Saturday, August 14, 2010

Look in the Mirror

Message to self: Take a break and watch what happens. Oustie@TR hasn't gotten his meeting he talked about, John has practically disappeared, and there is a bunch of bickering on here like always. Racism, Communism, and Obamaism are all thrown around here like that is going to fix anything. Oustie@TR, you said we were going to have talks with the Union...what happend? If my memory serves me right, last time you met them was sometime in March? Its August already, if you havent noticed. You, Willie, and the Union Guys have had all summer. What are you waiting for? The return of Cesar Chavez holding John D Rockafeller's hand in the clouds?

Union guys, if you want the problem with the Ousties to get fixed, then I suggest you get dealing with those Ousties that went to dine with you. You had agreed that their ideas could help. The Ousties have mentioned a plan but are held up for something. Help 'em out. Months ago I read comments on this blog regarding talks with the union, saying "dont do it, they want to stall you." Lets see some good faith effort to get things moving again. Look in the mirror. Are you doing everything you can for all the workers?


Anonymous said...

The comment above is a good example of why hard workers don't want to join your club of misfits. Your ideas are obsolete. You are obsolete. Your union is obsolete.

Anonymous said...

Dont do it.....unless they give you candy...

Anonymous said...

Yesterday's post woke somebody up!

Again, it continues.

Anonymous said...

It's the union’s fault that they told me take a 401k loan to hold me over for the strike, A strike that was for union respect and not pay increase or benefits. Are they being respected now? NO! Am I still out of money? Yes! Are they still getting dues from me? NO! Never believe a corrupt organization run by con men.

Anonymous said...

I told you so! Still blaming others!

Anonymous said...

Never believe a corrupt organization run by con men.

Faith shattered by Congress, too?

Sucks to be wrong, getting rid of the corruption makes it better.


Anonymous said...

i think the union realized that even if the union agrees with everything that ousties are asking for, when presented to the company during negotiations the issues will most likely be shot down or some major item will need to be taken away.

Anonymous said...

"Union guys, if you want the problem with the Ousties to get fixed, then I suggest you get dealing with those Ousties that went to dine with you."Posted by Superbia Parti at 5:23 PM

You guys simply don't get it, or are too stupid to get it. The LAST thing we want is any of you in our Union!
We want REAL men & women who aren't afraid to take a stand,who aren't afraid of the adversity of a strike, who afraid to tell their bosses to the faces the deserve better!
REAL men and women who won't cower and cross a picket line for a few dollars and free pizza lunches.

We could care less about your demands,ideas or fixes. You are nothing but freeloading LEECHES! We won't waste our time listening to a bunch of deadbeats! You are worse than illeagal aliens clamouring about rights you have not earned and DO NOT deserve!

The other poster got it right. You blame others for your failures. You probably don't pay child support or even care about your kids from those previous marriages.

No, what we want is for you guys to GO AWAY!!!

You are so unhappy...then leave,move to a different town, different job, play in traffic get hit by a truck,take your own life, have a heart attack, we don't care just go away!

Anonymous said...

"i think the union realized that even if the union agrees with everything that ousties are asking for, when presented to the company during negotiations the issues will most likely be shot down or some major item will need to be taken away."

Therefore unionism is a failed concept and since it was the company that hired me it should be the union that goes away. As a failed obsolete concept it should be retired just like the 8-track. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Anonymous said...

"it was the company that hired me"

Probably because they couldn't find anyone really qualified.
So if the company finds you so valuable why didn't you negotiate your own salary and benefits? Hmmmm.

You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

"The LAST thing we want is any of you in our Union!"

You would accept my membership in an instant.

"We want REAL men & women who aren't afraid to take a stand..."

You were too much a coward to cross, even when you know the strike was wrong. Oh, and what did you get from that strike again?

"We could care less about your demands,ideas or fixes."

This is why your union is in danger, plain and simple.

"You are worse than illeagal aliens clamouring about rights you have not earned and DO NOT deserve!"

Who died and appointed you Sheriff Arpaio? I didnt come to you for my job, nor did you lead me through my school years. You are a miserable slug who demands I go through every step of hell with you for what; your acceptance? No thanks. I prefer to laugh at you as you grind your teeth in anger.

Anonymous said...

You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

"Who died and appointed you Sheriff Arpaio?"

Both John the drunken shit for brains Steward & the Oustie@the rally!!

Anonymous said...

