Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where's the Beef?

Today is May Day, the Day of the Worker. Today was hijacked one hundred twenty one years ago by Socialists. May Day was designated an international labor day by the International Socialist Congress of 1889. It was stolen from the common people as traditional springtime celebration, and turned into a day to force a social agenda onto an unwilling populace. It originated in pre-Christian agricultural rituals. Celebrations included a May king and queen, a Maypole, and people carrying trees, green branches, or garlands. It became a major holiday in the Soviet Union and other communist countries; it was the occasion for important political demonstrations.
And so it is today. As Mr. Quintana is carrying Anti-Immigration Law signs at Armory Park, the rest of us are wondering what happened to that merry little band of Ousties that was having those meetings with the Union leaders? I have stood silent while Dougie and the rest of them went to meetings, encouraged by the fact that the Union Leadership seemed to agree with them on almost every issue they brought to the table. But it’s been a while since I heard anything. Dougie asked us to calm down and give them a chance to work out some details. So far, I’ve heard that the Union brought forth one copy of a memo that was helpful to the cause. But the rest have been forgotten. So I would like to ask;
where’s the beef?


Anonymous said...

"Mr. Quintana and his merry band of Taco Benders have only 1 agenda....
to make this the united states of mexico!
Apr 27, 2010 5:20:00 AM"

Remember this earlier post?
I say...the petition didn't work, probably still won't, so let's figure out how to get rid of the lame ass leadership that is using the union to promote it's agendas that do not address any need of the hourly workforce!

Quintana was sending union fliers out in company emails,isn't that an ethics violation? Can he be reported to HR? There has to be some conflict of interest here between these union leaders and the company on that issue alone right?!

Anonymous said...

"let's figure out how to get rid of the lame ass leadership that is using the union to promote it's agendas that do not address any need of the hourly workforce!"

Getting rid of the UNION gets rid of the leadership.

Sometimes, it's better to tear the house down & start over, rather than continuing to patch up a weak house.


Anonymous said...

"Getting rid of the UNION gets rid of the leadership
May 2, 2010 6:07:00 AM"

I hear you, but if it didn't work the first time, maybe it's time to gut the place so no one want's to live there anymore. It's always easier to tear down a house that's empty and falling apart.

Anonymous said...

If you have information:

Anonymous said...

I disagree. It's not time to tear down any house or any individuals. Have some patience will ya? It was three years fighting and what resulted? I'll tell ya. The union discovered that there are a whole lot of us that want them to fight for the trades for a change. And they agree! If you try to tear it down now, then what? Give us more time! Those of us that go to the meetings are headed in the right direction. Come join us. Give this a chance.


Anonymous said...

"The union discovered that there are a whole lot of us that want them to fight for the trades for a change. And they agree!"

So exactly how, is holding rallies in support of illeagal aliens helping to fight for the trades?

Anonymous By Choice said...

They "the union, assemblers, lodge 933" or whatever they want to call themselves have had enough time. They are predictable in their slow train of thought and formulation of ideas. They rely upon the non union member ousties ideas in fixing their problems over some slop at a south side truck stop. I say the knowledge charity must stop. It may take some time to foster the concept of no union however having a union is truly a bitter pill to swallow. Unionism only seems to only favor those who should not be in employed in their job in the first place. Just wait until the Raytheon layoffs effect the hourly. Those who were promoted by the good graces of CEP in addition with their sonority will displace the actual qualified people in that skill group. Who is going to toe the line then? A CEP certified employee? Then again maybe this is why there is always a line engineer pointing at which test button the union CEP certified tester should push in the first place.

Maybe the "rally oustie" should decide whose side he is on and stop being a wimp.

Anonymous said...

"Then again maybe this is why there is always a line engineer pointing at which test button the union CEP certified tester should push in the first place."

Oh, I see you've heard of this technology called "Presidio", where "monkey see, monkey do" PTS' will rule the world.

Anonymous said...

IRREGARDLESS of your actions and desires over the next two & 1/2 years, the union has full legal control over any layoff and there's nothing you can do about it. The window to decertify the union is over. It wont show up again until the summer of 2012. What was that you said about "they've had enough time?" You're not really in a position to say that, now are you?
By refusing to show the union what is needed to remedy your displeasure with their past negotiations just shows that you are willing to take second class pay for first class work. You obviously don't think you are worth what you say you are.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anonymous by choice but oustie and another anonymous have a point that there's nothing to be done until 2012 so let's see what come out of the oustie/union TTT hash. One thing though once negotiations are started the oust can't be implemented so a decision will have to be made at the appointed time in 2012 they can deliver the goods. Just because the union puts forth the information in negotiations for tech pay increases doesn't mean the company will take a nibble.

Anonymous said...

If the union delivers the goods, there's no need to oust. Have they gotten back to you since the last meeting? Or are they just blowing you off?

Mr. X said...

Anonymous by Choice - excellent post!

"If the union delivers the goods..."

What goods? The union could actually deliver that information today to the company to prepare them for this discussion. It's called a Memorandum of Understanding. Perhaps you've heard of them; used by the company all the time.

So, what to we do when the information is presented to the company by the union to no avail? Fear or animosity that it took non-union bargaining unit members to point these issues to them? Heresy! When we, the technically trained hourly workforce, gets ignored yet again?

Mark my words. When the company (again) blows off this union as the incompetent fools they are, you'll wish you had this time back to educate the masses again in this inept local.


Anonymous said...

OK for the oustie@the rally & all of you others who just idley chat..
Q.How do you eat an elephant?
A.One bite at a time.

