Friday, February 26, 2010

Man Up

There are a lot of people who talk big in the comments and are quick to poke fun at John. He's a really good guy, the kind I'd like to have my back. He's having the trials of Job right now, but I believe that Jesus will pick him up when he comes to the end of himself. And G-d will restore to him everything that the locusts have taken from him (whether he deserved it or not). Remember: the grace of G-d isn't grace if you earn it.

Have you done ANYTHING in support of the decertification or in support of the union in the last 3 years? Were you so boisterous as to wear an anti union button or collect signatures for the petition? Unless you've done something you have no right to whine. Grow a pair already. Did you take the first step to be hated by nearly everyone at Raytheon by circulating a decertification petition? Did you man up by standing on the picket lines with your enemy? What single significant thing have you done your entire life, besides raise a beer in the air in support of some pathetic football team that can't even make it to a bowl game?

The problem with the union isn't so much with the leadership as it is with the workers who won't take a stand either for the union or against it. They won't even bother to sign the petition after we did all the work to get the petition to them. They wouldn't even download it and mail it in anonymously. But these same slackers believe SO much that the union is necessary that they won't even join the union either. Give me a break. Learn this lesson from Jesus who said, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."

The union leadership sits across the table from people who daily exercise their skills at "influencing" people. They hire, fire, and sell millions of dollars of product to people who are really big wheelers and dealers. They take classes continually to hone their skills. These big shots were hired because they were at the top of their peers in negotiating capability. What chance do you think that these union leaders or YOU for that matter have to get anything of substance from the negotiations. I for one have a healthier respect for their dilemma. Why don't you go try out your far superior skills tomorrow. Go down to the bank that holds your mortgage and convince them to drop your rate 2%. Let us know how that goes.

What are you going to bring to the table? Imagine you are on the negotiating committee next go 'round and you spend 3 months putting together some excellent data to back up pay increases for the professional employees. Mr. Big takes one look at it says 'that's interesting" passes it back to you then starts out with "we need to cut medical benefits by 20%". Unless you prepare for every conceivable roadblock you won't have a viable comeback, and then it probably still won't matter.

These union dudes aren't that slick. Their skills top out at assembling hardware. I'm not knocking them. They probably do what they do better than I can, but they don't have negotiating skills. They probably buy the first car some guy shows them on the lot. Even I've done that before. I've gotten a little smarter over the years, but not much.

Right now apathy is at such an all time low in America, no one wants to get involved in anything they just want to sit around and whine. Nothing fires them up. Even when innocent babies are killed by abortion, even when Obama stacks his cabinet with Socialists, even when the Federal Reserve has deliberated stolen Trillions of dollars of your wealth and mine, people sit around turn on the tube and veg out. They won't get involved in anything. They quote either from the left or from the right whatever the latest talking head has said on their favorite news channel. They haven't even figured out that the Republicans and the Democrats work for the same off shore bankers and those bankers can pay big bucks to sell you or I on the next big war or the global warming scam or any other scheme that they can get you worked up over that will make them money and keep you preoccupied with things that won't save a singe soul from hell.

So excuse the Decertification Committee for seeming to sell out. We gave it our best shot for the past two negotiations. You all OBVIOUSLY love this union. So excuse us for trying to work with the union to make things better. Maybe they will blow smoke up our booties tomorrow and waste our time. I however choose not to whine. I choose to fight to make things better for me and my fellow professional workers.

I choose to stand for SOMETHING! G-d calls us all to create justice and make this world a better place. He made us all stewards of this world, and it is in such a mess because no one takes the time to look around and realize that their apathy has caused all the suffering and destruction around them.

"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Proverbs 13:4


Anonymous said...



steward said...

damn good.

Mr. X said...

Enjoy breakfast today.

Steward said...