''We want REAL men & women who aren't afraid to take a stand,who aren't afraid of the adversity of a strike, who afraid to tell their bosses to the faces the deserve better!''

So what in the hell do you do when you get that big hot steamy pile of crap shoved back into your faces? Enjoy it?! Try a different tactic, perhaps?

Look, your union is so pathetic that they'd snap up every potential swinging crank they could in the blink of an eye. They wouldn't have the guts to say "nope, we'll pass on your membership" because they're dying to keep that 50%+1 majority alive.

Adversity of a strike? Are you serious? Eleven weeks off for what reason? Just to take the time off and suckle the teat of this community? Yeah, big bunch of 'support the little guy' wasn't there? Remember the AZ Star blogs?

You're stupid and ignorant all in one nice, tidy package.

Seriously, you need a touch of reality.

Anonymous said...

You oust pigs are:

''The comment above is a good example of why hard workers don't want to join your club of misfits. Your ideas are obsolete. You are obsolete. Your union is obsolete.''

Anonymous said...

The new ousters
Theme song!

Anonymous said...

The fact you have to use YouTube to express your thoughts continues to prove the Ousties points, unionist.

Again, the mental masturbation here is getting monotonous.

Anonymous said...

"You oust pigs are:

Typical broken record redundancy from the union ape. Time to better yourself… get your high school diploma, read some books on economics. Then you will understand why the ousties are getting rid of your aging has-been of a union.

Anonymous said...

Unionists don't have to better themselves. They are simply paid to show up, punch a clock, and do the minimum required.

Such a waste.

Anonymous said...

Look, you're not getting graded by the number of inept, repetitive posts you spew. It's like taking a knife to a gun fight; a loss is certain.

Seriously, toss an argument on behalf of IAM933 out here to debate.

Anonymous said...

You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

"Seriously, toss an argument on behalf of IAM933 out here to debate."

I see that remedial reading comprehension class the union was offering has failed yet another member.

Again, that series of posts just shows that they're blissfully unaware of their own needless stupidity. Is this all the union will bring to the discussion?

Anonymous said...

The haha guy increased his vocabulary by a few words. Jimbo must be proud.

Anonymous said...

To the union moron with all the "ousters are" posts:
read the post from Aug 3, 2010 8:27:00 PM, then dwell on this!

Sometime this week 8/23-8/27 we will see the 2nd metrology steward get his ass canned! It was easier than you think too. Just a few words to push the right buttons and BINGO!

In case you morons haven't figured this out by now...Management is on OUR side. They don't wan't your lame ass union here either. So get used to the idea, you ARE on your way out!

Anonymous said...

To the union boy with the pottymouth namecalling. . .
Do you look in the mirror for your inspiration? or is this the "self-assesment" mantra taught over at Ajo Way? Sounds like the Who's Who roster of IAM.
Bet ya if I waved dues money in yer face you'd take it!
C'mon! Bring something to this forum, besides name calling!
Or,could it be that you have nothing but name calling to bring?

Hey O@Rally.. meeting place set?
ANYTHING happening from other side of table?

Superbia Parti said...

11 Lame comments deleted. Haha dude learned new words, but still is childish. Where is the Union's PR Rep?
Can someone from the Union side articulate an idea that isn't vulgar or disgusting?

Mr X said...

Thanks for pruning out the dross from the blog. In my opinion, should happen more frequently.

"Where is the Union's PR Rep?"

They're not here. The communications seems to be directed to keeping the ones still in the family.

"Can someone from the Union side articulate an idea that isn't vulgar or disgusting?"

Years ago, I would think there would have been some. Today, I really doubt it, as I think they will stay low profile.

Interesting that this blog has been asking for that someone, and they've yet to show up. I'd take that as a sign of some sort.

Anonymous said...

"Where is the Union's PR Rep?"

Have they ever had one????

They are supposed to have an elected position of Union communicator. Is the communicator mute? Do they care?

Anonymous said...

"They are supposed to have an elected position of Union communicator. Is the communicator mute? Do they care?"

There is a communicator whose duties are to correspond to the dues paying members. They are not required to give any input to any freeloading scabs. Especially those whose demands are meaningless because:

You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

"There is a communicator whose duties are to correspond to the dues paying members."

Right. Any external public relations is dealt with by whom?


"They are not required to give any input to any freeloading scabs."

Are you sure about that??

Anonymous said...

For people who brag sooooo much about how smart you are. Why is it so hard for you to understand no body wants you because
You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

You got fired? HA! Well so did John, and you aint half the unionist John is. He is smart enough to know that helping the ousties will help the union. You dumbass. The company said YOU ARE WORTHLESS, UNWANTED & UNNECESSARY!!

