%"

I would tend to believe that 25% is the percentage of non union workers at that time.

Anonymous said...

See Jeff,

There are only 3 ways to make more money or move up in the company.
Become an elected union official, a hourly assembler, or change your name to Kimberly and "really suck" up to your boss.

Anonymous said...

Dec 10, 2010 5:53:00 AM "You must not have a mother, for thinking unsklled labor is worth more than skilled labor."

When did assembly become a 'skilled' occupation? Didn't the original Career Enrichment Program portray that very thought?

There is a faction of socialists that think that very thought.

A few of them actually work along side of you and a card-carrying unionists.

EVERY position in the hourly ranks is 'unskilled' labor, in case you didn't realize that.