Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Christmas Story

"Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead," said Scrooge. But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!" - A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

It's a nice comparison to what happened here. While summer broke into fall, I found the events that unfolded on both sides of the dividing line were quite unpredictable to me, and most, if not all of the Ousties.

After our campaign was over, some things transpired that were unexpected. A Union Steward invited an Oustie out on the Rally Line before the contract was up. Since then, I've read that some positive conversations are happening between the Oustie and the Union steward. I haven't been able to see this for myself because he works in another building, but the way he's been writing lately is encouraging. The rest of you stewards can learn a thing or three from this guy. The blog entries have changed. The new argument has peaceful rational. This sets up the blog for a good debate between free individualists who ultimately control their destiny, and those who want everyone to pull together for a collective good deal. Those well schooled minds can play here to argue, and since we have "John the Steward" as one of the main bloggers, the readership has spiked! To the others; learn from him. Cooperation is in vogue.

One of the things “Steward” writes about is the different types of workers we have. He speaks of varying degrees of union membership, or non membership, ending in traitor. Talented activism is a gift that can achieve big goals for those people willing to sacrifice their personal quiet time to struggle for whatever cause they support in this free society. However, no meritorious cause, no public benefit, nor victory in a negotiating room is worth giving up your right to choose. Your sacrifice is yours alone. You can’t force your values upon those who do not share them, regardless of the benefits you think you showered them with as a result of self denial. For the haters, I pity you. The benevolence you show strangers contrasted against the contempt you show your coworkers means your charity is null. I whisper to the Lord that people like you could use a dreamy night like Ebenezer’s to show you a better way. I offer a candle.

Now that the Contract is negotiated, and the Union Elections are over, we have a pretty good view of the coming three years. There was a turn-over of a Negotiating Committee spot to a gifted master craftsman from 811, and if John predicts right, there will be a 2nd slot open soon. Jimbo explained a process to John in order to fix the pay disparity issue. I don't care what they call it (level adjustment), if after all is done, the workers with the talent are compensated fairly. In the past I've known this could be done, but doubted it based upon history. With the surprising chain of events over the past two months, I am not sure anything can't be done anymore. The steward asked the Oustie if he could borrow some talent from the Ousties for a project that will benefit both sides. “But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change.” For the better.

May you all have a Merry Christmas this year.


Anonymous said...

Bah Humbug!
“The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity”

Anonymous said...

Now that they admitted it, what are they going to do tofix it? Seriously? This sounds like a Santa Claus story to me. It'll never happen.

Anonymous said...

"The hypocrite has the look of an archbishop and the heart of a miller."

Anonymous said...

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Santa Claus Story Yes! Pipe dream Yes! All these promises and no substance. They do take good notes however.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is lost on the previous article. Now thats a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Enough brain power to light an LED bulb.

Anonymous said...

So, there's been many years of this disparity and it could have been fixed this time around or in years past and yet they chose not to. What is going to make the difference in this present 3 year time period?

Is the grub at the TTT going to be an elixir when unionist and oustie break bread together? Stay tuned each and every day as it goes on and on and on...give us more time, the check is in the mail...

Anonymous said...

Be carefull, the union is kind of like the Borg. Stand by to be assimilated.

Anonymous said...

What I really meant " Not enough brain power to light an LED bulb"

Steward said...

Superbi Parti,

I don't claim to be the smartest rock on the block. I was stuck on the old post for a couple of extra days. Doug had to tell me about this new post. I had created a shortcut on my desktop and it just took me to the older post. Anyway I'm here now, a little late, but better late than never.

I read your words of wisdom, thanks for your acknowledgement of me. That's about as big a word as you will ever get out of me. You and a lot of others seem to be philosiphers, I know I didn't spell that right and I will admit I am lost without spell checker. So what I post is the real thing. Sure, I could cut and paste to a word doc then use spell check, but I won't waste the time.

Me myself am not a Philosipher (spelling again), I'm a realist pure and simple. I will take the good with the bad and try to make the best of it. Some of these posts here come from those who just don't understand, they stick by their old hypocratical ideals. Hypocrite? Me, Yes, I have been a hipocrate before, but not now on this issue. Yes, Santa Clause really does exist, DOLT.

These posts look like they came from the same person for the most part. You're way over my head with the "look of an archbishop and the heart of a miller" I sort of think I get it, but not really. Like I said I'm a realist.

I take lousey notes, I work for substance, pure and simple. I mean what I say. I can't ever gaurantee success, but I will work my ass off to the best of my ability to accomplish what I have set out to do. That my friend you can take to the bank. Yee of little faith.

Yes, I can get lost. Life has proven that to me over and over again. But, life has also proven to me that if you have a plan, idea, that you truely believe in. You will make it happen. You just need to have the faith, conviction, and the determination to make it so. Go forth and seek what you desire. Geez, I'm starting to sound like you Philosiphers.

Okay, Mister LED, since ur so smrt, you fix it. Time to twist the old light bulb out and put in that new much more efficient LED bulb.

Yes, I was lost on the old article, I never claimed to be smart, I'm a little slow sometimes, but I get there eventually. Johnnie's back.

What will make the difference this time? Me, and that is all it takes. Take a look in the mirror and see who else will help ME make it happen.

Will the grub at TTT make it happen? There is alot to say about pork fat, taters, coffee and some chicken protien. Not sure if it matters where it comes from, but people think clearer after a good meal. Hell, I think it would be a good move to go to a bar, have a few whiskeys, mull it over, get into a fight, let it all out and then bond our sorry asses. Unfortunately they have all these stupid DUI laws and MADD. Times have changed for the worst here my frind.

Steward said...

Well you know me by now, I'm long winded. That old 4096 bit me again. Part 2.

Yes, I to belive the Union is like the Borg, Hey Zeta are you reading this shit???? Zeta was absorbed into something, but who knows what. Zeta, brother are you out there? Come on back. Zeta really helps out my cause.

Geez, I thought you gave me enough credit to light an LED, then you took it away. Wa da fuk, me simple lil cal tech. I'm so overwhelmed by your supeior intellect.

Okay, enough of this rhetoric. Oh, big word for a little simpleton like me. We need to move now. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of themelves. We don't have time to waste anymore. I personally will not spend much more time unless I feel there is enough on both sides of the camp who really want to accomplish this wage level adjustment. This is it for me, here and now. I have spent valuable time here the last couple of months, just letting it out. I wanted to give you a little time to get to know me. By now you should have made up your minds to get on board or not, this is the last opportuity. I want a meeting with all intrested right after the holidays. TTT or wherever, it doesn't matter to me. Doug has told me that some of you have expressed a fear of reprisal if you come out of the bushes and attend any meeting. Well justified, I understand, you're lucky we aren't the Iornworkers. Here's what I have to offer. Make the first meeting just between all of you and just little ol me? I'll meet with your group, by myself. I'm not skert. Kick my ass if you want, you will get hurt though, because I will not go down without a fight. I do not turn the other check, Jesus did, not me. But, then you will have your opportunity to express your views to me in person. I plan on being that next negotiator that I talked about. I will only do this one time, well I take that back, to become a truely good negotiator, you have to have been through the contract at least once. The Union will invest $ to have me trained, then and only after the first contract will I have gained that experience needed to do a good job at the table.

steward said...

Gezz, I am a real blow hard. Part 3

So here is my offer, TTT, January 9that's a Saturday at 0800 hrs, (8am for you civies). I will be there, you will be able to pick me out, short little piss ant with long hair and a beard. I'll get a table for how many? We have a couple of weeks here, I will oblige any legimate change of venue (no, I'm not buying).

I do pack a 45, high capacity Para Ordance, my BOC is a 357 Colt King Cobra, I have alot of other toys that the untrained will never know about, unlesss I'm crossed. This is in no way meant to be a threat, just a warning. Yea though I walk thru the vally of death I will fear no evil, because I'm the meanest MF in the valley. Christ is on my side, but like I said I'm a realist. I think enough is said here. I do not want to scare any away, but if I shoo away some panty waists, so much the better. I want to meet with real men, not ZETA. Hell I'd probably shoot him on sight just for the fun of it. Did I cross some line here?

Feeling down and dirty, feeling kind of mean. yea, Forenier, I'm just a dirty White boy, dirty White boy. You get it by now?

Okay, even I'll admit that I'm sounding strange here. Maybe, it'll just be Doug and me. if so, then so be it. We'll get things started. Superbi Parti, you are the master of this domain. I really hope to meet you Gary, just a guess though. I could be wrong. You are obviously very intelligent. I know you would provide more wisdom than my feeble little mind can. I really hope you show. I promise I'll leave all of my little toys in the truck. Well, sorry, experience has shown me you always need some sort of protection, just enough to get you to you primary sources. I've been in those situations before and even though I figure all will go well, you just never know what crackpot will come to the party. You need to be prepared. Just part of my Mrine corps training. Actually I'd learned that well before the Marines. They just reinforced that to me.