Gilipollas, no bebo vino. Bebo whisky. No Pare en el Big Hat. Estuve allí quizás una o dos veces en 20 años. Demasiado maldito pequeño incluso para mí. Bertha, solía tienden allí. Yo sabía de Bertha, cuando ella trabajaba en Hughes. Detener en el antiguo Bar Sahuarita. ¿Se ha cerrado para lo que 10 años?

Anonymous said...

¿Cómo es que la conducción zumbaban haciendo por usted. Otro DUI en el cinturón? Eres una vergüenza para la Unión y de sus compañeros. Ahora ve meterse en su agujero de autocompasión.

Anonymous said...

Is this turning into It sure would be nice to use a language that all workers at RMS can understand. Do I have to translate?

Let me see...can I make sense of both of these two entries? First I'll try Señor Steward's entry.

"Idiots, I don't drink wine. I drink Whiskey. Dont Stop at the Big Hat,I've been there once or twice in 20 years. It's too damned small, even for me. Bertha used to serve there. I knew Bertha when she worked at Hughes. I stopped at the old Sahuarita Bar. It's been closed for what, 10 years?"

Ok, now I know not to go to the Big Hat or that bar that closed ten years ago. Thanks John!

Next on the list is a bit more "criticón". I'll give it a shot, but I might miss the punch line.

"How is the buzzed driving doing for you? Another DUI under your belt? You are an embarrasment to the Union and it's membership. Now go sink yourself into a pool of self pitty."

This comment adds nothing positive to the blog. I guess it's more important to insult John than to ask how the meeting went yesterday. I give up.

Maybe I'll tell how the meeting went when someone shows concern.


Anonymous said...

Is there progress to actually report on? If not, no problem.

Anonymous said...

"Is there progress to actually report on? If not, no problem."

Yes, we reviewed last meeting, and moved on from there. Before ending we set two goals for next meeting. 1. To discover how our jobs are reported for DOLS. And 2. To find pay rates at other Southern AZ employers for target skills. We need concrete numbers, not "I heard that they pay blah blah blah..."

And then I asked the 64 dollar question; "what is an education worth?" That one could be a game changer. It's like 933σ!


steward said...

Okay, I'll stay in english. I just like to use spanish every now and then for practice.

First t I do not drive buzzed, well maybe a drink. I've been persued by many authorities relentlessly. Now if you want to check the sheriffs website they are dismissing charges. Why? because I'm clean. My lic was taken becasuse I knew they were harrassing me so after being followed and pulled over and passing field tests and breathalyzer I told them to go fuck themself when they asked for blood. they got blood anyway after a warrant was issued. I will pass those too. So, Call me a drunken driver if you want. What it really is I just don't take shit from anyone includings seveal sheriff deputys or fucking Lerrie Anns fucking Marana detectives.

Do you have the balls to standdwon 5 squad cars of deputies in the middle of the night all alone? I do and did, not just once, but now many of times.

Anonymous said...

eeh eeh, eeh eeh...

Anonymous said...


There's a worthwhile post!

Anonymous said...

not a creature was stirring not even a eee eee eee eee mouse!

Anonymous said...

If we can't tear into each others arguments about, and continue discussion of, the subject at hand, then I guess there's nothing left to dispute, and apathy has won handily here as well.

"Unless you've done something you have no right to whine. Grow a pair already."

Many of us have done things, oh fearless blog-master, and we wish to continue them, but at what cost?

El camarero Juan, sentimos mucho acerca de su situación en el trabajo. Si hay algo que puedo hacer, por favor hágamelo saber. Espero que su situación es mejor en breve.

Anonymous said...

"If we can't tear into each others arguments about, and continue discussion of, the subject at hand, then I guess there's nothing left to dispute, and apathy has won handily here as well."

Apathy isn't a word I understand. I'm going to the next meeting with the Union leaders to hammer out a way to improvement. I accept any concrete argument against my moves. Tear away.

Between now and the next contract I aim to reduce the Ousties complaints with the Union by helping solve the problems that made us rise up in rebellion.

If this fails, everyone will be a witness as to why it faled. If it succeeds, the only real argument left will be political.

