Friday, December 10, 2010

Vote Eduardo President?

Eduardo wants to be president. He is a real nice guy, very friendly. But on his flier, he said “United we stand,” but with whom? Based upon the color contrast of his fliers being posted all over Raytheon, I suspect Eduardo may like the Communist Party. Maybe you should go for one of the other candidates if you like the Union. Keep Eduardo for a beer drinking buddy instead. That way his activities with radical left wing organizations won’t tempt him to use union assets to forward his political agenda.
Here are a few comments to go along with his flier, just for Eduardo’s entertainment.
Your Union was declining in membership at RMS. What did you do to fix it? New growth is from organizing other sites. Raytheon remains about where it was three years ago.
You were in poor financial shape – couldn’t afford arbitration – couldn’t afford training, so you raised the dues by fifty percent! Thanks from the working class!
You were facing an aggressive union busting effort. You beat back the union busters & their attack on your union? What, with ghost busters t-shirts and rat buttons? Not exactly. We passed out petitions, we didn’t get enough signatures. Our efforts were not effective enough Eduardo, neither was yours.
You still claim you won the Lawsuit. I say you didn’t. The retirees did. Why don’t you to dispute my post from this blog dated Aug 25, 2008. Good luck on that.
Your accomplishment reads “With your help, we have successfully negotiated a contract”? How does that make you the best candidate for President of the Union?
You claim “We are ready for the next contract negotiations.” Really? Are you going to fix any of the things we complained about? Is ignoring the Ousties worth round two?
You say “We are ready for a strike should the company push us with take-a-ways.” No way! A Strike? Surely you know half your members would cross the first day if you dared. And what-if the Ousties organize a counter-strike? How effective will that make you? You should concern yourself with satisfying the Ousties biggest peeves. This union had a transformational experience last year. It not only has to deal with the company, but with other represented employees that are still angry with it. It affects the union’s potential for effective negotiations. There were a series of meetings early this year with a couple of the Ousties and some of the Union leadership. Your lack of regard for the union is demonstrated by your never going to these meetings. So I ask, why do you want the membership to vote for you Eduardo?


Anonymous said...

To Serbia Parti:

Yes the incorrect spelling was intentional. I wanted to say, for the first time ever, I agree with your comments (all but one) and wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for admitting that your "efforts were not effective" for your decert failure. Personally I think you would have a bigger following if you were more sincere in being humble about the facts rather than placing blame on others, and redirection thru distraction and distorted facts.
You would make for a good Magician!

I am a lifelong Union member and by God, Yes I am proud of it!
Yes you are right, Ed needs to move on to just drinking beer, or maybe even Kool-Aid.
The retirees did win the lawsuit, a strike would not be the best choice, the company has shown us their true colors.

"You should concern yourself with satisfying the Ousties biggest peeves"

This is where you go about the whole process wrong. You argue about your rights when you are not dues paying members, then you join Tea Party movements and other political party agenda orgs to try to change the way this country operates.

Why not just "Decertify" the U.S. Government? Get a petition started, I would think that would actually get more signatures.
Point is, every radical across the globe piss and moan and the U.S. politicians will NEVER listen because they are NOT citizens. They have NO voting rights or voice.

You are in the same boat. Do you sincerely believe that your peeves are more or as important as those who are "paying" their representatives to negotiate or fight for?
Those dues paying members are the "citizens" if you will, you are the outsiders. Do you see the difference? Do you not really understand it?

You cannot get the Union leadership to honor your request above those of it's citizens without causing discontent among the citizens.
Actual citizens have more of an impact, look at the Tea Party, they are getting more attention than the global radical non citizens.

Unfortunately those radicals can only get attention when they try to blow things up, and then the attention they get is outrage and anger, remember 9/11?

To the citizenship of local 933 the decertification effort is an act of terrorism.

What would the Tea Party, or other political reform group members think,
if all of our politicians put the needs of every other country above our own?
Our country, our people, our citizens should come first.
The needs of our wives and children should come first before the needs of our third cousins twice removed by marriage. Or even worse the friend of the friend, of the neighbor who used to live next door that you haven't seen in 16 years,and hardly even remember.

I hope you can really grasp the analogy here.

Anonymous said...

"This is where you go about the whole process wrong. You argue about your rights when you are not dues paying members, then you join Tea Party movements and other political party agenda orgs to try to change the way this country operates."