Live long and Prosper, John

Anonymous said...

I don't think that, through the pages of this blog, it's a good idea to "meet, greet & eat". I know there are others who feel the same way.

Strangely, I feel much is going on in the background, much like the Senate is doing now to pass this health care reform legislation.

I'll just watch, wait & see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Difference in members is seen outside too. Some union members care less. Some hated us then and now too. John got over it. But the others dont. Why should I make myself a target? Who is going?

Willie said...

Great, a date. What'll I wear?

Steward said...

The great Superbia Parti posted:

"One of the things “Steward” writes about is the different types of workers we have. He speaks of varying degrees of union membership, or non membership, ending in traitor. Talented activism is a gift that can achieve big goals for those people willing to sacrifice their personal quiet time to struggle for whatever cause they support in this free society. However, no meritorious cause, no public benefit, nor victory in a negotiating room is worth giving up your right to choose. Your sacrifice is yours alone. You can’t force your values upon those who do not share them, regardless of the benefits you think you showered them with as a result of self denial. For the haters, I pity you. The benevolence you show strangers contrasted against the contempt you show your coworkers means your charity is null. I whisper to the Lord that people like you could use a dreamy night like Ebenezer’s to show you a better way. I offer a candle."

Whew, you Philosophers? Way over my head, but I get the jest of it. Yes, I was benelent towards my co workers, even a lot of my Unionists. People see the light and do change. I saw the light and felt the personal damage that was happening to me because of my hatred. I'm not built to hate. I'm built to fight and love. Period. Pure and simple. Hey, I even got a hug the other day from Patti. I wasn't looking for it, but she just reached out and gave me a big assed ol hug. I can no longer reject her.

There are no more sleep dreamy nights for me. Maybe in the future there will be. Or, perhaps I'll just burst and go down in a blaze. It really doesn't matter to me which way it goes. We only have a limited amount of time here on Mother Tera (Zeta are you reading this?). I plan on making the best use of what time I'm permitted. That's part of the reason that I'm here posting as John the Steward from 847. Got it? I'll take the candle that you offer and any others out there to help me see the light. Will you accept mine?

John, yep it happened again

Steward said...

Part 2:

"Anonymous said...
I don't think that, through the pages of this blog, it's a good idea to "meet, greet & eat". I know there are others who feel the same way.

Strangely, I feel much is going on in the background, much like the Senate is doing now to pass this health care reform legislation.

I'll just watch, wait & see what happens."

Dec 22, 2009 9:43:00 AM

Why wouldn't it be a good idea to meet, greet and eat? Now is the time, no better time than the prsent. What, wait another 3 years for another shitty contract, so you can moan and complain some more? GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something, anything. We do need some sort of health care reform, not a gov run public plan (Obamacare), just something as simple as letting people buy insurance across state borders and perscriptions from Canada that we are subsudising anyway, the same FXXing meds as we have here. Go Republicans, that is the mess Republican politicians have caused.

"Anonymous said...
Difference in members is seen outside too. Some union members care less. Some hated us then and now too. John got over it. But the others dont. Why should I make myself a target? Who is going?

Dec 22, 2009 7:41:00 PM"

I hope you show, simple post, makes sense to my feeble mind. Yes, I got over it. I hope all of you ousties will too. Hey, we can't change everyone else, but we can achieve victory for us all here.

"Willie said...
Great, a date. What'll I wear?

Dec 22, 2009 8:18:00 PM"

Willie, the founding member of the ousties, come on down and wear orange. Hey, anyone got an extra orange Tee for me, really I joke here. I will wear my regular black bikerish Tee.

Well since it's been slow here lately, I spent sometime doing $ on the internet and I think I might have just made about $250K yesterday on a repro house investment. Time will tell though. Let's see what I make today. I'll keep you posted.


TTT, January 9th, that's a Saturday at 0800 hrs.

Geez, it would not be funny for me to forget. help me remember. I think Altimerizers is setting in.

Anonymous said...

John's comment from the prior post "Unions are pure American" needs to be addressed.

Where do you learn this stuff?

"Originating in Europe, Labour unions became popular in many countries during the Industrial Revolution, when the lack of skill necessary to perform the jobs shifted employment bargaining power almost completely to the employers' side, causing many workers to be mistreated and underpaid. This gave rise to the concepts of Marxism and Communism."

The truth really is more interesting than the fiction you provide!

Anonymous said...

"This gave rise to the concepts of Marxism and Communism."

So true. Unions are a direct result of Marist and Communist ideas. Every one is equal. Take from the rich and give to the poor. The most insipid thing about them is that then they go around disguising themselves as being American and part of the democratic culture when the exact opposite is actually true. Then they reel in people using emotional tugs instead of facts because the facts just don't back them up. Reading most of the unionist rantings on this Blog point out that most of their logic is rooted in emotion (ie the company is going to get you, without us you wouldn't get any Holiday break, etc.) without the benefit of factual accounts. This union needs to go away. We don't need to be meeting with them, we need to erradicate them.

Anonymous said...

Which is why this union will NEVER kowtow to Oustie rants or anything else to bring the real craftsman's wages to where they belong.

Steward said...

Oh god I love you guys, your posts give me the fodder I need.

Your post:
Anonymous said...
John's comment from the prior post "Unions are pure American" needs to be addressed.

Where do you learn this stuff?

"Originating in Europe, Labour unions became popular in many countries during the Industrial Revolution, when the lack of skill necessary to perform the jobs shifted employment bargaining power almost completely to the employers' side, causing many workers to be mistreated and underpaid. This gave rise to the concepts of Marxism and Communism."

The truth really is more interesting than the fiction you provide!

Dec 23, 2009 11:26:00 AM"

Where the hell do I make this stuff Up? Probably in my mind. Sure, I don't have any specific facts. But it is an "American thing". Europe is socialiszed. I agree, that is where too much of a good thing leads to crap. The US is is capitalistic, another sign that too much of a good thing is crap. What we need is balance. There is nothing truely american about america, What we do best is take from other societies, embrace it as our own, make it better, then we call it the american way. It's not just unions, we do it with everything, including capitalism.

Like you said, Unions came out of the capitalist employers "causing many workers to be mistreated and underpaid." If not for what you just said, there would never be a need for Unions. "This gave rise to the concepts of Marxism and Communism". So, then who do we have really to blame for that happening? Not Unions, but the very greedy capitalists. Prove me wrong here. I think you just made my case.

This is the truth, will you listen? Or continue with your fiction?


Steward said...

Need I say more? Part 2:

This is even more fun: Your post:

Anonymous said...
"This gave rise to the concepts of Marxism and Communism."

So true. Unions are a direct result of Marist and Communist ideas. Every one is equal. Take from the rich and give to the poor. The most insipid thing about them is that then they go around disguising themselves as being American and part of the democratic culture when the exact opposite is actually true. Then they reel in people using emotional tugs instead of facts because the facts just don't back them up. Reading most of the unionist rantings on this Blog point out that most of their logic is rooted in emotion (ie the company is going to get you, without us you wouldn't get any Holiday break, etc.) without the benefit of factual accounts. This union needs to go away. We don't need to be meeting with them, we need to erradicate them.

Dec 23, 2009 3:36:00 PM"

I told the truth in the last post about what is really to blame for the rise of marxisinm and communisum. The pure concept of Unionism isn't communisum, it is just banding together, pure and simple. Sure other Unonists try to take it towards communision or socialisum, but not most. Hey, I've gotten in their asses and told them that we need to focus on our core beliefs and take care of our people here locally. That is all I'm about.

I work hard for my money, I don't want it taken awy from me because I am sucessful. Remember me saying that I think I just made $250K on a repro real estate deal? Well, guess what? I just did. A damn very sucessful day. I spent all of today gettting all the necessary financing and paperwork in place. It will happen,, geeze I'm giddy. $250K in one day. I used my wit, my savings, and took a chance. It paid off. See I am a capitalist, but I did it on my own. I didn't need a lobiest, special interests, etc to make that happen. Do I want Obama to take that from me and give it to some dope smoking, lazy assed long hair? Not on your ass I don't. Still I do belive that hard working people need to band together to ensure that they get treated fairly. Oh by the way, I have long hair.

so, you don't need a Union, (ask the gaurds here) just listen to your earlier brothers post about how the employers mistreated their employees. Geez, you are soooo short sighted. How did you get through life this far?

Erradicate away, you lost, you couldn't even muster 5%, you are such a sorry assed loser. Keep on ranting, it will get you, what? Nothing. Instead concentrate on moving forwards.

