Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just the Facts

This weekend I was the recipient of one of these propaganda flyers that the union has been pushing. They must have come by my place and missed me while I was out riding the foothills on Jeff’s 2009 Harley Davidson IAM-Glide Classic. Their flyer has "Just the facts" in bold print on its face.

These "facts" the union is selling is a pack of lies based upon a made up "median" wage for Testers and Assemblers. Either the union doesn't know the definition of "median wage", or they are lying through their teeth. Or worse yet, both. I can’t trust them.

The union claims Tucson Median wages for a Tester is $14.89*. Using a statistics definition, the middle number in a given sequence of numbers, is the median value. Based upon Union math used in the flyer, there are testers working in Tucson for $8.45 if the union wages of 21.33 is the highest in Tucson. Does one of you union guys want to tell me what company pays those wages for testing anything more significant than the taste of a McDLT? *(Wages in May 2007)

Lets look at the claim that Assemblers median wage in Tucson is $10.83*. If RMS Assembly Techs make up to $20.30 an hour, and the Tucson median wage is $10.83, then there are some unhappy souls making $1.42 an hour here someplace. Sounds pretty unrealistic, huh? These are the numbers as the union defines them. Either the union is making up their numbers or they are stu-u-u-u-pid! Do you clowns understand Median Wage?

I don’t think so. They printed a "range of median rate" for both Testers and Assemblers. By definition, median excludes range. It’s a set value, numbskulls. It also seems to conflict with the web page they posted recently. The one I mentioned August 1st. You can visit by surfing below a few entries. I never did get any serious response on that. Just the facts.

I've spent two years answering your silly comments that you say I don't answer. Again I say; Look at the A2 positions across RMS. Look at the Security Guards. There you'll find the answer of "will RMS reduce pay & benefits?" Next time you challenge me on that, bring some RMS Statistics to support your claim that Wages & Benefits go down. Till then, you have no case Jeff, Steve, Smith, etc. YOU are the ones guessing. YOU only take propaganda from an idiot union as biblical scripture. With all the blunders you guys make, there is NO WAY you dimwits have access to more facts than I do. You are just making wild guesses based upon Lenin's theorum.

So if any of you got this silly flyer from the union, look carefully at what they said. Then ignore the whole thing and laugh. These guys are desperate to make you a paying customer. Next year, the dues go up to three hours a month. Assemblers will pay something over 730 dollars a year. Too bad they can’t get my wages to go up by fifty percent over two years.

BTW, I looked up some of my own statistics. In 2008 there were 162,330 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians in the USA with a median wage of $25.60, regardless of union affiliation. Less than 14 percent of them were in a union. Source? www.bls.gov.2008. So if the average union and non union technicians get ten percent more pay than our UNIONIZED workers, it begs the question; What is this union doing wrong? Didn't their flyers say they get more pay? Shouldn’t they get at least “median" wage? Just the facts!

Union Officers won't respond to critisism of their incompetence.
Union intimidates workforce. Whats with the scab list on RMS Computers?
IAM constitution prevents members from making improvements. A disinsentive to join. If you want to change the union, FIGHT IT!


Anonymous said...

Quote Sub Par:
"Does one of you union guys want to tell me what company pays those wages for testing anything more significant than the taste of a McDLT? *(Wages in May 2007)"

I believe Universal Avionics which is located just off Valencia has testers that test airplane components. That's kind of significant.

Anonymous said...

"With all the blunders you guys make, there is NO WAY you dimwits have access to more facts than I do. You are just making wild guesses based upon Lenin's theorum"

YEP! I believe you are right!!!!
H.R. has been feeding you all the statistics your week little peabrain mind can handle. It is ashame you can be so easily decieved. Poor little android.

Superbia Parti said...

Thanks for the response Anon 5:07am. You're saying Universal Avionics pays $8.45 an hour to Testers? Or do you mean $14.89 an hour? Are those entry level wages or average?

Disregard comments from the peanut gallery. (anon 5:33am) Your IQ is less than 70.

Anonymous said...

"The median of a finite list of numbers can be found by arranging all the observations from lowest value to highest value and picking the middle one."

How can you be a cst and be so stupid?

Anonymous said...

