Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rat Party at 369 W Ajo Way

Have you seen the "No union buster rat" buttons lately? It shows how your union offers respect for those with different ideas from your rodents at Ajo Way Ed. Didn't you demand respect during the strike? Didn't IAM933 whine endlessly about our respectful t-shirts that only say "I am not 933 - I can speak for myself"?" You guys began to wear Ghostbuster tee shirts and that was a hit! (we laughed at that one) Now you pull out rat-buttons. Well, here's to your respect Ed. It takes some to get some. So I raise you one. See the picture, and take a good look Ed. This is how the rest of us in labor see your dirty little club. Also, ten thousand others who can't speak see your filthy group the same way. Don't you wonder why salaried folks look down their nose at you? It's the hypocrisy factor Ed. The more you loosers push us freedom fighters, the worse you look to red-blooded American Employees at RMS.

So it looks like you've got a trend Ed. You taught your members to ignor non members for years, not even to acknowledge them. (Respect training #1) Then your heavy-weights go wishing the ill-will of non members after they are assaulted by the East Side Slasher! Now you've officially sanctioned disrespect with your little union rat-buttons. Don't go whining about disrespect again Ed. You have no ground to stand on. We're keeping record, and we'll show everyone next time you cry to HR. I hope some creative individual out there makes a t-shirt of this picture and wears it on Thursday. It will serve you right.

To the rest of RMS employees out there: We are taking petitions now. Go to the main website at and follow instructions to decertify this bunch of ratatouilles. Do it now. Don't wait another day to send in your signature. Lets all give them the boot. Let's put Jimbo and Steve back on the floor working like the rest of us (have you seen their pay?). And let's give Ed something to think about. A concience.


Anonymous said...

A major disrespect that 933 perpetrates is holding their meetings on the Sabbath. The 933 wants its members to put the union ahead of family by supporting a strike. Now the union wants its members to forgo their salvation by worshiping a false god over the one and only GOD. This is to be expected from a communistic, godless organization such as IAM933. The dues can be considered nothing more than titheing paid to support the clergy of a false religion. Ain't that right Brother Ed?

Anonymous said...

Wow! What I really see in that post is just another excuse NOT to attend the Union meeting/s.

Lets see..... a few others you left off: they don't pay me to go to union meetings; they are after work and that cuts into my family time; they are on Saturday/Sunday and they cut into my family time; oh yeah, the sun got in my eyes and I couldn't make it.

Dues are a fact of life these days. You can not get around them. Blockbuster, 24hr Fitness and the list is too long to continue, but they all have dues too. Do you pay those without the bitching? Bet most do! But you complain about paying Union dues.


Anonymous said...

You compare fees for services rendered at Blockbuster or 24Hr Fitness to this local unions dues? Hellooooo--those other places actually DO something! I hear lots of union members these days bitching about dues. They are raising them 50% over two years, for what? Members say this union sucks way to bad to keep paying them. They want A union, not THIS union. I hear we can decertify this union, and get another one! Can you guys make this happen?

Anonymous said...

We all are those "guys" to make this happen. It will take a concerted effort to rid ourselves of this inept inner circle of self-serving unionist, and you know who they are. The officers and laymembers of local 933. Another union can only be brought in after this union is decertified. There are some good unions out there that have an active interest in its members wants and wishes and not just for a source of income. The effort to decertify this union should not be miscontrued as union busting but as an effort to be rid of this local lodge 933 and its officers. In the bright future when this union is gone people when realize that the company isn't as bad as the union portrays it. Give yourself a chance to enjoy the freedom along with optional 9/80, 8% night shift differential, merit pay, RONA and no more inflated union dues.

Anonymous said...

In a few months from right now, we’ll be celebrating the event many of us have been working toward for over three years. When the decertification election of IAM933 from Raytheon is announced, there will be shouts of joy from those who have seen just how poorly we as an hourly bargaining unit have been treated for the last fifty years. With those will also come the cries of angst from the rat hole on Ajo Way (that latest button really recognizes your lodge hall, doesn’t it?).

There has been a small and very vocal group that has been working without management’s assistance in trying to make this happen. We have been hammering away at this topic in one form or another since the union caved in and took that latest labor contract offered by the company. Fantastic, but very self-serving move, wasn't it, IAM? One question to ask yourself; does the company really want this? We can tell you that the answer is YES. Our group is being cheered on by the very people we work for. Our managers and directors really do want to reward those who are putting in the effort, not just punching a clock, in order to get things done.

In the end, nothing is really going to change; your wages will not be changed; your benefits will remain the same for that first year. "But, what will happen after that first year?" A big unknown; there are those of us who want that opportunity, but those who look behind never get ahead. Which one are you? Do you want to get ahead, or are you the one who will "ride the gravy train" that has been here since your grandparents worked "side-by-side with Howard Hughes"?

The biggest advantage to that shop floor system that is used out there is that it keeps a record of every single thing that you do, every day that you do it. Those who meet or exceed expectations will be rewarded, while those who don’t won’t be rewarded. It really stinks to be monitored by a computer, but that’s life in the new millennium. Time to get used to it and accept it for what it is a tool for management to measure just how good you really are.

When the company makes money, we make money. There have already been rumors of a ten percent reduction in pay as being offered by management as a starting point in contract negotiations, or, at least, that’s the rumor being spread around the plant this weekend. "After all, the economy is in the dumps", as reported by at least one individual. Fact or fiction?

Go by the opening web page at and watch that countdown clock. That is the amount of time you have left to decide if the life you lead is "good enough", or if you’re willing and able to have the guts to stand up for yourself and say, "I can do better than this union! I can speak for myself. My actions prove I’m an asset to this company in ways big and small!" Or, you could wear a stupid button that says something you might not actually believe in.

Anonymous said...

There is no way the company is going to want to deal with each and every one of you individually. Oh wait, here's a way: You all get $0 for a pay increase. And am sure there are a ton of other "losses" you will see handed to you. Not to mention a change in each and every one of the company policies and directives that are out there.
You see, the Union is the one that keeps them from changing those things on a whim.
In Solidarity,

Anonymous said...

You are so wrong, Jeff. Your scare tactics won't work. We bought your story years ago, and now we've seen it's a union business plan to get our money. They won't take our jobs, & they will give us raises. There are 10 thousand individual workers as proof already Jeff. When are you going to get that through your thick scull? The union is the one thing that is causing our problems. It's a laughing stock, Jeff...a complete looser's org. If you worked here, you too would quit in shame of how crappy this union is run. Its just too bad you don't live here to see the truth. The union isn't the same place that it was in the 1950's.

Oust 933!