John, Another 1/4 million $$$$$$$$$$ richer today. Guess I'm just a stupid unionist cal service tech.

John, do I really need this shit? I could retire tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

So in a nut shell your information about unions and union operation is based solely on your opinion?

Anonymous said...

I agree that community gains ideas are rooted in socialist ideology. The detail we non-unionists need to remember is that the majority of the workers didn't agree with us this fall. There were lots more than 5% of us. We even had an absolute majority of the Calibration Techs. But while we go about proving our point, we are putting off any chance of fixing anything. I say let’s work with John and Jimbo. We stand as good a chance to convince our co-workers by working with them for a common goal as by working against them. The Company will gain from this, as they will get better worker attitudes. Promotion within will become attractive again. Workers do well when they see potential in their investment.
Our ideal relies on individualism. Union collective ideal depends on the combined power of the proletariat. They don't see virtue in our work, but they know it took smarts and balls to fight the status quo. So cooperation does a few things. It gives us a chance to prove we are not what the union propaganda said we were. They wish to tap our brain pool, because we will help satisfy their long term need. It will give them a chance to correct discontent with dues paying members. Yet bigger than that, everybody’s pay will finally reflect true value. It doesn’t mean we have to abandon our ideas. But to refuse to help condemns us to the same failure up to now. We could sit back and complain between now and next contract. But history would repeat itself.
Before now they were unable or unwilling to work with us. Now they are. It is a win-win moment, as long as both sides do their earnest. If nothing happens from all of this effort, and we get jerked around, the whole world will see and judge. But if they do well by us, we will have one less fight to carry forward. That, my friends is called victory. If it fosters a sense of good will, and fixes moral, then it will be better for the workforce than any respect training RMS can create. It would lead to healing the hatred that many weaker minds still feel. The Company sees a win here. Later on we can always argue about ideology. But for now, let’s take John’s offer.

Steward said...

Your post:
"Anonymous said...
So in a nut shell your information about unions and union operation is based solely on your opinion?

Dec 23, 2009 11:55:00 PM"

You are so quick to judge. Not, nutcase, I draw my rants from not only my opininion, I draw them from history, my expericence, study, many a source. I also, know know and believe the dedication of some of our leaders and members. I do have a long history with Unions, both for and against. Believe me, I feel Unions are only a necessary evil. Now, go and do some homework. You need to make your decsions based on those kinds of facts.

An extremely good post was next. I agree with at least 90% of it. I'm not sure but the 5% I gave had to do with the decert effort. We have around 1900 bargaining unit people. so 10% would have been, 190, 5% is what? 95 folks? I heard you had appx 100 people sign your petition. Now I never saw it. I rely soley on hearsey from those I believe appx 95% of the time.

"We even had an absolute majority of the Calibration Techs."

While you had a large number from the Cal Service Techs and Testers, I do not belive you had a majority, how many cal techs plantsite 80? Not sure myself, but that is probably close. How many Ousties from our occupation? 20 or 40 max. Clearly not an absolute majority. Good try though.

Outside of those two opinions I agree 100% with everything else in your post. Yes indeed, it will be a great victory for you osties and us Unionists. You're absolutly right that together we can make it happen and if we Unions fail to work with you and screw you over, it will be seen by all. I for one only want us to all be successful. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not an idealist. You've heard me rant before about all that PC crap. I am a realist and see the value in working together. Your group has some very smart players, (Willie, Doug, Gary and others though not Scooter) they are successful at work and any other things they do outside of here. This is only a part of our lives. together we can and will make our lives much better and we'll gain some real personal lessons for ourselves that will help us with experience in many other things in life besides here at work.

John, the realist.

Anonymous said...

How you managed to tie together Marxism and Communism with the success of capitalism by blaming it on the worker is truly beyond comprehension.

"John, Another 1/4 million $$$$$$$$$$ richer today. Guess I'm just a stupid unionist cal service tech."

Congratulations! Be sure to help the cause by paying those state taxes on that paltry sum.

"John, do I really need this shit? I could retire tomorrow."

Tell ya what; you retire, I'll consider turning up to that retirement party you'll have.

Anonymous said...

Based on the pie chart somewhere on this blog, there are less than 1700 workers. I heard there was between 175 and 190 signatures. So what? If the Germans had run WWII differently, they could have beat a dead horse.

Anonymous said...

In the previous article comments you stated that…

” Anyway, I had breakfast the other morning with our DBR. We discussed your ousties main issue. Pay disparity. He said that we can not take from one group and give to the other, i.e. Assemblers to Cal service & Testers. What we can do is call a level adjustment. It is done all the time with Unions across the country. We come up with a plan and a $ amount. We must use good data to present our case. Then through the Union we present this to the company.”

Ok you only mentioned Cal techs and testers, what about the other job positions. Also If this level adjustment is done all the time can you cite dates and actual cases within IAM933, Raytheon, or Hughes. Also the final outcome and please be honest with no opinions.
Marry Christmas to all and to the Union good night.

Steward said...

Today I had the great pleasure/ displeasure of getting a fairly new Honda Recon ATV. I got it for $750, a great deal since it is worth about $3K. Great deal huh? Yes, for me, No for him. This guy that I bought it from had wanted at least $1K. He had it at a yard sale about 3 weeks ago and I made him that offer for $750. Of course he didn't take it then. Yesterday his wife called and asked if I was still intrested in it. I said yes of course. Yesterday around 5 pm I went over to pick it up. The guy around 6 ft or better, lean mean former Marine was in tears, really choked up. He was trying to show me all the things about the ATV. My wife, his soon to be exwife and his adult daughter were right there. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "I can see your hurting, what is up? Is there anything I an do?" He then told me how domestic violence had brought him down, how he was going to lose his place on 4.5 acers and was now living by himself in a 400 sq ft apartment, he shook, quietly sobbed, he was trying to hide it, but when you're that upset you can't. He had had 5 ATV's at one time, was probably living somewhat high on the hog, had a wife who loved and respected him. Something bad then happened. and his world slowly started falling apart, I guess, not sure, but I beilive that then because he did not know how to deal with things, that is probably when the domestic shit started to happen. I gave him the money, told him to count it, he said he couldn't and turned it over to his daugter for her to count. He then calmed down a little and told me about all of this. He also told me that this was the last ATV that he had and that he had bought this one special for his wife, that was why he was so chocked up. So I opened up and told him that I had just so very recently been in the same very dark place that he was now in. I did not pulled the trigger. I had survived and then I pointed across the way and said "see that Santa-Fe house over there?" I'm buying that right now, he gave me a look of disbelief. I was not trying to brag, I was pointing out to him that things can turn around real quick. I saw his wife and his daughter, who were standing just behind him, eyes light up. They were hoping and obviousley happy that someone who could relate to his situation was showing him how quickly it could turn around. Before I left a few minutes later, you could tell he was calming down. I told him to contact me any time he needed help, sincerely I want to help him. You can only let them know. I hope he does. We all need someone to pull for us.

Now, Im not sure how this story relates to this post here, just something I had to share. I do however believe there is a message there for all of us. We, like him have been through some rough times, we are starting to get back on our feet. If we work together we will succeed in turing our collective life around for the better.

I will gladly pay my state taxes on the good fortune I'm about to receive. I will invite you out to the party there. Bring the kids, cigars and Puerto Rican Rum. Yee haw, we will have a great time. Kids in the pool, slow smoker cooked ribs, some really quality down time. Maybe the guy I just mentioned will come and bring his wife and daughter too. They are both quite cute. Latino women are so sexy, I can understand why he was so upset over his loss. He probably has a chance to recover from this if he will settle down a bit and hopefully he gained some insight yesturday.

Johnnies gota a new toy. Honda Recon.

John, happy, but sorry for him.

"Yesterday, life was such an easy game to play, no I need a plae to hide away ......" something like that from Paul MaCartany's old Beatles song.

God I really do hope things work out for him. enough said though.

Steward said...

The pie chart was just a rough guess, I do believe we have around 1900 bargaining unit folks. I could be wrong, don't believe so. I think that by now you all know me well enough to see I tell what I believe is the truth. You can never go wrong with the truth, except for those little "white lies" to keep someone else from suffering. For the most part the truth wins, tell a lie and it WILL come back to haunt you. We have all been there and hopefully learned form that.

"If the Germans had run WWII differently, they could have beat a dead horse."

Not sure where you are going here. But, I do believe that if we had been a pacifist nation, half of us would be speaking German, the other half Japaneese. So, we need to win in Afganistan or we will be speaking Frasi and our women will be wearing barqus.

