Friday, October 30, 2009


You can Hope all you want, but Swanson is going to loosen his belt for the fatted goose this Thanksgiving. Big Daddy Warbucks can sleep well tonight knowing his minions have hashed out a paltry portion for those who actually make the product that makes him his big profits. All I can say is shame on Raytheon for pinching pennies and keeping the best of the golden goose to themselves. I mean really is 0.25% THAT important? We went from 3% to 2.75% "raises". The truth is we haven't gotten ANY raise. It is not even close to a cost of living. Raytheon's position: Be glad you scum gots a job, get back to work morons and stop whining! They'll make great Communist sweatshop overlords for Obama's national CHANGE to Facism! Congratulations, heil Swanson!


Anonymous said...

Don't blame Obama for this contract. Blame those that kept saying "I'll be there Monday no matter what" Raytheon knew and they knew all along you ousties were not with the union. Now you can see Raytheon for the greedy bastards they are and when those that wanted to go lick their boots I hope Bob Guth pisses on you.

Mikey said...

What a predictimate....accept the contract or strike. Its clear that the company is not threatened by the union. After all last time you walked out the company got to see how productive they would be without the slackers who hide behind the unions skirts....don't forget the company was more productive without the union than with it.

Its clear you will just have to hang your heads in shame and accept the contract. Union pride..what a joke

See you ALL at work Monday...hahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

"Its clear that the company is not threatened by the union."

I don't understand why the company keeps the union around.

For three years, this group has educated the masses. When (not if) we accept this contract tomorrow afternoon, we'll have another three years to show the masses just how screwed IAM933 is.

There's an election for officers of this union in a week. Take all of the wisdom accumulated over this time and replace them all!

Decertify 933 Committee said...

Both Obama and Bush are puppets for the Globalists who run things, and by design are making the dollar worthless. Both parties are corrupt to the very core. The days of being loyal to one party, one union or one company are over. When you discover that who you are voting or working for is corrupt, then it is time to move on. Vote them all out!

Companies that prove they don't respect their workforce, don't deserve to have a workforce. Let them try to run things with their robots. Unions won't give you any power against "the man" as every contract has proven, even this one.

The company will continue to keep the profits to their upper echelon workers who seem more valuable because of their degrees and their pedigree. There are companies that actual SHOW their workers that they are wanted, by being generous with perks and pay.

Time to sell my home and get out of debt. This contract won't make it easy to do, but I'm having a yard sale! Ya'll come on over, y' hear?

Solo said...


They skimmed the 3% to give the leads and second shift more money.....

The company had x amount of dolars for a payroll budget. Where it was used was negotiated....

Anonymous said...

Tricks or Treats, gang, that's what this is!

This is Raytheon we're dealing with, not Hughes!

Anon 8:10AM - STOP SHOUTING, you've yelled & yelled, it didn't get us a damn thing, did it?

No; the Oust group did something the individual UNION members could never do. You were (collectively) grabbed by the short pubic hairs and got a lesson in reality. This will be the third contract IAM has managed to screw up; I'm sick of it!

One hundred percent membership in this union would NOT have gotten you anything and you know it! Your members are as greedy as the company; look at what they drive, look at where they live.

Me? I'm going to look for something better. Trust me, it's out there!

Q: What's the best time to look for a job?
A: When you HAVE a job!

Anonymous said...

The failures of the union are the fault of the Outsers? The UNION is not to blame? Here is the short of it. The union protects the dumb and the lazy. Why ense would seniority be the primary path to promotion?

Instead of demanding pride and moaning about respect how about this...Get rid of the dead weight that IAM933 is synonymous with and earn respect by showing some pride in your work. Next time the contract is negotiated I bet the company would be willing to deal with you if you offered more than a 3 more years of doing the bare minimum and complaining about everything.

The UNION failed YOU. Not the company or the ousters...but YOUR UNION. If they cant get you a good contract what are you paying them for?

I cant wait till Monday to see the mighty union members back at work with nothing to show for all their chest pounding and lame rallies at the plant gates. When you are hanging your heads in shame maybe you can read about the "Union Pride" written all over your lame tee-shirts...those of you who can read (stewards are exempt).

Keep paying your dues...maybe in 3 or 6 or 9 years that wise investment will pay off. Idiots ahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

It seems the tone has devolved some, courtesy of the union partisans. Remember, violence and vulgarity are the debate tools of those with the losing argument...

Am I, as a non-union hourly employee, a freeloader? No. I work hard for my paycheck. I've seen that the freeloaders- those who skate by on minimal effort and produce more headaches for their supervisors than actual product- are mostly union members. Actually, all of the examples that come readily to mind ARE union members, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that a few freeloaders may not be...

I have also not forfeited my rights to complain and participate actively in these discussions. Since I am not an assembler, the best way for me to have a voice in and an effect on the negotiations is actually by NOT joining the union. If you don't believe me, see the previous comments that blame poor offers and contracts on the non-members and crossers, rather than the union members sitting on the negotiating committee. They do sign the contract, after all, and they are recommending passage of this one.