Anonymous said...

You were fired because your (ex-)union is beginning to tire of dealing with those who are WORTHLESS, UNWANTED & UNNECESSARY. You broke rule(s); you were caught, and it was obviously NOT your first time. Why didn't your union come to your rescue? You should be pissed at them, not us. How'd that hearing go, anyway?

Back in the day, there would have been a fierce effort to keep you in the plant. Now, it becomes one less issue to deal with. I must admit, the union may be getting smarter on issues like this; it's about time.

Myself and hundreds of other Ousties (i.e. non-members) are WORTHY, WANTED and NECESSARY to the organization.

Too bad you're finding out about it this way.

See, the Oustie collective are individuals, responsible completely for our own actions. If we screw up, we take the consequences like an adult, and move on.

If there really is life outside of Raytheon, now is your chance to find it. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

"See, the Oustie collective are individuals, responsible completely for our own actions. If we screw up, we take the consequences like an adult, and move on"

Bullshit! After turning in 2 oust scabs to ethics, and 1 of them getting fired, I was convieniently setup by the other scabs.

They wanted me gone strictly for revenge! So don't give me that BULLSHIT!

You oust pigs are:

Anonymous said...

Retribution is different from responsibility; see if you're smart enough to figure that out.

An Oust supporter was booted? BFD; they knew the rules like everyone else does; you did as well.

No story here; move along now.

Anonymous said...

Amen! & Amen! to the last post.
Quit you piss & moan already. Hell we all have it made in the shade here, the ousties do all the work and us unionists can sit on our asses and enjoy! What we don't get done they will. it doesn't get any better than this!

Anonymous said...

It's attitudes such as the previous post that will keep this company from expanding here further.

Anonymous said...

Implosion of unionism? Unionism & Politics

Anonymous said...

I've been reading some of the earlier posts and have am curious about one in particular.
(John Aug 1, 2010 6:11:00 AM)

Could John be right and the village idiot who has been posting all the trash, is not an hourly or even a Raytheon employee?

Anonymous said...

John could be right about our blog troll; I seriously doubt it, though.

Charles Darwin said...

"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Amen! & Amen! to the last post.
Quit you piss & moan already. Hell we all have it made in the shade here, the ousties do all the work and us unionists can sit on our asses and enjoy! What we don't get done they will. it doesn't get any better than this!

Yeah, and while yer sittin on your asses,watchin ousties doing their jobs,and YOURS gettin outsourced!
HVAC, Garage, OTR, ya,jes keep sittin!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The sound of Jimbo hard at work dreaming of Unionist Wieners at Reid Park this Monday.

Anonymous said...

No unionist bragging about sending thanks for creating the Labor day weekend?


youknowwho said...

SP, I think you're wasting your time here.

The union obviously doesn't want to spend their time talking to us (even though taking some of our suggestions would probably keep them from hemorrhaging members).

The union members- save for a scant few- obviously don't want us to join, anyway.

Our best bet is to get to the newest batch of former members before the union bosses can scare them back into the fold before the 2012 contract negotiations. Maybe Oustie can get together an anti-933 rally...

NoWeDon't said...

Today would have been the perfect day to have had that rally.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget the men and women whom without their sacrifices we would not have this day off. To the brothers and sisters who held strong against corporate tyranny, fighting for the oppressed common worker. I commend you. Thanks Central Labor union of New York. Your power was strong in 1882 unfortunately it is but a shadow in the hearts and minds of the leaders of IAM 933. They are posers taking credit for others whom long ago passed away. They are the key element in the destruction of labor unions. This union does not focus on the common man; it only is concerned upon how quick the leadership can move up in their ranks. They want your money and your dedication to the union and nothing more. You are just a number and that is all they need. You want proof of this statement? Just go to a union meeting and make a suggestion on how to better this union. It is guaranteed you will be put on ignore. I bet Jimmy Hoffa is turning over in his grave every time Jimbo sucks down a hotdog at Reid park today.

Happy Labor Day!

Anonymous said...

Today's History Lesson

Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."

But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.

A minor history lesson and a poke at 933's leadership all in one paragraph.

I commend your action, fellow Ouster!

Anonymous said...

Labor Day Celebrations

No positive comments about labor unions here?

Anonymous said...

Two different comments; both deleted within hours of posting.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...,0,5145298.story

Anonymous said...