There are those of us who know how to get things done and those who chat.
Johnny was the first to go Eddie is next. Sit here and chat all you want or find out their weaknesses and do something.

Just remember the decert petition wasn't worth the paper it was written on and the breakfast was all fluff!

Anonymous said...

"Just remember the decert petition wasn't worth the paper it was written on and the breakfast was all fluff!"

Wrong on both counts. Where were you during these events? You know nothing of which you speak.

Anonymous said...

Yiur petition failed even by your own admission, your breakfast has produced NOTHING!

Even so you are not alone in this battle. Some of us just have bigger visions and ambitions. We will not wait another 2 yrs. We will start our attack now, and we will use the company's policies to help us.
Bye Bye local933!

Anonymous said...

"Yiur petition failed even by your own admission, your breakfast has produced NOTHING!"

Just as I thought. You weren't there for either account. I bet you didn't even sign. Good luck with that tuff talk. LOL

Anonymous said...

Just saw the news. Wonder if Ed and his taco benders will protest the arrest of the illegals that shot the sherriff!

Help Mr.Ed Help they are trying to profile us!

Help Mr.Ed protest!

Anonymous said...

Just as I thought. You weren't there for either account. I bet you didn't even sign. Good luck with that tuff talk. LOL

May 4, 2010 9:44:00 PM

Yep! Wasn't there, but watch Mr.Ed fall!

Anonymous said...

Anon. May 4, 2010 6:01 AM

"Just remember the decert petition wasn't worth the paper it was written on and the breakfast was all fluff"

The decert petition was the start of the pressure, that has to be admitted. For years, this union was under the demented assumption that the sheeple would do nothing. That idea was proved wrong by that very act.

That, and a few hundred crossing that picket line, which made the leadership realize they had not fight to give, because it wasn't the right time.

The whole damn organization is at the EPIC FAIL stage. How is capable that you don't see this?

Anonymous said...

No more waiting for the in house Raytheon socialist to “fix” their injustice to the non assemblers. They knew what they were doing in the first place and did so at the expense of the skilled workers. “Oustie at the rally” is apparently blinded by Watsons fluff as the rest of union minions. This oustie should stop being Watson’s lap dog and remember just the type of people he is siding up to. Did Watson promise you something??? Did Watson tell you of his substantial wage increase he got from his new garnered membership? You know he is just buying time and expects the oust movement to wane during this period. The oust followers demand to be separated from this assemblers union. There are legal ways to sever the skilled workforce from this inept representation and we just have to find them. I do feel most of us on this blog feel the same way. Let the ousting begin!
PS is it true that Quintana is soliciting new membership south of the border. Yo Quiero Socialismo.

Anonymous said...

"No more waiting for the in house Raytheon socialist to “fix” their injustice to the non assemblers."

Yea, you'll wait longer. As long as it takes. At least until 2012.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, it's tough for you to realize the petitions have to be in BEFORE August of '12

You think that handing this union a .xls file of numbers is really going to end up benefiting the technical trades at RMS? Yeah, they have the facts, yeah, their may be sympathizers in the ranks, but in the end will they do something? Will YOU do something (e.g. strike) if it's not satisfactory?

What revolt do you anticipate when the assembly folks realize they will be shat upon to give us a real raise?

Anonymous said...

"Obviously, it's tough for you to realize the petitions have to be in BEFORE August of '12"

Obviously, you've never been involved in a decert attempt, or you would know the rules...poser. You know jack about any of it.

Anonymous said...

Really? Is that the only retort you can muster?

Anonymous said...

"Where's the Beef?"
Check Ed's taco... I'd bet it's stuffed with beef!

Anonymous said...

El Gorrion beef?

Anonymous said...

"El Gorrion beef"?

More like Grijalva's sausage!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I had a visit from your friendly, neighborhood union organizer a few moments ago! I took a picture to share with you.

IAM Organizer

Here's who he was chatting with after I sent him packing:



Anonymous said...

to poster May 7, 2010 5:03:00 PM:

I like you :p

Anonymous said...

"I like you :p"

Thank you. At least I know someone cares. :o)

Superbia Parti said...

I removed two comments, one for decency, and the other for thuggery. Knock it off.

Anonymous said...

Some very interesting posts. So let me see if I understand this correctly.
You call me a freeloader and thief because I get the same benefits that YOUR UNION dues pays for, yet YOUR Presidente is using those same funds to rally support to give MY tax dollars to ILLEGAL ALIENS?

YOU have the balls to call me a thief while YOU are trying to help thieves, (illegal thieves) steal jobs, tax dollars, education, medical benefits, etc...

So why hasn't the UNION become my buddy? I obviously have met the requirements:
stole this job,stole my benefits,stole your money during the strike,got everything for free.

I think the UNION owes us an apology!!!!!!

Also for the record, the UNION says organize, power in numbers, stand united. Well I got news for you....

The new law (SB 1070) is extremely popular among Arizona voters. A Rasmussen poll found that 70 percent of voters approve of the new bill, and just 23 percent oppose it.

Read it and weep ( ) it shows we all stood pretty united on this one! Maybe you should just deal with it!

Steward said...

Good to see the new posts and not one comment about me. Keep it up.

First I agree with most of what is said here. Mayday was hijacked, just like Ceasar Chavez was. He was against illegal immigration too.

Mr Quintana is an IDIOT. Yes, I agree his agenda is to turn this country into some socialist Latin country. Wanna get rid of him? Join

Oustie @ the Rally had done more for your cause than you could ever comprehend. All you can do is run your mouth and spew crap.

It really doesn't matter to me any more. I'm gone and I will never be back.