The original post made light of the fact; most of our workforce could care less, and wont lift a finger either way. There are hundreds who were afraid to sign the petition, but complained daily about the Union. Apathy lives with them.

We who argue here are not lukewarm. We all want what we believe is best for ourselves and our coworkers. The difference is HOW we get there.


PS: Here's a translation for the Spanish message posted to John.

"To the Steward John, we feel very sorry about your situation at work. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I hope your situation improves quickly."

I can second that sentiment.

Anonymous said...

"The difference is HOW we get there."

A common goal; a dispute on the best way to accomplish it.

Maybe the endless discussion will continue after all.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe the endless discussion will continue after all."

It should. Nobody has a monopoly on what's right and what's wrong.

Anonymous said...

Nobody has a monopoly on what's right and what's wrong.

Nomination for "understatement of the week".

Anonymous said...

Union membership numbers in the hourly technical ranks is abysmal; the trades, along with the assembly occupations are obviously higher, but probably not to the level that the union leadership would like.

How does this union plan on catering more to those that are NOT in their ranks, while attempting to placate their current member base?

Anonymous said...

The Union is a service oriented business. Non members have spoken with their wallets. They can serve the needs of the present membership while gaining support among technical workers by increasing the value of higher skilled jobs.

Anonymous said...

How is it that in a town of a million people, I can drive down the street...and actually see someone (and his two friends) walking down the sidewalk?

Ya sure did look happy today.

Anonymous said...

Franklin D. Roosevelt:
It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

Your meetings are a bust. You are succumbing to this union F.L.O.C. Lets band together with a common focus and remove the skilled labor from the assemblers union. OK???

Anonymous said...

"It is common sense to take a method and try it."

OK...good beginning. Lets try it then. If it fails, then I would go along with the seconds half. But first, lets try it. Will you at least do that first?

You haven't been to a meeting to see if it's a F.L.O.C. or not, so why make the uninformed comment?

Why don't you help out these meetings so we can find out earlier if it's a FLOC Job sooner, rather than later. Why are you detracting from the effort without knowing what's going on? If it's not a FLOC Job, then what will you say?

Are you willing to risk your political ideology by working with us to fix things? If not, you are just blowing wind.

Next meet will be in two weeks. Wanna go?

Anonymous said...

Sell out, maybe?

Former Steward said...

I've been out of town the last week and I see not much has changed here. I no longer work for Raytheon. I have my own LLC and am doing well. I will now let my attorneys deal with Raytheon. I no longer will be a steward for this Union due to the companys position.

If you saw me and two friends walking down the road, I was actually very happy. Raytheon has allowed me the opportunity to go into business for myself, which is what I've wanted to do now for quite some time, thanks.

I no longer have a need to participate in these discussions. Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Entertainment factor is gone? What will we do now? Any other union stewards or officers with colorful banter up to the task? Step forward please, we don't bite.

Now is time to play Queen
"Another one bites the dust"

BTW, was he fired or did he really quit.

steward said...

I guess I can't really stay out of this fray.

"Was he fired or did he quit?"

Terminated is what was on that piece of paper. I got a call on my cell from Bob Guth. I was having coffee with my neighbors on their back porch at the time. I told Bob " you call me at this time of the morning while I'm having coffee with my neighbors, go fuck yourself." They knew I wanted to only come back to get in their face and have the opportunity to show all my people. Guess they took that away too. I won't be back. I will have my day though, then there will be a big party at Chuys for all who care. So I will have my day.

Today I meet with Jimbo and get the companys answer to step 2. Tomarrow (tuesday the 16th) I go to Marana again and might just probably be arrested. Anyone give a shit? If so you are invited. Marana Justice court at 9am. Beyana will be there, so will detective Castillo badge #310. It will be entertaining to say the least. Apparently I have now also misssed some undisclosed court hearing and will already be in contempt of court when I arrive. Where will Johnnie spend the night? Good guess, even I don't know. What I do know is ?????