At least that is something the enlightend one "Barack" has figured out. That most Liberal, Chicago, southside, has gone against his very Liberal supporters, to do what is the right thing to do. I just hope they don't sway him enough that he'll let this linger. GW2 did. Like I said I didn't vote for the man, but I do now believe he is doing right for this country, maybe not on everything, we can't have it all. So fear not my conservative friends, I think he won't send us down into socialism. I really believe he's too smart to go down that road. Just keep watching out for Nancey P, Diane F old Harry Reid and the others.

John, wishing I was in Hawaii too.

Anonymous said...

'Ok you only mentioned Cal techs and testers, what about the other job positions. Also If this level adjustment is done all the time can you cite dates and actual cases within IAM933, Raytheon, or Hughes. Also the final outcome and please be honest with no opinions."

Unfortunately, it'll all be rolled under the guise of CEP - the Career Elimination Process.

Anonymous said...

Outside of CEP. Still a joke and always will be.
To Johnnie

"Morally, it is better to cash in on the fortune of others than the misfortune of others."

Steward said...

Post Master. Superbia Parti? Most times when I come into this blog I just scroll down and enter. Every once in a while I reread your original post. Damn, I think I'm kind of smart, then I read something like you post and I go. sheeet, way over my head. I can look at each line and get the message on an individual level. Then my simple thiking mind pulls a paragraph or two together. You are the master though, and with your wisdom, at least it seems to me that you can write much wisdom, you my friend have the special POWER if speech. SPEECH focused in the right direction is the most powerful weapon of all. Great minds will win everytime. I have compassion to do what I truely believe in, my speech is good, but not great like yours, but it does work. I will learn and eventualy get close to yours. Until then help me along brother. I've seen the light from your candle. Geez, this sounds to deep for me.

Your posts:

"Anonymous said...
'Ok you only mentioned Cal techs and testers, what about the other job positions. Also If this level adjustment is done all the time can you cite dates and actual cases within IAM933, Raytheon, or Hughes. Also the final outcome and please be honest with no opinions."

Unfortunately, it'll all be rolled under the guise of CEP - the Career Elimination Process."

Dec 25, 2009 1:18:00 PM"

Most of us Unionist didn't care much for CEP. CEP came along during one of my periods of working somewhere else. I started with Hughes Aircraft in Jan 1985, what a fool I was then, they asked me to start in Dec of 84, I said no, I have to relocate from Phoenix so I need a couple of weeks to settle in. Damn, I would have had a couple of weeks paid (Christmas break). Oh, well that was such a long time ago.

Anyway back to CEP. CEP doesn't do us Techies much good. It will help those far below our level to get ahead, for that I will support it. All the CEP folks I know really do a good job, there are no slackers there that I know of. Tommy T (Tom Tanzillo) got laid off in the same time frame as I did (1988) alot of folks went bye-bye. I think about 1500 of us in three days. Tommy T had been a supervisor, what they call a VSM now. Didn't matter to the company how smart or sharp he was, just another number to make their 1500 number. Me too, I was very sharp, I was training those new engineers with a BSEE because Joey Samoey and others knew I had the ability to do it. But, because I only had an associates in electronics, I was let go. See, that's what I always tell others, get that BSEE sheepskin. When the market drops, and it will again, those Testers that took salaried positions, which are sweet to them right now, will be the very first out the door. Sure a couple will survive, not through their intellect, but because of their circumstances.

True Story here, So and So, who is still around, who like me had an associates. Well he, back in 1988 was into drugs, alcohol, etc. He went into rehab, and came back out. A few months/weeks later the company started their layoffs, by law, they couldn't touch him. He stayed employed, while others got the boot. Hey, they gave me a free cookie on the way out the door. This guy was an under performer for sure. A few years later he went through rehab again. He is still there and doing quite well now. I believe he has finnaly overcome his addictions and is a fairly smart engineer, I believe he has also finally gotten his BSEE, not sure though about that. I'm glad for him now. Just proves my point, don't get that degree Mr Tester with an associates and when the next down turn comes you'll be out. If you don't get the BSEE then you better get to drinking and drugging, then save rehab for when you hear the company is going to start laying off, get in right then and you will save your sorry ass. After it's done, they can't touch you for a year. You, though can get back to that lifestyle of drinking and drugging with full protection.


Steward said...

Yea, again. Part 2.

Part of your post:
"Also If this level adjustment is done all the time can you cite dates and actual cases within IAM933, Raytheon, or Hughes. Also the final outcome and please be honest with no opinions"

No, I can't cite any specifics. I just relied on what Jimbo told me. Could he be BS me? Sure, but I don't believe so. Ask him yourself, he isn't hiding anywhere. he will talk to Unionist, freeloader, outstie and even a traitor, if he thinks there is a chance to convert them. Just ask Doug. Hell, Jimbo pissed off a very proud Unionist by ignoring her to talk to Dougie. He will regret that though. Lola is one serious Biach. She can burn your soul with her eyes if you cross her. Luckily I've never crossed her and if she reads or hears about this post as she most likely will, she's the Chief Stewards Wife. I will only beg her affection, for I have sinned very little here. She, in her benovlence will forgive me any transgression. Dougie knows her burning eyes.

Other occupations besides Cal techs and Testers. I've been waiting for them to jump in, we can help them too. But, you need to step up to the plate and be a part of this or you will be left behind. Hey, I can't do it all alone by myself. I will speak for my occupation. You want a piece? Then be at TTT on January 6th(?) at, what 8am? You're buying. I like buttermilk pancakes, eggs over easy, and a lot of pork fat. Visa, check or cash, it all works.

Another post:
"Anonymous said...
Outside of CEP. Still a joke and always will be.
To Johnnie

"Morally, it is better to cash in on the fortune of others than the misfortune of others."

Dec 25, 2009 1:36:00 PM"

Okay, you are way too deep for me. Lately, I've made great fortune on those who are less fortunate. They, put it on the line, overspent their budget, did not save, lived the good life, flashed it in front of folks like me. Then the bottom dropped out for them, they lost it all. Yes, I feel for them. Hopefully the next time around they will be smarter and then they will have a simple prophorus life. Me, I capitalized on their misfortune, hey they really need the money. Me I don't need as much money as I have, so I use that left over money to make more money. It's a very simple process. Don't over strech your budget, live beneath yours means. Even if the "Ol lady" squacks and says why don't we do more, we can afford it. For years I heard that story, now she's singing a differant tune. Crazy thing is she is mad at me for this success. Weird, I know. She will very soon be living in a half a million dollar house that I got for $150K, will be debt free after I sell our existing house on 7 acres for about $300K. I will never fear a strike again. Actually I'll vote for it even if they give me all I ask for. Why? Because now I'm making more on the side than I do at work. But, I will stay at work for now, because I'm used to working hard. Soon though the time will come when I'm convinced that I cam make more by staying home. Not sure if I want to be a negotating member, but I will before I leave. Just feel I have something to give to the hard working middle class, before I leave it's ranks and become UPPER class. Watch out Mr. big shot who had it all handed to him, Johnnie's coming up and will devoure your sorry little ass, because you do not have the life expericeces that I have.

Well I'm sure I hit the 4096 limit again and will probably have to post this twice.

John, watch out wall street.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday John. The date in question is Saturday 9 Jan, 08:00 @ TTT Truckstop Cafe. We're working together this time. Peace, out.

Merry belated Christmas to all.


Steward said...

Oh what a day I treated myself to yesterday. Finally made it to 53. What a friggin ride it has been so far. I believe it will just keep getting better, until the big ol dirt nap.. then it will either be peaceful blissful nothingness, hell fire and damnation ,or the one I believe in the most Heaven. Whether my sorry ass really belongs in Heaven I like to think so though.

Doug, thanks for the Happy birthday. Your're only the 4th to tell me so, actually after looking at the time of your post you would have been the 2nd. Wifey, finally gave me a kiss and said happy birthday two hours after she had been up. That's it, that's all Johnnie got for his birthday out of her. Johnnie spent the day in town getting some things done. Then for the first time in years I stopped into TDs, I was actually looking for Tens, I have an old friend who works there. Got me a Nimbus beer, very cold and a shot of Jack, very expensive in a place like that, but what the hell, you only turn 53 once in your life time. Found a place up front, nice view. Club was a little slow. After a couple of pulls from the Nimbus a sweet little thing named "Dallas" asked if I'd like a dance, why sure I would. I didn't have a clue what it'd cost, last time I was ever at a titty bar it was $5. She did two for me and I gave her a $20. She was very appreciative. She asked if she could sit down with me for awhile. well sure, please do. Well the next three hours was the best three hours I've had in a long time. Dallas showered me with some great affection, danced (if you call her rubbing that sweet little hot body of hers all over me dancing, had a special litttle technic of blowing hot breath and moaning right on that special spot on your crotch) for me several hours. Princess are you reading this? Only left to do her time on the stage. Sure, I probably drop a $100 on her total, but, hey it was my birthday. She was heading out from work at 6pm, asked me to come over to her place. Well, it was all I could do to not go with her, but I had Momma back home to think about, after all an old horndog like me will only go so far. So after a few hours, I pulled up stake and came home. Yea, she was happy to see me, probably still figures I went out and got laid and I'll let her think that. Unlike Doug's hot Latino wife, I'm married to a wonderful gringa, blonde haired, brown/greenish eyes. Very pretty, but not hot at all. So, Doug, it didn't work for me, she doesn't get all hot assed jealous over anything I do. She's told me before, she prefers I would get it else where, just don't bring it home, make it known to any of our friends and don't get all drunk and remorseful one night and confess my sins to her. Actually, I'm probably one lucky guy. Princess did you read that?

