Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Be careful - don't fall!

Welcome back fans & foes! Here’s a lighter message for the masses. The union placed you way up high to get your dues support, and you are basking in their hypocritical sunlight. If you took the bribe then you are a fool with your money and trust. Be careful, don’t fall! I hope to keep the comments coming in. It looks like our pen-pal Jeff (GOIAM) has left us. What a shame. He was the only intelligent one who had balls enough to come defend the union’s position. And he’s not even from this union. He’s still wrong, he's still socialist, but at least he has some manhood. Our local union lacks courage. This is one of the reasons why we don’t want them. Not only are they stupid, they have no machismo about them. They smell like hairspray and talcum powder. None of their officers or representatives came on here to publicly defend the IAM933 way of thinking. They are afraid to get into an argument with a ghost! And they wear those rat buttons as if they were some sort of protective amulet or something. What a bunch of weaklings!
This June we are getting into full swing of the Petition Season. We wish to decertify this bumbling union before contract negotiations take place. To decertify the union, we must turn in our petitions to the NLRB between 90 and 60 days before the present contract expires. That is the Law. The NLRB needs petitions two months early to let them set up an election before contract negotiations. If the election decertifies the union, they will cancel negotiations, period. The company will then convert into having all of us under salary guidelines. If you are sick of this group of fools determining your pay, send in your signature now. I wish to thank each and every one who has gone to the trouble to send theirs in early. It’s working! Encourage your friends to send theirs in too.
I’ve been complaining for a while about how this socialist organization lives on the backs of the working class. Now I’m going to show you again. Here are highlights from the union’s annual LM-2 Form for 2008. It’s one of the same documents posted on except it’s the latest one! Look at where the money goes over at the union! It looks like Lori is the only one that earns her pay. Jimbo and Steve get excessive pay for what they do. And look at all those thousands of dollars going to the anointed seven!
John Catalano Cond/Sent $2,722
Elizabeth Hunter Trustee $2,885
Meicheile Juve Rec. Secy $2,560
Louis Martinez EBoard $2,980
Ramon Rodriguez Sec-Treas $1,860
Victor Duarte EBoard $1,470
Darron Stafford EBoard $2,824
Lori Jenness Office Staff $47,351
Steven Taylor BR $74,148
James Watson DBR $91,966
These guys making thousands of extra per year aren’t feeling the pain like you did in 06. At this rate, they will make their whole strike loss back by this year! Are you willing to fill their wallets with your money? Fight Back! Quit and Sign the Petition Now!
Remember the vote back in Nov 2006 and Jan 2007?For union members these numbers look pretty familiar. For the rest of us, this sums up why union moral is low.
Contract Vote on 5 November 2006:
1140 – reject 106 – accept -- 1246 – votes total
1018 – strike 111 – opposed -- 1129 – votes total
Capitulation Vote on 14 January 2007:
766 – Yes, 186 – No, 200 – members crossed – 147 – unknown?
The 2008 LM-2 shows union membership. This year they reported a two percent increase. This is total membership within all companies they represent.
Total Members/Fee Payers 1,688
Regular Members 1,188
Retired, Life, & Exempt Members 480
Unemployed Members 20
With the AIKIMA Corp on the Air Base joining the ranks of the union, it looks like they succeeded in conquering that organization, and the employees within it. It doesn’t show how their levels within RMS have changed. But they have tricked some of their former members into rejoining their group. Poor fools, I guess they’ll never learn. They need to come down off the ladder.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's good to see that I was gone but not forgotten. I am from the same Union, just not the same local.
Here are some facts for you regarding your mention of maybe joining another union in the future should your effort succeed. (Just remember, I am rooting against you!)
In 1000 union elections over a 5 year period, in 34 percent of the elections companies fired employees for union activity, in 57 percent of elections, employers threatened to shut down all or part of their facilities, and in 47 percent, employers threatened to cut wages and benefits. In 63 percent of campaigns, supervisors met with workers one on one and interrogated them about their union activity or whether they or others were supporting the union. In 54 percent of the elections, supervisors used these one-on-ones to threaten individual workers.

Just remember, the company is not your friend. They are not going to pay you what you think you are worth. I bet they already think you are all over paid.

Stop worrying about what other coworkers make and get on with your work. Why do you care??????
If you want to worry about what someone makes, worry about what your CEO makes in wages and bonuses. I bet he/she is WAY overpaid in regards to your profits.

I still feel that your efforts are for naught. That what you "think" you will get without a Union there is only a pipe dream.

Get a grip. Get back to work. Stop whining and work to change what you don't like from the inside. It does work. I know, as it has happened at my Local.

In solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!!!

Superbia Parti said...

