Sunday, March 22, 2009


The union president believes we are a small bunch of naive anti-union workers! If we're so insignificant, why dedicate the front inside page of their January Newsletter to an argument against us? "While millions of workers see the obvious benefits of unions, these miss guided souls want to replace collective bargaining with individual begging" Ed Quintana Jan 2009.
Mr. Quintana would know about begging, because that's just what he did to get back into the company in January of 2007. He and the rest of the union leaders begged the Company to let them in, and make it look like they saved face. The facts are the union LOST the last contract negotiation, because they followed the guidance of the national union, and their socialist directives. They struck because they have no WORD. They sought vengeance for the contract of 2003, plain and simple. Then you workers took it in the shorts.
Edward continues his position by claiming..."the company continues to look for ways to give our work away to engineers, sub contractors and NAPI." He thinks the company is wrong by hiring others to do the work that they wouldn't, couldn't or won’t do. The union isn't faster, cheaper or better." Your union has corrupted the minds of workers and made their work slower, less cost efficient and of less quality. They taught contempt for the Company, and for their co-workers. This has a corrosive effect that shows in the quality, quantity, and suitability of our product. They don't respect their non-union coworkers, or the management.
When you all hired on at Raytheon, you were very thankful of the job that you got. You didn't need a union to get you the position. The pay you got was strictly a convenience of Raytheon, not your union, as they would have you believe. Now Edward says that you should give up more of your pay to him because you are seasoned loyalists to his regime, and have lived through the stupidest of strikes. He wants you to perform the self-sacrifice while he follows the path of Bobby M. up the trail to get his share of the regional pie. Most red-circled employees are without pay raises because the union forgot you in 2003.
But Ed charms you with phrases like..”maturity, foresight and self-sacrifice that will carry us through to successful negotiations, growth, and a brighter future...." Horsefeathers! He just wants to keep you padding his payrolls. He wants you to talk US into joining his merry band of victims. "Let us continue to carry our message to the hundreds of hourly (victims) workers still not in the union." Let us sign up the qualified (have paycheck?) applicants, build our (My) union, save (the union) and prepare for the coming (end) year. LMAO! Edward you are naive! You play an old socialist song.
Give us non-union workers the same opportunity the salaried people have, and we'll outstrip your pay-raises and brighter future by a long shot! Tell Management you want to break the labor camp apart, those who are in, and those who are out. Those who remain with the union are in. The rest of us will gladly go "begging" for our pay & benefits. We'll also get RONA, performance based pay raises and a fair chance to opportunity that your silly union makes impossible because of its confrontational attitude.
Better yet, maybe all you union folks should join us in canning this union so you can see for yourselves what a little hard work and loyalty to your employer might get you. It’s much more than "hope for a brighter future in the years to come".


Anonymous said...

So Mr. Quintana thinks we are a bunch of misguided naive individuals. Here is a message for you Mr. Quintana. If we so are naive why don’t you Mr. Quintana educate us via online debate to correct the errors of our ways? Are you so frightened that our ideas of freedom may contaminate your belief of socialist purity?
Are we naive in that we did not cash in our 401k for the extra $500 sign in bonus? Are we naive in that we did not take a loan on our 401k for no pass through language? Are we naive in that we did not tax the resources of the local charities while we were working to support the war effort? Are we so naive in that we will still not join your cult while your union will give itself a raise next year through dues increase? Maybe Mr. Quintana if you look in the mirror you will see the poster boy of naivety. Get lost IAM Lodge 933!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Quintana just beg to get his job back not long ago?

Anonymous said...