Anonymous said...

"Oustie @ the Rally had done more for your cause than you could ever comprehend".

You may be right about that but what a sorry piece of chit you turned out to be!

"It really doesn't matter to me any more. I'm gone and I will never be back.


So then stop coming back here as well. No one wants you or needs you.

P.S. stop calling yourself "steward" and try "Loser" instead!

Anonymous said...

Does kicking a man when he's down make you feel like a big shot?

What a classy act....sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Yes John, Quintana is but a small cog in the big socialist gear. And you John embrace this socialist gear. You are say you are libertarian however you are truly a socialist at the core. We don’t need your drunken rhetoric of hypocrisy. Take your imagined windfall and invest in some personal counseling. You say join to change your union. It appears your small voice did a lot of changing to this local. To kick a man when he is down? You must first decide if he is really a man. I don’t expect any retort from you since you indicate that you will post no more.

Anonymous said...

Steward ranted:

"Oustie @ the Rally had done more for your cause than you could ever comprehend. All you can do is run your mouth and spew crap."

You write that in the past tense.

I believe you're sincere with that sentiment.

I also believe that perhaps that breakfast or two clouded that judgment a bit. This is not a battle, this is a war.

Anonymous said...

"All you can do is run your mouth and spew crap."

That sounds like present tense to me. For the past few days you've done nothing but "spew crap." Its counter productive for your cause.

Oh yea, and one more thing, this is not a war. Its a forum to improve working at RMS. So lighten up.

If you want war, put on an orange tee shirt Thursdays and organize a bunch people who agree with you to fight your cause.

Lets see if you can change things more than SP, Wilie, TheOustie@, and all the crew who made a national bruhaha out of the decert.

Meanwhile, they will continue to work for your betterment. We'll watch who gets the best result.

Anonymous said...

"Oh yea, and one more thing, this is not a war. Its a forum to improve working at RMS. So lighten up."

Hogwash!! It's a forum to expose and get rid of 933 and that's always been the goal! Get on board with it or join the losers!

Anonymous said...

An equation?

"a forum to improve working at RMS" = "get rid of 933"

I think that solves itself!

Anonymous said...

An equation? So whats yur plan? It solves itself? Like the OP said, wheres the beef? Ijust see fuzzy math. do something already.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Eddie IAM933 special:
With every union membership you will receive free green card. Remember your membership is our priority.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Crazy Eddie IAM933 special:
With every union membership you will receive free green card. Remember your membership is our priority.

May 11, 2010 5:59:00 PM"

Don't forget the free MEChA member bumper sticker

Anonymous said...

Is that all you got? That will get them to sign your petition. Uh huh!

Anonymous said...

Supporting your culture or your job.

Sacrifices sometimes have to be made!

Anonymous said...

To the poster May 11, 2010 4:23:00 PM, I think you can see a bit of racist rhetoric together with the fuzzy math. Whoever this "anon" is, he's not gonna get many to follow him anywhere.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Is that all you got? That will get them to sign your petition. Uh huh!

May 12, 2010 10:35:00 PM"

With people like John and Mr.Ed self destructing, we won't need a petition!

Then again with your members so eager to follow.... maybe YOU guys need a shrink! I hear Smith's Psychologist is still available.

Anonymous said...

"With people like John and Mr.Ed self destructing, we won't need a petition!"

Get real. Law says you need decert to get rid of union. No matter how many self distruct, they are in control unless there is a successful petition.

Anonymous said...

"Get real. Law says you need decert to get rid of union. No matter how many self distruct, they are in control unless there is a successful petition."

Please, this isn't Faux News, or some other lame attempt at reporting. Bring all the facts to the discussion, not just the convenient ones.

The union will go away if less than 50% of the bargaining unit are members.

Resign, and you too can eliminate 933, one vote at a time!

Anonymous said...

"The union will go away if less than 50% of the bargaining unit are members."

Wishfull thinking. Even if they get below 50%, they don't just disappear. The company wont petition even if they are at 45%, because they could get sued. The only path to your goal is an election by the workers. And that window is closed until 2012, which is the end of the world anyway! Doubt my word? Ask HR, or learn labor law.

Anonymous said...

"With people like John and Mr.Ed self destructing, we won't need a petition!"

"Get real. Law says you need decert to get rid of union. No matter how many self distruct, they are in control unless there is a successful petition.

May 13, 2010 11:23:00 PM"

You need to read between the lines. I know we need a decert this was just a slap in their face, and NO I'm not taking a cheap shot. They are just acting stupidly!!!

Anonymous said...

"The only path to your goal is an election by the workers. And that window is closed until 2012, which is the end of the world anyway! Doubt my word? Ask HR, or learn labor law."


"Decertification can also occur if the employer received substantial evidence that the union no longer has the support of a majority of the bargaining unit. Typically, this is accomplished through giving a petition, signed by a majority of the bargaining unit, to a member of Management."

If you resign your membership and sign a petition, you are no longer supporting this lame-duck union.

Submit to employer; you now have a decertification vote.

Solo said...

What will the slow down in the coming months bring????

Anonymous said...

“”Is that all you got? That will get them to sign your petition. Uh huh!””

This statement must be from one of the “elected” union officials.

Well how about the fact your union is endorsing the Arizona boycott concerning illegal immigration. Your elected officers support this boycott as evident by the photo of the union president holding his protest sign. I’m positive the union vice president, treasurer ,and some other iam 933 maggots were lurking nearby trying to get in the photo opp. They are all traitors to the “Legal” American workforce. Don’t you think this action is enough to decertify this poor excuse for a union?