Welcome back, Jeff! Ok, now for the harsh reality.
Since Lodge 933 is so terrible, I have a question. If we succeed, would you want us to join a different union to meet our local needs? Why is IAM so important? Why not IBEW, or another union?
HR told us they could care less if there is a union. Since we are a defense contractor, they have no reason to stop unionism. We’re a huge company; HR simply don't care. You stated that a minority of cases (34%) fired unionizers. So 66% of them didn't have that fate. HR told us they don’t care if we have a union, “it's the workers business.” BTW, we have a (D) Congressional Rep. I don't think RMS would piss her off by firing organizers.
Your statistics if true, don't look frightening. Threats of shutting down won’t work. This plant can't shut down unless Obama neuters the military. Threats to cut wages? So what! We need to get rid of this poorly run union. It's unbearable, and the monkeys running it are shameless. So NO union, or a different union is what choices we have. This one must go.
The Company is our paymaster, not our friend. Good work will be rewarded. 10,000 salaried employees prove that daily. No former wage-grade workers come back to the wage-grades unless fired. Its too good up there. And have you heard about how happy the security guys are here at RMS after they got rid of their IAM933 union five years ago?? It's true. The same lodge represented the security guards here back a few years, but they decided to get rid of the union. They are happier than they were back then, and they get RONA too!
You ask why we care what others make. Jeff, the question isn’t "what others make," it's “what others make on the backs of laborers!” No former assembler or tester is worth double his former salary because he is running the union hall. That's an unbelievable amount of money to shower on them. These same guys are raising dues by the same amount next year after getting a 25% raise in dues this year. This is insane! The DBR and BR are greedy. They should get the same salary as a tester, or maybe a Rambo, but not 92 thousand a year! They are getting their pay by taxing the workers who make thirty or forty plus thousand a year.
You constantly say we are whining. You are not listening. This union is broken, it's corrupt. Nobody is joining it, after others joined and couldn't fix it. The politics of nepotism run too deep. It has to be rooted out. These guys wont listen to the preamble of their own constitution. "Believing that the right of those who toil to enjoy the full extent the wealth created by their labor is a natural is impossible for those who toil to obtain the full reward of their labor other than through united action..."
Jeff, we plan united action against the union that has disregarded it's constitution and has repressed the workers for it's own benefit, the benefit of a small group of them. They've hurt and hated long enough, but there's more!
This union has systematically reduced the number of pay grades within the labor camp over a number of contracts to make all workers into grunts. Then they have gone out and complained about the reduction in pay grades to the membership. They are advocating exactly what they complain about! It has the effect of pulling down the wages of the top earners. It has cost the company incentive to work. It has cost workers thousands of dollars per year. This is an unjust crime, because it has stopped talented workers from searching for a way to the top of their field. Who wants to be promoted if the pay is all the same?
A talented worker who is skilled in a hard to fill job should get compensated for what the going wage is. A union should not suppress that worker or group of workers to fulfill the desires of less skilled workers who can get those higher skills through company training. The union is discouraging growth within the labor camp, just the opposite of its charter. IAM933 = Cancer.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, where do you get those statistics from? Aren't there laws protecting the right to organize and wouldn't those companies be held accountable? I believe you are making them up for your own benefit. If not, show me the data.

Anonymous said...

Crak students of the Intertubes can figure this crap out in milli-seconds:

Trade Unions & Violence

No Holds Barred

We don't want to violently get rid of 933; peaceful death is acceptable to this group, I think.

Go away 933!!

Superbia Parti said...

So these numbers were produced by the so-called economic policy intitute? Holy Crap, that is more biased than Keith Oberman on MSNBC! OK Jeff, game's up. Those numbers you put here are bogus. You mind playing with a full deck?

We want a healthy debate on here, but the numbers need to come from a trustworthy source next time. Washington Post is no better. USA Today is better. At least they aren't in BED with the communists. We wont bomb you with Faux News neither. Just keep it real.

Where is the local lodge membership? Hey Jeff, did you ever get hold of those lightweights at IAM933 and tell them to defend their lodge? You really need to get them to do their job.

This is the biggest bunch of wankers in the whole IAM! Maybe they are too stupid to operate a browser to blog on-line. I think they are afraid to respond because they'l plunge their lame union further into doom.

Anonymous said...

Once again all you can do is whine! You continue to whine and moan about what people are making. You have NO idea what people are doing to get paid what they do. You are on the outside complaining! Get involved and find out what those people do to get paid what they do. I bet those people are doing a hell of a lot more than you are for the Union cause. Oh yeah, all you can do is whine and complain.
You complain about the numbers I quote. Well, I have been involved with a number or organizing campaigns where I witnessed people being harassed and fired. You think the NLRB would help these people, but they are in bed with big business.
You complain and complain. Know what that makes you? Oh yes, a complainer. That's all.
When will you wake up and smell the coffee? Your company has NO desire to bargain with any of you individually. I bet they don't bargain with the engineers like you think. I bet they just hand out minuscule raises to those people they like and the rest get squat.
So, take your chances and roll the dice. Either way, I bet you are still complaining about something in the end. I have a feeling that is what you do best. Whine and complain about things, but NEVER do anything for the betterment of the workers there at your place of business. An organized and united workforce is the answer. Not going it alone. Deep down, you know I am right. But you are probably just scared to admit it.

In solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!!!

Superbia Parti said...


You said "Once again all you can do is whine! You continue to whine and moan about what people are making. You have NO idea what people are doing to get paid what they do....."

REALLY! Where did I do that? Get back on subject. I'm holding you to the fire there kiddo. Cough it up! Your brainwashing unionist propaganda wont work! I'll call it out every time. Remember to use trustworthy statistics too! State your references.

Then you said "I bet those people are doing a hell of a lot more than you are for the Union cause."

OF COURSE I am doing less for the union cause, because I have dedicated myself AGAINST IT!

You never answered my questions about other unions, Jeff. See Jun 11, 2009 11:07:00 PM. Lets have a good chat about it. Don't stonewall and play us. We'll just discard you if you play that.

We already know that our union is too weak to bring the debate here. Bring on some good points about your union. Defend them if you can. Make believers out of us as to why the local 933 is worth saving.

The business reps here wont do it. They are scared of the internet. Call them at union hall and get them to change their mind. I bet they wont do it. (520) 294-7696 @ ext 3 or 4.

We want the people to have a fair chance at deciding this case on it's virtues. Union Leaders have a voice here, but I can't have a voice in union hall, even though they are my legal representative at the company. We accept that as a condition of our employment. But now, there is a voice of opposition. We want them to answer. BRING ON THE DEBATE! LET ALL SEE! LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE!

57 years of tyranny is too long.