Sunday, July 5, 2009

A rusty relic of last century

Recently, one of our supporters had a visit from a pair of IAM933 union business representatives at his house. He sent a note about the meeting. If you think the union is working for you, wake up! Contrary to what many people think, unions are NOT just some benevolent charity—A union is a business and today's union bosses need new members to fund their failing businesses. It’s a rusty relic of last century. Below is an account from the meeting with Jimbo & Steve.

The other day, the union came knocking on my door. It was Jim Watson, & Steve Taylor.
When I answered the door, I had no idea who these 2 guys were. Even after they introduced themselves, it didn’t even ring a bell until they said they were from the union. So they asked me, what my beef was with the union… I told them that they were the reason I wasn’t making more money! I said that no matter how hard I worked, the company could not give me a raise. I told them that I wanted the right to negotiate my own pay raises. I said that it was simply incredible that an Assembler was making within $1 of what a Tester was making…. I said, the metrology test was 6 hours, the Product test exam was 4 hrs, and what was the assembler test… 1 hr??? I said my 19yr old son could do the assembler job, with no training, yet they made within $1 of what a tester makes. Unbelievable!

Since the contract of 1994, the pay increases for Assembly Techs has outpaced Calibration Techs by over 20%. A proportional change is true for Testers too. The Company has allowed the union to rip us all off. The union did it, and their Constitution and Preamble say to do it. They are stealing from the higher skills, and they are accusing that the Company did it. You Cal Techs are stupid for supporting the union. The Testers quit long ago because they don’t support these Cronies. Skilled Workers need to push back and demand union reparations for the past 15 years of injustice! Look at the pay scales of 1994. If your pay increased at a lesser ratio than other groups since then, you are a victim of union gerrymandering. Pay ratios should be the same as they were back then. I suggest you quit the union and put massive pressure on them to pay you back. If these clowns are ripping you off, then threaten to quit because you are tired of letting the “voting-block” push you around. Don’t let them lie to you that the Company did it. That did not happen. It is in the Business Rep’s interest to manipulate the wages the way they have done over successive contracts. It enriches HIM. Now his pay exceeds $92,000 per year. Does yours?

More notes from that meeting.
Jim mentioned the “Website”
(, saying that he would not argue his points on our Internet web blog. I told him that I was not involved in the website (he isn’t), but that I agreed with pretty much everything that was said on it…Somewhere during this conversation, he mentioned that he would sit down with anyone, over a cup of coffee and discuss all of the things I had talked about… even call him at home… at which point I looked thru the pamphlet he had given me for some phone numbers. There was one, the union hall number… he told me he could be reached at that number.

So Jimbo finally admits he can’t debate this in a public forum. He knows his position doesn’t hold water. He would prefer we go down to his union hall with a peanut gallery to heckle the opposition. It looks like he can’t handle the heat of an open debate. Afraid to let his word meet the scrutiny of public opinion. His offer of a chat & coffee sounds harmless, but the problem with that offer is its not going to get any results. He’ll just tell us “I’ll try to do whatever I can to address your complaints” without actually doing anything. He’s not obligated to do anything, even after he promises action. As a recently settled NLRB case shows, the union is not obligated to tell you the truth because they are internal matters to the union, and you have no right to oversee them. See Govt. document: .
So who represents whom in this situation?

Jimbo, it’s hard to debate facts. This is the real reason you wont come on here and put your position to the people. If you can hide behind the lack of communication about our website, you stand to gain by continuing your lies and rhetoric. But the cat is out of the bag. Your members are increasingly reading our websites. We encourage your members to send in petitions even if they stay in the union. Lets put your union up to an old fashioned vote! Yes you stay, or No! You go! Union Members, join the fight for democracy in Raytheon. Send in a signed petition! Let the masses speak up. Tell others about this site. Tell others about the rebellion. Together we can do more! WORKERS ORGANIZE!


Solo said...

I want Jimbo to knock on my door.....

Anonymous said...

Solo, you'd have waaaaay too much fun with that tee-hee

Anonymous said...