Anonymous said...


"Decertification can also occur if ..."

OK, so you expect me to believe that a group who couldn't get 30% of the workforce to sign is going to muster up "over" 50% this time?

Anonymous said...

"OK, so you expect me to believe that a group who couldn't get 30% of the workforce to sign is going to muster up "over" 50% this time?

May 14, 2010 6:23:00 PM"

OH HELL YES!!! you boobs are goin down allright. Even your own members are upset with El Presidente and crew, just ask em!!

Anonymous said...

Slow down in the coming months?

Less overtime.

How many of YOUR colleagues are complaining over that? Card-carrying members, too, aren't they?


Anonymous said...

I have been following this blog for a while and come to these conclusions:
John, sorry for your situation. Some of your comments were on point and you seem to have a genuine concern, and I will miss your perspective. Regarding your personal problems,I hope they resolve soon.

For those who have made the assinine remarks about John, the ousties, and those here trying to accomplish something. . SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!! Your stupid, rude and beligerant remarks only solidify the general perception of an incompitent mutt who NEEDS the union or face unemployment! If you are going to argue labor law..READ UP FIRST! don't shoot your mouth off without the facts! Bring legitimate points for discussion and help resolve them, or ideas that are constructive.

As for the constant union retoric, WE ALL KNOW THE BLAH-BLAH-BLAH!! STOP!!
If we believed in any of it, this blog and the individuals who are working for resolution to the issues at hand WOULDN'T BE HERE!!

Finaly, you posers out there, if you don't work at RMS..sit back,sip the koolaid and PISS OFF!!

Anonymous said...

So Dougie, are the talks making any headway? Or are you starting to fall under their spell?
Jimbo, are you getting any of the sentiment of this group back to the "membership"? If these talks are to improve the understanding of the discontentment between those
hardliners and the rest of the workforce, have you told them to listen and pay attention to whats happening
on the floor? Have you brought this up at stewards meetings? Are there any other stewards who are interested in joining the talks?
I still see a lot of subtle hazing on the floor. And not just between member/non-member. Actually, I see more backstabbing between members! This does not show
a pro-active union!
As for who should enforce company policy..WE ALL are responsible! If the company fails, we all lose! Last time I looked, my check was signed by RMS not IAM!
Maybe if the union took a pro-active stance with the company and stopped all the
nusance grievences, arbitrary work habits and the antagonistic attitude, maybe..just maybe, those of us ousties and non-members and the company might take this union a little more seriously.
As far as CEP goes:great
concept- lousy implamentation!

Anonymous said...

The May 15 5:05pm poster is dead on target, I'll agree, but I think we've all seen these activities in one form or another.

Many of us will ignore and go on and do the damn job we're paid to do, and to ignore all the politics that the day brings.

Anonymous said...

For the anonymous poster May 15, 2010 5:05:00 PM: I'm not under a spell. I work to fix our complaints. The union is a business. They have a product, a "service" they sell. They did a bad job in the past, and they drove away customers. They know it, and they want to regain "market share" with a new business plan. I help advise on what our side thinks it takes to correct their operation. If they implement the proposals your major gripes will be null and void. Last meeting I asked for some stats about the labor force. I got some of it, but I'm still waiting on the bulk of the data. As soon as I get it, I will pinpoint exactly where to concentrate. We postponed the last meeting because of a family emergency. Can you wait a bit longer, for the love of God? Since you are beating the drum of rebellion, first come see what we are doing. Then reconsider. Since they have agreed in principle that our cries of injustice are valid, I think we have lots of potential to improve things without tearing them down.


Anonymous said...

The union is a business. They have a product, a "service" they sell.
--T-shirts, Tchotchkes I’m impressed.

They did a bad job in the past, and they drove away customers.
-- Yes the informed are leaving.

They know it, and they want to regain "market share" with a new business plan.
--Bloated fluff

I help advise on what our side thinks it takes to correct their operation.
--You have been seduced by a con man

If they implement the proposals your major gripes will be null and void.
--Big IF

Last meeting I asked for some stats about the labor force. I got some of it, but I'm still waiting on the bulk of the data. As soon as I get it, I will pinpoint exactly where to concentrate.
--keep waiting!

We postponed the last meeting because of a family emergency. Can you wait a bit longer, for the love of God?
--waited too long… How many family emergencies are there?

Since you are beating the drum of rebellion, first come see what we are doing.
-- Where, When?

Then reconsider. Since they have agreed in principle that our cries of injustice are valid, I think we have lots of potential to improve things without tearing them down.
--I think we have lots of potential to tear them down!

Anonymous said...

"--Bloated fluff"
Its my bloated fluff...

"--Big IF"
Its been 6 months, you have two years left to see "IF NOT."

"--keep waiting!"
For a little while is OK.

"--waited too long…"
No you haven't. You, especially you, are impatient.

"--I think we have lots of potential to tear them down!"
As the union works with us in good faith, that potential dissapears.


Anonymous said...

Since you are beating the drum of rebellion, first come see what we are doing.
-- Where, When?

Anonymous said...

"--keep waiting!"
For a little while is OK.
"--I think we have lots of potential to tear them down!"
As the union works with us in good faith, that potential dissapears.

WELL.....OK since we have to wait,,,,,,,,may as well do something constructive! : p

Volunteer to Mr.Ed's favorite pasttime

Anonymous said...

"--waited too long…"

No you haven't. You, especially you, are impatient.

I think most of us have every right to be impatient!

We've heard too many lies from both sides of this argument.

Is it one oustie working on behalf of this union, or is there more than one?