"So what makes you so stupid to think others wont go back and check the quote?"


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
President@iam933.org said...

To be truthful the wages in our flyer should reflect the fact that Raytheon workers are being paid more due to the need to have a security clearance. We apologize for any misunderstanding in the flyer you received.

Superbia Parti said...

Hey Anon, 9:01pm! If you can't keep the comments PG, I'll be forced to moderate this forum. Go ahead jerk, ruin this for the rest of your union brothers.

For the rest of you, this is a clear example of how lame we see some unionists. Jeff, Steve, & Smith, Etc, why don't you keep your minions in line?

This is a forum to discuss the issues concerning IAM933 at RMS. If you desire perversion, go to a different forum.

If you want to discuss IAM933 at RMS, then bombs away! I haven't erased your comments up to now, and I hope to continue that freedom so all can see what our people think. Keep it PG!

Go ahead and Insult away, but keep in mind this is not an adult only forum. And use enough brain cells to talk about the issues. Fire away!

Another Lost Cause said...

"One of the funny things, you guys mention is Carlton. He's laughing about what you guys have said about him. While he moves on, you sludge-brains will keep talking about him. I think I'll encourage you to continue just for the entertainment."

Aug 3, 2009 9:35:00 PM

So then it is true the company is feed you information. Since Carlton Seals is now salaried that makes him an agent of the company and privy to info that hourly do not get. Since you know he's supposedly laughing at this you must be in contact with him therefore verifying the company's role as conspirators. Thanks I knew that was going on!

Since you want entertainment and think we are so out in the dark.... lets see what your readers think of this.
go to the following link and read for yourselves the TRUTH about Mr Superbia and his cohorts and the real reason they want to oust your local.


Another Lost Cause said...

Oh Yes, you too Mr.Guth, go read what your boys have been up to, and while your at it, maybe take some time to figure out what you are going to tell Raytheons customer about how they have been mischarging on their time cards.

Anonymous said...

So Willie Stubbs and Gary Leatherman are the brains behind oust933 huh! Figures one of the highest paid occupations tryin to get rid of the people who got them there, Now that's not very bright at all fellas!

Anonymous said...

Since Carlton Seals is now salaried that makes him an agent of the company and privy to info that hourly do not get.

First part, yes, second part, no.

.....you must be in contact with him therefore verifying the company's role as conspirators.

You think CS is doing that? Ah, bruddah, you are so misinformed; really!

Thanks I knew that was going on!

You're getting colder. Superbia is on-target (get it?) for his prior comment.

Anon. Aug 6. 2009, 4:34AM

Figures one of the highest paid occupations tryin' to get rid of the people who got them there, Now that's not very bright at all fellas!

I see jealousy has made you rich and famous as well.

Anonymous said...

"Figures one of the highest paid occupations tryin to get rid of the people who got them there"

You are going to HELL!! The union didn't get "us" there. I take offence that you idiots make that claim. Thanks to the union, my pay is below average. Thanks to the union, so is Testers pay. "Just the facts".

I can't wait to see the ULP charge concerning Carlton. You peabrains can't get it through your thick skulls that he's really moved on!

Walmart Manager, you might want to put your message on a public page. Without a facebook login, nobody can see anything but your picture.

IAM933.NET said...

IAM933.net does not condone personal attacks on certain individuals regarding their personality and professional shortcomings. We’ve talked to the blog owners and they are aware of this. You can make name drop a individual if you are quoting this individual however remember there must be proof of your statement. The intent of iam933.net and linked blogs is to inform the hourly workforce the inept representation of Lodge 933. We prefer the forums to be on track with constructive criticism. We would not like to see the forums to be cluttered with jabs at certain individuals. Some of you appear to have a problem with your right to "freedom of speech". If anyone name drops or jabs at certain individuals union or otherwise the webmaster of IAM933.net will de-link this blog until there is moderation. Keep the content of your comments on track. If you can't behave then "No More Blog for You!" You may now call me the "Blog Nazi"

Anonymous said...

Are we allowed to talk about the timecard fraud by the antis?

Anonymous said...

All I am really hearing is that Slim thinks he should make more money than everyone else. Sounds like your company would go under without his expertise. Isn't that a bit egotistical? No company is going to go out of business because of one individual.

