Monday, July 27, 2009

Nekid Chicken

Happy Monday IAM933! It's nice to see some scrapping still going on here. How many of you have gone over this blog and read the past issues? I would like to get you caught up with a few links.

Socialist Trolls
Run to union Prosperity!
Rat Party on Ajo Way!

This should help you get caught up. Feel free to read more. And tell your friends. The Android doesn't want to have to repeat repeat himself himself. Some of you clowns cant get over my picture. So lets take a vote. Should I get Lyposuction or have my stomach stapled? LOL..I can't wait for some of the responses on that one! Moving on to more substantial matters.

Last Friday Agent Smith sent a mysterious message to this blog.
And then A.S. apparently sent e-mails out to a few special people.
He encrypted the message in such a way that it caused a lot of
concern. Some of the recipients have taken that e-mail as a veiled or direct threat. I see it came from a nekid chicken.

He tried an elaborate method to hide his identity but failed to
deter his revelation. Using his kind words as a guide, I decided
not to directly uncover who Agent Smith might be in Public...yet.
We know this individual is quite politically active and has friends in high places.

Unfortunately for him Authorities have been contacted about this
cryptic message he sent out. If we figured who it is, then surely the authorities would find out easily. It's one hundred and three degrees outside, but you must be a cold wolf.


Anonymous said...

Once again you are blowing smoke out of one of your orifices. You have been talking out of both sides of your mouth.
First there was the "we can bargain for ourselves" line. Then you went to the "we will just get another union in here". Make up your mind, slim!

You are trying to sell your assumptions off as facts. Truth is that you have NO idea what will happen when/if you oust the union. Am I correct? The answer to that is a big YES!
You are guessing that the company will negotiate with each and every last one of you... or is that just a hope?
I bet your company does not negotiate with your salaried employees. I bet they say, you get 1%, you get .5%, you get 3% and so on.... Oh yeah, there are those that get a big fat 0%!
From the sound of it, Slim thinks he will be on the 3% or more side because he makes it sound like he is the best thing since sliced bread. Which I highly doubt.

Your ignorance about these things is likely to get you and all the other workers there in a world of trouble. Outsourcing is NOT out of the question. You would like it to be, but that is another one of your ASSUMPTIONS!

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it and find out the union was really your ally and not your enemy......

As for your picture, you ain't portly! You are down right fat. Well, I have a feeling that really isn't even a picture of you. Ok, I hope it's not. I see a heart attack waiting to happen to the guy in that pic.

People like you usually aren't brave enough to post their real picture or names. You strike me as the whine and complain type as long as people will listen to you.

Anyways, I have wasted enough time on you tonight Slim.

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


You're trying to play off the fear of the unknown by painting a picture of a big, scary workplace without union "protection." The trouble is, this union does little- if anything- to protect us.

Wait. I take that back. There are some people who should have lost thier jobs (or did lose their jobs) that the union has protected. I hear that as one of the chief complaints from union members. The union waters down the quality (and wages) of the good workers by protecting the troublemakers. But I digress...

To an extent, you're right. We have no idea what will happen once the union is decertified. Some people- the ones the union has been protecting- may lose their jobs. Others may wind up with less than 3% pay raises because they haven't earned it. But it also allows people who have earned greater rewards the opportunity to receive them. No, there's no built-in guarantee of that happening. With the union standing in our way, though, there's a built-in guarantee that it will not happen. The union contract guarantees that the best employee in a given job receives the same compensation for their work and skill as the worst employee doing that same job. I, for one, would rather my wages were determined by my own efforts and not somebody else's- win, lose, or draw.

You also bring up the eerie specter of outsourcing. It's already happening, and the union is partly to blame. Some of the work that used to be performed in Tucson is now being outsourced to NAPI, where the company gets the same job performed at a lower labor cost. You'll probably blame the company for being greedy, or for abusing the NAPI workers. I'd suggest that the union here isn't ensuring the company is getting its money's worth for the labor here. For the same reason, other work that used to be performed here is being outsourced to outside vendors. In short, the union is slowly pricing itself out of its own jobs. How is that "protecting" me?

Is the union an ally or an enemy? I personally don't see it as an enemy. But, with allies like this, do I really need enemies?

Anonymous said...

"There are some people who should have lost thier jobs (or did lose their jobs) that the union has protected."

If management did their due diligence and enforced some sort of discipline instead of hiding behind the mantra "the union wont allow me" then more of the slackers(both union and anti unions)might already be gone. In the end the company has the right to manage but supervision is very weak at Raytheon.

Anonymous said...

Note the date on this news release. Seems like it's happening, and there's nothing to be done to stop it.

RMS NAPI Growing

Superbia Parti said...

"...there was the "we can bargain for ourselves" line. Then you went to the "we will just get another union in here". Make up your mind, slim!"

Jeff, we can have the choice in a democracy. The union wants control period. The people can choose what they want. And Yes, we can re-organize under a new union flag with a constitution that isn't communist.

Other unions are salivating already. I'll be a proponent of a union that will help the Company succeed, and ensure our long term job security. This greedy union is sending our jobs to New Mexico!

And our Congress and President is going to sign EFCA. We'll get another union here if we want. And if we don't want one as a collective, then we wont have one!

"Slim thinks he will be on the 3% or more side because he makes it sound like he is the best thing since sliced bread."

Slim probably made more in Achievement Awards than you made in OT in the past 12 months. No matter how you slice it, Slim knows what side his bread the butter is on.

"As for your picture, you ain't portly! You are down right fat. Well, I have a feeling that really isn't even a picture of you."

For a unionist who demands respect, you sure don't give much. Not my picture, you say? The anonymous Agent seems to dictate your feelings. You don't know me, nor do you work here. Nor do you know when that picture was taken. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

You lost my respect the first time you started slinging snide comments about me. Therefore, I can and will tell it like I see it when it comes to what you write and post.

You seem to have this belief that the Union is the one making all the decisions there. That the company bows down to everything the Union wants. Once again, get back to reality!!!! There is no way the Union dictates to the company where work will go. That is an outsider talking that thinks they know everything.

As I have said before, I do not work much OT. I would prefer to spend my time with my family and friends and not go to work on a day off. Granted, there are times I have come in to ensure that things got done on time. But that is the exception, not the rule.
I do not need achievement awards to stroke my ego or pad my bank account. I live quite nicely without all that stuff.

You are free to choose. But you spread lies and assumptions about not only what has gone on there, but about what will happen should you oust the IAM. I bet the IAM does so much more for you all than you will ever know or believe. Most of the time things get done without the membership knowing. Those are the things the company will do simply because they can.

I still hope your endeavor fails, and fails miserably.

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Jeff, sic Steve T., are you Russian or a communist, because your writings are very similar to the Communist Manifesto?"

This is your best arguement to oust the union? Try to have a point.

Anonymous said...

I have posted this before, but it looks like I will have to post it again.....

I am not Steve. Never was Steve. Never will be Steve. Never met Steve. I do not live in your right to work for less state. I heard about this blog from someone that visited your work site and it intrigued me. After reading some of Slim's lies and assumptions I decided to post some things. Real things that I have seen companies try to get over on the Union. Not assumptions like Slim posts.

So Slim, just pull your head out long enough to get a big deep breath of fresh air and realize that I really am Jeff, not Steve.

Well, going to bed now. Had enough fun here for tonight. Got a big day tomorrow out on the open roads riding a GREAT IAM made 2009 Harley Ultra Classic.

As always,

GO IAM!!!!!!