Yes, this contract is as bad as the 2003 fiasco. I blame the union for accepting that one. If they wanted to strike, that would have been a strike some of us non-union members supported. Instead of standing strong on principle, however, the union's cowardice en masse blew that contract. The misused strike over the decent 2006 contract- which resulted in little real gain after two months- is a direct contributor to this year's less-than-stellar contract. Just like in 2003, it seems the union is going to tuck tail, accept this contract, and blame it anyone besides themselves and their spineless leadership.

Just don't take it out on the rest of us when we see your dejected and demoralized faces back at work on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Union pride...........what a joke!!

You don't get the contract and you still go back to work....Big Red will never take you seriously!

Mickey said...

What a bunch of loosers! I guess we get another 3 years of excusses about why the union couldn't get the job done.

Anonymous said...

See all of you weak, spineless sheep at work on Monday. Everyone...salary, non-union is laughing at you.

I bet the meetings at the flag pole will end and so will rallys after work. The union only stands together 1 week before the contract much for union unity....more like union stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Oh quit your complaining and suck it up already. So what if you think I suck my bosses weeny. I get more favors,am liked more, and get more safety tokens than you union pukes do. In fact I think it's funny how you complain that you never get a safety token, when all you do is shop on ebay and hang around a coffee pot or stand in the halls. Just try and work for 8 hours for a change and see how much better you are treated. Cry babies.

Anonymous said...

"Fact is I will comeback and still work circles around your dumb ass. Your high and mighty bull does not take away from the fact that Raytheon knew it could count on you pussies to prop up its less than stellar contingency force. Don't try and BS people by saying you did great without us."

In your dreams superboy, your super hero, super union fantasy world is all in your head. We are better than you, always have, always will be ,we are there when YOU can't be counted on!

Anonymous said...


You are who we Ousties needed to educate the most. You sucked down the dumb assed idea that 100% membership would change things. We fought for lots of things, and then backed off after Labor Day. Contrary to what Jimbo said, we didn't poison negotiations. Quite the contrary. We even attempted to help them if they would fix the stuff that got them into this problem. If you couldn't see it, it's because you have a low IQ. One of us sent a comprehensive data base to help the union tailor the contract to fix the rift between Ousties and the Union. Now we see the info the Assistant Chief Steward forwarded to him was littered with inaccuracies. But we won’t blame anyone. We want constructive change. Ours was a rebellion over ideas, and how to compensate our workforce.
This union didn't fight, nor raise a word about fixing the pay for the trades. I read some crap about COLA on update 15...who thought of that BS? They made shit up! They brought in accountants from back east to tell them what to ask for. They didn't serve you, me or nobody. They served themselves again. In reality, with this economy, 2.75% isn't bad. But like "solo" said, they carved up the budget to best serve themselves, not the tradesmen. You can't see it because you are either not smart enough, or are too drunk on the union slogans. But definitely, you can't be in one of the classes we tried to help the most. If you only had a clue.
With respect to the membership, I suggest you vote to reject this contract, but not to go on strike. Force the negotiating Committee to go back to the table and re-carve these numbers so that the tradesmen don't have to live with substandard wages while others here get way over their true value. This disparity has the potential to bring in another union, due to lack of representation. The Ousties failed in September. But another union is eager to come in with lawyers and representation specifically aimed at the workers who need it most. 2012 may be a fight between two unions, not a campaign by a few dozen workers. Somebody needs to bring this up tomorrow, and inform the membership of what this could do to them as a group. Fix it while you still can. Vote NO on the Contract. Vote NO on a strike. Vote YES on Fair Wages. REJECT THIS CONTRACT.

Anonymous said...

Something from the Starnet. Unions like this one run on a NATO principle. No Action Talk Only. I really believe it. Only action I see is the Orange Shirts informing the union members of the scam club they are in.

Anonymous said...

To Anon Oct 31, 2009 3:54:00 PM; Your grammar tells me you have a GED. You couldn't possibly understand what's going on here. Thanks for your loyalty to the union. You need it.

Anonymous said...

"Union people work circles around someone? Really I would love to see that. Sitting on your ass is not work"

Maybe if you spent more time working you wouldn't have time to notice what others are doing.

Anonymous said...

What you mean I cant understand whats going on here. I got a GED that dont meen I am dumm. You people that put on the oragnge shirts are dumm. You looks like you all should be working on the roads. This union we got is good and I am not dumb. I am an assembler and I make more money then you. You are the dumm one. With out the union you all would be in line for soup. You should thank the union you have a good jobs.

Anonymous said...

You're kidding me right?

Anonymous said...

What an afternoon of words! Time to jump in and toss a few syllables around with impunity!

