Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Turf

It is interesting that the union's national website uses some very strange terms. You can sign up to get a "my turf" account to monitor issues and lodge information. My turf sounds like a gang term. Why is that? Is this the attitude your union wants you to disintegrate to? Or are they already there? The first tab on their website is called "Pick a Fight". Funny but that doesn't sound like activities a professional should be involved in. It sounds like the activity of a "thug". And there is a tab which would sound innocent enough outside of all these thug terms, it's a tab called Territories.
Speaking of thugs, what about their other wonderful idea? You know "Employee Free Choice Act" which totally eliminates "free choice". Genuine "free" choice does not involve coercion. Recently the union didn't think you got the message clearly enough by all of them wearing their shirts daily, because they got scared by a couple of guys with a petition and a dissenting opinion, LOL! Cracks me the hell up.
So since the 60% of you all who don't care to join this union are obviously blind or stupid according to the union's way of thinking they've been upping the ante. They are sending their goon squads around to people's homes to "encourage" them to join. Good thing the National Labor Relations Board says Raytheon has to give them your home address. Yeah!
Now you get an idea of what the Employee "FREE CHOICE" Act is all about. The free choice this act provides to you under force of law is not being able to complain about the union sending its thugs to your home to "convince" you of the error of your ways. But hey why don't you call your local Tucson police and cry intimidation. Oh, yeah they are union members. They will probably have to arrest you for that broken taillight.
That's how thugs roll. It's time to roll up the sleeves on your tee shirt and wear your Aunt Jemima head band so you can fit in with the gang mentality. The truth hurts and yet this union doesn't recognize that we are the BEST thing that ever happened to this union and they still don't get it. We walk by and get the "evil eye", the shun, maybe a grunt. Hell they should be slapping us on the back and sharing their Kool-Aid with us. We gave their gang bangers what they desperately needed most "solidarity". Tee shirts are worn almost daily, the union is more vocal than ever, they almost have regrown their backbone, apathy is waning and they think we are the bloods or are we the crypts?
Well whatever we are, we are certainly the cool ones. We are the ones who truly care about people's wages, and health care. We aren't being paid by anybody to do what we do. We are the ones you see with the really big smiles and the totally cool bandannas. Pancakes anyone?


Anonymous said...

These are your first lessons in Thuganomics Sean Hannity

Anonymous said...

Are you comparing Aunt Jemimah to thugs???? Hmmmmmmm what could be going on in that little closed mind of yours?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know. These guys in Tucson seem to be trying the impossible! Why, NOBODY would or should DARE decertify IAM. They are the best thing since sliced bread! Just look at how democratic and far minded the union has been to the poor workers in Charleston SC! Copy-paste this!

Anonymous said...


Agent Smith said...

You poor feeble minded man.You have no idea who we are. We are Not 933 also! Surprised... You should be. Had you taken the time to truly get a feel for those you want to "liberate" you would have known there are Many of us who are Not Union members yet we sided with them in the strike and we side with them now. We want the Local here even if we don't intend to join. Because we know no one here could make these wages outside of this "UNION" plant no matter how skilled you think they might be. If you think otherwise ....prove me wrong.....there's the door. Surely a man of your caliber would have nooooo problem making more money. Especially since you would be free to negotiate it with hundreds of independent companies.
We have not only heard and read your lies but we have been watching you for quite some time. Watching,compiling names,photos,times,dates, we know the True Agenda behind your decertification efforts.Soon all will know. It is astounding that the hidden meaning you gave in your alias "Superbia" would be your own downfall and that of those around you. That sinful Pride of yours is eating at you even now.

"That's how thugs roll. It's time to roll up the sleeves on your tee shirt and wear your Aunt Jemima head band so you can fit in with the gang mentality."

Did they teach you this racist Ku Klux Klan mentality in Sunday school? Or did you learn this evil from living so long in Montgomery? I certainly hope you don't teach this trash at your church.

Tell me....did you treat your friend & co-founder Carlton this way? After all he is black, or are you just sore that he was promoted to salary and you weren't?

Agent Smith said...

To Jeff,

We thought you would like to know that we called security and asked. There were NO reports of ANY vandalism at ANY Tucson RMS location from the time of our original posting to Friday 7/30/09. Point being this, you can't believe a word you here from these hate mongers.

"For the rest of you out there. One of the supposed "certain key individuals " as Agent Smith says, had his or her vehicle damaged on plant property within the past 15 hours. Plant Security has been informed. I wonder if this goes along with Mr Smith's sincerest apologies? Intimidation techniques will only embolden us further. You are on record of posting your messages. They will be transmitted to the authorities. If there is nothing to it, then there is nothing to worry about, right?"
Jul 25, 2009 3:53:00 AM

Anonymous said...

Anon Jul 25, 2009 3:14:00 PM

You were considered a quality contingency workforce, yet I have been fixing all your mistakes for the last three years, DAMN YOU!

Yet, here's all this work now being done at Rita. Rd, weeks before a contract, and the MAN is on you like a sack of manure.