Anonymous said...

Anon. Mar 14, 2010 7:37:00 PM wrote:

"Any other union stewards or officers with colorful banter up to the task?"

Nope. 'what we have here is....failure to communicate!'

"BTW, was he fired or did he really quit."

C'mon, let him answer himself!

Our Anonymous steward said:

"Terminated is what was on that piece of paper."

"I won't be back."

"I will have my day though"

Boy, that's a bitter pill to swallow.

Hope there's a big crowd there for ya, John. Who knows; maybe I'll turn up too.

Anonymous said...

A cliffhanger on the ol' blog here??

Can ya post from jail?

Steward said...

Your Post

"Boy, that's a bitter pill to swallow.

Hope there's a big crowd there for ya, John. Who knows; maybe I'll turn up too."

Thanks, I really mean that. Even if you can't show I know I have a lot of support. In five more hours I will head north. I'm ready, are they?

They say they want to put me in prison, for what? a non threatening email. That is all they have, oh, disruption of the judicil process. They had not even served me with the restraining order. They have absolutely NOTHING. Hello Marana, you will pay big $$$$ for detective Castillo's badge #310 harassment. That MoFo will pay very soon. I am relentless.

Yes, they do have computers in jail and prison. I expect to be posting again after my party today.


Marana Steward said...

Ready to Rock and Roll.

Anonymous said...

Whats this John?

steward said...

It hasn't been updated. Yes, the company is aware of that blog and of this one too. They follow everything.

Oh, by the way, there are now over 16 Marana charges. They had arrest warrents issued for me due to failure to appear. Not me, my attorney or the prosecuter know of any other date than today. They can't even tell us what day it was.

Got there with my $15K atty and we are not even on the docket. All has been changed to April.

How's your day? Mine, I'm not in jail. Sober, but I will celebrate here at home soon.


Steward said...

So, let's get this blog back to what it is supposed to be about. This is not JOHN'S Blog.


Anonymous said...

As far as the company being aware of this (and other) blogs associated with the Oust933 movement, I'm quite confident that it was known shortly after it was started.

By the time web page addresses were widely disseminated by members of the group, the company was reading it on a daily basis.

That brings to light an interesting angle in this discussion.

Steward John, why would you now continue to care about IAM933, RMS, or anything remotely associated with this topic?

It's truly noble that you still care, but even the most valiant warrior knows when to stop in order to fight another day.

Steward said...

Even I'm not sure why I care. I do. I feel I started something, bringing the Ousties and the Union together. I guess I'd like to see that finished and everyone benifit from it.

For me this is a small battle, I'm fighting many battles on several fronts. I can't back down from any of them for one seconed or they will breach the lines. I will fight until I win, period.

Also, this has somehow became John's blog.


Anonymous said...


I wish you the best in whatever comes your way. You and I were at loggerheads for years, but one day it just stopped. Then we began talking about the issues that troubled us, we both knew that getting the Union together with a few fiesty Ousties was the best possible way to fix things.

Most people on both sides of this don't like what we started. This Saturday we are going back to the table to progress a bit more. I'm hoping to see stats on job codes and local pay. You are welcome to come join us. If your other battles don't get in the way, come join.


Lady Ga Ga Steward said...

Dougie and all,

Damn, I miss work. I now have a very different job. This Saturday? I will be there I hope. I have to go fight another battle on Friday at 730pm at the Legion hall (post 109 Vail). Seems some like Alan think I'm scary and are now trying to get me kicked out of there too.

I haven't been there for weeks but have been a member for 15 years, how long have they been a member? months. Are they even Veterens? NOT. Do I have mental issues? YES, they pushed them out. I held them in for years sucessfully. I do have them back in control, all on my own, for now. They keep pushing.

Gaa Gaa Oh La La


Anonymous said...

Alan Wooton is afraid of his shadow.

Anonymous said...

There seem to be many inflicted with sciaphobia.

I think there's a lot of pantophobia going on in general.

Steward said...