Anonymous said...

"We've heard too many lies from both sides of this argument."

Then stop telling them.

And yes, there more than one Oustie at the table.

Anonymous said...

And they are working on behalf of the before now under represented workers.

Anonymous said...

"And yes, there more than one Oustie at the table.

May 17, 2010 5:56:00 AM"

Well maybe that's the problem! They are just sitting, maybe they should get off they're FAT asses!!!

Anonymous said...

"We've heard too many lies from both sides of this argument."

Then stop telling them.

There's two sides to this discussion. Your reference to this writer telling lies is uncalled for, and quite naïve of you to write.

there more than one Oustie at the table. And they are working on behalf of the before now under represented workers.

All your efforts will be made null and void when your coerced into joining. They will want you to show your 'solidarity' when the time comes.

When we're screwed (again) because of this, you will have wasted this time in eliminating the issue.

Mark my words, Jimbo, Ed, and the rest of that group will never be shown up by any group of outsiders.

I'm not here to denigrate you or anyone else here. I'm simply pointing out that this local was very nearly unraveled the last time around, even though the results were less than what was hoped for.

Taking your eye off the original target may not be in our overall best interest.

Anonymous said...

""I'm simply pointing out that this local was very nearly unraveled the last time around, even though the results were less than what was hoped for.

Taking your eye off the original target may not be in our overall best interest.""

The above statement has got to be the best statement in this blog.
The union clowns are using you and they are masters in deception and underhandedness. Do not fracture what we as a team took great effort to build up. I would really watch my back with these guys. I really don't think this union will be worthy of a second chance. Lets focus on ousting them instead of helping them.

Anonymous said...

The union clowns are using you and they are masters in deception and underhandedness. Do not fracture what we as a team took great effort to build up. I would really watch my back with these guys.

Look, it's already happened. More than one Oustie has decided to do that very thing (take their eye off the target) in an effort to 'do the right thing'. Has it helped? Has it hurt? Hard to tell, isn't it? Just like in years past, we hear nothing about our co-workers in other areas.

This group has had to do the legwork for the union. Big deal, some of the leadership agree with our talking points now. Do you really think they will reach out to the disenfranchised members of the bargaining unit to prove their worth?

This blog, the web pages...all of those sources of information would constantly hound them with facts and details. Hyperbole? Yeah, maybe a little, but tell me their side didn't do the exact same things.

We may very well have lost our momentum in this effort; the slip 933 needed to 'claim' victory.

I realize they read this daily; others do as well.

Even though John the Steward had his issues, at least he kept the discussion going. Without somebody to take his place, there's nothing left here but a soon-to-be-written epilogue to our adventure.

Anonymous said...

When is the next meeting? I want to go!

Decertify 933 Committee said...

I'd like to propose our next meeting take place on the 12 of June at 8 am.

We will really need to see some progress so we can't be continually accused of being duped by the union.

I am pursuing another course of action in case I don't actually see some progress brought to the feed trough.

Anonymous said...

"I'd like to propose our next meeting take place on the 12 of June at 8 am."

Will John be there? I'd really like John to be there. I like John.

Anonymous said...

"We will really need to see some progress so we can't be continually accused of being duped by the union".

To hell with what everyone may think or say, just hold Watson accountable for what he said he would do. Ask him "where's the beef"?

Anonymous said...

"When is the next meeting? I want to go!"

I'm So Hungry!

Anonymous said...

"I am pursuing another course of action in case I don't actually see some progress brought to the feed trough."

Hmph. Change of careers?

Anonymous said...

"When is the next meeting? I want to go!"

What a bunch of morons you are! John the steward tricked you idiots into having a meeting then got fired. How convenient! I bet he was set up by the union to fail just to get the ousties off track. You boobs! Wake up Solo was right,,, it was a trap!

To what purpose? Our meetings and his fireing have NO connection. I don't see any reason to make that connection. They lost a loyal supporter and decent steward. And we gained what???????
Show up at the meeting and see for yourself what happens, THEN you can make a somewhat coherent comment.

Anonymous said...

"To what purpose? Our meetings and his fireing have NO connection. I don't see any reason to make that connection. They lost a loyal supporter and decent steward. And we gained what???????
Show up at the meeting and see for yourself what happens, THEN you can make a somewhat coherent comment."

When is thee next meeting??
Will John be there?
Will someone else fill his shoes?
Is there open relations with union leaders?
ow will this work?

Anonymous said...

Tribute to John

Anonymous said...

"""To what purpose? Our meetings and his fireing have NO connection. I don't see any reason to make that connection. They lost a loyal supporter and decent steward. And we gained what???????
Show up at the meeting and see for yourself what happens, THEN you can make a somewhat coherent comment."""

Ok When is the meeting and where is the location. Who is holding up progress on these talks.

BTW; good spelling and grammar are essential tools for credibility, unless you are a union officer.

Steward said...

I too agree that May day was hijacked. Even Ceasar Chavez did not care for illegal immigrants. Who carries his banner now? MR. Quintana and his ilk do. Ceasar is rolling over in his grave.


Steward said...

I will be the STEWARD forever. I earned that and I will keep that title. Dougie, there are post here which I believe come from no Raytheon employee. They post just to infuriate, and to destroy what you and the others are trying to accomplish. Nobody is perfect, except the one. Keep up your good work. To any others out there, Oustie @ the Rally is truely championing your cause and Jimbo is really listening. Give it a chance, they will have made the changes you want by contract time, or at least gotten somewhere close.
My termination was unjustified and I will soon sue Raytheon. I have already won against the bitch in Marana. Now I have legal precedence to sue Raytheon and I will.
There is a poster who keeps saying (I belive a non Raytheon employee) that they got rid of me and will soon get rid of Quintana. No Fucking way, Raytheon, Bob Guth did that. I will have his heart for lunch very soon. Quintana had his own agenda and I truely believe most Union members are fed up with him. Most do NOT believe in illegal immigration. Most Union members belive in working and doing a fair days worth of work for a good wage. That is the bottom line.