Self-Empowerment vs. Self Victimization We live in a world where personal responsibility seems to be an alien concept. Lack of planning, focus, and control over our lives tend to create numerous situations in which we are exposed to unsuspecting and unwanted repercussions. These manifest as rote actions where we are asleep at the wheel, misactions due to poor judgment and analysis, and inactions due to denial. When "shit happens" it's most usually because we're not awake; that is, we don't see what we're walking or driving into, like walking out on the street and forgetting to look where you're going. It's easy to blame another person when you walk into a pile of poop not cleaned up by a dog owner, but it's another to look into yourself first and ask if there was something you could have done to prevent yourself from stepping in the poop in the first place. Regarding the rote action of crossing a street, I've seen pedestrians walk out into the middle of traffic with lack of intention, assuming everyone is looking out for them. They don't seem to care about the pitfalls and potential dangers; they just go and leave the details to everyone else. The casualty of doing so is obvious; more times than not they're hit by a passing car whose owner is generally blamed for the fatality. In the car scenario, drivers are responsible by law for whomever they hit regardless of the reason. However, both people were not watching where they were going and are guilty of being asleep at the wheel. The problem is that neither is focused on the issue at hand; that is, how to make it from point A to point B without casualties. Both people let traffic lights and traffic signs prevail or even interfere with common sense, and expect passing drivers/pedestrians to see them as they're approaching. Then, when this thinking proves faulty or fatal, instead of looking within to assess the reason for the mishap, they blame everything and everyone else but themselves for the outcome; that is, there weren't enough signs, the driver wasn't paying attention, or the pedestrian wasn't looking where he/she was going. In fact, both the driver and pedestrian weren't paying attention despite the signs that are meant to serve as a wakeup call and deterrent, not as a footnote. The above examples are scenarios concerning individuals who continually end up as victims; victims of their own demise, to be more precise. The victim mentality is rampant in the world today from governments to cultures, to societies, and to the little guys who get up every morning without a clue about why they're here or why "shit happens" to them. Instead of looking at their own failures and assessing damages on the basis of what they might have done to change or prevent the shit from happening, they assess damages on the basis of what something or someone else did to them, blaming their bad luck on someone else or something else outside of them. They believe that if the outside world and everyone in it would only change, it would make their lives more tolerable. This forms the basis of victimization: that is, when bad things happen because of lack of realtime participation and responsibility for one's actions, the outside world is to blame. This line of thinking is the stumbling block that perpetuates the cycle of victimization. Interestingly enough, it is also a classic behavior of alcoholics.

The victim mentality runs even deeper in those who think others owe them a living and a free ride. And they are supported in this mode of thinking by those who willingly enable them by providing the free ride. A free ride derails personal responsibility for one's own growth and direction. It takes the element of free will out of the hands of the individuals and instead disempowers them. It keeps them from becoming their own driver, and without drive there is no movement or growth. Instead, they get caught up in a cycle of master/slave whereby an outsider with power makes the decisions for them, thereby guaranteeing no movement or growth on the part of the disempowered. These individuals perpetuate the cycle by believing that they are victims and that they can't take care of themselves, if only because they never tried to take care of themselves or never learned to take care of themselves. Those that learn become empowered, but those that don't rationalize their victimization and reliance on others by finding reasons why they can't function on their own, becoming a drain on the resources of others. This behavior becomes second nature and keeps the victims from ever rising above their limitations. The problem is that as we approach the prophesied global and cosmic shift, this is no longer a viable excuse for not moving forward and taking control of one's destiny. As we approach critical mass and jump into a new paradigm it is important to realize that each of us creates the future of our choice. Thus, to make this transition, it is important to move out of the victim mentality and take responsibility for our everyday actions. Our daily actions are what will move us through the next evolutionary step in our planetary consciousness. By succumbing to either the victim or enabler role, we will not help ourselves or others make the transition to self-realized and fully empowered beings. So the biggest obstacle on the path in front of us turns out to be the trash that we carry within us and our expectations of others, wich distract us and interfere with our focus. And the greatest challenge facing us is that there is no longer time to learn to drive. Right now everyone must be in their own driver's seat, with a firm grip on the steering wheel, paying attention to the signs and signals, and focusing on the next turn. Additionally, we must know where we're heading and continue to move in that direction to avoid being swept up or thrown down by the sleepwalkers or other heedless drivers asleep at the wheel. Self-empowerment means taking control of our destiny and strategically planning the route to attain our future goals without distraction. It means dumping our garbage and purposefully taking our power back from the outside world so we can reach our highest manifestation; our own Garden of Eden.

Anonymous said...

So in other words the union is a bunch of co-depended victims.

Anonymous said...

