Sunday, August 2, 2009

Personal Responsibility

At our recent get together near safe house java a fellow patriot shared his encounter with a brain drained union droid.

This droid accused our patriot of being confused about personal responsibility. He said it was impossible for our patriot to claim he stood for personal responsibility while collecting signatures to get rid of the union which represented the epitome of personal responsibility. Now I’m not one to play devil’s advocate (he really don’t need no help), but I have to admit that the droid was absolutely correct. He was correct IF you have a wolf pack mentality. It is the duty of every wolf to share the spoils with the rest of the pack no matter how hard he worked to bring down the gazelle . Your personal responsibility is to the pack to whom you "owe" your existence.

The union is a perfect example to all of us of “personal responsibility” and we should all thank the droid for his insight. The best way to explain this so my fellow patriots can understand it is to relate the story of the cute prehistoric squirrel in the Ice Age movie. Throughout the movie the squirrel runs around trying to get and hold onto an acorn which manages to slip from his hands constantly. Now imagine that the acorn is your weekly paycheck. It constantly slips out of your hand week after week. Our fellow patriots would believe that the responsible thing to do with that acorn is to share it with his family and use it for his own personal satisfaction. After all the patriot found the acorn and managed to hold onto it.

Now the union would enlighten our selfish patriot about the true meaning of personal responsibility. A truly “responsible” person would recognize that everything he owns belongs to the collective. The union negotiated for the rain that watered the oak tree. If the union didn’t exist the sun couldn’t shine on the tree. The union created the incentive for the squirrel to move from a right to work for less forest to a forest maintained by union graft and corruption.

It was the union that bought and paid for that man in the White House to bow to their every whim. Why the damned squirrel wouldn’t even have the energy to get out of his nest in the morning without the incentive of knowing there were his fellow co-workers in the forest waiting on him to hold onto his nut long enough to give them each a 2.5% share until there was no nut left. Did you get that jab?

That’s right! This union that preaches to her droids about personal responsibility will be asking you to not be greedy and to share 4 hours of your pay with your fellow squirrels. It doesn’t matter how hard you had to work to find and hold on to that nut, it’s not your damned nut anyway. Without the union the nut wouldn’t exist, don’t you get it droid?

Now my idea of “personal responsibility” is taking personal responsibility for those I am “personally” responsible for. Duh? What a concept! And while we are speaking of personal responsibility, why don’t we talk about how the union manages its finances.

Just a couple of months ago the union asked for a raise. Does that mean the droids were being too selfish? Well not really. You see at the beginning of the year the union already got a raise. They got a raise because all of us hourly folk got a raise. When your paycheck went up at the beginning of the year the union coffers grew far beyond last years levels, so why did they need another raise? Well it’s simple they sent away most of your dues to the Democratic National Committee to get Barack Obama elected. Oh Joy! I thought it was my civic duty to send my money to the candidates I chose to contribute to.

Why should the union give money to someone who stands against all the things I believe in, and then ask for MORE money? But you greedy bastard droids aren’t being as personally responsible as your union “stewards” are being. The union is going to be asking for MORE! And if we don’t get rid of these clowns NOW, they will make Arizona a “right to share” state. You will get the opportunity to share with the collective brotherhood the whole nut. They may let you have 2.5% for yourself, but only if you aren’t too greedy!

I would personally rather spend my money on the things and people I value. I get taxed enough as it is. The union isn’t doing me any favors. They didn’t negotiate for a dime more than the company offered before the last strike. But hey I think the union NEEDS to go on strike this year. And hey take 6 months off this time. That will show the company who holds the nuts! I’ll hold onto my own nuts, thank you very much.

The next time you watch Ice Age, put yourself in the squirrel’s place. Why should you share that acorn with anybody but your loved ones? Be personally responsible. Download and sign your petition for Change we can ALL believe in!


Anonymous said...

This might have been your dumbest blog to date. You are reaching for anything to compare the union to. Absolutely pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Since we are comparing the union to the movie Ice Age why don't we invision the antis in the movie The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe. The Union would be the Lion and the witch represents Raytheon and of course the antis are represented by Edmund Pevensie. He would be the greedy little boy who looked out for his own well being in the bosom of the witch. Then he realized later that there was real strength in the Lions army and the witch was not his friend/ally at all and came back to the good side where he was readily welcomed back.

Anonymous said...

I think the Star Wars series makes a better movie analogy. The Union- like the Empire- was formed ostensibly for the "protection" of the people, but really for the advancement of a select few off the people's backs.

Consider us "antis" the Rebel Alliance...

Anonymous said...

Actually the Union and Antis are probably closer to Thelma and Louise LMAO

Decertify 933 Committee said...

Thanks for the comments. I really should have done the Matrix analogy. The union members are batteries. Red pill or blue pill?

Anonymous said...

I guess that makes Superbia and Decertify 933 Dumb and Dumber

Anonymous said...

Here is a petition for Superbia to sign said...

So people are petitioning Quaker Oats because they have a picture of a hard working mom serving pancakes to her family? Who's the real racist? When you spend all your time looking at skin color ... then the real racist is in the mirror. The sooner this country gets away from political correctness the better. Can't we all just get along.