Just as wrong to support legislation such as Employee Free Choice Act (e.g. card check)? Yeah, thought so.

Hypocrisy in action on both sides of this dispute it seems.

Superbia Parti said...

"This is where you go about the whole process wrong."
I want to take that argument. I'll speak for some of us, not all. Some of us have practically joined you already. Others are chomping at the bit to fight. Most are just waiting, deciding what to do.
You think that because we don't pay dues, we have no rights. You are wrong. In fact, legally, the union has representational rights over us, at a cost. Today the union school of handling non-members no longer works. They teach you to ignore us. We taught you that is poor judgment. Do not forget. But let’s not talk about us, the rebels who won’t pay for up-to-now unsatisfactory representation.
Instead, let’s talk about the dues paying members in the classifications that truly deserve your ear according to your rules. If the union had listened to them, the Ousties would not exist. Damn the strike. This problem started when the union fought for medical costs instead of a GWI and they accepted "certain" class raises that broke the back of fair value representation. And it did so while forcing the rest of us to accept zero percent raises, to quote one of our former members.
All of those angry Machinists were pissed at the company for what, in my opinion, was mostly the union's fault. Members and Stewards came forward asking the Union to fix it long before the Ousties were even thought of. They were summarily ignored. Years went by waiting for positive action with no proposals for change, much less results. Then came the strike over a contract that was better than the one we got last year. Hundreds of workers, Ousties and their sympathizers spoke with their dollars and loyalty.
You can call us terrorists if you want. You say it like you call newscasters "elite media" after drinking a RedBull during the Glen Beck show. Most, if not all of the overt Ousties had cars vandalized during the first year after the strike. Who is calling who what? I'm sure you meant to call us "terrorists" figuratively. Understand that our methods were swiped from union textbooks. How did it feel to be on the other side of "union terrorism?" Just because we aren’t “citizens” of the union, doesn’t mean we aren’t legal residents by virtue of our employment; and by giving you the right to represent us, we get the right to picket unfair practices. We didn’t jump the fence. We belong here, just like you.
I think the union listens to the National more than its own members. Public records show the money trail supports my claim. When we held back our membership, dues and loyalty, it wasn't for the reasons the union taught you. It was our rebellion against not treating all classes in accordance with their market value. Is it any wonder the highest skilled labor in RMS is disproportionately under-represented? Nobody disputes that the classical Machinist value of fighting for skilled labor is lost.
The change we seek would bring many of us back to your side. But the union has a policy of "no ears for non members." In 2007-2009 we selected the poison-pill tactic. If we must tolerate negative representation, then we share the joy. This is the new reality. You have to either fight us or help us. Fighting us costs you more, and gives you ulcers. You can earn our dues, and win our loyalty. But don't think that because we don't pay dues, we have no rights. We proved you wrong, even in defeat.

Anonymous said...

"Why not just "Decertify" the U.S. Government? Get a petition started, I would think that would actually get more signatures."

Didnt we just do that? Next up, Obama! Visualize 20 Jan 2013.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

OOOOOkay, obviously someone has some anger issues.

To the http://www.newmediajournalblah blah blah "AFL-CIO Leader Accepts Communist
Party Award: ‘I Stand with Them’"

Yeah unions do follow socialistic views. So does the christian church. Read the book of ACTS chapters 2-4 & Matthew 20:1–16 Jesus set up the church to be socialistic. Look at Exodus,Leviticus, & Deuteronomy. Moses, who was leading Isreal did not have a democracy style government. Those who whined and opposed what God had commanded them, God killed.

So yeah just because unions as a whole may support those ideals the "local" is and should be about doing what is "best" for it's members. All of it's members not just a handful who aren't and want to complain.

I am a free American and I have no problem being a union member.
I won't support alot of the things the AFL-CIO or International want to do, but I will support my local and voice my comments and concerns especially for the best interests of our people.

Now for S.P.
Your comment "Just because we aren’t “citizens” of the union, doesn’t mean we aren’t legal residents by virtue of our employment" is valid, but we would like you (all of you) to be more than just legal residents. We would like all of you to be members with us.

Would you like to talk without all the peanut gallery posts? I am willing to send my e-mail address to if you want to start dialog that will help.
Or do you also believe like those other posters that anything to do with this local is evil & will only result in doom?

