Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

Seasons Greetings!

I wish all Raytheon Employees and their families a winning lottery ticket this new year.

I pray those of you with loved ones in the middle east find peace with the safe return of your family hero.

May these brave men and women find comfort in your support. They are an inspiration now and for generations to come.

For those of you against Union Removal, I wish you an extra dose of peace.
I hope peace prevails over your hate for free co-workers. May you discover the union was for naught after it is gone.

May a spirit of change come over RMS. A change that removes belligerence, and creates unity between management and labor.

May our new President lead our nation with wisdom beyond politics.
His call for change has inspired millions. I wish that his policies bring a return to prosperity and well being across all of America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New, year, new rules, get used to them.

"It's our time in 2009!"

Happy New Year