Can't play the game you did three years ago, can you? Did you stop and think those 'mistakes' were from YOUR inept members?

Go away IAM!

Anonymous said...

Monday morning news flash!

Michigan retraining

People like Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero ask where jobs will come from for retrained workers, adding he was disappointed when Obama said some manufacturing jobs were lost forever.

"What concerns me is when I hear people talking about manufacturing in the past tense," Bernero said. "If we want wind turbines, someone here should manufacture them."

"I worry all we're doing with retraining is giving people a degree and a bus ticket out of Michigan," he added.

Bill Bryce of the workers' rights group Jobs With Justice said retraining people for jobs that do not exist in Michigan was mere folly.

"The bottom line is that without an expanding economy, a lot of this is just utopian fantasy," he said.

You'll send a wind turbine manufacturing plant to a third world country; you'll never send missile manufacturing anywhere.

Anonymous said...

"Just look at how democratic and far minded the union has been to the poor workers in Charleston SC! "

"Bill Bryce of the workers' rights group Jobs With Justice said retraining people for jobs that do not exist in Michigan was mere folly."

"You'll send a wind turbine manufacturing plant to a third world country; you'll never send missile manufacturing anywhere."

Man Oh Man! Ya gotta love it. These peabrains get so bent outta shape when we compare our jobs and wages to those in Tucson who can't get what we get. Yet look at em piiitch a fit about those jobs in other states! Po little out of work peoples,gots no money.gots no jobs, gots no one to bail em out. Wonder how all those out of work Managers and CEO's will ever survive?
As for the last comment you mean like Napi and Arkansas, hehehehehehe.
Hell maybe we should ship these jobs to South Caroline or Michigan! he he hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Agent Smith,
You reveal yourself as a liar as you contradict yourself in the same note. You're not from here, but you're watching our every move. So I gather intimidation isn't part of your game plan.

Just because you are a dumbkopf that can't make these wages elsewhere doesn't qualify you to say that about anyone else. But while you are talking about quitting jobs to prove a point, your side is the one that hates these jobs, so it's your option to quit and do better. We love our jobs, but we're tired of your crappy communist union.

You guys have been "Watching,compiling names,photos,times,dates, we know the True Agenda behind your decertification efforts....." sounds to me that you guys are a bunch of stalkers!

Funny how you resort to the race card at a simple Aunt Jemima Picture, Smith. But we've known the cold wolf to use the race card to his advantage before.

As for security reports of vandalism, you just don't know. You are the liar again here, but we understand your desparation to discredit us. It's a matter of your little union's survival. It must suck to be you.

So There IS another DECERTIFICATION going on against another IAM UNION right now! That was an interesting article! I wonder if there is any other union in the USA facing multiple decertification drives like the IAM.

What a sucky union, that spies on it's workers, curses the injured, falsly accuses others, and is stupid enough to fall to the race card at the showing of a pancake box personality.

Anonymous said...

"You're not from here, but you're watching our every move. So I gather intimidation isn't part of your game plan"

Who's the dumbkopf here now jackass! He said he wasn't a union member not that he wasn't from here. it's obvious you wouldn't last long away from here with those reading skills pal!

Smith's Psychologist said...

Agent Smith I do think it is time for your treatment. You are confused about your roots. You claim you are not 933 yet you wear the IAM shirt everyday. I'm sure you are pumping up the benefits of union membership to those you manage to corner in a room. I'm surprised the union will let you count their money concerning your own problems with it. How can you call anyone racist when all those know you, know you are indeed a true racist to most ethnic backgrounds? You claim to be a mix of several backgrounds however you still have your dogmatic opinions. You are indeed a conundrum. Maybe the true root of the problem is you hate yourself. It is a fact you hate those that succeed in life. I guess you are just an individual filled with hate that was able to latch yourself on an organization of hate. If there is vandalism at the plant site I am sure you were there or had condoned the use of it. I guess vandalism is part of your roots too. Now is time for a Lobo-ectomy. It is apparent the Union leadership is a joke. The company looks at the union leadership as a joke. Hourly employees are going nowhere as long as Lodge 933 is representing them. It is time to rid ourselves of this joke.

Anonymous said...

Wow it's getting ugly in here. Seems the antis have had a few feathers ruffled. Carleton?

Anonymous said...

"Yet, here's all this work now being done at Rita. Rd, weeks before a contract, and the MAN is on you like a sack of manure."

T-Hawk has been done for quite awhile so yes they are trying to get back on track. Believe me the company knows you antis can;t do the work.

"Can't play the game you did three years ago, can you? Did you stop and think those 'mistakes' were from YOUR inept members?"

Idiot the mistakes have dates associated with them and most if not all are during that three month period you candy asses crossed the line.

Anonymous said...

Sign this petition Superbia

Superbia Parti said...

To those of you who accuse me of racism; you need to read the article again. Check the Author Numbskull. To the idiot who read some hidden message into my screen name; stop sniffing glue.

Jeff mistakes my spicy remarks as disrespect. At least he's consistant. I seem to have touched a nerve. He's lost his composure and began to call me slime and other unflattering terms. Get back on theme there Jeff. You run down my personality or my appearance, but haven't talked about the issues.