All he seems to want is to be able to negotiate for himself because, as I said before, he thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread.

There are a ton of people out of work that will do your job for less money. And do not tell me they couldn't do the job. I have a feeling that you work to planning, and it's all spelled out for you. I doubt that you do anything that isn't in the planning. And if you do, maybe the government needs to know about it. I see a quality issue there. Maybe a quality alert needs to go out.......

So, open your eyes, take a deep breath and smell the McDonald's.

Why haven't you even touched on other jobs there? Why has your focus only been on your job? Oh I know!!!!!! It's because you ONLY care about yourself. You think the company owes you something.

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Unions corrupt? Please; be sure to absorb the contents of the last two paragraphs of the story.

Nice Building

Now, here's a good one; don't care which side of this argument you're on, you know this is right:

NRLB Evolution

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



dump933 2day said...

What was that again?

Reality 2009

This result still hasn't been denied by the 933 leadership; truth stings, huh?

Anonymous said...

Yes but you see how easy it is to just post opposing articles? Try having an original thought instead of just cutting and pasting. Unions help provide a better living wage that's a fact. If you don't like the way our union is run then get involved and try to make the change you seek. And as someone said earlier I have not seen anyone trying to stand up for wips,custodians, material handlers. all these occupations are subject to outsourcing if you lose the union. Already the garage mechanics have been moved and that work has gone to Jim Click. Those are jobs not coming back and that is just the tip of the iceberg. The folks whose names have been mentioned should try to think about all occupations rather than just yourselves. And it's not like those that made this site are gods gift to Raytheon as far as work is concerned.

Anonymous said...

BOOOO HOOOOO HOOOO!!! They know who we are!!!! Stop your whining cry baby! Or are you actually concerned someone may have exposed that there is truth behind the fact you are former salaried and only care about yourself?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we be wondering why someone who has had so many rather dead end jobs is the leader of this group? Kind of makes you wonder how smart his followers are.

Anonymous said...

HMMMMM I checked it out myself looks like it is true Gary Leatherman did indeed start the Oust933 movement. This is according to one of your favorite link sites citizens.org!
That most likely means the rest is true and you guys are not only out for just yourselves but
you probably have been mischarging the customer!

Anonymous said...

HMMMMM I checked it out myself looks like it is true Gary Leatherman did indeed start the Oust933 movement. This is according to one of your favorite link sites citizens.org!
That most likely means the rest is true and you guys are not only out for just yourselves but
you probably have been mischarging the customer!

Anonymous said...

Even if it is not related to these blogs or movement.
It is a fact they have been mischarging and indeed have time card fraud issues. Just look at the time stamps of what was posted on that facebook page and the fact Willie Stubbs is an hourly employee and was on the clock when he did it makes it wrong! It is curious though that Raytheon has not done anything about this. Or maybe those accusations about the company helping these guys are true as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure the company looks too kindly at the employees getting on a site such as Facebook. There are security issues involved with websites like that. Timecard fraud might not be the only issue here.

Superbia Parti said...

I am truely entertained how union folks have taken to a diversion of tactics, accuse time fraud, call names, get vulgar, tell us who they think we are, guess at our motives, accuse company involvement in Oust933 activities, etcetera. But none of you pusses have answered the questions we raised. You're dodging the issues!

I challenge you crybabies to read the answers to your own accusations that were posted here up to two & 1/2 years ago! Here is a partial list of our position(s). Read 'em and weep children...if you can.

makes our case
greedy company?
Why I started the petition

You herby forfit the arguement of this thread. Now I have to go out and create a new one. All of your petty arguements are false. Some of your statements have elements of truth, but they are peppered with lies and innuendo. You gossip queens have spent tons of time wondering about us, and have come out on-line with the most spectacular fantasies imaginable. What ARE you guys putting in your Kool-Aid?

Anonymous said...

"You're dodging the issues!"
Who is dodging issue fat boy? You change direction everytime you are confronted with the truth about the fact you guys are liars. it is on the web it cannot be denied there are oust members who are posting and blogging on company time.