Anon. Oct 31, 2009 2:08:00 PM "With respect to the membership, I suggest you vote to reject this contract, but not to go on strike. Force the negotiating Committee to go back to the table and re-carve these numbers so that the tradesmen don't have to live with substandard wages while others here get way over their true value. This disparity has the potential to bring in another union, due to lack of representation. The Ousties failed in September. But another union is eager to come in with lawyers and representation specifically aimed at the workers who need it most. 2012 may be a fight between two unions, not a campaign by a few dozen workers. Somebody needs to bring this up tomorrow, and inform the membership of what this could do to them as a group. Fix it while you still can. Vote NO on the Contract. Vote NO on a strike. Vote YES on Fair Wages. REJECT THIS CONTRACT."

I think you over-estimate the intelligence that will be in that room tomorrow. The sheep will vote to accept the contract. My prediction has already been shared here. I will say that I'd love nothing more for them to reject the contract and go on strike. You know why, and I know why that'll never happen; the institution won't allow that to happen. If it did, it would implode within a couple of weeks.

Seriously, they'll lay this "defeat" at the feet of the Ousties. For a handful of people who wanted to challenge the institution of evil, it worked to their disadvantage yet again. There will still be minions who believe that the institution got screwed, they got screwed, we got screwed.

No, what happened was prophesied in these very pages time and time again. Take the time and read the history here and in other places and see for yourselves what has happened.

Yeah, 98% voted to authorize a strike last week, just how many showed up again? Five hundred? Did 60% of the membership show up?

Look, a relic of a bygone era is trade unionism. Local 933 is but one of dozens of archaic institutions that (1) negotiate wages and working condition terms, (2) regulate relations between workers (its members) and the employer, (3) take collective action to enforce the terms of collective bargaining, (4) raise new demands on behalf of its members, and (5) help settle their grievances.

Here's you're chance to grade their performance in those areas in less than 18 hours. Grade fairly, now!

Anonymous said...

"With respect to the membership, I suggest you vote to reject this contract, but not to go on strike. Force the negotiating Committee to go back to the table and re-carve these numbers so that the tradesmen don't have to live with substandard wages while others here get way over their true value."

If we vote no on the contract and no on a strike we accept the contract by default. You cannot work without a contract:
1. the company could fire anyone on the spot there is no union representation because there is no bargaining agreement.
2. Our charter is written so that we automatically default to the shit contract if we vote no on the strike.
Damn shame isn't it we now have to live with this, but thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity,,,why orange? That's prison colors. What point were you trying to make?

Anonymous said...

"...why orange?"
Recall the Orange Revolution of Ukraine? They reformed the country.

But closer to home, we are prisoners! Prisoners of a broken Union.

Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

"Our charter is written so that we automatically default to the shit contract if we vote no on the strike."

Could you vote for a strike that lets everyone go to work and perform a work slowdown? Something that would let workers go in, but have the two sides fix this, even if the bag of money stays the same size. Just "redistribute" it.

You should be able to do something to make it right. This leaves you no room to fix what the negotiating committee screwed up. Could this be one more reason the IAM Constitution sucks?

Do the people really have a say in the union? Can you fix this now? Show me you can. Show me the union membership can overcome this fault. Show me UNION POWER! Force the Negitiating Committee back to the table tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

"Could you vote for a strike that lets everyone go to work and perform a work slowdown?"

If we did that then Raytheon would think we were the contingency workers.

Anonymous said...

"...Raytheon would think we were the contingency workers."

You are mistaken. Contingency Workers performed at 104% of the goal, with no lost time injuries, setting a record for all time. Doubt me? Ask your VSM.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that union workers would be dogging anyone about being lazy. The very structure of the union fosters lazyness. Anyone with any drive will end up getting frustrated and leaving the union. Remeber the union values seniority and rewards for it. There are no incentives to work hard in the union, just do the bare minimum and keep paying you dues.

It is this structure that keep the company from bagrening with the union. The union expects the maximum out of the company but only works to the minimum level. Unfortunatly, the union by defualt represents many of the non union hourly also. So even though the non union hourly do not pay gue they are subject to the same uneducated bumbling of the unions "negotiators".

I for one would rather represent myself than be represented by the someone who rises to the top of an organization that rewards the laziest and dumbest.

Anonymous said...

I am not union so maube I will never understand but:

Why did the union have the demstrations at the plant gates after work if they were going to accept any offer Raytheon made?

Anonymous said...

Those pathetic rallys were supposed to convince Raytheon the Union is serious about this contract. They had quite the opposite effect. Three or four times that many picketers might have sent the right message. Most of the members didn't show up. I read that an Oustie went out there to show support instead.

Anonymous said...

"Most of the members didn't show up."

True statement; but, they've never supported by demonstrating, but only be contributing.

"I read that an Oustie went out there to show support instead."

I can attest to that display.

"Blame those that kept saying "I'll be there Monday no matter what" Raytheon knew and they knew all along you ousties were not with the union."

You don't think they already knew that was the case? Look at how much effort went into the contingency planning this time (next to none) around.

They knew it months ago that there would be no strike; the membership didn't support it!

Anonymous said...

What, no recommendation for a neutral stance like in 2003? What a joke that was to their membership.

Anonymous said...

Of course it was a neutral stance! The union had no backbone to deal with the problem or the solution (which was to continue to negotiate)