Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Soviet "Union" want's change!

Look what the union put on it's website! Dare to click on the picture?
We edited ours to show you the whole picture. The soviet "union" wants change! Check the Union Website to see for yourself!

This union supports Labor, not skilled labor - even the machinists are running! The union can't protect Local President from time off! Can they protect you? “That’s one less scab we need to worry about.” Poisonous union militants.
Our union attracts dead weight. People who "need" protection.
IAM constitution stops change. Disinsentive to join.
Union intimidates workers. Whats with a scab list on RMS Computers?
The union encourages hate of law obeying laborers.
Union Officers won't respond to critisism of their incompetence.
10,000 individual RMS beggars do better than union in pay raises.
Union bosses make twice your wages on the sweat of your toils.
Union took credit for retired benefits fight it didn't start!
Union wont stop raising worst worker pay. We want Merit Pay!
If you want to change the union, FIGHT IT!
Where is our RONA? Where is our 9-80s?

What say Steve...ehem Jeff to this now?!

And what happend to Agent Smith?!


Anonymous said...

Wow you do distort the truth. Sean Hannity would love the way you tell lies and pass assumptions off as truth.

Anonymous said...

Slim said:

"What say Steve...ehem Jeff to this now?!"

Get the name right Slim! Or is it Slime?

I will say this again since your 4 chins seem to take blood flow from your pea brain...

I am not Steve. Never was Steve. Never will be Steve. Just take my word for it. Steve and I are two separate people. I have NEVER met Steve.

Once again, you are trying to spread your lies and half truths to twist things your way. You complain about the Unions lies, yet you lie and think it's ok to do so.

I suggest that you, Slim, spend less time under your bosses desk and more time in the real world.

I can't wait to see what lies you post next. I spent the day riding around the foothills on an IAM built, 2009 Harley Ultra Classic so I am a bit tired. I think I will turn in for a great nights sleep so I can get out on the road again nice an early. Gonna go chase the front wheel around again.

Until later.

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!!!

Superbia Parti said...

It looks like I've pinched a nerve there good buddy. So you found yourself cruisin' the foothils on a hardley davidson huh? Assembled by IAM? Hehe..OK Steve. You need to wipe the bugs out of your teeth there Jeff.

You can't deny that my post is as factual as the one presented by the local union. The graphs are the same ones drawn by the union websteward, only more complete. If my picture is a lie, then you admit your union's lie. Go ahead and click on the picture!

It's funny that when you can't make a constructive comment, you get personal. You can say what you want about my chin(s). I'm big enough to handle it. But you can't handle us calling you Steve! It really gets under your skin. It's hillarious...Steve!

So just like a disgusting typical unionist, you go reaching under the table and make filthy comments again. The only ones posting lies here are your kind, Steve. Hehehe...this is getting fun.

Jeff, makes no difference to us. Steve is a paid pistol for this union. He made something around 74+ Thousand dollars to push union agenda last year. You seem pretty well groomed in the sport yourself. It's not hard to confuse you two for one.

You've explained yourself well. "Just take your word for it?" The problem with your arguement Jeff, is that you haven't convinced any of us. And we really just don't care. You told us before you don't live here, nor work here. So tell me again, where specifically did you cruise today? Gee, you might have riden right past my house.

Guero said...

Jeff _is_ Steve.

How about el Jefe? Consult Google for a definition.

Smith's Psychologist said...

Jeff, Agent Smith; You union officers appear to have a problem with releasing to much information. I suppose you do this during contract negotiations also. I've also seen the same problem with the union stewards. Do you really think you've earned the respect of your peers, how about the company? Your union officers appear to operate at the lowest degree of professionalism and standards. You are clowns and the Raytheon hourly will be treated as clowns as long as they have Lodge 933 repesentation. Now is the time to say good riddance to Lodge 933.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Toms new moniker will be Tinky Winky? ROFLMAO! said...

So the union's own graph proves that in the "freer" states with FORCED union membership, there are more than twice as many people having their wages garnished for over-priced union representation. Now that's freedom we can all believe in! Viva la Socialism!