There are exceptional comments however, and I honestly appreciate the challenge. We're doing this as a service to the workers. The workers get to choose if they want a union. Put up your best arguement. I'll do the same.

Distracted by Aunt Jemima? The poor woman didn't do anything to anyone. I proudly serve her pancakes for breakfast and have done so for half a century.

Although I wouldn't have selected Aunt J for a picture in my dialog, the fact that DC used it demonstrates how some unionists easily resort to using the race card when they have no arguement. You jokers fixated on the pancake picture, predictably.

Would any of you 4th rate debate clowns care to instead talk about the illustration found here ?

That's an edited picture that was lifted from your union site. Look at the blog from Aug 1st. Hey! That picture contradicts the flier I got at my home this weekend. It seems you guys don't really know who I am after all. Too bad you missed a challenging arguement with me.

One of the funny things, you guys mention is Carlton. He's laughing about what you guys have said about him. While he moves on, you sludge-brains will keep talking about him. I think I'll encourage you to continue just for the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

One of you said:

"It's time to roll up the sleeves on your tee shirt and wear your Aunt Jemima head band so you can fit in with the gang mentality."

That is a racist comment if I have ever seen one! Can't talk your way out of this one.....

Anonymous said...

Quote from the Psycologist with the funny hair: "It is a fact you hate those that succeed in life."

Just becaue YOU state this as fact does not make it true. This is the type of stuff you learn from watching too much Bill O Reilly or Sean Hannity.

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for you to tell me something that is not an assumption or a guess. You have done nothing but make wild guesses on how you will be treated by the company. You have NO idea what the truth is. Doubt you would write the truth anyways.

Am far from losing my composure. Will take someone much better than you to make me do that. I am here to make sure that everyone reading this blog gets at least some of the truth. You talk in guesses, I have been talking on past experience.

I find it really interesting that you are ready to roll the dice with your jobs, wages and all. This is a crap shoot. And again, you have ZERO idea on what will really happen.

The photo and comment were racist. And just because you eat that brand of pancakes doesn't make it right. At least have the decency of removing the post or at least the racist parts. Calling you a racist for that has NOTHING to do with the fact that I am an IAM Union member. It has to do with the fact that in this day and age you can not talk, type or write that way. I feel sorry for those that have to work with the likes of you racist individuals. That is what you are, individuals. All you care about is yourself. Screw the guy working next to me. After all, you are the best thing since sliced bread. Or pizza. Or ice cream. Or what ever it took to get those 4 chins.....

I have a feeling that the Union does more for the workers there than you will ever know. Most of the things that the Union does for you are really not big things. But it's about keeping the company honest and above board. But once again, all you care about is yourself. Not the big picture. Not all the other people working there. You are too selfish to even consider others.

I will leave you with those points to ponder. Not that you will really even think about them. I hope others do though.

As always.

In Solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jeff I appreciate you coming here and standing up and fighting for our union. You are right about Sub Par bia just making silly guesses and assumptions. He has offered no valid arguments except to steal others thoughts and ideas. Now unless HR has made some sort of deal with him and the other SOG members then he is merely pissing in the wind. Sadly we are fighting with a petulant child who will not address outsourcing, loss of benefits and a lowering of wages.

Smith's Psychologist said...

To Anon
--"Quote from the Psycologist with the funny hair: "It is a fact you hate those that succeed in life."

Just becaue YOU state this as fact does not make it true. This is the type of stuff you learn from watching too much Bill O Reilly or Sean Hannity."--

Sorry you have me confused with someone that watches the Fox network. Hell I don't even watch MSNBC. I don't have time for that and probably wouldn't watch it in the first place. I do however have a strong opinion about cults and cult organizations like IAM lodge 933. In regards to my stating the facts a famous author once quoted" Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."-Aldous Huxley. I do not ignore the facts and one fact is Lodge 933 has got to go.
My Hair? Whats wrong with my hair? LOL

Anonymous said...

"But hey why don't you call your local Tucson police and cry intimidation. Oh, yeah they are union members. They will probably have to arrest you for that broken taillight."

Wow remember this next time you need a cop. Not sure why you would involve a group that puts its life on the line every day for our safety but then I'm no longer surprised at the stupidity found blogged here any more..

Anonymous said...

"Whats funny is you want to be intimidating but you hide behind the Anonymous tag."

As you have done.

"You sir/madam are a little bitch who only wants to be a company lap dog and cannot see that the union is what is keeping our pay as high as they are."

You sir/madam are a low-brow who is too incompetent to earn a high pay on your own. The union has kept our pay too low. You must be on their payroll.

Anonymous said...

"You sir/madam are a low-brow who is too incompetent to earn a high pay on your own. The union has kept our pay too low. You must be on their payroll."

LMAO again an anti who can not have an original thought. If your pay is too low what would you like it to be? What do you really think your precious company is willing to pay an obviously skilled worker such as yourself? What percentage do yo think you can attain? What a moron you are.

Anonymous said...

And what about the racist comment????