When I returned from the strike, even though I am not a member, there was a strong rumor about the Cal Service Techs to receive an additional increase of pay above the GWI. The additional increase in pay was to make Cal Service more attractive in hiring new employees due the higher wage for this occupation outside of Raytheon. This proposal came from the company and was delivered to a member of the negotiating committee, who happens to be a Mechanical Tech. Needless to say the Cal Service Techs did not receive additional pay but the Assemblers and Mechanical Techs got the extra pay along with the GWI. The negotiating member commented that the proposal never came across the negotiating table, but then said that the main body of the union are the Assemblers. This leads one to believe that the proposal for the Cal Service Techs was held back by the Mechanical Tech on the negotiating committee for personal gain. Now, the Mechanical Techs make as much as the Cal Service Tech even though the Cal Service Techs have far more knowledge and schooling. Is this fair? NO! Just another example of how this local is communistic in believing that all should be paid the same regardless of the individual’s skills or education.

Anonymous said...

You mean Tom Hacker?

Anonymous said...

Once Tom accused me of starting that rumor. He said it never happened, and he had documented proof. I asked him to show me the papers. Guess what? I still havent seen that document. Why am I still waiting? Wheres the beef?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Tom Hacker started working for Hughes right out of high school and never worked anywhere else? If so, then he has no idea what it is like working in a non-union enviorment and how one's wages reflect one's job performance.

Anonymous said...

This leads one to believe that the proposal for the Cal Service Techs was held back by the Mechanical Tech on the negotiating committee for personal gain.

Naah, he was trying to help the cause, right?

See, not a real bright bulb in the whole damn box.

Anonymous said...

From the sound of these comments it sounds like the Union runs the company with regards to GWI's. It was all the Unions doing? I find that difficult to believe!!!! Besides, I bet none of you were even in negotiations to know the real truth.
Until you have sat through a negotiations you have NO idea what goes on or how things are done. So you need to keep your uneducated comments to yourself.
Time is winding down. I hope your attempt fails miserably. I will st back and wait for the results.
The on;y bright spot for me in this is the knowledge that none of you "scabs" work at my place of employment.
Once again.......
GO IAM!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Jeff!
"Until you have sat through a negotiations you have NO idea what goes on or how things are done."
By the outcome of the last three contracts, it's obvious that THIS UNION'S OWN TEAM has NO IDEA of what goes on in negotiation talks EITHER!!!
Except. . wait for to GIVE AWAY! RONAs, 9/80, COLA..

They got nothing more than what the company offered.

Doesn't matter, YOU don't work here.
It's a TRADE union, if they were smart, they would concentrate on bringing up the trade/craft wages,
the other wages would follow.
Since no-one on Committee is in a Trade, it wouldn't be thought of.

"..sounds like the Union runs the company with regards to GWI's. It was all the Unions doing? I find that difficult to believe!!!!"
Generally, the employer offers a $ amount,percentage or lump sum, and how its divided among the different job classes is mostly determined by the union.
Been there, done that.
Just like all the frivolous grievances, most are mere bargaining chips,"..we'll settle these if you give up that" or "..we'll pass on these if you give us this."

"...none of you "scabs" work at my place of employment."
KFC, McD's, PepBoys???

Jeff, this is a Right To Work State, this union can leave Right now so we can get to Work!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Jeff!
"Until you have sat through a negotiations you have NO idea what goes on or how things are done."
By the outcome of the last three contracts, it's obvious that THIS UNION'S OWN TEAM has NO IDEA of what goes on in negotiation talks EITHER!!!
Except. . wait for to GIVE AWAY! RONAs, 9/80, COLA..

They got nothing more than what the company offered.

Doesn't matter, YOU don't work here.
It's a TRADE union, if they were smart, they would concentrate on bringing up the trade/craft wages,
the other wages would follow.
Since no-one on Committee is in a Trade, it wouldn't be thought of.

"..sounds like the Union runs the company with regards to GWI's. It was all the Unions doing? I find that difficult to believe!!!!"
Generally, the employer offers a $ amount,percentage or lump sum, and how its divided among the different job classes is mostly determined by the union.
Been there, done that.
Just like all the frivolous grievances, most are mere bargaining chips,"..we'll settle these if you give up that" or "..we'll pass on these if you give us this."

"...none of you "scabs" work at my place of employment."
KFC, McD's, PepBoys???

Jeff, this is a Right To Work State, this union can leave Right now so we can get to Work!

Anonymous said...

Until you have sat through a negotiations you have NO idea what goes on or how things are done. So you need to keep your uneducated comments to yourself.


Jeff, sad to say, these are educated comments. We have gone through negotiations, and with allegations such as these earlier on in these comments, if the committee members were negotiating for the benefit of their own occupation, that's an injustice, and is no better than our earlier discussion about individual negotiations.