Anonymous said...

"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.” A. Lincoln

I refuse to be a slave to the tyranny.

Anonymous said...

"To the citizenship of local 933 the decertification effort is an act of terrorism.

What would the Tea Party, or other political reform group members think,
if all of our politicians put the needs of every other country above our own?
Our country, our people, our citizens should come first."

"TERRORIST", the perfect sound-bite. Associate the word with a person or group and you have the listener on your side. Like trying to unring a bell!
We are not terrorists, just hard working people trying to get our represetitives to listen!

"if all of our politicians put the needs of every other country above our own?" Haven't they?! Let's see;
Billions in FOREIGN AID to countries that refer to us as "infidels" and despise the western culture of democracy and freedom.(But they gladly take the checks!)

Regulations that foster the exportation of our jobs and livelhood. Forcing restrictions on industries in every field to look outside our borders to achive success and growth.

Passing laws and levying taxes which THEY are exempt from.

If they WERE looking out for us, and LISTENING to us, THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR A TEAPARTY!

Union & Ousties, Representatives & Tea Party, notice the simularities?

Do you not really understand it?

Anonymous said...

I think there is a common thread. Send that e-mail.

Anonymous said...

No the term Terrorists seems to fit you guys just fine. Look at your thug tester Lindsey, he went waaaaay out his way to huumiliate Cha-Cha, for what to watch her cry? This time you can't deny it. All of us saw it, 6 foot 200lb + man 1 inch away from a small 5ft 2" lady, yelling and cursing profanities at her. Is this what you thugs do to feel good about themselves or this this the only victory you guys can win? Does abusing women give you guys a testosterone boost? You people need to be medicated!

No, Terrorists definately fits!

Anonymous said...

Oh give me a break!!! you've never had an argument with a woman? How do you know what started it? Did you hear every little detail? I doubt it. Maybe Cha Cha deserved it. Maybe she needs to be put in her place. If she put her mouth to more productive uses instead of inserting her foot, you wouldn't be posting it here.
Get real!

Anonymous said...

"Oh give me a break!!! you've never had an argument with a woman? How do you know what started it? Did you hear every little detail? I doubt it. Maybe Cha Cha deserved it. Maybe she needs to be put in her place. If she put her mouth to more productive uses instead of inserting her foot, you wouldn't be posting it here.
Get real!"

Wow so you ARE for abusing women? Good thing you posted that stupid remark anonymously so no one knows who the coward is. Imagine it was your mom,sister,wife or daughter and make that same stupid comment.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like you baited that argument, Bozo. Who is Lester, and what does he do for the Ousties? Is he SP? Is he John the Steward? Is he Jeff? What does him saying Jack Shiza to Carmen have to do with Terrorism, you lilly livered liberal looser. You wouldn't know a terrorist if he choked you with his turban! You are unfit to argue the union side.

Anonymous said...

So Carmen had an argument with an Oustie tester, BFD! That does not make him a thug or a terrorist unionists who vandalize the properties of others are the real terrorists.Our guy has done nothing wrong. Move on.

Anonymous said...

Unionists calling Ousties terrorists??

Your high school American History class has failed you yet again.

Do you fail to fully comprehend your own organization and their early years?

Ousties are simply fighting fire with fire. So far, it seems to have worked.

Anonymous said...

Again this union cannot focus on the issue at hand; Pay Disparately. Instead you call us terrorist that harm your happy commune. The issue of Cha Cha and the tester is their issue and not that of the oust movement. Either fix the pay disparity or keep the ousties as never-ending critics to your Socialists club.

Anonymous said...

The only chicken crap is to make the assumption that the Oust movement is a commune like the union thugs are; all for one, one for all.

"you have rouge thug testers assaulting women and you won't deal with it."

Why should 'we' deal with it; it's THEIR problem. Having an issue with reading comprehension?

Perhaps it's time to congratulate a fellow anti-union hourly employee for speaking his mind!

Anonymous said...

"you have rouge thug testers.."

