Sunday, January 25, 2009


Its come to my attention that we have a LIVE one in Bld 811!

A real paranoid-schizoid case is brewing against the freedom fighters. Last week someone left a few pinwheels around in building 811, gifts to salaried, non-union and union workers alike. There was no message or secondary intent for these gifts, just a simple act of good cheer.

Then the buffoonery started. Some hot-air blowing maroon came around and noticed the pinwheels on some desks and he became unglued! This was an unprovoked open harassment of the union! (yeah right) And he was going to stop it!

So he went to a Department Manager and DEMANDED that somebody be disciplined for this. This was total disrespect of the union, and an intolerable condition! He showed a picture of some union website with a picture of what looks like airplane tails in a circle around the local union's symbol.

See for yourselves! Click on the article's title "pinwheels", and see if their page provokes delusions. Anyway, this is the most preposterous idea I have heard in a while, so I HAD to mention it here. This guy is feeding on self-induced or union provoked paranoia and he has made a monkey of himself.

I hope the people who were harassed as a result of one man's kindness go to HR and report the case. Maybe they should go to security too, and report the kooky behavior of this union never know if someone is coming unglued these days.

As for our party, we discovered the union’s paranoid schizophrenia has helped generate an idea for our cause. We might just use the pinwheel like we never imagined. We couldn’t make this stuff up in our dreams! It’s just too funny!

Time for Teletubbies, time for Teletubbies!


Anonymous said...

The pinwheel is a great symbol for the local 933. It appears to be in motion but yet rooted and going nowhere. I am sure that you all have seen union pinwheels in action all over the plant site. Thank you to the individual for providing the cause a perfect symbol of what we understand as being UNION MADE.

Anonymous said...

And the union wants to be taken seriously. If they can't even police their own members delusions how can they expect to earn respect? Maybe their concern should be focused on pinheads instead of pinwheels. ROFLMO!
Just go away 933 you are no longer needed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A simple, easy-to-read blog entry on why unionism is a bad idea for today.

Why unions are a bad idea

Go away 933!

Anonymous said...

Here is another wonderful story of unions killing off an industry. Long, but worth the time to read it.

Four GM Generations

Just oust 933!!

Anonymous said...

Yet another long article, but again, proof that IAM933 is nothing more than a self-serving organization. There is no creativity; the same tired ideas are no longer functioning. Why? Because IAM is not a leader, they are sheepherders, and nothing more!

Creative union-managment relations

After reading this, see how 'creative' IAM933 is? No union really is better than this union.

Anonymous said...

So Tom Hacker has nothing better to do over there?