Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Unjustified Intimidation - The Scab List

Is the Salaried VS Labor fight a noble one? The Communist party focuses on class struggle. So does the IAM 933 local union. I borrowed some of these ideas from Wikipedia and tossed them in with my own because it sums up the union’s motives. That forces me to think of my steward and other unionists who claim to be so “conservative” in their thinking, but how they inspire militant socialist revolutionary reforms at Raytheon. These guys are so “pro bush, pro God, pro guns, etcetera” right-wingers who can’t stand the thought of Obama, Madonna, or Michael Moore. If you are in this union, you support socialist revolution. Do you understand this?

Over the past two years you may have read comments on this blog about the similarity between the union and communists, or socialists. What is the difference between socialism and communism? Socialism is a society ruled by workers, and Communism is a classless society. Socialism is merely a phase that society goes through on its way to Communism. This is a utopian concept that never works in reality. The USSR proved it.
For more info, you probably should read Wikipedia on Socialism and Communism. It’s not a perfect source, but it’s great for use at this level of discussion.

The history of all society until today is the history of class struggles.
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted fight that always ended, either in a revolutionary re-constitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes. The UAW ruined the auto industry in America. Our union through striking tried ruining the Company’s fortune through the mutual ruining of its own working class, leaving only the union itself standing unscathed. This method is in keeping with militant socialist ideals.

You the worker are merely a pawn of the machine that is trying to wield power over the Company by forcing it to do the union’s will. You are expendable to the union, and your sacrifices mean nothing to them, illustrated by the fact that they will disown you if you crossed the strike line, even on the last day. They will keep a list of you who crossed, even years from now, there will be names kept on a list for the inner circle of the union.
Now the “deserters list” has been found. And it was found on Company Computers! Actually a number of lists have been found. Maybe there are more. But be certain, the union has been keeping a list, and we have a copy of it. It’s been copied a few times and shared. Maybe it’s making the rounds among the workers by now. Are you on it?

What does this mean to you the worker? The union bombards us with messages that we can’t trust the company. “We’ll get shat upon as soon as the union is gone,” they say. But we all know this is the shattiest union in the world. They’ve proven they are not worthy, but we collectively keep them because of the fear we’ll be helpless without them if they go. We trusted them over the past and they’ve failed us miserably. Dr Phil would ask “Has it worked so far?” So why do we continue to invest in them, when we know the results will be failure?

Since we can’t trust the union, then the only thing we can look at is the logical next best thing. The workers who have left the union, and the labor ranks and who have joined the ranks of the salaried workers. These are the very people we will become like if we get rid of the union. Or we can look at the RMS Security folks, who some five years ago, removed the IAM933 from their ranks. Are they happy with the results five years later? Do they want the union back? I’ve asked several of them the same question. They’ve given me a resounding NO! If there are any RMS Security personnel out there who disagree with that comment, please respond. You can even write the webmaster at of you would like a dialogue.

The bottom line is, we can’t trust the union. They’ve proven that. They claim we can’t trust the Company. Ask a salaried worker what they think. Pull them aside and ask them off the record. Don’t compromise them. Give them the liberty to express themselves so you can get an honest answer. Let the chips fall where they may. Ten times out of ten, you will get a response that doesn’t support the union. No one will force you to accept the truth. It’s just there waiting for you to accept it.

So what about the scab list? What good can come out of that? Are you on it? Did you rejoin the union after you crossed the line last time? What kind of member do they consider you to be? Maybe you should wonder if you are on that list. What will they do if nobody is looking? What would they do if this wasn’t a right to work state? Isn’t that unjustified intimidation?


Anonymous said...

Look, the union leadership really are a few clowns short of a circus.

Try and comprehend what's been posted here for the last two plus years; it's the truth.

You see no rebuttal from the 933 leadership; they want to intimidate you in person, not on-line. Be ready from your visit from your 933 leadership in the weeks to come. Tell them "Hell, no!", then hand them a copy of our petition to remove the union!

Be sure to mail a copy of your resignation letter to the union today!

Anonymous said...

I hope you keep this blog going if you do oust the Union. That way I can see just how bad your company is treating you.

Anonymous said...

Sure; you'd not believe it, though, so why bother?

Oh, yeah, as a learning tool for other patriots to raise up and rid themselves of union tyranny!

Will YOU be around to read it an accept the truth we've provided all of this time?

Anonymous said...

I think the Company can not come even close to the union clowns in mistreating any employee. I know I get my paycheck from the company. I also know just whom I am hired with.

Anonymous said...

Why is everybody "Anonymous"?

dump933 2day said...

Rhetorical question, Anon?

Anonymous said...

Well kind of but one anonymous is calling people pussies and calls out Ed Q but uses the anonymous option. I don't get it.

dump933 2day said...

That union pride hogwash is a euphemism for lies, hate, and malcontent. It's in their faces; they can't hide it any longer!

Look, even a sixteen year old is smart enough to "get it" when it comes to unionism:

16-year-old rejects unionism!

Smart girl!

Anonymous said...

Here's one that's close to home. I really need you ALL to understand you have no choice if the union thugs decide to come and visit you:

Card Check Intimidation