Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Campaign of Hope

These days we hear a lot about hope from all sorts of political campaigns. Their words can fall on deaf ears until you begin to feel a quiet dissatisfaction with the 'status quo'. Hope is a process that slowly gets phased in when you discover that your present situation leaves a lot to be desired.

The first step is recognizing your need for hope. Going along in your day to day life it is easy to become complacent and assume that the decisions you made in the past will serve you well into the future. Your accountant will quickly tell you not to make such an assumption. Sure your Edsel gets you back and forth to work everyday, but maybe just maybe you were sold a bill of goods from a fast talking salesman that makes you look like an idiot every morning when you stand at the gas pump feeding your thankless beast. The portfolio you held last week can very well be worthless today. It is an extreme necessity to question, re-investigate, and refocus to excel and finish the race of life well.

The second step after admitting that your life isn't the best it could be is to re-investigate how you got where you are today and begin to question what better choices you could have made years ago. Once you discover the void in your life that can only be satisfied by hope then you begin to reach out in hope to like minded people. It is only then that hope can begin to do its work in your life. Sitting back and watching your loved ones wasting their lives in foolish endeavors is hard to do. But when their eyes become opened to the bondage they sold themselves into then you can be a true friend by welcoming them into their new found awareness.

And the next step is to refocus. When your boat is heading toward the waterfall you need to work far harder to turn around before you become shipwrecked. And it is to this end that we plead with you. THE END IS NEAR! You may see a beautiful rainbow ahead, but that's just the mist coming up from the waterfall that's about to kill you. We see a lot of people who sincerely believe that this union is the pot at the end of the rainbow, but we are here to tell you that the only pot at the end of this rainbow has been smoked in the 'bong of life' a long time ago, dude! Come out into the light (you may need to wear shades for awhile 'cause the future is really brighter out here than in there). Scrape off the mushrooms and dust off the pot-ash.

The reality here is that this union worked well and was needed at one time. It is no longer an organization that we can put our hope in. Our only hope at this desperate crossroad is no union at all. This unions reputation is down the toilet. The company can't take it serious anymore especially after the extreme juvenile behavior exhibited during the last strike. Professional workers need to be represented, we don't need to be laughed at. This union has selected a handful of job skills to make a push for higher wages. This group was chosen not so much because of their need, but more so for the need of the union to gain loyalty from a majority of the workforce. Workers with far more skills and education are left without any realistic pay raise comparable to the national and even regional wages.

So thanks, to all those campaigns out there for reminding us to hope. It's a New Year and we have a new resolve to push even harder. The edge of the waterfall is approaching and we just can't stay on the boat with these folks any longer. Either let us off or we have to scuttle the boat. Now that's worth hoping for.


Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled to hear that I'm not the only one who would love to be rid of the union. i think what your doing here is great. I will continue to be a part of this site and the fight for a union free work enviorment. It is my belief that the union serves the interest of the people who wish to put forth only the minnimal ammount of effort. In short most union workers have a very poor work ethic and depend on the union to make sure they get the same raises and treatment as those who actually care to take there job seriously. This makes it impossible for Raytheon to have any work incentives for deserving employees. I could ramble on for hours about how frustrated I get with this nonsense but instead I'll just say thank you thank you thank you for showing me there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making the time to really show the workforce the people really do have the power to rid ourselves of the leach known as trade unionism.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have read your stuff. I am on your side. How do you propose we get rid of the union? I saw and signed the petition during the strike but that failed for some unknown reason. Are you guys going to do another petition or is this going to be something different? How are you going to get this out and when will it be available? Talk is one thing, action is another.

Decertify 933 Committee said...

Thanks for your gracious comments. The original petition failed to obtain signatures greater than the needed 30% of 'represented' workers. Enthusiam was quite high, but we were ill prepared to obtain the number signatures we needed. We will make the petition downloadable within 2 months from the end of this contract. The signatures can be mailed into out postal box for counting and collecting.

Superbia Parti said...

This is a campaign for change. We've been following the same old advisors for 56 years. It's about time we vote in a change at RMS! We want a revolution in Tucson! We want to throw out old worn out ideas and bring in the future.

Let's vote them out and see if all they have been saying is true. If the company is the evil monster
they say, then the union can always come back with a parade. But if the change is good, then you will be free from union tax forever!

Anonymous said...

In the unlikely chance your campaign succeeds I have a feeling you have NO idea how your company will treat you after the union is gone. They do not do things out of the kindness of their hearts. Unionized workers get the benefits they do because of the unions. Say goodbye to your 401k, they do not have to do that for you.
At will employment is what you are asking for. I suggest you go ask the worker down at the Wal-Mart how they like working in a non-union shop.

Anonymous said...

I've never understood how a union supporter could go back to work for the same pricks they were fighting with in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Fast forward to the future without the Union at Ratheon.
Job responsibilities lines will blur. You will be expected to perform more tasks and that will result in jobs lost for many.
A few will excel and win but the many will lose. These Few can move to salary now if they are so unhappy being hourly workers.
Don't fool yourselfs, Raytheon will milk us for everything they can.
I agree the union is sick right now but we don't need to try and kill it off.
We need to all work from within the union to make the changes that will make it better.

Anonymous said...

Anon - Jan 27th

"I agree the union is sick right now but we don't need to try and kill it off."

Yes we do need to kill it off. You'll come out better in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Reply to Anonymous,
You agree the union being sick right now and you suggest a change from within. Please tell us why you people still elect the same clowns running the union. You look at the prior contracts and still see the same names contract after contract. Unless you can wipe the slate clean and vote in new blood your union will still continue to fail. I don't think that will happen so I suggest one thing; It is time to put the union out to pasture just like a suffering lame horse and start anew. I picture a brighter future without the union and I feel there many other hourly employees working at Raytheon that feel the same. Life is better without constant paranoia and complaining from the union.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the petition to decertify the union loaded on the web site Is this for real? I'm all for throwing that bunch of haters out the door!