Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Get Off The Fence

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of this contract!

When I look at the crap this company is trying to shove down our throats it reminds me of the tactics of Obama. You hit people with so much bad that any good that gets salvaged seems like a blessing from above. The last contract wasn't too much to give up, but this is insanely rude. Aerospace workers are few and far between, there are a lot of better places to live than Tucson. I got my sights set on Texas and, I'm really tired of working for such horrible wages, plus it would be a great time to transfer my worthless 401K to an IRA by quitting this place.

I didn't start the decertify movement to weaken the union. I want a strong truly local union that isn't sold out at the national level (unfortunately the NLRB rules require me to decertify a perfectly good union -for some people- in order to start another union). It is obvious after 3 years of opposing this union that it is not going away any time soon. The union leaders have finally grown 'a pair' and I am proud of them.

I'm not willing to join the union, but this package is so bad I'm ready to walk the strike line and even almost willing to wear their tee shirt, not because I like the union, but because the company's offer is so bad! It's like the company is saying 'we don't need you just go away'. I for one want to take them up on their bony finger pointing at the door. I've been pro-Raytheon up until now, but enough is enough.

Just the idea of having to pay 10% of a hospital bill is outrageous! One hospital visit could easily bankrupt me and I make a good wage, what the hell is a custodian supposed to do if they end up in the hospital? Does this company really want to create a security nightmare? The kind of indebtedness that could occur from this stingy package could cause a lot of people to become targets of foreign spies. They'd only need to get employed at UMC in the financial department and look for Raytheon employees with huge hospital bills and target them.

This company has made really good profits off the sweat and injuries of every Tucson RMS worker both salaried and hourly. And neither the salaried nor the hourly have been justly compensated. Salaried workers should show this company how screwed they feel by having a blue 'sick' day during the strike (not that I'm actually condoning a strike).

This company could pay each of us a $100,000 bonus and not feel a dent in their bottom line, but they would rather play the poor mouth game. I look at how the auto workers got paid $100/hr for a product no one liked or wanted, and here we are with a lot more talent making a product our customer loves and wants, but we aren't making anywhere near the wage of an auto worker EVEN AFTER the freakin' bailout screwed the auto industry!

That's why I want a new union. I want a union like the auto workers have that will totally shut down the factory to get a good wage. We should be making THOSE kinds of wages. It's not like the government could farm out defense contractor work to overseas companies! Like Duh! If I have to work WITH this union to get what I want then I say it's time to hang up our hatchets and pull together. Let's push back hard this time!

It is time for all the free loaders to join the union or get rid of it. And by free loaders I mean all those people who want the union but won't join it and won't sign our petition to decertify it. Those people make me sick. They are totally useless breathers. They want something for nothing. This country wasn't built by sitting on a fence. And it won't be saved by sitting on your butt either. Either join the union or get rid of it, but do SOMETHING! And these freeloaders are probably the one's eating up most of the union's time representing their slacker butts.

If I didn't feel screwed by the union, I'd join it. But now that I feel screwed by the company I may have to join the union and the cause to get what I want. I certainly don't believe the war in Iraq or Afghanistan is justified. I bought George Bush's lie hook line and sinker, but I don't believe we need to "protect the warfighter" by building a product to kill people for profit. We should have left the Middle East a long time ago. The military industrial complex is paying off boys in Washington to keep the war going, so I feel no loyalty to their murderous game. You want me to work for you then give me the butcher's cut of that fat calf you're carving up.

I'd like to take the time to thank Ed and all the union stewards for their hard work on behalf of those who choose to be members of the union. I think the Bargain Union reps have finally grown some balls. I don't feel represented by this union, but they do work hard and aren't appreciated enough. Let's wear union blue (even you salaried guys) on Thursday or wear a union tee shirt if you have one. Viva la Roadside Rally!! Tomorrow!!! Be there or be broke!!

And visit the union's website already:

P.S. Keep up the good work of keeping us ALL informed on the screwy negotiations, thanks Ed. I will forward any info the union sends me to the Oust membership.


Anonymous said...

If you join the union now you are only a member with no full fledged rights. The only thing you could do is if there's a strike you'll be able to walk the picket line.
Is there anything else that I'm not aware of.

Anonymous said...


SP's account has been hacked!

Anonymous said...

Get off the fence writer-
So if you're going to in Texas why would you want to be on the picket line here in Tucson?
And possibly wear a union shirt. Are you going to commute?
This place is to build war widgets
and what they do with them is up to your conscious if there's a conflict with it.

Anonymous said...

Quoted from original post:

"I want a union like the auto workers have that will totally shut down the factory to get a good wage. We should be making THOSE kinds of wages."