WE "have" nobody! Not all non-members are ousties and not all ousties are non-members. This is a group of employees with common concerns willing to speak out and openly debate. WE ARE NOT A CLUB.
There is no chain of command, dues, by-laws, membership.
Labeling this guy an "oustie" is much like yelling Terrorist.
Are you sure it wasn't two union members engaged in their usual chit-chat?
But then again this is your way of diverting the topic at hand.
Instead of pointing fingers, stick 'em in yer nose and off the keyboard til you have something inteligent to write!

Anonymous said...

"Deflector Shields on Capn'"
"Someone considers that pussy an oustie."

If you have trouble with this guy, do something about it. Do you see HR written across the forehead of the ousties? We don't make believe we have control over anyone out on the floor like you guys do. If Carmen has a legit complaint, then she is a big enough girl to handle it. After all, she IS the Vice President of the UNION! Have some respect for the woman! Get off your whiney soap box already. Your candy ass should take responcibility for letting it get this far. Just because you said it happened doesn't make it so. Where did that intelligent sounding guy go who wrote to serbia?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Carman should get the union to help her out?
No faith?????

Anonymous said...

"Where did that intelligent sounding guy go who wrote to serbia?"

I am still waiting for S.P. to reply.I refuse to be part of this circus.

Anonymous said...

It's as disrespectful as it is for you to jump into our stuff for something an individual has done to another individual. It's flat out not our responsibility.

There are some on both sides that may need to re-view the "Respect" training video; including the two individuals involved in this situation.

Happy now?

Again, move along; nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

"It's as disrespectful as it is for you to jump into our stuff for something an individual has done to another individual. It's flat out not our responsibility."

Wage disparity?????

It's flat out not our responsibility.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah unions do follow socialistic views. So does the christian church....
Moses, who was leading Isreal did not have a democracy style government. Those who whined and opposed what God had commanded them, God killed."

This is a very poor analogy. As I recall MOST Christian churches don't DEMAND payment for membership, nor turn away when asked for help by NON-PAYING individuals.
And bringing Moses and God into this? BIG difference in LEADRSHIP ROLES!
I don't claim to be the smartest disciple. .but useing the Bible? not good!
"If any would not work. . "
A real Bible student would shred you, but this is not a religious debate.

"I am a free American and I have no problem being a union member."
As a "free American" you can do whatever job you want, help whom you choose, right?
Try that as a union member! You'll get written up faster than dues outa yer check!

"I won't support alot of the things the AFL-CIO or International want to do. . "
But you HAVE to! That's a condition of membership, can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

So, SP's post on the 12th, along with a rash of editing, seems to have created some disjointed discussion. Along with the lock up of the blog comments for a few days to let cooler heads prevail, and it would appear that we can rejoin the discussion.

Let's return to the last prominent point in this discussion:

Anon. Dec 16, 2010 7:56:00 AM

"Wage disparity?????

"It's flat out not our responsibility."

As a member the bargaining unit, it IS your organization's responsibility to bargain on my behalf in good faith. "To be represented by properly authorized representatives who are prepared to discuss and negotiate on any condition of employment."

Even though I did not choose those representatives, by law, they MUST represent the entire bargaining unit. That's all 49% of us represented by IAM933

Deciding to screw over members of your own organization to "get back" at those who have opposed you is also an unfair labor practice. Did you not know that?

Uninformed labor unionists are very dangerous.

Anonymous said...

"The reality is that businesses have tended to move to parts of the country where regulation is less intense, taxes can be lower and the union tradition is less prevalent" Dana Johnson, Chicago-based chief economist for Comerica Bank.

Anonymous said...

We must listen for the wind in the trees to see a storm coming. Our company is spending more time blowing smoke up our a--- than talking about product. It is spending more on beautifying the site than preparing for production. Most talk of product is produced somewhere else, not here in Tucson, but sounds like we are doing the work. A company can lie to its' workers, it is not against the law. Listen to the wind, there appears to be more contractors on site than workers. They appear to have more work than we do.

Anonymous said...

Listen to the wind

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ramon Rodriguez,

You are outted!

You've been caught posting that before! It's horserubbish. Go take a look at the rebuttal from 2008! Put the bong down and stop posting your hippie music.

Click Here to see old posting from Ramon

Anonymous said...

Ramon bonging again. Hey ramon no more K2 at the head shops. What you going to do now? -LOL-

Anonymous said...

Who wants to strike?

Anonymous said...

From all of us in the Union have a very Merry Chrizmas

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you all.

Oust933 said...