Yup, standing united for any cause be it a strike against corporate america or a tea party against tyrannical governments just don't work. So why bother.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Since there isn't a person here that seems to be able to have a topical discussion, 'discussion by links' takes over.

Fine. Here you go:

Who cares? American Apathy
(Three additional links at bottom of page)

Apathy the enemy within

Look, even John the Steward believed in some of our arguments. Not everone has to believe in all of them; just listening to them is a start.

Keeping your heads buried in the sand will NOT make this problem go away, even if places like this do, due to apathy.

Final article:

90 Days what will you do?

Anonymous said...

Who cares? American Apathy

Apathy the enemy within

Anonymous said...

SP - Why the recent deleting of posts?

Anonymous said...

Four days; no posts.

I finally think this place has succumbed to that apathy that was written about earlier.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a bad omen. Silence is not acceptance of the union. Nor is it apathy. It looks like the oustees that wanted to work with the union are discovering the bitter truth, that it wss a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

It's not a waste of time if it's used to help reinforce the comments of those who spoke out all along against that spirit of cooperation.


Anonymous said...

it's a learning experience with a big curve.

Anonymous said...

The commentary needs to change from "we told ya so!", but now needs to be "what will you do to help?"

Anonymous said...

Time for a meme?


Anonymous said...

No - FAIL!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There was a time when Unions cared about American Workers. Alas, now union leadership often only cares about increasing enrollment at any cost to the nation, for the purpose of increasing the flow of cash into the leaderships' hands.

Anonymous said...

Poor Little Ousties!

Anonymous said...

Union crybaby!

Anonymous said...

Re. Poor Little Ousties!
Sep 26, 2010 11:08:00 AM

Is this the best you can come up with to rebut our claim that your union is obsolete and slowly fading away? During contract negotiations does the company take seriously your youtube presentations on why we need pay increases and better benefits? As a union spokesman YOU ARE A FAILURE !

Anonymous said...

Wow, somebody gots a burr upn' they A$$!

Anonymous said...

No - This is what the union needs to hear instead!


Anonymous said...

ha, I will experiment my thought, your post get me some good ideas, it's truly awesome, thanks.

- Norman

Mr. X said...

Did I find our blog steward?

(do a search for Johnny)

Blog steward @ AzStarnet?

Anonymous said...

John -. (Johnny)Sep 24, 2010 @ 4:13pm
"Don't blame us that you didn't graduate High School. "

FYI -I graduated from high school EARLY with great grades, went to college, and got a great Union job. Already got 10 years seniority at a great company, so I am already set to retire comfortably...In yo face!

Anonymous said...

he had more time at the company than 10 yrs.

Anonymous said...

John -. (Johnny)Sep 24, 2010 @ 4:13pm

Could be one of those imbred relatives. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Working Stiffed

IAM Clone?

Anonymous said...

I used to get a kick out of the posts here, it would actually make me laugh at times. Now all I see is fabricated horse manure. Worst part is, it actually looks like it's not coming from the union.

I've decided I will waste my time elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

It's still only a couple of minutes every two or three days.

Not much time at all, actually.

Mr. X said...

Yes, not much time at all.

Sep 20, 2010 4:50:00 AM is dead on target, I'm afraid.

Is our esteemed blogmaster still asleep?

Pissed off then, More Pissed off now. said...

Maybe an article about the progress of the breakfast meetings. Remember those? This was just a futile attempt giving the enemy aka union with known past history a chance at redemption.

youknowwho said...

So, then, since this has gotten us nowhere, who's willing to take the lead in the next decert effort?

Are the Ousties up for another round? After all, their first effort (during the holiday strike of '06-'07) didn't do well because was hastily put together. The 2009 effort started about a year out and did somewhat better. Is the third time the charm?

Or, have they all gotten the salaried positions they were promised by the company and forsaken the rest of us?

Anonymous said...

I’m your huckleberry!

Anonymous said...

"Are the Ousties up for another round?"

"Or, have they all gotten the salaried positions they were promised by the company and forsaken the rest of us?"

The old Ousties are just that; old.

Perhaps finding new Ousties would be a start.

tick, tick, tick, tick

Anonymous said...

I’m your huckleberry!

Anonymous said...

A messiah has arisen?

Give us (another) sign, oh wise one!

Anonymous said...

His name is John, he used to be a steward.....

Anonymous said...

Here you thought you were going to get the last word in on this thread.

Were you the fired poster from back in August?