Lo ¿crees que? Alan Wooton debe tener miedo del perro que se muerde algún día. Es muy comprensible su temor de lo desconocido.

Pantophobiacs r us said...

How was breakfast?

Are we to the point of PowerPoint presentations & take-away boxes yet?

Anonymous said...

"How was breakfast? Are we to the point of PowerPoint presentations & take-away boxes yet?"

Up Tight & Outta Sight!

As most of you know, the Cal Techs were a significant force in the Oust movement. The Cal Techs and Metrology Techs are NOT correctly represented in the pay structure.

I was suspicious of this at the last meeting, so I requested to see how we get recorded. Today my suspicions were vindicated and I am proud that we are on track. But much work remains.

To those of you who think the Union is dragging this out, think again. They see the benefit our ideas bring now.

We had a Tool & Die Maker come out to this morning's meet. He made light of some ways we (labor) are squandering our potential, and he highlighted ways we should employ to increase our value to RMS. Notes were taken. We will follow up...again.

Power Points are coming soon, and your take-away box is waiting for you my friend. Soon I will put up a circus tent and have a state of the fiesta address. RSVP.


seven second steward said...

Good Morning,

Sorry I did not make the breakfast. I had a real rough start to this weekend. I did finish it off at SIR with some old friends. Damn, it is good to feel the thunder again. Wait until next weekend when the nitro comes to town.

The Legion issue was hard. I will have to wait and see. Where was MR Wotoon? I think cowering somewhere else.


Anonymous said...

The union is not doing this for any reason other than their own self interest.

Moe than a decade ago, the former company & this union created the Career Enrichment Program (CEP). The goal (simplified) was to increase the worth to the company of the individual employee by giving them a financial incentive to increase their education/training.

Obviously, this was a benefit to the union - for obvious reasons.

So, now we got to just a few years ago, when >90% of the semi-skilled members were at or close to the top of the pay scale. The company begins to renege on their end of the bargain; CEP is stripped to next-to-nothing in scope.

Meanwhile, the technical trades are being screwed little by little - because the effort was toward that semi-skilled base initially.

Now, we move into present times. The customers are complaining about shoddy workmanship, sections of the plant are scaling down, and a whole new organization has been created to 'rectify those problems!'

Think you have the answer to the problem?

Anonymous said...

CEP is broken. Everyone knows it. Just a few bad apples have ruined the reputation and intent of the program. Crib sheets passed around to assist test takers "qualifying" for higher pay is evident throughout the plant.

The Company did right by reneging on the original deal. They were supposed to get increased value from the work force. What they got was a work force with plenty of people who can't do the tasks their position requires of them.

Promoting unqualified workers diluted the value of the trades. It makes honest workers who put out the extra effort for their skill pay for the slackers who cheated their way into the same positions. Not to mention the guys who got paid for not even doing the job.

Both the Company and the workers would benefit from grooming skilled workers from within. But the corruption that resulted in illegitimate promotions has come around to bite the very workers who stood to benefit the most.

CEP needs to be outsourced, to stop the cheats. They should re-write the program. PCC would be my choice to employ in place of the system we have now. Education has value. So does integrity.

Anonymous said...

Those that are suspect in their acquired positions should have to retest with a impartial and unbreached testing method. If you don't make it you go back to your old job and lose the pay(actually they should have to repay the difference in pay for their deceit,
but it would be hard to prove probably). Then there's a need to start paying the proper wage for each occupation instead of who has the most membership in the union, that is always going to be unbalanced between the occupations. Is there a fall back plan in case the meetings fail to produce? Don't put all the eggs in one basket as the saying goes. It just seems that this could have been corrected many years ago, but wasn't causing suspicion, resentment and indifference.

Anonymous said...

"Those that are suspect in their acquired positions should have to retest with a impartial and unbreached testing method."

Do we not consider everyone in that retest? Why not? A full third of their work force might fail the exam - then what?