Ok Christmas is over.

Slogan for the new year? I propose:

"No more meddlin' in two thousand eleven!"

Anonymous said...

"There is only one decisive victory: the last."–Von Clausewitz

Anonymous said...

"No more meddlin' in two thousand eleven!"
I Like It! It goes hand in hand with that crap about Carmen being bullied...Rubbish!

No more meddlin

Anonymous said...

"The conqueror is always a lover of peace; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed."
- Karl von Clausewitz

Seems a little too familiar a theme??

Anonymous said...

No Meddlin, No post, On new years day?

Anonymous said...

Dec 7, 2010 4:20:00 PM

No Meddlin' in '11 said...

Too busy with life to come here & play this past week.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

A 22 year old sick bastard takes this action, and you pass the blame to who?!?!

Please, stop flattering yourself to believe any Tea Party influence caused this tragedy.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

twisted butt nuggets????

Anonymous said...

The same idiot who had this blog locked down is sprewing more hate after the tragedy this weekend. You are sick dude!
I said some time ago that we would bring another union guy to hs own end. Agent Smith, AKA the HAHA Dude, was seen going to HR last week to get talked to about extended cafeteria breaks in 801. Did he learn who turned him in?

Anonymous said...

You mean Ha_Ha. He is one twisted f__k! Lets pray Gabby and those injured get better.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again Ramon

Anonymous said...

From Ramon:
"We must listen for the wind in the trees to see a storm coming. Our company is spending more time blowing smoke up our a--- than talking about product. It is spending more on beautifying the site than preparing for production. Most talk of product is produced somewhere else, not here in Tucson, but sounds like we are doing the work. A company can lie to its' workers, it is not against the law. Listen to the wind, there appears to be more contractors on site than workers. They appear to have more work than we do."

From the article:

""But interviews with former friends and acquaintances paint a portrait of a man with " ... nihilistic, almost indecipherable beliefs steeped in mistrust and paranoia""

Ramon... just another nihilist.

Anonymous said...

"Loughner was also a 9/11 truther and atheist".

Just like their mentors... the 0usties! you twisted pieces of donkey chit are as much to blame as he is and I hope the parents of the nine year old girl come after you!

Anonymous said...

No responce needed for the last statement.
Ramon your statements do indicate you are lowest of the lowlifes using tragedy to convey your thoughts. You must make the union and your family very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you pricks rejoice in this tragedy! Wonder why that is.

Anonymous said...

Good news for you maggots. After 8/12/2011 you will no longer need a petition,your website or your pitiful meaningless blog.Now the countdown may begin! 213 days and counting...Goodbye

Iamnot933 said...

Why do you drag this situation into this established conversation?

How does this sick, twisted individual have anything to do with the depraved functions of this union?

Please, back on topic. This discussion is for another place; not here.

Anonymous said...

"How does this sick, twisted individual have anything to do with the depraved functions of these oustie fucks?"

Simple he's part of your organization and follows your beliefs just like your wife beater Lindsey Dion!
I wouldn't doubt it if he is a relative of yours he certainly was brainwashed by you.

Anonymous said...

Ramon must have demons in his mind just like John the steward. I hope he is not posting to this blog on company time using company assets.

Anonymous said...

Next he will be blaming ousties on earths shifing magnetic poles. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

To the cowardly poster at Jan 12, 2011 11:44:00 AM; President Obama rebukes you. You don't represent the good people of the IAMAW 933. You are disgusting.

HAHA said...

On 8/12/2011 a greate solar flare, the size of wish has NEVER been seen by man will pass the Earth....the magnatic fields provided by the poles wil do little to protec life on this planet.

Anonymous said...

August 12 will not matter, this date will:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the union scared Ramon the troll off our blog. Now we know who his master is.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of unionism at it's finest, I present:

Human Rights Violation?

Do you really care more about the union over the survival of anything else?

Let's start with this Secret Ballot Protection Act

You just can't have it both ways!

Anonymous said...

Re: No more Ramon posts.

I guess the local leadership was also tiring of his inane commentary.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps unionists and management could both learn a little something here.

Anonymous said...

1 little 2 little 3 little Indians...4 little 5 little 6 little Indians....7 little 8 little 9 little Indians 10 little Indian boys!

