Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Smoke Up Your ...

Okay, the union boys are obviously getting very nervous. We've exposed their backsides and they don't like it. We've told you where your dues go. We told you that they lie by telling you that it is against company rules to discuss getting rid of the union. Chat away have a good time, buy our tee-shirts, and wear them.

Just be sure to chat during your breaks and in non-work areas to prevent any impression of a conflict of interest. Put our web address on business cards and pass them out to your co-workers to invite them to visit our sites. Spread the word, especially to your neighbors, friends and anyone you know represented by IAM933 at Boeing, HE Microwave, CAE Reflectone, RMS Rescue & Fire and L-3 Communications. Enjoy the revolution.

The union is ashamed to admit that they are the minority. The truth is they have lost over 4% of their membership every year. There are more of us than them. So don't allow them to intimidate you. It's time to push, back and push back hard. We need to tie them up in lawsuits and National Labor Relations Board grievances. We need to get their stewards FIRED! They sure deserve it. They've been mean and stupid. They don't play by the rules. It's time to shut them up.

Tell your supervisors to make them remove their offensive stickers and posters from company property. Educate yourself about NLRB laws so you will know when they violate a law, then report each violation to the NLRB. If they ask anyone to join the union while on the shop floor or if they talk about union stuff on the floor, guess what? DING!!! That's an offense! They should get FIRED! We need your eyes and ears to report, report, report. Let's keep H.R. really busy dealing with union infractions.

The company can and should call for a vote to decertify this worthless union since less than 50% of the workers are actually in the union, but they won't because they don't want to look like the bad boys. But with enough complaints against the union it may become impossible to do business by consistently accommodating these sluggards. Let's make our majority voices heard. Wear orange, or green tee-shirts on Thursday to show your solidarity against the union, buy and wear our tee-shirts.

The time is now to push back. Let them have a taste of our smoke for a change. I'm tired of living under all their threats. 5+ years in a hostile workplace is FREAKIN' enough! Smoke 'em if you catch 'em! ~rr


Anonymous said...

The leadership are accountable to the whole membership of the local. But at the same time, all the local members should be active and involved. Not out on the fringe trying to undermine the union. Should the union decertify, I have no doubt that the remaining workers will be much worse off. They will become "at-will" employees. Have you explained what an "at-will" employee is to these people? Probably not! This means that they will really not need a reason to fire you. The wages you earn and the benefits you have are because of the union. Without the union the company would certainly not be paying you what they do. What the company will expect is, "better, faster, cheaper." With an emphasis on the cheaper part. They will find people out there that will do your work for less. Those people are always out there.
Then you want to get the stewards fired. Aren't you being a little hypocritical?
And have you no idea how unfriendly the NLRB is to workers? Not only union members, but to the worker in general.
When/if the unbelievable happens and the union is kicked out, be very afraid for your jobs..... Mark my words...

Anonymous said...

Prior to 1997 the hourly received the year end bonus called RONA(return on net assets) just like the salary. The amount was from 3%to almost 4% of the annual pay. Well, the union screwed the hourly out of this when negotiating the contract. Since then the subject of RONA was never brought up during future contract negotiationa . So, if there was no union, the hourly would see an annual increase in pay along with and extra 24 hours of pay that a member throws away in dues. Make this known to all the hourly that hired in after 1997.

Anonymous said...

YOU SHOULD KNOW!!! This is from Live with Louise.
"Raytheon Company announced its 2007financial results earlier this month and I wanted to share with you how Missile Systems contributed to that exceptionally strong performance. I am very pleased to report that our 2007 4th quarter results excedded all of our financial plans, and as I have already announced, eligible Missile Systems employees will be rewarded with a results sharing payout of 3.6%." Thanks to the union we hourly are not eligible. All union members should contact their stewards and ask WHY ARE WE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR RESULTS SHARING?!!! If the union had your best interests at heart we would also be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the RONA was rejected by the union because it was paid out according to how your program did and not as a blanket sum. Therefore some employees got large checks while others got small ones and the union decided this was not a "fair" practice. Is this true or is there any way to find out if this is true?

Anonymous said...

We were not rewarded, because the union thought pay raises would be better, rather than RONA.

For all who have been "red circled" think about that little "oops" by union leadership.

Thanks, 933, for that raise!

Your "red circled" co-worker.

Anonymous said...

To iamnot933, "You Should Know":
This is just another little way that the union of angry whiners has messed up the benefits of working for Raytheon. The company won't give profit sharing to a group that executes work slow-downs. It proves to executives that they are not part of the team, and are not supporting the troops. The rest of us are suffering low pay, and no profit sharing because the union only cares about it's own self and the inner core of it's elite members. Lodge 933 can't win us over because of it's benefits, so they have resorted to hateful treatment of non members. Keep it up 933!

Anonymous said...

The "hateful treatment of non members" is virtually unchanged in my many years here. It goes to show you that the petty things mean a lot when it comes to working toward the lowest common denominator. Socialism at it's finest.