Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thrown Out

With all the chatter going on throughout RMS these days about the union, it's a wonder more of us aren't talking about the President of the Union's 5 Day Adventure! Posted on our Union Shadow Box in late February was a note from the President about what NOT TO DO if you didn't want an unpaid vacation from the Company.
Apparently he's been taking his PTO without getting prior approval from his boss. The company has a rule about this, and the supervisor is required to have a chat with the worker about it when violations become evident, and need correction. I guess that chat didn't serve as enough warning to Mr President, as he continued to do as he saw fit. So the Company gave him a five day sabbatical to think about it's rules.
Mr President, I'll tell you as my steward told me, "why don't you just quit?!" Its obvious you don't like working here. It's apparent that you hold the company in contempt. Maybe you could just quit the union and come to our side of things. Work for a living, and show that you love supporting the company that makes the finest missiles in the world for the best darned Army, Air Force, Navy & Marines on the planet. Everyone I know says you're a wonderful guy. But your union is a sham!
The petition to decertify the union is going on right now at Go there and follow instructions. Its easy, its painless, its good for you, and its good for America.


Anonymous said...

Isn’t it true that the elected hierarchy of lodge 933 are the best individuals at representing hourly at Raytheon? If this is the case I prefer these individuals no longer speak for me and my job. The level of professionalism provided by Eduardo Quintana is evident as he ignores rules set by the company as condition of employment. If he cannot even represent himself in defense of the rules he broke then he in good conscience should resign as president of the union. This union is pathetic if it supports such individuals as their elected representatives. If Quintana feels he is above the company rules then he is no better than Bernard Madoff. Madoff felt he was above the rules when he employed his Ponzi scheme on unsuspecting investors. Madoff lost his credibility. I think that Quintana lost his credibility too. Do you think the company will take the union seriously during contract negotiations with Quintana at the helm. This union is a joke. Now is the time to rid ourselves of this parasite on labor’s backs.

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassment.....

Anonymous said...

Couldn't that also be known as "time card fraud?"

I heard that a salaried employee was escorted off the property last week, due to this very reason.

Are we making an example of 'Bro. Q' in this case? I'm another one who hope that's the case.

Anonymous said...

He should resign from his post

Anonymous said...

Resign? Ha!

Stand up to the man and win, right?

Anonymous said...

The "man" meaning the corporation called IAM???
What a sec....
The union is a business....
Him staying President only strengthens your cause....
Maybe he shouldn't resign then.....
A letter of thanks.......

Dear Quintana,

Please continue to be a blemish on the organization you represent.

The Freeloaders, Haters and all the IAM members

Anonymous said...

Do you want to know what's really funny? The union was spreading rumors about this guy that got canned a few weeks ago, something to do with Falcon Field. They were all running around saying this "anti-union" scab got tossed, and good ridance!
This all occured within a small time of Ed Q's great adventure. Eddie got walked out! So did the other guy. Eddie came back. So did the other guy! So...the rhetorical question of the night is....drumroll please....What PROTECTION did the union give the president that the anti-union guy didn't get? NONE?! Oh yea...I though so!

This union provides no extra protection. Wake the F&(# UP!!It's all a smoke screen! All of you people sitting on the fence need to open your eyes and see this silly game for what it is. It's a power play for your money.
You poor suckers that are already victims of this money extraction scheme, it's almost too late, unless you can extract your cranium...