That's how many NAPI people are being trained right now to Outsource RMS Metrology. The idea came from an obscure comment made to management by Doug Mckinney.

Of course none of this is "actually Official" until the company releases the info on.... (ready for this) 8/12/2011.

Outsourcing the Ousties! Rewarding isn't it. Damn I LOVE Raytheon!!!
BTW who gives a rats ass about Ramon? Doug is my new hero!

Anonymous said...

I here Doug is learnig spanish to supervis the mexican meterology dept in nogales. I hope he makes alive in all the gang wars. talk about outsoursing!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the union can’t keep Ramon down very long. I bet they wish he was a freeloader so they can’t claim him as one of their own. It’s funny how Ramon is trying to project racism toward the ousties. Ramon what is the old saying about the pot calling the kettle black. You’re pretty old so you should know it. I heard from someone you were writing a book. What was the name of that book? Let us all know pulleeze?

Anonymous said...

Mexicano Blanco?

Anonymous said...

Enough with the bickering. Back to the purpose of the blog. Anyone have an opinion on the new union leadership?

Anonymous said...

yeah after 8/12/2011 it won't matter because as jobs go away the company can outsource all they want and the union can't do jack about it. Want proof? look how they want accounting of every minute on time cards and both labor and time estimates before the work is even started. That will be the the contract the company "has the right to direct the workforce" including "reductions per business requirements"

Ask the motor pool workers.... oh wait they don't exist anymore hmmmm.

We are all hosed get used to it!

Anonymous said...

Doug and Ramon are making jobs go away so the company can outsource and the union can't say anything. I saw them making plans for the Mexican Metrology the other day.

Anonymous said...

At least there'll have good paying Mexican jobs!

Anonymous said...

In 8/12/2011 we must listen for the wind in the trees to see a storm coming. Our company is spending more time blowing smoke up our a--- than talking about product. It is spending more on beautifying the site than preparing for production. Most talk of product is produced somewhere else, not here in Tucson, but sounds like we are doing the work. A company can lie to its' workers, it is not against the law. Listen to the wind, there appears to be more contractors on site than workers. They appear to have more work than we do

Anonymous said...

In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
Everything you think, do and say
Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545
You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to chew
Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555
Your arms hangin' limp at your sides
Your legs got nothin' to do
Some machine's doin' that for you

In the year 6565
You won't need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube

In the year 7510
If God's a-coming, He oughta make it by then
Maybe He'll look around Himself and say
"Guess it's time for the judgement day"

In the year 8510
God is gonna shake His mighty head
He'll either say "I'm pleased where man has been"
Or tear it down, and start again

In the year 9595
I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain't put back nothing

Now it's been ten thousand years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what, he never knew
Now man's reign is through

But through eternal night
The twinkling of starlight
So very far away

Anonymous said...

See the above post on this blog dated Dec 23, 2010 12:18:00 AM.

Ramon Rodriguez, our blog-troll was outted later for having posted it on an Oustie blog back in 2008.

It looks like he is running out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

Spoke too soon...he's posting song lyrics now.

Anonymous said...

I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
And the touch of a world that is older
I turn the switch and check the number
I leave it on when in bed I slumber
I hear the rhythms of the music
I buy the product and never use it
I hear the talking of the DJ
Can't understand just what does he say?

I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican - whoah - radio

I dial it in and tune the station
They talk about the U.S. inflation
I understand just a little
No comprende, it's a riddle

I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican, whoa-Oh, radio
I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican, whoa-Oh, radio

I wish I was in Tijuana
Eating barbequed iguana
I'd take requests on the telephone
I'm on a wavelength far from home
I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
I dial it in from south of the border
I hear the talking of the DJ
Can't understand just what does he say?

I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican, whoa-Oh, radio
I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican, whoa-Oh, radio

Radio radio... Radio radio... Radio radio...
I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican, whoa-Oh, radio
I'm on a mexican radio. I'm on a Mexican, whoa-Oh, radio
Radio radio... What does he say ?

Anonymous said...

The one and only real problem with this blog is it is FULL of Horse Puckey! It talks of nothing but useless crap on both sides of an issue, read the May 3 2010 fortune 500 magazine and you'll see the biggest profit making trends for all Major corporations is how much they are cutting back I.E. salaries,jobs, benefits, pensions,etc.