Dougie, keep up the good work you do, ignore the bullshit. I don't believe that most of this rhetoric is from true Ousties. Just a way to destroy what you are trying to do. Call me some time. Come over for a WHISKEY with the drunkin fool.


Anonymous said...

You're wrong it was a trap! They got you fired!
Dougie & John

Anonymous said...

Where's your baby videos Jethro?

Anonymous said...

"I am pursuing another course of action in case I don't actually see some progress brought to the feed trough."

I hope so
your old one didn't seem to work!

Anonymous said...

"So I would like to ask;
where’s the beef?"

Fuck the beef, where's breakfast?! I want some of those little weenies!!!

Anonymous said...

Go John! Every organization
has its Guth or Quintana, that type is in every church
or company or union or gov.
They need to be exsposed and
excised. I hope you can make the next meeting, you have a unique perspective to
bring to these discussions.
BTW- has Watson or Jimbo made any response to the meet?
Dougy, you ain't sippin' the koolaid are you??

Anonymous said...

May 9, 2010 7:39:00 AM when Steward said...

It really doesn't matter to me any more. I'm gone and I will never be back.

Then, on May 25, 2010 3:54:00 AM Steward said...

I will be the STEWARD forever. I earned that and I will keep that title.

No, John, you were elected to that title, and lost it upon your termination. That, if anything, goes to prove that unionism can't (or won't) protect you! How did you miss being protected by 933 again? I would have thought the first people they'd bend over for is their own representatives. What in the hell happened there?

The rest of your mindless rant was deleted, then:

I don't believe that most of this rhetoric is from true Ousties. Just a way to destroy what you are trying to do.

The destruction seems to have come from within. The only thing these dysfunctional posts are doing is helping to keep the topic relevant.

Steward said...

Keeping the topic relevant is what is paramount here. As I stated, I have no valid reason anymore to care. but I do. I will see this through.

No I earned the title of "Steward" I will ALWAYS be a steward. Not for the Union anymore, but for life.

No, the destruction comes from outside. True Unionists and Ousties want to see something good come o these meetings. We will prevail despite outside influences. I would not be surprised that company agenst are posting here anomonously and creating the dissent.

Your post has a lot of valid points and is constructive, even if we diagree.

The Union did what they could for me, the company stacked the deck and said that there were many people who were fearful if I returned. I asked Who? They did not reply.

Today I will hire a new attorney for a civil suit against Raytheon and others who have wrongly defamed me. They will make me very rich.

Soon you will see articles in the paper, here and in Marana.

I did prevail against the bitch in Marana, harassment charges dropped, not valid, never happened. I was illegally arrested by her family friend Detective Castillo badge #318. Soon he and Marana will face me in court. This time they will be on the otherside though.


Anonymous said...

John our beef is with the union not the company. The evidence indicates the union screwed targeted occupations at our expense to bolster their numbers or heads for financial gain only. The company pays us and we work for the company not the union. The company provides the pay and benefits and will continue to do so to remain competitive in the marketplace. You are delusional to assume the union is a requirement. Raytheon is not a third world sweatshop. Even your own union brothers some of whom you have high regards for consider you to be an embarrassment to the union. They won’t help you out because there is no notoriety or financial gain in it for them. They are treating the ousties meetings the same way. Do you really think Watson and his drones will listen to a non paying member of the bargaining unit while telling them their focus and operations are screwed up? They rarely listen to their own dues paying members and you know that.
We know you have problems and most of us want to see you work them out however I would watch my back with your union brothers. You really need to oust yourself out of this cult.

Lifes steward said...

Your beef is wrongly placed. The union does and has always represented all occupations. It is the company who has played the different occupations against each other to keep the union in disharmoney. I've seen the corporations videos that explain how to keep unions and labor in controversy. Raytheon has played this game very well.The unions are learning their tricks though and although very slow are catching on and gaining in numbers again. The unions problems are that they are stuck in the 50's mentality and way too concerned about social issues. Those are the one like quintana that are controlling things now. New faces like watson are slowy taking the unions back and he and others will move the unions forwward into the 21st century.

After the strike I hated all of you. My hatred grew so bad that It was consuming me. Close to contract time I just told myself, you have to stop this or it will kill you. So I did. I started smiling and being nice to those I hated. It worked. Within a week or two I was much better and those that I had despised were very friendly to me. Some of my hard core union brothers were a little upset wit me for talking, but they too senced that I was in a better mood. Then Jimbo asked me to do something that I nearly chocked on. Jimbo asked me to invite the oustie@therally to come to one of our rallys. Actually he asked me to have him invite all the ousties, he did. So, here I am at the rally with a few of the leaders and I was actually joking about if the oustie showed up there was a tree and we could git a rope. I did not believe he would show. When he did, I droped my jaw. It took a lot of balls to walk into the lions den. Dougie did that and he was welcomed by the leadership. There were others there if they had know would have caused trouble. I and the other leaders would have not let anything happen.

So here we are, oustie and unionst trying to make things better. This really upsets the company.


Anonymous said...