Want proof lets see your petition signatures and I'll bet those names will match to those who have been posted and those who haven't been exposed yet. Yes big boy there are at least a dozen more of you morons who have posted on company time and been dumb enough to show your identity!
Then thers the fact you are editing the details so people can't see the truth. Maybe that's why the facebook page exists so you can't. Try letting the people see the full link here that ends with "complaint11.pdf"

Anonymous said...

You posted the lame-assed union WIPO Complaint against iam933.net? Read that pdf and weep you ignoramous! IAM933.net would not exist today if the complaint was valid. You are too shallow to read the whole case.

This reply was written on company time while I commited time fraud. My steward is standing right here watching me. After work, we are going bar hopping and he's gonna help me collect signatures with a company vice president, because he's sick of union lies too. Putzes!

Anonymous said...

"This reply was written on company time while I commited time fraud."

Which only goes to prove Bob Guth is indeed in bed with you! By him constantly ignoring the fact that you guys even admit to wrong doing you boyh prove to everyone you are full of it. But don't worry there are ways of letting the the customer know and when they pitch a fit do you really think Guth will be so readily wanting to defend you?

Anonymous said...

Are you really that dumb? Can't you see he's toying with you? You fell right into that. Who posted at 12:17am? How do you know he is not at home laughing at you? I am!

Superbia Parti said...

I've been waiting two days now for Anonymous 5 August 5:07am to answer my questions. What happened, cat got your tongue? Does Universal Avionics pay $8.45 or 14.89? Is that starting pay? Is it just another sweat shop, or is it a defense contractor? Can you back up your post?

Anonymous said...

And can you back up yours, Slim? You claim that the company is going to negotiate with everyone there. Got proof? Got a letter from the company saying so?

You whole campaign is running off your assumptions. No facts. Nothing!

Now I hear you are a former salary person????? Is this correct????? Do tell!

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!

Smith's Psychologist said...

At last a real question… Someone wanted to know about outsourcing Janitors, Wips, and etc. If your occupation is subject to outsourcing then you still have a problem. The union won’t protect you in layoffs and outsourcing. If you have a secret clearance then you are more protected than those without. The company paid for your clearance and they will expect to get their money’s worth. Most labs require the clearance so most likely you will be needed. In regards to negotiating your pay, without the union a new hire will negotiate their pay while an existing employee will receive reviews to determine their wage increase. If you are a “Good” employee you should have no problem getting a decent increase. You will also qualify to get profit sharing without the union. Just ask a HR rep. Without the union you are more in control of your career unlike working through a third party organization. If you are hoping the union will negotiate a good wage for you than you can keep hoping. The union lost our profit sharing and you can ask them why. The union leadership does not even know the concept of a median, mean, or average number. You have too many Non GED or equivalent untrained people running the lodge and you are going to let them negotiate your wage or your future? As far as the claims of time card fraud it appears it is coming from the “chicken little” of lodge 933. This is same person that watches the “Booty Shaking” videos on youtube. Company takes time card fraud seriously. Every time you leave the building, come in the building, walk to a different building they have your swiped badge number along with video. CSC also has history of all the sites you visited on the web along with a forensic copy of your computer hard drive. Some of you have had a hard drive swap done on your computer by CSC without you even knowing it. So you may want to protect your "Scab List". So if you are going to call frauds then look to your union lodge 933 for an example of fraud.

Superbia Parti said...

More entertainment from Jeff....
"And can you back up yours, Slim?"
Nice diversion Jeff, bravo! Ehem! He made a claim on this thread, can YOU back it up? I didn't think so. Niether will he. NEXT!

"You whole campaign is running off your assumptions. No facts. Nothing! " Like the chart I posted on August 1st thread? Or the LM-2 files stating union bosses salaries taken from the sweat of the laborers in this factory? Yea, I have provided no facts. I've flooded you with them. But I understand you must reply with a diversionary tactic to win the weaker minds.

"Now I hear you are a former salary person????? Is this correct????? Do tell!" I don't know. Was I? Do you think that if I were let go as a salaried employee, I might win back my job by crushing the union? Your drug induced paranoia in funny to watch. Unfortunately, the people watching this blog are getting turned off by the unions stupid entries onto the blog.