Two things:

1. Wouldn't that take a united membership to do this???

2. Don't the UAW people you are talking about live and work in a non right to work state???

Your group there could force the company's hand by being a strong united workforce. But until you are all union members, this is not going to happen.

This is what I have been saying all along.

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"The UAW has seen a dramatic decline in membership since the 1970s. Membership topped 1.5 million in 1979. But because of restructuring and decline of the American domestic auto industry, membership fell to approximately 540,000 at the end of 2006 and to just under 465,000 members by the end of 2007. The last time the UAW had fewer than 500,000 members was in 1941." Wikipedia UAW entry

So, tell me again how this evil entity called IAM 933 is going to save the working man?

With 100% membership; Raytheon would still pull this? Bet yer ass they would!

Three years ago, they learned just how well the place ran without us; you don't think they're NOT ready to do it again?

Anonymous said...

I would join if there wasn't favorism!

Anonymous said...

They also had hundreds of crossers!

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
If you join the union now you are only a member with no full fledged rights. The only thing you could do is if there's a strike you'll be able to walk the picket line.
Is there anything else that I'm not aware of."
Oct 22, 2009 8:20:00 AM

You would get strike pay for picket duty $150/wk not much I know, but just the fact you are willing to consider it, I would not only be proud to walk it with you,you now have an open invitation to my home! And I'm not talkin the hall, I'm talkin take your shoes off, my home!

Just a thought. What do you suppose Raytheon would think if those who crossed or petitioned to decertify, were to sign a membership card. Could you imagine the look on Guth's face if we told him, "I don't know how you managed to piss these guys off, but thanks keep it up we'll soon have 100% membership"!

Decertify 933 Committee said...

I'd like to see more union members wearing tee shirts everyday. I was disappointed by the number of shirts I saw today. Now is the time to show the managers a little solidarity. It's hard for Ed and his boys to go negotiate when it looks like nobody cares. Can we get some feedback from the negotiating team on what kind of help they need crunching numbers or otherwise to show the company that we won't be easily snowed. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I'ld like to chime in and say that I felt the union should have mustered up a few more bodies out on Old Nogalez Hwy today. When I left today there were maybe a bit more than 200 people out there. This union has less to fear from us orange shirts than it does from it's own non-enthused membership.

When is the next rally? I think I might go there, especially if there are members who are willing to bury the hatchet.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I'ld like to chime in and say that I felt the union should have mustered up a few more bodies out on Old Nogalez Hwy today. When I left today there were maybe a bit more than 200 people out there. This union has less to fear from us orange shirts than it does from it's own non-enthused membership.

When is the next rally? I think I might go there, especially if there are members who are willing to bury the hatchet."

There will be another on Wednesday & Thursday, as for me, I threw my hatchet away.

Anonymous said...

"It's hard for Ed and his boys to go negotiate when it looks like nobody cares."

Attaboy, now you're getting it! It was mentioned some time ago that 10% of the membership does 90% of the work.

Nobody cares; they don't have to, as others are doing it for them.

Anonymous said...

The next rally is Tuesday at Claim Jumpers at El Con Mall for a march to the hotel where negotiations are taking place.

Anonymous said...

Unless there is like 80 to 100%
union membership there will be no strike, because we aren't going out and sacrifice and you non-members go in collect a paycheck get praise for not stopping production and hope the union gets you a good contract. NO sacrifice from you NO sacrifice from us. When the negotiations are done we will all eat from the same trough.

Solo said...

Pied Piper taking the children away again..........

I won't believe anything the Canies say unless the same info comes out of the Company's mouth.....
Spoon fed info.......

Russia did attack Germany first..... At least that is what Hitler said......


"Get off the Fence" is a disappionting entry....

You should know better....

Anonymous said...

I am a tester who crossed during the last strike and will cross during any future strikes. This is because the union has never represented my interests and due to the fact that testers are a minority at RMS, they never will. I don't really care, I have been harassed by union members and threatened also and now it is to the point where I hope they do strike. Bunch of brainless sheep following their brainless leaders. Look at the obvious "representatives" of the union posting here (HAHA dude among others.) Raving and unable to join in an intelligent conversation. Meerely spouting rhetoric and not solving anything. I also have heard the new rumors that are rampant on plant site. The company is evil and they want to take away your weekends off, they are making you pay for more of your benefits, etc, etc, etc. What a bunch of bull. What a bunch of losers.

Anonymous said...

"Unless there is like 80 to 100%
union membership there will be no strike...NO sacrifice from you NO sacrifice from us. "

There will be no strike, period. Your sacrifice was in vain just as we told you on the az starnet. If there was a good reason to sacrifice, you would get lots of support, but that last strike was a dumb move that many just didn't buy into. Dont blame us for using our brains. You should have used yours. Most of you know that now.

Steward said...

Let's try something here.