Monday, January 15, 2007

Time to Dump 933

On 2 Nov 2003 this union made the mistake of not striking when Raytheon offered a mediocre contract. Out of anger over the last contract they chose to strike this past November without a whimper about their demands. Their negotiation skills are pre-historic at best. It is time for change and the best change is no union!


Unknown said...

here is the way I see it. Rumors were flying around all over the place. I didn't place any value in them. I was striking because I thought it was the right thing to do. We were part of the team that was making record profits at Raytheon before the strike. If improvements were made in assembly while we were gone it's because the salary personel were not doing their job before. This strike forced them to do what they get paid to do. Hell Six Sigma projects didn't even get those kinds of results that supposedly are in place. This will be my last post so you can do what ever it is you plan to do on this site.

Sponge Bob's side sick said...

...We were lied to over and over and over, and everyone is gonna see just how bad the lies are come monday. There won't be "re-work", there won't be government rejections of product. You'll see for yourself. I'll take my chances in a dream world over chances with proven liers any day.

Sounds like someone is waking up and smelling the coffee!
Its LONG OVER DUE to get the union OUT of our lives! Too bad we must wait another 3 years! :(

I can't wait to see the look on some of the union members faces when they are being TRAINED by a salary worker! Oh how I wish I could have a camera for that one!!

Yes, a lot of union members are in for a "rude awakening" when they come back to work! I wouldn't doubt if a lay off is right around the corner!

Anonymous said...

Superbia is absolutely correct. This will be clear to all on Monday the 22nd.

When you do get back to your work area and find out the truth, will you then ask your union leaders why they were afraid of the truth?

Anonymous said...

*Vote on 5 November:*

1140 - reject
106 - accept

1018 - strike
111 - opposed

*Vote on 14 January:*

766 - Yes
186 - No
347 - no vote (these were people that resigned union membership or chose not to vote)

1900 - total BU membership
1300 - total union membership

~600 - never in union
~347 - resigned union
~947 - new & existing non-members

766+186 = 952 current members

My math may be off a few counts either way, but these folks that are allegedly returning to work then resigning better be real careful; if my math is anything close to what I've represented here, there's a real fine line being walked on by the bargaining representative of Raytheon's hourly workforce.

This seems to be the epilogue to the story better than words alone can describe, I think.