Too late to change now; can't start over. Maybe it's time to consider retirement incentives for those Baby Boomers.

Anonymous said...

Close but no Cigar! You can't punish for suspicions. That's like closing the barn door after the cattle got out. They can only prevent future cheating. The Company could pay the highest wage for the highest diploma, and progressively less for lesser certificates down to the lowest "challenge test pass". I doubt that will ever happen, but it's my two cents.

Anonymous said...

"The Company could pay the highest wage for the highest diploma, and progressively less for lesser certificates down to the lowest "challenge test pass"."

Isn't that what happens in the salaried ranks? Ranking (and pay) based on most valuable to least valuable?

Doesn't this revert back to our "why do we need a union again?" discussion?

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't this revert back to our "why do we need a union again?" discussion?"

Unions in general used to fight for the skilled worker. To be in a Union, you had to hold the highest standards, and they kept their members in check. If this Union returns to this practice, it just might mean that they are going back to their roots. Whatever the motive, they must push forward with reform to revalue the workforce and to properly compensate the ones who rose to the top of their field.
The Union recognized it has a problem when these very workers were the major part of the Ousties. Hundreds of workers feel under-represented. The Union needs to meet their needs, and reform is one way they can begin to do that.

Former Steward said...

Now this is good discourse. Now let me go way back to when I first came back to Hugnes Aircraft. Jan 1985. They were fighting down at the hall over CEP. Most Union members did not want it. The company did. They conned the Union leadership into it and then did what they ususally do at the next contract they threw in just enough incentive to the assemblers to ensure it would get voted in. Man, I didn't really understand it all at the time. I used CEP to get to the Technical support. I worked hard. No crib sheets, but I have seen exactly that. How do you combat it? If the company would really put effort into it, there would be changes and crib sheets wouldn't work. No system is perfect. I feel CEP as it is should be abolished. But there needs to be a legitimate way for people who are willing to put in the effort and time to get ahead. CEP is for hourly, not to move into a salaried position. If you want to be an engineer, then go to U of A and get an engineering degree. Don't expect to get ahead with a U of P degree.
Good, keep it up and keep John out of it.


Once a Steward, always a Steward said...

"Unions in general used to fight for the skilled worker. To be in a Union, you had to hold the highest standards"

This is another great post. The Unions used to do this. What happened? Workers get spoiled? Maybe, Companies get complacent? A combination of so many factors we could burn up this blog for eternity.

What I know is that the company has asked the Union to police. Okay, but if we police, then we get to be part of setting the policing policy. Now to me that sounds fair. So it has to go both ways for it to work.


Anonymous said...

"What I know is that the company has asked the Union to police. Okay, but if we police, then we get to be part of setting the policing policy. Now to me that sounds fair. So it has to go both ways for it to work."

What difference would there be in 'policing' if the union helps set the policy?

The union should have been doing the policing for decades. Why should there be an issues with doing that job?

Don't give me "it's the job of the company to do that!" Seems like it's back to the union blaming the company yet again.

Civilian Steward said...

I'm sorry, but that is about a stupid comment as you can make. Why the hell would it be the "UNIONS" job to do the policing? Sure, some Unions do, but they are also part of the rule making too. For the company to make all the rules then expect the Union to enforce, is just ludicris. The Unions job is to represnt the hourly labor force. That is the law. To do otherwise would allow for many a lawsuit against the Union.
Now I personally have admonised. Especially "TESTERS" You know, those who compained the most about not being represented. I was a tester before I beccame a Cal Service Tech. Now as a cal service tech, it is very hard not to do a good job. You must fix things and do the cal. Sure there are a very few left from the old days who only do cables and filters, but very few. Testers on the other hand (There are some very good testers out there too) can get away with doing the very minimum. Take Scooter in 847 as an exsample. They can never find much that he can do, so they leave him at the vibe station and still he fucks that up. He can not troubleshoot crap. I've told many a tester before to not let the engineers do their job. It is very easy for some of them to sit back, push a button and when the product fails throw it on a shelf and wait for their engineer to find the problem. I've seen that countless times and I've spoken up. They usually either agree and continue the status quo, or they roll their eyes. Then they have the audacity to complain that they do all the fucking work and the assemblers keep getting the raises. Sorry, that has been a sore point with me for many years. What, it really doesn't matter to me anymore.