Your pitiful arguments of money has nothing to do with the union, who is or isn't a member, who did or did not cross the line, but how stingy your employers are. Too many of you can't see the forest through the trees and have lost sight of the one thing most important.

Proving to your employer that without treating you better in all areas wages benefits etc... they will lose business. So far all any of you have done is make your employer happier in the knowledge you will destroy your own workforce so they can downsize even more for cheaper labor and more profit. If you cannot unite yourselves whether being union or not, you have already lost and should abandon the blog for the sake of not giving your employer any more ammunition to use against you!

Anonymous said...

Raytheon is going to lose production in Tucson not because of a union; it is going away because they want cheaper labor. A union is just a plausible excuse, so if we want to keep production in Tucson do we sell our dignity?

Anonymous said...

You lost focus on the intent of the blog and the oust movement. Our beef is not with the company it is with the pitiful representation this union provides us. Yes companies will trim cost through labor and streamlined production procedures. They have to do this in order to survive a poor economy or to maintain their competitive edge. They have to lookout for their equity holders that have in good faith have put their money into this business. If you have a 401k with Raytheon stock or hold certain mutual funds with Raytheon stock you are one of those holders. This company is no different on cutting cost as other companies.
As stated again and again before this union provides nothing in the way of proper wage representation for certain high level hourly jobs. Your union believes we should be all one large family making the same wage. This may work in a communist country however it will never work in a free market society.
Your own people in charge are dummying down job requirements for certain jobs that cannot be filled due to the low wage offering. These union people are in effect helping the company maintain the low cost of labor while homogenizing the job requirements as a whole. They have in fact devalued our job.
Yes companies will cut cost through wages and layoffs however why should we have third rate third party organization cripple the value of certain jobs at the expense of satiating the greed of lesser skilled. WE DON’T NEED HELP THROUGH YOUR UNION! You got it now?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I don't need a pimp (the union) when I whore myself out for wages and benefits. Ten thousand others who work here seem to have no problems.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

In a small town in Veracruz a tourist observed a local fisherman with great curiousity and fascination. The fisherman, everytime he would catch a crab, would look at the colors, eyes, and belly, before placing it in one of two pots.

After hours of watching the Mexican fisherman repeat the same task over and over again, the tourist noticed one pot was always covered immediatly with a lid and two stones, while the other was left open. No longer able to contain his curiousity, the tourist walked over, greeted the kind, old fisherman and requested an explanation of his criteria for the crab and pot selections.

The fisherman seemed to think it was obvious, but gladly explained. All foreign crab must be placed in a pot and covered immediatly. He explained they are strong and wise, if the pot were not covered, they would quickly form a pile to help and insure every last one escape from the pot.

As the tourist looked at the other pot, he noticed a lone crab just make it to the top of the pot, before he was pulled back into the pile by the other crabs. Confused, the tourist, began to question the fisherman, but before he could, the old man explained. The crabs were Mexican and did not need to be covered, for they would themselves assure that no one crab would make it out of the pot.

A nice little story which seems to resemble our problem here. Don't let these union crabs pull us down!

Anonymous said...

A nice little story which seems to resemble our problem here. Don't let these RACIST union hating crabs pull us down!

Anonymous said...

dufus Ramon
That story originated from Mexico. It is used to describe situations where one person is trying to better themselves and the others in the community attempt to pull them down. You've would have known this if you didn't gang bang in your early years.

Anonymous said...

"better themselves and the others in the community attempt to pull them down."

Think about that phrase for just a moment.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
"better themselves and the others in the community attempt to pull them down."

Think about that phrase for just a moment.:
Jan 21, 2011 4:46:00 AM"

Yep that sounds like the Racist,Wife beating, Terrorist 0ustie Traitors we've all come to know and love so well!

signed: your beloved Management

Anonymous said...

Unionists who are wanna-be managers are called stewards.

Anonymous said...

Facts are facts!

Extinction is imminent

Anonymous said...

No...NO... This can't be true. This release was'nt issued by Father Watson. Union armegeddon at 8/12/2011

Anonymous said...

Facts are facts!

Extinction is imminent

Yup US corps just keep sending manufacturing jobs over seas. I'm sure you're delighted for your fellow Americans.

Anonymous said...