John, wishing I'd spent the night in Dallas

Steward said...

Yep, part two

Doug, thanks again for reminding me of the TTT date. I have a very short term memory. I can remember great things for a very short time. Not so for a long time. It served me very well in college, got strait A's in almost every subject. Made all the alpha, Beta, Kappa crap. It's on my diplomas. But, do I remember much now?

So, back to work for a couple of days of the most teriffic of all, Christmas OT. Make back on what I spent on Dallas in a little over an hour. Yea, what the hell do Unions do for us anymore? We don't need them in this time and place, the company will take care of us. You are sooo misinformed. Got yer heads stuck up your arsses. Okay, keep it civil John.

Well as Dougie said, "we're all working together this time. Great, we will all prospher, again I ask the other occupations that are under represented here to attend our meeting at the TTT, really you don't have to buy. We're all big guys and a make a decent living for now. We just need to ensure that we keep making that living and get adjusted to the proper level. We work toghether we will make it happen, right Superbia Parti? Douggies on board, how about the rest of you.

I noticed a real decline in postings here, hopefuully that is because you are spending more time with family over the holidays. Once we get back to work, we need to get sarted, for the party will be over and we only have limited time to accomplish our goals while the time is right. Raytheon has a lot of work right now, can not get qualfied folks off the street, is really facing a personnel staffing problem. So, let's be smart and take advantage and strike while the time is right.

John, it will be a Supreme Party.

Steward said...

Princess, are you here? I really do like to eat meat with a face on it.


Pissed Steward said...

Crap, over two days and no one has posted. Not even Princess. Maybe it'stime for meto move on. Shit, two dig burns on my nice roll top oak computer desk since I tauht her how to use the damn thing, Good thing I'm headed to work this morning.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, no one can hold a candle to your unbridled wit and intelligence, John.

They have better things to do.

"The Internet is forever."

A very happy Steward said...

Thanks for your post: I think you have paid me a complement. whether your feeble mind intended it.

Yes, they may have better things to do, but so do I. I just have the passion to do this now. I believe in the Union and now after the strike, oustie, decert action, then we get a reasonable contract. I feel compelled to act. For me I feel that the Cal Service, Testers, and other occupations are behind the federal level for Southern AZ. Dougie pointed statistics out to me (Dougie has a very sharp intellectual mind, you can see it work when you tell him something he hadn't thought about or consider before, He doesn't take the road of just spewing out something to prove his point, he actually thinks before he speaks, when he responds it is with wisdom) that the federal wage for Cal Techs in So Az is $35/hr. Recently our DBR with the support of the international has bargained for technical folks at DM, Serria Vista and other federal areas for 15% to 20% hihger than those federal levels. Our DBR now knows that he needs to do that here. Raytheon is in a hard spot, they are expanding business and can not bring folks off the street for what they are currently paying us techies. The ones they recruit from are mostly retiring military. They are use to moving and will go to Phoenix or wherever for $35/hr or more. Currently, Raytheon is using more and more salaried engineers to do tester work. Soon it will be cal work. An $80K engineer to do a
$50K job now, maybe up the anti a few dollars or more and still get a cheaper tech than an engineer. Hell, I even busted (Steward ya know)five E6 (managers) building a test set, Now those guys each make over $100K, Raytheon knows it is not finacially sound, but stupid bean counters keep telling mangment to keep labor costs down. (different bucket). Raytheon has recently signed an agreement with the city of Tucson (notice how this so called Liberal Star mentioned this, they do mention all the money and work that RAYTEON brings to the community with it's generous wages and benifts, when we were on strike this liberal newspaper only gave us passing lip, but they did always put Daisy front page) Geez, think someone's hand is in the cookie jar here?)to keep the area south and east of us zoned for only industrial commercial, keep the housing out so that they won't have the NIMBYS crying about FACO blowing up. This deal locks Raytheon in to keeping their missle business here for 50 Years, yes that is FIFTY YEARS. We will all probably be taking that dirt nap by then. Now what the hell is Ricky Nelson and corporate to do, Oh my. NAPI, thank god for NAPI, yea that's working, lets throw some more folks, money, time at NAPI. What is the saying about stupidity, keep doing the same thing over and over and keep expecting it to turn out right. Poor little snooty Ricky depending on the Indian nation to abuse. Well, Ricky you were able to keep the Union from organizing there for years, guess what? The new trible chairman was supported by our international (whatt happens to those voluntary political contributons? Not dues).So, now the new trible Chief is beholding to the Unions. We can play the same games the corporations do and we can play it better, because we have right on our side. Soon NAPI will be a UNION shop, no more cheap $7 dollar an hour tester, again so sorry Ricky, with no benifits. Sorry Ricky, you lose. You'll be looking at a golden parachute soon, tell Louise I said hi. Maybe, just maybe then corporate thugs will send in someone to work WITH the UNION. You my friend will benifit greatly because of me and the UNION. Enjoy it, I wish you well. Then step back and really think about what I've just posted and JOIN US.

Steward said...

Yes, long live the internet, it has served me well and it will in the future, it currently serves me quite well now in my other ventures. I will not post here for much longer, as so clearly pointed out to me there is other things to be doing. I happen to believe our future is worth spending the time to post. Now is the time to get this accomplished.

Anonymous said...
Obviously, no one can hold a candle to your unbridled wit and intelligence, John.

They have better things to do.

"The Internet is forever."

Dec 28, 2009 3:22:00 AM

Now for the really fun part. Smashing your squeeny little post. with it's micro little ironic jabe at me. Ohh, My you have such powerful wit and vocabulary. Geez I was there at 11, Are you smarter that a fith grader? Maybe? NOT. You dim witted twit, posted a little pissy ant post, slightly whitty, but absolutely NO CONTENT. Just a poke at me to see what I'll bite on. I wouldn't have even responded to it if there were any other posts out there, but since I'm hungry for the fight I will bite. I love the fight, I could not exist without it. Even after I leave here in a few very short years, I know I'll find another cause to fight for that I believe in. Again I will run into your little wimpy assed ilk, think yourself a genious. Yes, I will run into someone smarter and witter than me. I await the challange. I believe Superbia Parti is such a person, but I think currently he agrees with me and has stepped back to alow all of this ranting from me. If not, he'd be spanking my ass. I know a master when I meet them. I learn from them and eventually, so far have surpasseed them. Oh, yea, call me GRASSHOPPER. I loved that show back in the 70's. I was smart back then. Then I became a smart ass. Now I'm a really BIG smart ass. who uses facts. You don't like that, you are afraid of my facts and my wit. Get the FUXX over it and you might be able to get over that 5th grader level.

I'm sure I went over again, so I'll jsut do some cutting and pastingright now.

What the hell ever happend to Ziggy or Tweety, or whatever the hell that space zombied, closet liberal?

John, the ironic witty one.

STEWARD said...

Yes, long live the internet, it has served me well and it will in the future, it currently serves me quite well now in my other ventures. I will not post here for much longer, as so clearly pointed out to me there is other things to be doing. I happen to believe our future is worth spending the time to post. Now is the time to get this accomplished.

Anonymous said...
Obviously, no one can hold a candle to your unbridled wit and intelligence, John.

They have better things to do.

"The Internet is forever."

