Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Support Our Cause

Support our cause, buy my tees!

This design counters the AFL-CIO's message
to Turn America Around! Choose freedom
instead by having the right to vote OUT this


Anonymous said...

This week I was threatened while working, and publicly called a f#@&!%9 A$$#0!3 by a union member, accusing me of "bashing the union." This isn't the first time. My steward tried to intimidate me the same way last year. I will talk about the union any way I choose. Americans have FREEDOM of SPEECH! This union is all screwed up and I'm glad to read here about it's coming removal.

I'm tired of union leaders coercing me to conform to their tyranny. If they talk trash and create a hostile working environment, they will not take my free speech rights away! It's a two way street. What can I do to help your cause?

Anonymous said...

First, if you are being assailed by union members and stewards with abusive language, then you need to take it to your supervisor. The union signed a "Return To Work Agreement" prohibiting such behavior. Remember, you won't be doing it for yourself, you'll be doing it for all the people who have suffered the same treatment and felt as though they have no recourse.

As far as helping our cause, just be ready to sign the decertification petition next year. In the meantime, keep visiting this blog and the other blogs that are working toward the same goal: a harassment-free environment where your compensation is based by your skills and work ethic, not those of a third-rate, third-party shakedown organization full of slackers and leeches.

Anonymous said...

I just read a page that said the union will be decertified before negotiations in 2009. Look here! http://www.iam933.net/Removal.html
Is this true? I heard they had to be on strike to decertify the union.

Decertify 933 Committee said...

As soon as this contract is up we will send our petitions with 30% plus signatures to the National Labor Relations Board and they will put the decertification to a vote. When 50% of the "represented" hourly workers vote against retaining this union, we will be free of their antagonism.

Decertify 933 Committee said...

I would suggest that anyone receiving threats or verbal abuse by union or non-union members should report that abuse to their supervisors and HR.

Their permanent record needs to be documented for failing grades in the citizen category. Am I still in Elementary School, here? Anyway, you all can help our cause by buying our tee shirts so we can advertise our cause more publicly.

This is a free country still so feel free to associate yourself with like minded workers, start your own websites and link to us.

We are remaining anonymous for now due to the history of abuse this union has had for anyone who opposes them. Be sure to wear your orange or green tee shirts on Thursdays. Let's really paint our disdain on the shop floor!