You really are in a delusional state, Jeff. Drinking the union Kool-Aid can do that to ya!

I can tell you that the sheep are being moved by some of these comments that are being made, the orange shirts worn on Thursday's, the buttons that are worn by the supporters.

Solo said...

Freeloader not a scab..........
It is my "Right to Work" in a union shop and not be a member.....

Anonymous said...

Signatures are mounting. The petition is moving forward. The union had better take us into account. We now have a substantial part of bargaining unit power already. We will influence the way the union bargains, even if we "lose" this round. We shook their foundation, first time in five decades. We spoke up (previously unthinkable) and contradicted the soviet "union." Watch Out! We might not have a union come 1st of November! Like the Orange Revolution of Ukraine, we will bring down these tyrants. We are disinfecting RMS and not even Obama will stop Mr Clean. We don't fear you. Vandalism and veiled threats are tools of punks & thugs. Your own stewards agree with us, but they are blinded by the kool aid. The chickens are afraid for "protection." You ran off the Testers long ago. The Cal Techs are not far behind. "We will try to do better" is bull-crap. The Chief "Could care less about the Testers" Steward is what we see in your attitude. You clowns want the power of representing us, but you treat us like 3rd class citizens. We're done with you. You are a bunch of commies who want all of us to make the same wage and share the same misery. No Assembler has motivation to get promoted because the socialism you brought to our Company. Call Truely Nolan! Spray for Bugs! Get rid of these pests!

Anonymous said...

"It is my "Right to Work" in a union shop and not be a member....."

So you want all the benefits and protections that the Union gets you, yet you do not want to be a part of the Union?????

Sounds like you want something for nothing.

The outcome of the last three contracts could be because there are so many "scabs" out there that the company knows they will still get product out the door that they do NOT have to give you anything. Hmmmmmm........

Until you have been a part of the negotiations you have no idea what you are talking about. You can speculate all you want as to what actually goes on, but you are clueless as to the truth.

The company is not your friend as you make them out to be. They are not going to negotiate with each and every one of you. That is a pipe dream!

Once again you are wrong. I do not work at Pep Boys or KFC. From the profile pic I would say you spend a ton of time at KFC though. Hold up, the ton is what your weight is, not how much time you spend there. My bad.

Lets just say that I am a technician. I have an Associates and Bachelors Degree from accredited colleges. Not ITT or any of those cheesy places.

I do not work where you are employed. Thank God for that! If I did, I would be just as strong of a Union man as I am now.

Right to work, more like right to work for less.......

As always......

GO IAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In solidarity (but not with you SCABS!)

Anonymous said...

all the benefits and protections that the Union gets you

If the 9/80 work schedule is preferred by a majority of the bargaining unit, yet the union 'protects' the 40 hour work week to the bitter end, it is really worth it, Jeff?

C'mon, a better argument, we've read the same old shite, man, do better!

dump933 now said...

"Lets just say that I am a technician. I have an Associates and Bachelors Degree from accredited colleges. Not ITT or any of those cheesy places."

Like Winpisinger Education & Technology Center? Yeah, another cheesy place.

So, with a BS degree, why aren't you in the salaried ranks? Need that "protection" that union dues buys ya? Why? What did you do that you need "protection"?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not a technical bachelors degree.

BBA, BFA...which one, Jeff?

Anonymous said...

to dump933,

Why would I join the salary ranks when the companies screw them even more than they do the bargaining units? It's not a negotiation when it comes time for salary increases, it's a here is what you get. Like it or go someplace else.
Or when they tell salary people that they work a 9/80, but then they tell them that they expect them to work late every day well past their 9 hours without overtime pay or anything of that sort.

I work the 9/80 and I would gladly trade it to get the 40 hour work week back. The 9/80 is not worth the day off. But you don't see that. All you see is extra days off per year. Lets look at how Holidays figure into the 9/80.... The day after Thanksgiving is a paid holiday with the 40 hour work schedule. From experience, this year that day is also a scheduled Friday off, so you don't get the holiday pay for that day. And there is NO extra day off to make up for it. Can you live with that? I can't! The company and Union negotiated a certain number of holidays and that is what we should get. Without a Union you will get less pay due to that day not being a paid Holiday. Without a Union, you will have NO say in this whatsoever!
Those are the kind of protections that the Union gives people. But you anti Union people can not see that. All you see are dues and what the person next to you makes.