Dec 28, 2009 3:22:00 AM

Now for the really fun part. Smashing your squeeny little post. with it's micro little ironic jabe at me. Ohh, My you have such powerful wit and vocabulary. Geez I was there at 11, Are you smarter that a fith grader? Maybe? NOT. You dim witted twit, posted a little pissy ant post, slightly whitty, but absolutely NO CONTENT. Just a poke at me to see what I'll bite on. I wouldn't have even responded to it if there were any other posts out there, but since I'm hungry for the fight I will bite. I love the fight, I could not exist without it. Even after I leave here in a few very short years, I know I'll find another cause to fight for that I believe in. Again I will run into your little wimpy assed ilk, think yourself a genious. Yes, I will run into someone smarter and witter than me. I await the challange. I believe Superbia Parti is such a person, but I think currently he agrees with me and has stepped back to alow all of this ranting from me. If not, he'd be spanking my ass. I know a master when I meet them. I learn from them and eventually, so far have surpasseed them. Oh, yea, call me GRASSHOPPER. I loved that show back in the 70's. I was smart back then. Then I became a smart ass. Now I'm a really BIG smart ass. who uses facts. You don't like that, you are afraid of my facts and my wit. Get the FUXX over it and you might be able to get over that 5th grader level.

I'm sure I went over again, so I'll jsut do some cutting and pastingright now.

What the hell ever happend to Ziggy or Tweety, or whatever the hell that space zombied, closet liberal?

John, the ironic witty one.

Steward said...

Yea, Johnnies, gettin tired. I do sleep, not for long though. I'll see uou all soon.


Steward said...

Geez, I overslept today. Nearly 3m.

Where are you?


Anonymous said...

Smashing your squeeny little post. with it's micro little ironic jabe at me. Ohh, My you have such powerful wit and vocabulary. Geez I was there at 11, Are you smarter that a fith grader? Maybe? NOT. You dim witted twit, posted a little pissy ant post, slightly whitty, but absolutely NO CONTENT. Just a poke at me to see what I'll bite on.


Okay, we'll return to the point. You made so many useless ones in that last rant, it's tough to find a spot to unravel your delusions. Again.

Raytheon has recently signed an agreement with the city of Tucson (notice how this so called Liberal Star mentioned this, they do mention all the money and work that RAYTEON brings to the community with it's generous wages and benifts, when we were on strike this liberal newspaper only gave us passing lip, but they did always put Daisy front page) Geez, think someone's hand is in the cookie jar here?)to keep the area south and east of us zoned for only industrial commercial, keep the housing out so that they won't have the NIMBYS crying about FACO blowing up. This deal locks Raytheon in to keeping their missle business here for 50 Years, yes that is FIFTY YEARS.

That agreement was made as a part of Raytheon actually obtaining and operating this place, right? Remember that part? The ten years being in the county was over; it was time for Raytheon to own up to it's end of the bargain with CoT.

I thought liberals & unionists worked hand in hand. Dozens of comments a day were made every day on both sides of that issue. That definitely didn't help the cause, did it? There were a lot of people who read that daily. It was better news than what was actually being published, wasn't it?

The same things that eventually reduced aerospace in So. Calif will begin to happen here. Look at Camden to become FACO for much of what RMS builds. Union-free, right-to-work state, isn't it? At that point, that land south of Hughes Access gets to be fought over by both CoT and Sahuarita. Should be a good fight. By then, neither one of us will care.

Besides, being factual won't get in the way of a good story, now, will it?

Anonymous said...

Why John...
I think he posted a good factual article debunking your delusional paranoia while providing a good basis for his view in addition to good spelling and proper grammar. What do you have to say for yourself? You say you are American so please don't distort the English language in your rebuttal. It makes it hard for the common person to read and decipher. The balls in your court now.

Anonymous said...

To all,
Can you come up with data to support wage rate claims? I found a BLS site that has statistics for AZ on some fields. I'm looking for help getting facts to the TTT breakfast. Google it!
This isn't a pro or anti union arguement. For now, let's just compile a database to see what the facts are. The more data, the better. Different points of view welcome.
And lets stop ripping each other over "miss spelling", (intentional pun) and use our time to focus on data for our clasifications. What do Tool & Die Makers make in AZ, or the local area? And Machinists, Plumbers, Woodrights, Electrical Technicians, so on and so forth...bring verifiable data.


Anonymous said...

“[The] Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life” A. Brown

Remorseful Steward said...

Your post:

Tweet, you are smarter than I gave your credit for. You did acieve sucess. It is really just easier to approach me directly though.

"That agreement was made as a part of Raytheon actually obtaining and operating this place, right? Remember that part? The ten years being in the county was over; it was time for Raytheon to own up to it's end of the bargain with CoT."

Correct there. Where is the debate though?

"I thought liberals & unionists worked hand in hand. Dozens of comments a day were made every day on both sides of that issue. That definitely didn't help the cause, did it? There were a lot of people who read that daily. It was better news than what was actually being published, wasn't it?"

I get the Commie star daily, I like the local news. I never read dozens of comments daily. I read little posts from the Union. Then I read half page from Daisy, on the front page no less. I was personally interviewed in the first week ofthe strike. Report seemed to be on our side, He took alot of notes from me about our cause. I read his story in the paper the nnext day or so. Just a little post that mention me and one comment. I guess the rest of what I had to say wasn't nearly as inmportant as Daisey.

"The same things that eventually reduced aerospace in So. Calif will begin to happen here. Look at Camden to become FACO for much of what RMS builds. Union-free, right-to-work state, isn't it? At that point, that land south of Hughes Access gets to be fought over by both CoT and Sahuarita. Should be a good fight. By then, neither one of us will care."

No, No Yes, Who knows. I'll make it clearer though. Yes, the Californication of Arizona, me I'm a native AZ, born here. I hate to see the californicaion. But this is not Arniold land and never will be. I do agree, that what brought california down is partly due to Unionisum, but so much more to capitalism. Hell you couldn't even get an apartment in some ares of Ca for a $1,000,000. Then there are all those illegals, gang bangers, that society needs to care for. Me, personally, say kill them all orship them back. I'm not a panty waisted LIBERAL. I'm a UNIONIST.among other things.

Camdem will not get FACO for at least 50 years, that is part of the deal you cite. Yes, it is a right to work for low wages state, just like here.

Tucson, Sahuarita, who really cares?

"Besides, being factual won't get in the way of a good story, now, will it?

Dec 29, 2009 4:54:00 AM"

Got me there, all it is, is about the good story, damned the facts.


Sorry Steward said...

" Anonymous said...
To all,
Can you come up with data to support wage rate claims? I found a BLS site that has statistics for AZ on some fields. I'm looking for help getting facts to the TTT breakfast. Google it!
This isn't a pro or anti union arguement. For now, let's just compile a database to see what the facts are. The more data, the better. Different points of view welcome.
And lets stop ripping each other over "miss spelling", (intentional pun) and use our time to focus on data for our clasifications. What do Tool & Die Makers make in AZ, or the local area? And Machinists, Plumbers, Woodrights, Electrical Technicians, so on and so forth...bring verifiable data.


Dec 29, 2009 5:44:00 PM"

ThisOustie gets the ral point. It's nnot time to be Union or anti-Union. Just time to getall our facts together to present a solid case the company will by. They don't care about our little peeve at each other. They are just concerned about the bottom line. So, we need to show them how they will prosper by making that wage level adjustment. Yes I deid read the previous post and diss it. who the fucking hell caes about spelling. If I had concentraeted that on all your other posts I would had never stopped typing. Go away little pissey ant.


Guilty Steward said...

Okay, gumball, I really messed up some of my spelling there. What really happens is that I think faster than my fingers can physically type, which is fast. I'm a true QWERTY typing person. For those of you who use hunt and peck, that means I was actucally taught to type, I actually learned that in the Marine coprs to use for teletype. (Old stuff there, kind of the very first computers)Mostly I humped a fucking radio, flew in Heliocopters, did Crypto gaurd duty, Night landings at sea, in high waves will pucker yer ass, don't be afraid though it won't do you no good. Enjoy the thrill, the adrenline rush. Skipper knows what I mean. Skipper, Shelia the VSM in 847, the only VSM there that I truely respect. Beautiful, intelligent and a combat veteran from Iraq. She is only 35, just into true babedom. Yea, Johnnie likes her, for all the above reasons too.

So, shithead, how was my spelling?

Anonymous said...

Anon: Dec 29, 2009 5:44:00 PM

Can you come up with data to support wage rate claims? I found a BLS site that has statistics for AZ on some fields. I'm looking for help getting facts to the TTT breakfast.

I'm afraid I will respectfully disagree wit the meeting, and do not plan to attend.

And lets stop ripping each other over "miss spelling", (intentional pun) and use our time to focus on data for our clasifications.

If you're not able to spend 30 seconds and use spell checking software, readily available in web browsers and in other ways, why bother writing?. You do realize that one of the easiest ways to track people is by comparison of spelling mistakes made in anonymous posts? In addition, it you don't make the time to make the written word accurate, how can your facts and data be believed as also being accurate? Excuses ('I type too fast') are like asses.

Back to another Steward rant:

I do agree, that what brought california down is partly due to Unionisum, but so much more to capitalism.