So maybe I should tell you that I am Mr Bob! Or would a slightly lesser enigmatic figure serve your twisted fantasy better? Maybe I'm a bored retiree from Kino Hospital who has nothing better to do than jerk your chain. The fact is, you don't know who I am. You only think you do.

I am an Assembler and a PTS. I am a WIP and a Material Handler. I am a Cal Tech and a Rambo. I am a Machinist, a Metrologist, and a Mechanic. I am a Custodian. And I am more. I represent the workers in RMS who are tired of your union. The lies, intimidation, arrogance, and stupidity. I represent the desire of Raytheon employees to free ourselves of the shackles of this union's tyranny.

Did I, or did I not, use Company Time to write this answer? I report, you decide!

Anonymous said...

"At last a real question… Someone wanted to know about outsourcing Janitors, Wips, and etc. If your occupation is subject to outsourcing then you still have a problem. The union won’t protect you in layoffs and outsourcing."

In the event of a layoff the union is working with the company to find other solutions besides a layoff so yes the union helps

" If you have a secret clearance then you are more protected than those without. The company paid for your clearance and they will expect to get their money’s worth. Most labs require the clearance so most likely you will be needed."

Jani King was brought in quite easily and on short notice and the money they might spend on new employees getting a clearance would be more than offset by not having to pay benefits and paying a lower weekly paycheck.

"In regards to negotiating your pay, without the union a new hire will negotiate their pay"

No Raytheon will say starting pay 8-10 dollars an hour.

"while an existing employee will receive reviews to determine their wage increase. If you are a “Good” employee you should have no problem getting a decent increase."

Again you will get what the company wants to give you. And by good you mean "friendly with management"

"You will also qualify to get profit sharing without the union."

We all contribute to making the profit so why should it be bargained for? The salary don't "negotiate" for it they just get the standard 3%

"Just ask a HR rep."

I'm sure you just left their office with all these notes on it.

"Without the union you are more in control of your career unlike working through a third party organization."

Without the union there is no guaranteed 40 hour work week there for no benefits.

"If you are hoping the union will negotiate a good wage for you than you can keep hoping."

Through solidarity we could ALL have a better contract.

"The union lost our profit sharing and you can ask them why."

The company took it away and there is no other way to look at it.

"The union leadership does not even know the concept of a median, mean, or average number. You have too many Non GED or equivalent untrained people running the lodge and you are going to let them negotiate your wage or your future?"

Irrelevant to the argument but if you think the union could use some smartin up why don't you SOGs join and show us dumb hicks whut weez dooing wrong.

"As far as the claims of time card fraud it appears it is coming from the “chicken little” of lodge 933. This is same person that watches the “Booty Shaking” videos on youtube."

If your talking about the Black Eyed Peas song My Humps you damn right I like them but I watch them on my time and my computer not company time or computer.

"Company takes time card fraud seriously. Every time you leave the building, come in the building, walk to a different building they have your swiped badge number along with video. CSC also has history of all the sites you visited on the web along with a forensic copy of your computer hard drive. Some of you have had a hard drive swap done on your computer by CSC without you even knowing it. So you may want to protect your "Scab List". So if you are going to call frauds then look to your union lodge 933 for an example of fraud."

The rest here is jibberish that I assume HR didn't ask you to write about but you did anyway.

Anonymous said...

""You whole campaign is running off your assumptions. No facts. Nothing! " Like the chart I posted on August 1st thread? Or the LM-2 files stating union bosses salaries taken from the sweat of the laborers in this factory? Yea, I have provided no facts. I've flooded you with them"

“There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.”

Maya Angelou

Anonymous said...

"I've been waiting two days now for Anonymous 5 August 5:07am to answer my questions. What happened, cat got your tongue? Does Universal Avionics pay $8.45 or 14.89? Is that starting pay? Is it just another sweat shop, or is it a defense contractor? Can you back up your post?"

Nah I'm just throwing stuff out there and hoping someone believes me like you do. Call Universal Avionics and see what they are paying.

Superbia Parti said...

Hahahahaha...now that's funny!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is an interesting letter...let me quote:

"Our ability to bargain effectively is hampered by workers who aren't members of our Union."