"So here we are, oustie and unionst trying to make things better. This really upsets the company.
May 28, 2010 5:49:00 AM"

No shit it upsets the company! That's why you were fired asshole! Read the comment (Apr 28, 2010 11:16:00 PM)

The company wants
to get rid of the union and the ousties are the best bet. The company has been systematically getting rid of the occupations. Movers, welders, mechanics, now the machinists are next. Just ask anyone in Fab where has the raw materials gone? The plan is to "Lean" out the materials and only buy cut to fit for job orders in que only. The next step will be justification..."by the time we get the materials in we can have it made locally".
We are under attack and no one gives a shit! So what's for breakfast?

Mr X said...

You DO know the tune...

99 posts on the board
99 posts to-day
You put one up
You shut 'em all up
99 posts on the board!

The intellect here is fascinating!

Anonymous said...

"Mr X said...

You DO know the tune...

99 posts on the board
99 posts to-day
You put one up
You shut 'em all up
99 posts on the board!

The intellect here is fascinating!"

Here John try this tune!

John & Lerrie-Ann sittin in a tree

Anonymous said...

This blog is like watching 10 different tv programs, in different languages, without subtitles.
The commercials make more sense!

Anonymous said...

Commercials? You're kidding right?

This has been the best enterntainment I've seen in years. In one corner is an inept union with the worst leadership in decades. In the other is a handful of renegade clowns who are just as inept in getting rid of this lame union. Best of all, in the middle is the company who is badly refereeing this whole mess.
I can't figure out if it more closely resembles a Marx bros. movie or the Three Stooges!
One thing for sure is that the key characters on both sides would make excellent Raytheon management. Full of glitter, pomp and circumstance and achieving absolutely NO results!!

It don't get any better than this...Pass me some popcorn!!!

Anonymous said...

On the 28th of May, John said; "The union does and has always represented all occupations. It is the company who has played the different occupations against each other..."

I disagree in principle. Everyone who knows the business end of the union admits that when the company requested to put 4 classes into one, the union countered with the default move and said "then you must pay all workers in the new formed class the same pay as the highest paid workers in the 4 classes (prototype)." This policy mistake had the effect of ripping off the rest of labor. Remember zero increases? Wages stagnated for 3 years because some got pay raises beyond their wildest fantasies while the rest of us couldn't force a correction.

That changed, beginning in 2007. The ousties fought the things we saw wrong. Although we lost the decertification, everyone heard our message. John learned that our fight just as valid as any other fight for workers rights. He re-evaluated me after I shook his hand at the rally. Today I stand with union leaders to right the same wrongs as before, only now I am not trying to decertify the union. I am helping them meet the representational needs of their angry customers (the technical workers). I'm not drinking koolaid, I'm just pragmatic enough to see that right now its best way to solve the problem.

I don’t believe there is a company campaign to divide and conquer labor. The company is not the bad guy here. The company is too busy making money. They simply don’t care about trivial labor infighting, as long as product gets done on time. Our effort will help create a effective workforce for both the company and the union. But we must move forward on this. It’s beginning to take too long between steps.

On a different note; you simpletons who post one liners and laugh at this effort are not interested in fixing anything. You bring nothing of value to this blog. You are lame, mental midgets who don’t understand the complicated mess here; you just shout insults from the peanut gallery. What pendejos you are. To the dork who thinks there is a conspiracy to fire John then Ed Q, I bet you think Santa Claus Killed the Chupa Cabra and is roasting him on a Bar-B-Q this weekend.


Anonymous said...

"On a different note; you simpletons who post one liners and laugh at this effort are not interested in fixing anything."

That's because you are full of chit! Read your leaders own words:

Why I Started the Petition

"Unfortunately I found out more about that law after they went on strike, and the window of opportunity to act was a short one to collect the signatures according to the National Labor Relations Board rules. (I’ve been wanting to get rid of this union for a long time.)"

"I chose to work for Raytheon for the pay and benefits which the union says they got for me. The union thinks I should be loyal to them for that. My loyalty lies in either my personal economics or my personal values. I choose who to work for and for how long based on those loyalties. If Raytheon didn’t offer what it did I would have gone elsewhere. Since Raytheon is helping to keep my son alive, I’d work for a whole lot less, that’s my personal values. Going back to my petition, (I want the union decertified because they violated my personal values)"

This was personal and had nothing to do with what you saw wrong so stop trying to make it something it's not.

While you've made attempts to work with the union, what have you done to work with the company on this? They are not going to want to go back and undo anything, otherwise we would still have pul days.

Steward said...

Oustie, and others.

You fault the union for getting the highest pay they could for all occupations that they combined? Sure the ones at the bottom saw abig increas, the ones at the top (prototype0 only saw the normal pay increase. Also, those at the bottom did not get it right away. Like Patty, they got it in 6 mo intervals of a 50 cent increase. I don't think she is even at the top yet. What, its been 4 years , that works out to 4 dollars total so far. I think Proto is what appx 22 dollars/ hr Patty was at 13.25,so I'm roughly guessing that she is at 17.25, still %/hr loer that the top proto.
Yes, the company does put forth effort to destabalize the union. Ask Jimbo to show you the videos made by corporate that they used to train managment how to keep us destabilized. It is just good Coorporate policy. Sure their first priority is to make $$$, but they also make more by controlling labor. I've evne heard the managers that I used to woukout with jokingly say "control your labor or they will control you". Some of these guys have been my friends for years. You work at a company like this for over 25 years and the guys you used to party with are now middle mangment. We are still great friends.Two of my dearest friends are Dave Cain (Tow Manager) and his ex Laura Fest (manager) Anne Mcbride is another. You can check them out. I have many of stories about them all.
Still keep up the good fight. Notice the post after youres? Very intelligent and pulls a piece that you stated in 2007. Sounds like management to me.That wasn't posted by one of those idiots.


