Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day! It's all about the Money!

It’s been a pretty good summer for the IAMAW. $15.00 an hour wage protests are popping up all over the country and the president is handing out concessions to labor all over the United States in the form of overhauled overtime requirements, modification of infractions policy for companies that outsource work to contractors, and expanded sick leave rights. 

Fast forward to Raytheon Contract Negotiations, scheduled to kick off this fall. For starters, it looks like the local lodge is falling behind! Most unionized workers are working for 3 dollars an hour less than they should be, a result of the failed contract of 2003. Your union never did go get that lost pay raise back for you. This will be the fourth contract since then and it doesn’t look like they will fix it this contract neither. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t seem like your union is doing much of anything. They plan to fold their hand with the company again, just like last time. But could you cough up 3 hours a month?

Has your steward come around to you asking you to join? Ask him when he plans to get you that pay raise they “redistributed” 12 years ago. Ask for back pay from the union. They owe you 10% of your wages cumulatively since 2006. Ask him why hamburger flippers are worth $15 an hour, but your wages stagnated? Why do our custodians make less than fifteen dollars an hour? 

Why do we keep believing in this good for nothing union? They’re all about the money. Your money.


Anonymous said...

So, according to the Star, the union says no wage increase this year and small increases in following years. However, the company gave me a sheet saying cash bonus of 750, 500, and 500 and wage increases of 2.5, 2.75, and 3.0. It seems to me that the union is once more up to its usual shenanigans. Hopefully the sheep that are members will strike again. They are so retarded.

Superbia Parti said...

Did you notice how quiet the union was during the negotiation period? Any fliers left on break room tables this time? Any flamboyant parades through the halls of 801? It leaves no doubt that the union is bargaining from a position of utter weakness and complete capitulation. 9 years ago, this union fought over pass-through language like it was the end of the world. This final and best offer states it quite plainly, you're getting pass-through. So what happened to the fighting machinists Mr. Martinez? What happened to this big boisterous change that you and yours were going to make around here.
You guys lied to us about the wage increases. But what can we expect from a business that makes their living scaring the workers so they can sink their teeth into our wallets. This negotiation illustrates once again that the company is looking out for the workers more than the union does. And THAT's why the union needs to pack up their bags and move out to Disneyland with Jimbo!

Anonymous said...

Pathetic same old union. Wasn't Steve Cooper the guy that gave away our previous bonus? You want a real raise? Get rid of the union. The ones that do the work will get their raise and percentage bonus. The ones that don't will leave since the union is gone and nobody will protect their unemployable A$$!

Superbia Parti said...

Drop Dead? Oh yea! You know what I did in '06? I was on the yard before you even had your silly picket line set up! You struck for a better contract and got one that was worse! This time around I had set up a contract with a limo just in case you fools went on strike. Ten of us were going to cross that line in style this time, just to pull your chains. But I knew you guys didn't have the guts to go on strike with a minority of the work force in the union. You would have been crushed, and a decertification would only take weeks to complete. Oh well, there is always October of '18!!!

Anonymous said...

In response to: "You want a real raise? Get rid of the union" You mean like the fire fighters who were fired within a month of their contract expiring and not being renewed?
Or do you refer to the security guards the company replace with minimum wage blue shirts?
Either way you are correct... nobody will protect your sorry ass!