Sunday, October 26, 2008

Depths of Treachery

I hear the S word foaming up from the mouths of devout union loyalists. Unhappy minions repeat foolish things from the leadership that perk up my ears. Has anyone else heard the rumblings of an unhappy union testing the waters for another Strike!? Do these dummies even have the cojones to attempt a strike? Surely they know this would be the death nail in their coffin, even if our petition to removal them fails. This is better than I could ever wish for. Hundreds of unionists will quit and cross the line on the very first day. Go for it! I am all for the union striking. Lets see the bullies push their whole membership to the breaking point. Mr. Guth, & Mr. Rhinehart; push their buttons! Lets see if they can handle pressure. Watch them squirm. They're talking tough against us, but they are just an empty paper tiger.

Now that the union de-anonymized through the WIPO case they lost, it appears they have begun a campaign to burn the supposed author. He was turned-in to HR last week anonymously for "making a website on the clock from his workplace computer, ID Number So-and so." Hogwash! The company has been able to read his computer to prove it false. They said he writes He's doesn't write that page, period. Or any other web page while at work. But the accusation along with where it happened shows their depths of treachery. The accused works in a locked closed room with a high ranking union member. Duh!!! Union officers are too lame to debate on our forum, but they'll muddy up the water with accusations. Don't puss out, come to the forum and debate! Lets talk about next year's strike!

We also hear rumors that the union is "building a list" of people "unwanted." We're sure the owner of is one of them, but we know there are other untouchables too. They say "don't speak to so-and-so, he's persona non-grata." Hear us out members. Don't buy the blacklistings, at least until you've heard both sides. Read our pages, and think this through. All of you are old enough to make up your own mind without arm twisting. We've seen the stewards coming around your work benches putting high pressure out on the floor. We see them trying to muscle you. If they had such a good platform, they wouldn't need to pressure you, would they?

This union has been in power over you for 56 years. None of us voted them into power. We've never worked here without the union being in control. It's like living in IRAN with Sharia Law. Try a union free shop for twelve months for a change! Give Raytheon one year without a union to show it is either a good or bad employer. If the company is worse than the union, I'll help you bring the union back. But if the company is not the monster this union says, then maybe it's the union that is the monster. There is no reason why we cant try one time. Labor laws are so strong in the USA that you could always get the union back here lickity split. You have nothing to loose, and everyting to gain. The scare tactics this union uses against freedom are simply used to keep harvesting your monthly dues tax. Don't be fooled any longer. Remember the union failed to get you one cent of a raise from '03 to '06! Oh, and did you get anything for striking? Oh yes...a pin.


Anonymous said...

The Union should respect his opinion. Then again, they are ripping the company off by slowing down and milking it while getting paid an above the norm hourly wage..... There are good apples but sadly most are bad.......
Then there is the FMLA abuse......

Anonymous said...

"The union should respect his opinion."
Why would a union member not respect another person and their opinion?

Unionism & Respect?

Seems simple, huh? It's in their best interest.

This union will still die of apathy and old age this year.

Anonymous said...

Are the fighting Machinists of Local 933 planning on working without a contract next year?

Just be glad we are a right to work state or the company could lock you out – regardless of your personal needs to feed your family and pay for your expensive toys.

Lets see, encourage the dedicated UNION members to make the company need them by showing up for work and wait until someone tells them what needs to done. I find it disturbing that their national leadership does not support their members working overtime, but here at Raytheon Tucson overtime is the name of the game played by the Stewards, who have seniority rights over the work center they represent. How can the UNION fight for higher wages if the average UNION employee has to slow down during the week to make up for it on weekend at time and half.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous supporter of the cause from November 9th:

"....could lock you out - regardless of your personal needs to feed your family and pay for your expensive toys."

You are correct, but just because it's a right-to-work state, doesn't mean that the company CAN'T lock you out. Please see the following for a definition of "right-to-work" as is applies in the state of Arizona.

AZ Right-to-Work

This is obviously different from a lockout condition. A brief comparison between a strike and a lockout is provided at the following link.

Strike vs. Lockout

"[gaming with overtime] How can the UNION fight for higher wages if the average UNION employee has to slow down during the week to make up for it on weekend at time and half."

Good question! This has been mentioned before, but it's worth it to mention it again. Good UNION employees aren't supposed to work overtime!

Article K Section 3 IAM Constitution 2004, "Members shall discourage the working of overtime , in order to fulfill the opportunities of full employment, a living wage, and a 40 hour workweek."

See, greedy non-union individuals are supposed to be the only "overtime leaches". Payment for overtime is supposed to punish the company for having YOU the employee work longer.

Overtime & Shift Work

I'll point out one line in all of this:

Most companies find that overtime is the first, and least expensive tool available to match staffing requirements to a variable workload.

Congratulations, you're being used by the company in direct violation of your UNION constitution, as mentioned above. Now you know why the games are played.


Anonymous said...

Union Math

Simple math must be missed by some in the know. For the purpose of this, we'll leave out holidays; they're still there, we'll just leave them out for this discussion.

8/40 schedule gives represented employees 104 "weekend" days off per year.

9/80 or 4/40 schedule gives represented employees 156 "weekend" days off per year; an increased opportunity of 66 percent for weekend overtime, if necessary.

It would seem that you would virtually never need pre- or post- shift overtime; two shifts would get the job accomplished.

Oh, wait, that's right. The UNION is protecting overtime. Strange, isn't it? Which way is it, 933?