Capitalism made that state! With a top-ten world-wide economy [ Calif. Economic Clout ] is what makes that state draw people to it for over a century! That state is ~12% of the U.S. GDP, which, if you'll recall from economics class, that is a fairly significant percentage.

Hell you couldn't even get an apartment in some ares of Ca for a $1,000,000.

Simple supply and demand, again, basic economics. Remember, you did take at least a semester of that in high school, right?

Me, personally, say kill them all orship them back. I'm not a panty waisted LIBERAL. I'm a UNIONIST.among other things.

Isn't that a bit of a predicament to be in? Conservative unionist? Perhaps that's why you have trouble sleeping. Quite a quandry to be in. As far as "other things", yeah, it's known.

"Besides, being factual won't get in the way of a good story, now, will it?"

Got me there, all it is, is about the good story, damned the facts.

Is there anything else left to be written, then?

Anonymous said...

a person who insists on rectifying the spelling errors of anyone by rephrasing the said line accordingly. To remain faithful to their cause, they must invariably make no spelling mistakes whatsoever of their own, otherwise he/she is engaging in hypocrisy, in turn, looking like an oblivious dumbass. Further, they justify their cause by asserting that the victims' spelling is "imposible" to read.

Rock Star Steward said...

A rebuttle from:

"Anon: Dec 29, 2009 5:44:00 PM
I'm afraid I will respectfully disagree wit the meeting, and do not plan to attend."

Well Anon, can't even think of a real post name, so I'll just cut off a little from Anonomous. YOU should not attend, for if by now you haven't figured it out, you probably never will.

Notice how you so easily mention that if I don't have the time to use spell checking? Okay what about yours genious.

first paragraph of your rant.

" Is wit a word, I think you meant with. Ohh , you stupied assholes make this toooo easy"

You rely on speel check way to much. In your second paragrah:

"You do realize that one of the easiest ways to track people is by comparison of spelling mistakes made in anonymous posts? In addition, it you don't make the time to make the written word accurate,"

"it", did you mean if? Spell check really did it for you there. See people like you rely on others to do your work, like Unions. God you are so stupid.

Another one of your genious posts:

"Capitalism made that state! With a top-ten world-wide economy [ Calif. Economic Clout ] is what makes that state draw people to it for over a century! That state is ~12% of the U.S. GDP, which, if you'll recall from economics class, that is a fairly significant percentage."

Oh, my what a great intellectual debate when you use some sort of Wikipedia post to show how great the state of CA is, Gezz, they are such a perfect model of capitalisum now aren't they? So, why is it that they are leading the way in every possible economic diaster now. Republican Governor, Arnold, I'll be back. That state is leading the way down, businesses are leave by the droves, even the radio talk show hosts, radical right funded critize California for its terrible economic situation, blame the liberals like Diane Fienstein, yes she is a twit, so are they and so are you. You are all of the same ilk.

You are really the ass here, your post:

Simple supply and demand, again, basic economics. Remember, you did take at least a semester of that in high school, right?"

Actually I graduated High school way ahead of my peers, nearly a year ahead, with honors. I then joined the Marine Corps, where I made E5, Sergeant of Marines in 2 1/2 years, got out drove a truck for a couple of years then went back to junior colledge, obtained a ASEE, let me spell that out for your feeble mind Associates of Science in Electrical Engineering. Had a 3.8 GPA. Got inducted into a national honor society. Went to ASU for a BSEE, do I have to spell that out for your sorry stupid ass? Yea, I'm clearly a dumb fuck, unlike your stupid sorry ass.

Yor post again:

"Isn't that a bit of a predicament to be in? Conservative unionist? Perhaps that's why you have trouble sleeping. Quite a quandry to be in. As far as "other things", yeah, it's known."

Yes, it is a bit of a quandry my good man. I've always been a bit of a conserative and a bit of a Unionist. Such is my life. I don't just pick a party line and go with whatever they preach. I follow my own values. Sure, we all know about the other things. Folks like you take such pride in following my life. Gee, I'm like a frigging ROCK STAR to you all. Gee, I wish I could be popular with the laddies like John is, since, you are a stupid dumbassed, fucked face look fart, you aren't. So you try to bash me by falsly accusing me of all kinds of things, Where is this evidence? By the way where is all of this evidence of my mis spelling? you all just post that I can't spell, but never show me where I did mispell. You just follow the rumor mill, hey, but most of it is correct. The ladies do love me.

Finally your last rant:

"Is there anything else left to be written, then?"

I'm sure you feeble little mind will find something here for fodder.

6:11, you sleep way to late to keep up with me shithead.


Dec 30, 2009 6:18:00 AM

Biker builder Steward said...

Your post:

Anonymous said...
a person who insists on rectifying the spelling errors of anyone by rephrasing the said line accordingly. To remain faithful to their cause, they must invariably make no spelling mistakes whatsoever of their own, otherwise he/she is engaging in hypocrisy, in turn, looking like an oblivious dumbass. Further, they justify their cause by asserting that the victims' spelling is "imposible" to read.

Dec 30, 2009 6:25:00 AM

Great post, even I missed "imposible.

So, it is the 31st, last day of the year. How quickly three years will come. In 9 days we will meet at the TTT, actually twit head I do hope you change your mind and show. Here we can rant and get it out. There we will meet an dstart on a pathto correct the gunious issues that the Ousties have with the Union, but really it is with the company. Rational minds will prevail, get all of our nosense out jere and now so we will have clear heads for Jan 9th at the TTT.

I had mentioned in an earlier post tht I planned on being ton the next negotiating committee. well I resind that now. I've had an opporty to get a ne house, unfortunate for those who spend $400K on it. I will get this place for $150K, sell off my current place for $300K, pay that place off, bet totally debt free, yes I'm such a dumbass. I hadto revied my net worth and have found that I have nearly $250K in 401 and other investments, $74K debt (current mortage) that is all, I don't buy new cars. I currently nmake nearly what I do as a cal tech on the side through auctions and ebay.

I will, be totally debt free at 53, own a $500K home on 4.5 acres, have a 1/4 mil in other assests. I have 3/4 a machine shop paid for.

I have decided that I do not need to put up with this any longer. I will get the ball rolling for you all here. I then will retire before the next contract and build motorcycles for a living. My life long dream. I've built/rebuit some over the years. It's fun creative and very rewarding. Why did I wait so long? I guess you are right, I'm a little slow.

I very recently had a great blow to my life. A fellow coworker, unionst, whom I trusted very dearly, stabbed me in the back.
So long Princess.


english Steward. said...

I notice this spellingthing. I very carefully read over my last post prior to sending it out. I usually do and catch most, but notall misspellings. My last post is riddled with mis spellings. I think there is something wrong with the posting process and it will add a few extra letters, ignore your corrections and combine words.

So, going forward please quit spending valuable time blasting anothers spelling. It may not be their fault.


Anonymous said...

My work here is done. I am heading into work on Monday with a whole new outlook on life. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm going to quit reading this blog unless that long-winded steward starts speaking more efficiently. What we need is more facts, more real discussion, and less empty rhetoric.

To my own chagrin, I do have a couple of questions that need to be answered, probably by the aforementioned blowhard.

Why, after so many years of being screwed by the union, should we trust that union leadership has finally heard our concerns, much less willingly take up our concerns as their own?

What proposals are in the works to correct years of injustice by the union toward the more technical trades?

I realize I probably sound cynical about this newfound affection between the union and the "ousties," but I've worked in this system for over ten years now, and have seen nothing in that time that suggests this is anything more than the union placating the angry- and growing- opposition.

Anonymous said...

Steward John is nothing more than a listening post. He'll soak up all of the ranting from the Ousties, pass it up the food chain, where it will be summarily ignored.

Then he'll claim that he did something to help the cause.

Steward said...

Really this is getting old, by now you either get it or not.

Your post:

"I'm going to quit reading this blog unless that long-winded steward starts speaking more efficiently. What we need is more facts"

Go ahead and quit, I dont give a damn. I've posted all the facts that my feebile mind knows. I've accomplised my mission, just to get the ousties and the union together to figure out whatwe need to presnt to the negotiating committee, who WILL presnt it to the company. After the TTT my part is done, yea, there will be some other little stuff for me but. I wll turn itall over to an oustie and the DBR. I myselfe plan on leaving here as soon as I can. I'm tired of this shit and know I can live a much better life with out it.

this is really the last post of this type I will repeat myself again.

Your post:

"Why, after so many years of being screwed by the union, should we trust that union leadership has finally heard our concerns, much less willingly take up our concerns as their own?"

Actually a very valid question. One I would and have asked myself. This is not the same Union as before, it is that simple. Ther're are folks like me, our DBR and Negotiatig committie who finally took back our Union for m those others.We are true Unionist and are trying to do true Union, the old school Union things to make workers rights heard. Pure and simple.