No kidding? Maybe cause you can't bargain effectively is why people are signing the petition in droves!

"The larger our membership base, the louder voice we have at the bargaining table."

Nope; same dolts are there; same result will happen.

"I am enclosing an application for membership for your convenience."

Sixty-one cents of postage? Could have helped you out on that one, Jimbo.

Go away 933!

Anonymous said...

Well, this is an interesting letter...let me quote:

"Our ability to bargain effectively is hampered by workers who aren't members of our Union."

No kidding? Maybe cause you can't bargain effectively is why people are signing the petition in droves!

You may need to redefine the word "droves" because I don't think it means a few.

"The larger our membership base, the louder voice we have at the bargaining table."

Nope; same dolts are there; same result will happen.

Some people just do not have any sense and you obviously are one of them. If we stand together we can do better. You dimwits will not do it so we don't get the best contract possible and then you jerks turn around and blame the union. INCREDIBLE!!!

"I am enclosing an application for membership for your convenience."

Sixty-one cents of postage? Could have helped you out on that one, Jimbo.

Join up and we all win. Hell join for a few months and see what a difference it makes.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha...now that's funny!

You know what I find funny is you had millions upon millions of pictures to use as your blog pic. I understand you didn't want to use your own because you were trying to be anonymous(which you failed miserably at). And yet you pick what is basically the weird version of what you really look like.

Anonymous said...

You may need to redefine the word "droves" because I don't think it means a few.

It only needs to be a little over 500, right? By my simple math, what IAM933.net claims to have is a significant number; 'droves' could be an appropriate word.

If we stand together we can do better. You dimwits will not do it so we don't get the best contract possible and then you jerks turn around and blame the union. INCREDIBLE!!!

Hmm, lets see - a bad contract is better than no contract, according to YOUR thoughts, right? Perhaps the 'best contract possible' is all you'll get yet again. Maybe NO contract is better than a bad contract; ever thought it out that way? We've been getting bad contracts for awhie. Maybe RONA, maybe 9/80, maybe things like that will be better. How do you know they're NOT better? Have you experienced these things? How can you argue for something you've never had? Circular arguments again!!

Going back to those lies, and what they really mean, here we go again a refresher:

Lie Three

Lie Five

Join up and we all win. Hell join for a few months and see what a difference it makes

Lie Seven

You can't join for a few months, you join for a year at a minimum. That's already been discussed before.

Oh, wait. You'll wave the initiation fees and the first month's fees, right? Tried and true recruitment method as well.

That coming; you read it here first!

There's something else you're going to read about very soon; the company is going to have the union leadership slumped over a rocket motor container here real soon, and there will be nothing they will be able to do about it.

Anonymous said...

"You may need to redefine the word "droves" because I don't think it means a few.

It only needs to be a little over 500, right? By my simple math, what IAM933.net claims to have is a significant number; 'droves' could be an appropriate word.

If we stand together we can do better. You dimwits will not do it so we don't get the best contract possible and then you jerks turn around and blame the union. INCREDIBLE!!!

Hmm, lets see - a bad contract is better than no contract, according to YOUR thoughts, right? Perhaps the 'best contract possible' is all you'll get yet again. Maybe NO contract is better than a bad contract; ever thought it out that way? We've been getting bad contracts for awhie. Maybe RONA, maybe 9/80, maybe things like that will be better. How do you know they're NOT better? Have you experienced these things? How can you argue for something you've never had? Circular arguments again!!

Going back to those lies, and what they really mean, here we go again a refresher:

Lie Three

Lie Five

Join up and we all win. Hell join for a few months and see what a difference it makes

Lie Seven

You can't join for a few months, you join for a year at a minimum. That's already been discussed before.

Oh, wait. You'll wave the initiation fees and the first month's fees, right? Tried and true recruitment method as well.

That coming; you read it here first!

There's something else you're going to read about very soon; the company is going to have the union leadership slumped over a rocket motor container here real soon, and there will be nothing they will be able to do about it."

All that writing and all you basically said was "un-unh"

Superbia Parti said...

""You will also qualify to get profit sharing without the union.""

"We all contribute to making the profit so why should it be bargained for? The salary don't "negotiate" for it they just get the standard 3%"

What part of ZERO PERCENT don't you understand, tenderfoot? Your great union negotiated away RONA!