Anonymous said...

The policies have been there for years, John, you should know that. Why has the union capitulated on that responsibility to those policies? The concept of "fair & just" means different things to different people. How hard is that to comprehend?

"What, it really doesn't matter to me anymore."

Quite possibly the best thing said in this thread.

Steward said...

Show me the documents you lament about AH. Fair and just? Where the FU do you com up with this rhetoric?

As for my last comment that you liked so much GFYS.


Anonymous said...

Your (earlier) words:

"For the company to make all the rules then expect the Union to enforce, is just ludicrous. "

Really? CBA and all that means nothing, huh?

So, how do you come up with this rebuke?

"Show me the documents you lament about AH."

You should know them; after all, as a steward, that was your f'n job!

"Fair and just? Where the FU do you com up with this rhetoric?"

John, you're a unionist, you should know where that comes from. C'mon, don't make me point all of this out to you. It's so easy, a caveman could do it!

Anonymous said...

We could all come up with examples of inadequasie,but let's keep it general and not name names.
"To be in a Union, you had to hold the highest standards, and they kept their members in check."
I wasn't here 'back then', but I've been told that the majority of the membership were tradesmen. ie.machinists, tool&die makers, HVac, electricians and others. The assemblers,wips,test,mat.handler, custodial were in the minority. Over the years as these trades were pared back, the union leadership was shifted to non-trade members, who naturaly tried to catch up, pay-wise, to the trades. Which they have. As to policing their members, THAT IS THEIR JOB!
"we're in this together"-sound familiar? When you negotiate contract,it's for ALL, EQUALLY, FAIRLY, and it should be ENFORCED for ALL, EQUALLY, FAIRLY. Since this is a RTWS,both member and non-member are negotiated for and BOTH have to live by thecontract.
It makes sense then, to show 'good faith' bargaining, that what you negotiated in compensation for performance is supported
and adhered to by ALL, EQUALLY and FAIRLY! If that
means policing members by
educating or encouraging.
I have worked in open shops,
closed shops and non-union
shops and each one had some
form of "policing" by either
a steward or lead person.
For the smooth operation of
any business there has to be
a "cop", and I would rather
it be a fellow employee or
steward who tells me instead
of a manager who can fire me.
It's hard to be 'fair' all
of the time. Every effort to be fair AND consistant IS
the unions job.
More later.

Anonymous said...

The prior post was excellent!

Please continue; unionists of all persuasions really are supposed to look out for one another.

Steward said...

Like I said before, if policy is negotiated, then the Union would enforce it. The Union enforces what is in the "Contract" We do not enforce what is comoany policy. Now we do represent all member and non member if thye run afoul of any company policy. I have also advised many member and non members about the proper steps to take regarding company policy. I always represented anyone fairly and equally.


Anonymous said...

Your loyalty is with this company before it is with this union.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Steward said...

Like I said before, if policy is negotiated, then the Union would enforce it. The Union enforces what is in the "Contract" We do not enforce what is comoany policy. Now we do represent all member and non member if thye run afoul of any company policy. I have also advised many member and non members about the proper steps to take regarding company policy. I always represented anyone fairly and equally.


"WE" don't do jack shit! "WE" are just another useless, fired, traitor & worthess piece of shit!
Have fun gettin fucked in the ass by your friends and those in jail dickwad!

Anonymous said...

Not as pathetic as Big Bad Johnny boy!

Anonymous said...

Ephesians 5:5, Hebrews 13:4

Anonymous said...

I thought we weren't beating up Johnnie any longer.

Anonymous said...

Quit your bitchin!

Anonymous said...

Ok can we get back to ousting now?