What proposals? I'm not sure, that is what we are working on starting with a ground laying meeting at the TTT. ask me, the DBR or Dougie after that day. We'll see where it leads, I belive you will all be so much better for it. I will not stay around. I have no need to. Right now it is just the desire to finish what I startarted. I will be gone soo to much greater things.

You believe the Unions caused you injustice? No the corporations have, just look at the tv, stop watching Football, basketball, or what ever. Nowthose litttle abused corps, having been so abused by Unions over the years, need you tax dollars to help thier poo little asses. Who has been and is still abusing you?

I've learned that anger will only hurt yourself the most. I've suffered it and finally have learned.


The Last Steward Post said...

My last answer to these kinds of posts.

"Anonymous said...
Steward John is nothing more than a listening post. He'll soak up all of the ranting from the Ousties, pass it up the food chain, where it will be summarily ignored."

You really don't know me. A listening post? Really? I worked hard and put myself out there for folks like you to bash me. All I hopped was to get a meeting together and I've accomplised that. I need do no more posting now.

I will not post again until we, the Union nd the Ousties have something to pass on. From here on it will not be John's blog ever again. I had my chance, I made my posts. I believe I accomplished what I set out to do.

TTT the 9th at 8am, we'll enjoy some good breakfest, then just talk, perhaps we will start to develope a great plan to correct the pay disparities. I believe it will work. If not, at least both sides tried. We will still bond. and become stronger. Get on board or not, it is your choice. I'm sorry for you, but I'm sure you will find another. You will not have me around any more to bash. Adios. All of the following posts will be by the combined efforts of Oustie and Unionst.

Find somewhere else to vent your anger.

Adios, John

Then he'll claim that he did something to help the cause.

Dec 31, 2009 3:45:00 PM

Anonymous said...

I took some time off to enjoy the family, like all you. Now I read the last few days and I am pissed. Steward, you started hope and the TTT thing. But now you made your million and you are runnig off like those rich people and leave us hanging. Why dont you finish what you started? Funny when they win the lotto, they forget everyone else. You talkd like you was gonna fix things. Now you leave us hanging. Who you with!

Anonymous said...

Too busy chasing Princess at the bottom of a empty Johnny Walker bottle.

"Where, oh where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over, and I thought I'd found true love,
You met another, and PFFT! You was gone!"

Still a steward said...

Anonymous said...
I took some time off to enjoy the family, like all you. Now I read the last few days and I am pissed. Steward, you started hope and the TTT thing. But now you made your million and you are runnig off like those rich people and leave us hanging. Why dont you finish what you started? Funny when they win the lotto, they forget everyone else. You talkd like you was gonna fix things. Now you leave us hanging. Who you with!

Jan 2, 2010 12:42:00 PM

I will finish what I started

Just time to move on though.


Recovering Steward said...

Anonymous said...
Too busy chasing Princess at the bottom of a empty Johnny Walker bottle.

"Where, oh where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over, and I thought I'd found true love,
You met another, and PFFT! You was gone!"

Jan 2, 2010 9:08:00 PM

Hell, I chased her and others at the beginning and the end of a bottle, wixh I could afford a bottle of Johnny Walker, oh guess I can now.

God I miss that old He Haw show. Ol Roy Clark did have some greattalent. Saw him in condert once. He was great.

I still will try not to post. Only maybe answer questions directly. I really wanat to wait until after the TTT to pas on what i hope to be good info.

Princess, the stab wound still hurts, but doesn't sting as much.

Anonymous said...

Would love to read the other side of THIS story!

The steward said...

Can't wait to hear the other side of the story. Princesses stab wound is healing. Not completely. kind of like where the scab just itches some. I meet a very nice lady from Rita Road, the Tomahawk area. She knows the Princes.Strange, but not entirely unbelievable. I knew this princess must've had a history. Figured I'd have to pay a PI $ to get it. I'm sure I could get more, perhaps I will. I'm sure she has a public record. Maybe save me some $ here. I will hear it though from HR and Phycoligist. Who give a rats ass? Larrie Ane Azures from Marana. She is a great talent at building hardware.

Johnny Romero. married, WIP in 801 was at Rita a few years back. He had to leave of his own will to get away from her. Yes, she is addictive like the Whiskey or whatever you master is. We ALL have something that we lust for. Me it is Women, Whiskey and respect. I started smoking again too. I will put that aside again too once I have her in check. that will be very soon. Play time is over. My attory is smart. I have two hearings at Marana court in the first week of Feb.The first for 5, yes that is right 5 arrest warrents. The first for harassment, the other 4 for obstruction of justice. Two detectives at my atty office. One, the smarter one behind me. The other the bulldog at my side. Mia the administrative assant in front behind the windo. Mia is cute, probably all of 25, maybe 6 mo pregers. stood tall and held me in control. Bulldog, who had spent the previous day at my gate, calling on my machine, very controlled. Asking me to come out of the house, I know you are in there, a call from him, then a call fromMIA, I was at PT across town. I didn't get home until after dark. Neighbor said I saw the dark SUB at you gate for over an hour. He knew I wasn't at hom. Rural neighbors do watch out for their neighbors. You can't do shit out her without one of us seeing it..

My time is a comin STEWARD said...

Part 2,

I didn't wait. Knew I was close to 4096.

Thursday/Frida storm/. Raged like hell hee. You live in a mobile on top of the ground out in the middle of nowhere, when Mouther Earth speaks, you hunker down and take care. House was rocking, rain was punding, wind was tearing it up. I sleep fine even then for 2 or 3. Then wife wakes up for work. I say no way, too dangerous. She growles in her special way. eyes glazing and boring and says you can't tell me what to do. Yes, my friends. My wife is more stubborn and mean than I. She is an retired Airforce daughter. Broke up with me at 17 because she know what a 18 year old Marine would do over seas. Yes she was right. When I came home, she took over again and we have been together ever since. what 5 to 6 yrs living together, then me at 27, she at 25 married. Now is 26 years as MR & MRS. MY parents never made it that far, maybe 5 or 6.She wants no childrean. Loves all the neices and now their children. Our new house wil be graced by a neice who is ssssso smart, attractive and now 16. She is a cheerleader and an acedemic. She will attend the U of A in afew years on a scholarship and I'm sure she'll be a cheerleader for the cats. She will live at my new place. Uncle Johnnie will buy her a car. Not new, but nice. something that is deserving. maybe used BMW? Gerber, do you read this? She will pick. I will decide from her pics.

Geez I ramble at times. where was I???

"Rural neighbors do watch out for their neighbors. You can't do shit out her without one of us seeing it.."

That is a fact. So be warned Marana PD and Penis county Sheriffs. Yes, I know and have been told all that I post is seen by ALL. Five fucking crusers at midnight. Drug test me, I still have the hematoma. I will file a compaint today. Spent the night at Kino with derilicts. Lucky for me thetwo gaurds were former Marines nad protected me for bangers. Yes, you all thought a little lesson from harden shithead bangers would send a message. Johnnie has strage friends everywhere. Marines, and all who have ever worn a uniform will protect each other. Even Oustie to steward. Most Ousties are retired military. Yes, we butted heads, now we butt minds. You civies will never understand that. Supervia does. Parti on dude.

O. Marana PD sits at my gate for over an hour, has Mia call too. The storme that night and early Friday morning. Took tree limbs down out here, traxh cans and contents spread over several acres. Roads washed out, I beggerd her not to go to work. There are otherw that live intown who can cover. She is dedicated at waht $11/hr.Whatever, I said I will follow you to work to ensure your safety. She made it through the gate and I turned and headed back home. Fuck, I was all over the place, nearly headon, but at what 5/10MPH Rain was that hard. Got home, house was side open, Gentle lab was soaking wert and muddy. Like someone had gently rolled her out of the house.One day the mean dog next door who barks and growls who runs from the sight of me and cowers.One day she will not let him attacker anymore. She is solid muscle, atleast 80lb/ more like 90+. solid muscle, very little fat.
So, I clear the house with gun in check. Nothing stolen, broke just all open. Close the doors, close he blinds. load shot with #4, SKS too. I feel very safe now. Neighbor calls and said dude that same dark SUBV left just before you returned. Marana PD tried to sneak in and arrest me in the middle after what they knew Deb would have left. Thanks for not harming her or my dog. Still FUCK Off, did you have a waarrent signed by a judge to enter my house? I'll bet not. Wee'll soon find out. Today all hell will break for Marana PD and Penis COunty.


Anonymous said...

Shit, friends say stop talking, just do so they won't have time to react. All is still locked loaded and waiting. You are my witnesses.