""The union lost our profit sharing and you can ask them why.""

"The company took it away and there is no other way to look at it."

The union negotiated it away, period, end of story.

"Without the union there is no guaranteed 40 hour work week there for no benefits."

Your dumb union constitution makes 9/80s impossible. 75% of your people want it! You are oppressing your people!

""You have too many Non GED or equivalent untrained people running the lodge and you are going to let them negotiate your wage or your future?""

"Irrelevant to the argument but if you think the union could use some smartin up why don't you SOGs join and show us dumb hicks whut weez dooing wrong."

Irrelevent to you because you are too dense to see how important schooling is. You must be one of those HS drop-outs we are complaining about.

"The rest here is jibberish that I assume HR didn't ask you to write about but you did anyway."

Lots of stuff is jibberish to the untrained Wolf. You assume too much. Stop your belly aching you softie! Show me this HR - violation you speak of. What violation? Who did what? When? You are so full of Bolshevic it's rediculous!

Anonymous said...

"What part of ZERO PERCENT don't you understand, tenderfoot? Your great union negotiated away RONA!"

Damn it's like talking to a rock. Profit sharing should not even be a part of any negotiations you half wit. Your stupid precious company should offer it to ALL employees because ALL employees contribute to the companies success. Even you stupid lazy jack apples out there at Rita Rd.

"Your dumb union constitution makes 9/80s impossible. 75% of your people want it!"

Possibly but most don't carry on like cry babies about it.

"Lots of stuff is jibberish to the untrained Wolf. You assume too much. Stop your belly aching you softie! Show me this HR - violation you speak of. What violation? Who did what? When? You are so full of Bolshevic it's rediculous!"

Now you think you are Master Po?

Superbia Parti said...

"Your dumb union constitution makes 9/80s impossible. 75% of your people want it!"

Possibly but most don't carry on like cry babies about it.

You complain why we won't join your socialist parade. At the same time, you acknowledge your union refuses to go for what 75% of the membership requests. This is exactly what we mean when we say YOU DON'T REPRESENT!

Note to all members; With leaders like this, you can begin filling out your resignations now. Send them in within the two week window as stipulated on the website.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Six questions asked in that post, and the best answer you could come up with is:

All that writing and all you basically said was "un-unh"

You're giving up that easily?

Anonymous said...

"Note to all members; With leaders like this, you can begin filling out your resignations now. Send them in within the two week window as stipulated on the website."

po willie
po doug
po gary
po keith
po pat

Oh how it must suck not to have any friends :(

Solo said...

The union sent me a envelope in the mail asking me to join again......
The envelope came with "Just the Facts", an application and a return envelope....
What kind of business gives you a return envelope without including return postage?????
If you want my dime, at least supply the return postage.....
Talk about bad business........

Superbia Parti said...

I got an envelope too! Dated 7 August, the flyer wants me to join so I can get some of that 15% they're talking about! I'll be back later to post the unions screw-ups.

To the troll who can't keep it PG; I'll begin deleting your messages now. If you can't bring a constructive arguement to the forum, at least keep it clean.

Anonymous said...

"What part of ZERO PERCENT don't you understand, tenderfoot? Your great union negotiated away RONA!"

and the retort

Profit sharing should not even be a part of any negotiations you half wit. Your stupid precious company should offer it to ALL employees because ALL employees contribute to the companies success.


This from the clan that wants everything negotiated. You just stated that it shoud just be given to employees. Apparently it is to salaried, but not to hourly, because the union leadership didn't want that!

Thar argument here is do you want sure thing (no RONA), or do you want something that's variable (RONA) as part of your compensation.

Same argument for health care; have your coverage go down while you pay more every year no matter what, or....

Gee, no change in that argument; still goes up no matter WHAT your precious union does.

Anonymous said...

tester median wage for aerospace manufacturing 2006 was $20.61
does say it was a union wage, so
it is assumed non-union.

Anonymous said...

typo>> should be "doesn't"... tester median wage for aerospace manufacturing 2006 was $20.61 does(doesn't) say it was a union wage, so it is assumed non-union.