Anonymous said...

Does seem that the 'oust-free' zone has really infiltrated this place, hasn't it?

How are those meetings these days?

Gotta hand it to John; he did get things moving. Like many work-related initiatives, though, they fall by the wayside - real work gets in the way.

Anonymous said...

A week and only a handful of posts.

I guess I'll take a week off from here.

Solo said...

I come less since this has just turned into John's blog..........

Anonymous said...

Gov Brewer passed the new bill to help rid the illeagals from sucking us honest taxpayers dry.
Yet your union president Mr. Quintana was emailing everyone trying to stop it.
Well I wish your illeagal mexican loving union president would renounce his american citizenship and go home to join his people he loves so much.
As for the rest of you union turds, hope you're happy that you voted for Mr. "all about illegals agenda" Quintana, cause you deserve each other!

Anonymous said...

I think John is history now. Even his union brothers won't bail him out. He currently is busy attempting to flip real estate on radon hill or doublewides in Saharita. Don't worry the union is loaded with these John types. Only a matter of time and they will self destruct too. Such a fragile psyche the unionist possess. Maybe haha the unionist clown will fill in or maybe haha was John, we will never know.
I do have the feeling the floc meetings were canceled due to lack of interest on both sides so ousting should resume later before contract time.

Steward said...

You are right. "John the Unionist" is flipping real estate and making way much more money than ever.Also I just moved into my new $500K home. God i guess I am an idiot as post here quite frequently.

Now for the part about the Union supporting illegals. I have personally been in other unionists face about this.I DO NOT SUPPORT ILLEGAL IMIGRATION.PERIOD. I'm on record on that issue. Even Casear Chavez did not support it. Illegal imigration has been supported by both sides of the political spectrum. Dem's because they want to have the illegals on their side with give aways and Rep's because they like cheap labor. I am a registered Libertarian MF. I support SB1070. Got that?


Anonymous said...

To: Mr. " I can't keep a job" union steward

to your early post 4-26-2010.....Bullcaca!
This is exactly why I dropped out of the local, too many agendas!
Mr. Quintana and his merry band of Taco Benders have only 1 agenda....
to make this the united states of mexico!

I read the emails circulating in the break rooms about how all union members should go downtown to protest the "anti-illegal" immigration bill.

The union has no business supporting ILLEGALS period. The ONLY job of the union is to unite it's workforce for better wages, and higher standard of living.
Not supporting some law breaking illegal (if they are not here legally they are law breakers)welfare,foodstamp,medical benefit robbing bastards that can't and refuse to learn the language of this country.... ENGLISH!!!!!!

They also have no business using any money, dues or whatever to support those politicians who do!

Anonymous said...

Amen to the above post. John, why don't you go crawl back into your bottle. You seem to find such comfort there.

Anonymous said...

You guys are kidding, right? This blog is spiraling downward while you call each other cowards and deadbeats. Have you lost sight of why this blog is here?
NO, there was no conspiracy, and Ed is not next. You sound paranoid dilusional with that crap. Why hasn't anyone still employed at Raytheon taken up Johns blog? And why hasn't Superbia Fattie written anything in such a long time? What? Have you guys given up on it?

Anonymous said...

Hell yes! It starts with the leadership, get rid of Quintana and his crew then you could accomplish anything!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote that earlier post is right, Ed Quintana NEEDS to be the NEXT TO GO!
Then Watson N Taylor. Does anyone know when they are up for election?
How many days do you need to be a member to have voting rights?

Anonymous said...

to: poster Apr 29, 2010 6:03:00 AM

Do you really think a little bug or words of encouragement were not given to help see another pathetic union member go away?

Oh you of little knowledge.
You never conquer an army at once. You conquer them one at at time!

Anonymous said...

That's a stupid comment to make. John knows what he did or didn't do, and you conspiray theorists are full of crap. Your efforts would be best appreciated figuring out why the North Koreans blew up the oil rig in the gulf. Hahahaha!