Basically, the union is like the pinwheel. It is held up by the earth, spinning aimlessly with no purpose other than being noticed and not giving credit to the earth for support.

Anonymous said...

You all are such whiners! You think that without the union things will be so much better. Have you no clue that the company is NOT your friend? They are sitting back in hopes that the union will be ousted so they can screw you all. And then where will you be? Let me think..... you will be whining about the need for a union to protect your wages, jobs and benefits in an economy that is on the downturn. Oust the IAM and I bet a bunch of the presently laid off people will do your jobs for far less than the company is paying you. So they will get just as skilled workers at a lower wage rate.
So how does that sound?????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:53am:
The Pot calling the Kettle black you whiner! You fear RMS because your kool-aid sermons at Ajo Way told you to, you Fool. Back up your claims, and show me the salaried workers that got screwed! Piss on your lame fear mongering. Put up or shut up. We have proof your union sucks, all you minions of Jimbo can do is shout slogans and tell us how the company will screw us. BITE ME!
We are sick of THIS UNION because it failed miserably for the past 5 contracts. All you red-circle workers should put the blame where it belongs. Every successive DBR and Bargaining team has failed, and you dorks criticized them after every turn. But you didn't learn a thing. It's because your union stinks. Give us one that works! You can't, or won't. IAMAW Constitution is crap, and it is the source of your problems.
So it's time to oust this one, and look at other ones for a change. I bet IBEW would work better than this one. Hell they even have a union hall that your union borrows because the soviet agenda your union spouts is more important than upkeep of the Ajo Way shack!
Even if we don't get another union, anything is better than what we have now. We're better off with the deal salaried workers get. You are just too NAIVE to know it.

Anonymous said...

Oust the IAM and I bet a bunch of the presently laid off people will do your jobs for far less than the company is paying you. So they will get just as skilled workers at a lower wage rate.
So how does that sound?????

I'm ready to challenge you to that idea right now.

I see what a bunch of f'n slugs there are; most of them hold a union card

You speak and write "freeloader!" you looked in the mirror right?

Losing the socialists who run IAM 933 would be no loss, even in a crappy economy.

In a situation without a union, management would at last be able to rid themselves of the slugs and keep the hard workers and reward them for their service.

Think about that today when 90% of the salaried population is on their 9-80 Friday today.

Anonymous said...

All you see is a day off with the 9/80. Not how the 9/80 is designed to get rid of daily OT. And when you have a Friday off on a Holiday, like the day after Thanksgiving, you will NOT get paid for that day because it's a 9/80 day off. So you WILL lose cash in pocket.

Anonymous said...

....get rid of daily OT...

Look, genius, your international union really doesn't want people to work overtime - again, information posted in this blog from back in October. This is from YOUR union's constitution.

Article K, SEC. 3. "Members shall discourage the working of overtime, in order to further the opportunities for full employment, a living wage, and a 40-hour workweek."

Seems like, with 9-80, you could actually have another day of OT, provided you worked 80 hours in the previous two weeks, to qualify for that.

Again, this blog has previously posted facts that say that overtime is a management tool - not a damn reward - in order to hire less people. Don't believe me? Read this: Reducing Overtime and tell me again why you work so much overtime?

The more you work overtime, the less likely you're under employed 'brothers and sisters' will get a job at Raytheon. You're really a piss-poor union member, now aren't ya?

You don't care about the job; you only care about the $$$. So, you're a slug on Thursday's in order to be sure there'll be enough work for managment to ask for the OT for the weekend. Management is just as f'n stupid for falling for the trap. Vicious cycle isn't it?

A final reminder..."Members shall discourage the working of overtime..."

Your union's words, not ours. A fine piece of wisdom to share on the last weekend of the manufacturing month. Have fun, all you overtime sluts!


Anonymous said...

"And when you have a Friday off on a Holiday, like the day after Thanksgiving, you will NOT get paid for that day because it's a 9/80 day off."

Again, you're not well educated on these things, are you?

The week of Thanksgiving, the calendar reverts to a "5/40" week. Thus, you work M-T-W for 8 hours; then get Th-F as 16 hours of holiday pay.

Instead of surfing the Internet at work, maybe you should surf the Intranet and learn a few things.