Anonymous said...

"On a different note; you simpletons who post one liners and laugh at this effort are not interested in fixing anything. You bring nothing of value to this blog. You are lame, mental midgets who don’t understand the complicated mess here; you just shout insults from the peanut gallery. What pendejos you are. To the dork who thinks there is a conspiracy to fire John then Ed Q, I bet you think Santa Claus Killed the Chupa Cabra and is roasting him on a Bar-B-Q this weekend."

Anger, disgust, dismay, and resentment that we're right in trying to keep this endeavor on the right path? The path it was on three or four years ago?

The value that is being brought to this blog is simple and brutally honest; discussion. If it's unwelcome or unwanted, a couple of things can be done by the blog administrator to rectify that issue. Thus far, this has not happened, and the discussion continues.

For you of all of the participants here to resort to childish, inane name calling at those who try to do those very things is in itself a sign that perhaps YOU are being challenged on your own convictions.

Just because of one lost battle doesn't mean the war is lost. Your recent efforts, seen by you and a few others as noble, rings of capitulation and betrayal to others.

Steward wrote...

"Notice the post after youres? Very intelligent and pulls a piece that you stated in 2007. Sounds like management to me.That wasn't posted by one of those idiots."

Might be management, but might also be one of your peers. In this world, you just never know.

Anonymous said...

"That's because you are full of chit! Read your leaders own words:"

I am not my "leader." I owe nothing to the first post on this blog. A lot of oil has spilled since that was written. Go ahead and read the last three original posts by the same author (Hope, & Poor Lifestyle, Get Off The Fence) and tell me he is using the same pen he used back in 2007!

You are mistaken to believe I'm angry or dismayed. If you want to beat the drum of decertification, be my guest. But your one liners and silly YouTube flix are not very convincing of your argument. You are doing yourself a disservice with those childish posts. Since the blog admin has seen fit to leave them up, I have nothing else to say about it.


Anonymous said...

To John the Steward:

Weren't you a salaried supervisor at one time? Why did you go hourly?
How were you treated by the company as salaried vs hourly? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Many of us were told "If you want to change the union, join it." Quite the opposite is true. It changes people after they join, not the other way around. We can best change things by doing what we are doing now. This union chose to fight the wrong battles, now it's days are numbered. "Superbia Parti" Jan 19, 2008 9:25:00 PM

How things have changed in a couple of years, haven't they?

Anonymous said...

Pray tell what has changed? It is still the same corrupt union only this time a misguided oustie wants to correct what blunders Lodge 933 i.e. Watson caused. This oustie actually thinks they will respond to his suggestions. I feel he was conned by the master con man who only wanted his membership and loyal faith. Are your monthly alms to Watson worth what you are receiving in return? I hope these “Union Members” like their membership to this assemblers union. Just leave me out of it. If another decertification effort happens then count on my signature. BTW John himself has said this is not his fight anymore. Let’s stay focused.

Anonymous said...

"This union chose to fight the wrong battles, now it's days are numbered. "Superbia Parti" Jan 19, 2008 9:25:00 PM"

It didnt turn out that way did it? Maybe that oustie isnt as misguided as you think.

Anonymous said...

I am unable to find that quote with the time stamp you provided. However the union still is fighting wrong battles. Your union AFL-CIO affiliation clearly indicates it is against the new Arizona immigration reform law. A majority of your union brothers are against it as well. Isn’t it part of the job of this union to protect your employment rights as a legal citizen? Instead they want to fight for the rights of those here illegally. The union will eventually crumble by its own demolition. It is an “old school” concept that is not needed now with the current Federal and state laws protecting employee rights. The oustie is misguided and you are lost.

Steward said...

When I first came to Hughs aircraft in the mid 80's I was hired in as salaried Non exempt engineer. I have never been a supervisor. Tom Tanzillo up at the CEP office was an hourly who became a supervisor. He's told me how terrible he was treated by management. A supervisor has less rights than you as an hourly and is the bottom of the pole in the salaried world. Me I was treated ok as an engineer. But I was subject to harrassment if a project was behind, I was directed to work when I had already made other plansand even though I preformed beyone their evals/goals for me I never got the raises or promotions I was promised. Then because I only had an associate degree I and several hundred others like me were laid off in 88. I had to train bs engineers who performed well below me. It is about the degree to the company, not about how good you perform, period. I also spent two years as a contractor in 803 enviornmental lab. They treated me quite well, but there was a hiring freeze on.

No, the Unions are not self destructing. Stats prove that they are regaining strength. Oustie@the rally is not being mislead by Jimbo. Jimbo wants to move forward and also agrees with me and other about illegal immigration.

It is true if you'd join then you could vote out people like quintana and install those who belive in what you do.


Steward said...

"Your union AFL-CIO affiliation clearly indicates it is against the new Arizona immigration reform law"

Si is my President and most of my congress and representatives. Note, Gabby the "Liiberal who is being a puppet to Pelosi" is for it. Gabby is not a liberal. I've met her and her husband a couple of times. They are great people.

So, as I mention Obama and others are against it. What do I renouce my US citizen ship ovver this? No, I work to removed them come the next election and vote for people that hold my values, like Gabby.

Hey, I think I'll start a Gabby for prez.


Anonymous said...

Union treasurer resigns, Lodge 933 now subject to future IRS audit. Is this statement true? Anyone know?

steward said...

Got me. Usually they rsign for personal reasons