I would put my education and training up against any of you "SCABS". I would put my skill at my job against any of you "SCABS" as well. You think you are all that and a bag of chips. I think you are just scared. Doubt you would make it at a strong Union shop.

In solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!!!

Remember, once a SCAB, always a SCAB!

Anonymous said...

Jeff said “I would put my education and training up against any of you "SCABS". I would put my skill at my job against any of you "SCABS" as well. You think you are all that and a bag of chips. I think you are just scared. Doubt you would make it at a strong Union shop.” “Remember, once a SCAB, always a SCAB!”
You are the one scared, Jeff. You can’t handle working in a strong anti-union shop. You have no degree. You lie, just like your union. It’s all a farce. You have no idea what we know about negotiations. You know nothing, except what your populist teachers tell you to say. You are a bought and paid for Hugo Chavez wanna-be Wipisinger stooge. I know what your side says. And I know the truth. Your lies are exposed for what they are. IAM933 is a big racket and fear keeps the money rolling in. “Don’t look behind the curtain little ones”! The wizard of OZ is exposed!
I never met a salaried worker at RMS who wanted to return to hourly ranks. It’s like that where you work too, Jeff. You don’t work a 9/80 without liking it, liar! Our Salaried folks are not forced to work 9/80, it’s an option. Our guys get to choose, a concept that is beyond your comprehension. Our Thanksgiving is equal for all, with no need for IAM933. The union accepts the company holidays, it’s not negotiated. All this crap about how we’ll get less holiday pay is made up by your Ho-Chi-Min friends.
You weren’t at RMS negotiations, you have no ground to stand. You’ve never worked a non-union factory. You’ve never worked as salary for a factory. You only work for IAM as a front man for their lies. You are a Public Relations IAM Liar. OH, and MAYBE you work incidentally as a technician too. You bite the hand that feeds. A man can’t have two masters. You chose the side that doesn’t pay.
I put my education up against you Bolsheviks any day. My diploma is in great demand. My engineers ask for me by name. I am acknowledged by salaried folks I barely know, unlike the union stewards who complain about lack of respect. My skill far exceeds you soviet scum who preach hate for your fellow man. You are no hot salsa, chump. You are a cold eggroll! I doubt you could handle the heat of RMS. Remember, once a communist, always a communist! You are a scared Anti American Jeff. You drink the cup of Lenin and Stalin. Watch us tear down your wall!

Solo said...

I went to school on my dime and continue to. I have a skill set. The union protecting you is a farce. Modern labor laws protect you without the need of some carnie third party.... Disciplinary action is done via a documented procedure. This maintains fairness and limits lawsuits against the company....Of course, the union will say otherwise..... Then again the union is a business and will say whatever they need to for that dime of yours....
Don't buy into the scam!

Anonymous said...

You lot are a riot! The labor laws and those that enforce them are so anti labor it is comical. And the fact that you think they will protect you is even funnier.

My skill set and experience are top notch. I paid for my education on my own dime as well.

I have no doubt that I would not only make it at your place of employment, but I would thrive. I have been at a number of different companies and have always been head and shoulders above the rest.

I hate to tell you, but the 9/80 sucks! The Friday off is not worth the extra time spent in traffic when you leave plant an hour later. Besides, I am the only one in my family with the Friday off. The rest of the family has work or school.

Once again, since you SCABS seem to have such a short memory, I do not work for the IAM. I am just a local lodge member.

As for the Holiday issue I mentioned in an earlier post. That is exactly what happened where I work. The company was just going to ignore the negotiated number of paid holidays and not lose a seconds sleep about it. Because the local is strong where I work, we now get paid for the Friday after Thanksgiving.

I know numerous salary people that would like to become Union members. But they are so scared to even attempt to organize all they do is talk about it. They know the company will get rid of them ASAP should they even try.

I hope your followers (speaking of drinking kool-aid) will see through your assumptions of what your company might be like without the IAM and realize that you are the only ones spreading lies and hatred on the shop floor.

In solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!

Once a SCAB always a SCAB. Remember this when you are signing your rights away. I hope you fail and fail miserably.

Maybe I will stop in at your local KFC next time I am in your part of the world and we can talk in person. I guess you have your own booth? Your picture sure does make it look like it. Or does the camera add a few 1000 ponds and a few extra chins?????

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,
You’ve tried the lies again and again. I’ll just keep ramming the truth down your throat. YOUR side is the haters. SCAB is a word you haters invented to put a divide between good workers and good workers. It’s a hate tool to intimidate workers to stay in the union. It failed. YOU are the SCABS now. We’re not afraid of you Communists! You sell Soviet poison. Read your history books. Read the Commie Manifesto. Your gang fits like spandex to the communist ideal. You’ve taught Christians to hate their brothers. I judge you evil.
Your lies about Labor Laws and the NLRB is a farce. Our NLRB District chief is quite “liberal” if you know what I mean. But you are too drunk on Kool-Aid to understand. Your chanting Socialist slogan is laughable. You say 9/80 sucks. Grow a pair and quit! Or maybe you should work an EXTRA hour and miss the rush hour…oh, I forget, you socialists discourage working OT for the man. We remember your claims about working in labor Jeff. But you sing the mantra so well, you sound like a business rep. And we know business reps make their entire living off the backs of the real working class.
We don’t want to hear about your misfortune with your company concerning Holiday Pay. Apparently you choose to work for a sucky company. We work for a Premier Company that respects its workers. 10,000 non-union salaried workers plus the non salaried security forces get GREAT benefits. Oh…did I mention that our security forces decertified the IAM933 five years ago? Did I mention that they still kept their great benefits? Did I mention that NONE of them want the union back?
Jeff, did you read that right? We have a group of employees at Raytheon who have thrown out the union already. They are living proof that what I am saying here at RMS is the truth. Raytheon Security Forces are NON UNION now! You only come up with communist slogans and union myths to counter our facts. Its real, its here, and its now! We have RMS employees living it up without IAM933 sucking their wallet! You simply can’t counter the truth! Keep your strong (smelling) union. We’ll get rid of our diminutive weak one.
When we triumph, we’ll keep this page open for comments. I relish the idea that only a few short months from now, former stewards are going to come on here and finally spill the truth about their former union. They will admit that for the first time in years, they feel free from tyranny. You may read it and weep. The soviet era at RMS is coming to a close. Gorbachev has resigned. Jimbo is coming back to work on the line.

Anonymous said...

And the fact that you think they [labor laws] will protect you is even funnier.

Back to that 'protection' slant, huh? Why are you so scared, Jeff?

Now, this set of statements is a bit of a concern...

My skill set and experience are top notch. I paid for my education on my own dime as well.

I have been at a number of different companies and have always been head and shoulders above the rest.

Hmmm; moving from job to job, being good, yet that protection. Of course, needing the protection to move up the 'unionists ladder of success' - broken rungs and all. You can't hold a steady position, can ya?

I hate to tell you, but the 9/80 sucks! The Friday off is not worth the extra time spent in traffic when you leave plant an hour later.

This isn't a reason why 9/80 is bad, it's an excuse. Now, when RMS Op's goes to a single shift start time (yes, kids, it's coming...), the whining from the union will be hot and steamy; yet the salaried will adjust with management's approval.

Besides, I am the only one in my family with the Friday off. The rest of the family has work or school.

Get off your lazy butt and do something besides complaining! Go to the doctor and get a checkup, get service done on your car. Have a complete weekend for family time available to them on that Sat & Sun. How hard can that be? You're given roughly 26 three-day weekends; do something!

The rest of your pedantic rant I'll just ignore. In a few short weeks, the will of the bargaining unit will be known.

Anonymous said...

Just a note, I found out that there are several individuals that have had the Union personal visit. I know how I feel about such an unwelcomed visit. If you get such a visit sign and send in the petition. Also let HR know about the incident. I know that one of the officers wears a Chi Guevara hat. How professional. Anyway if this militant shows up at my door I will give him a piece of my mind plus more!

Anonymous said...

It's "Che" Guevara

Anonymous said...

Whatever, Che, Chi, or Cha-Cha; a communist is a communist.

Anonymous said...

Dues paying union members are signing the petition in numbers. IAM933 is collapsing.

Anonymous said...

Che Guevara hat wearer is the union treasurer. How do you like having a supporter of a communisitic criminal handling your union dues?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Solo said...

I want Jimbo to knock on my door.....

What for? That sounds vile and evil and very intimidating. Those are all the things you say the union is.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comment. Evil shouldn't be exchanged for evil. If Jimbo comes by my place, I'll chat with him. But he better be ready to get an ear full.