I like this blog...... 96 or more comments each month of nothing but meaningless chit! It's exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Comment 97

A few who post here need to get a life.

Others perceive this as REAL LIFE (tm).

For the rest, it's a diversion.

Unionists see this as heresy, anti-union individuals see this as dialogue.

At least the discussion continues civilly most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Post 100
Time for a new thread. Eh?

Anonymous said...

Nope just fade away quietly.

Anonymous said...

That's no fun at all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

An examination of this trolls brain.HAHA

Anonymous said...

Wow that's the most accurate description of the 0usties I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Jesus and a Union Guy

Two managers and a union worker were fishing on a lake one day, when Jesus walked across the water and joined them in the boat. When the three astonished men had settled down enough to speak, the first guy asked humbly, "Jesus, I've suffered from back pain ever since I took shrapnel in the Vietnam war...could you help me?" "Of course, my son", Jesus said, and when he touched the man's back, he felt relief for the first time in years. The second man, who wore very thick glasses and had a hard time reading and driving, asked if Jesus could do anything about his eyesight. Jesus smiled, removed the man's glasses and tossed them in the lake. When they hit the water, the man's eyes cleared and he could see everything distinctly. When Jesus turned to heal the union worker, the guy put his hands up and cried defensively, "Don't touch me! I'm on long term disability."

Anonymous said...

A brilliant, hard working, 0ustie, goes to H.R. in search of a Management position. As he looks through all of the openings, He finds one that says he must take a class first and will be Guaranteed the job. Money Back Guarantee! (Comes with complete instructions).
The 0ustie excitedly looks around to see if anybody's watching and whispers softly to the H.R. rep, "I'll take this one." The H.R, rep signed the 0ustie up and said, "Just follow the instructions carefully."
The 0ustie nods, grabs the material, and is quickly on his way home. As soon as he closes the door to his apartment, he takes out the instructions and reads them thoroughly, doing exactly what it says to do, he studies diligently. Three months later takes the test passes with flying colors.
The 0ustie goes back to H.R. applies for the Management position and gets turned down. Angrily he returned to the H.R rep who sold him the study guide and demanded his money back. The H.R rep asked if he followed the directions explicitly. The 0ustie insisted he did. The H.R. rep asked if he would repeat everything that happened in the interview and said “well there’s your problem!” “Don’t worry” the H.R. rep said, “I too was a former oustie so listen to me! Cause I'm only going to show you how to do this one more time. First put on your knee pads, then get on your knees and open your mouth really wide then…..”

Anonymous said...

Four men were bragging about how smart their dogs were.

The first man, an engineer, had a dog named "T-Square". The second man, an accountant, had a dog named "Slide-Rule". The third man, a chemist, had a dog called "Measure". The fourth man was a Union member.

To show off, the engineer called to his dog, "T-Square, do your stuff." T-Square trotted over to a desk and, with a pen, promptly drew a circle, a square and a triangle onto some paper.

Everyone agreed that that was pretty good. The accountant, though, insisted his dog could do better. He called to his dog and said, "Slide Rule, do your stuff." Slide Rule went out into the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He proceeded to divide the cookies into four equal piles of three each.

Everyone agreed that that too was pretty good. The chemist, though, proclaimed that his dog could do even better. He called his dog and said, "Measure, do your stuff." Measure got up, walked over to the fridge, took out a quart of milk, got a ten ounce glass from the cupboard, and then poured exactly eight ounces into the glass without spilling a drop.

Everyone agreed that that was pretty good, as well. Then, they all turned to the Union member and said, "Hey, pal, what can your dog do?"

The Union member stood up, called his dog and said, "Coffee Break, do your stuff." Coffee Break jumped to his feet, ate the cookies, drank the milk, shit on the paper, screwed the other three dogs, claimed he'd injured his back while doing so, filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions, put in for Workers' Compensation, and then went home on sick leave.

Anonymous said...

Four surgeons were taking a coffee break and were discussing their work.
The first said, "I think accountants are the easiest to operate on. You open them up and everything inside is numbered."
The second said, "I think librarians are the easiest to operate on. You open them up and everything inside is in alphabetical order."
The third said, "I like to operate on electricians. You open them up and everything inside is color-coded."
The fourth one said, "I like to operate on 0usties. They're heartless spineless, gutless, and their heads and their butt are interchangeable."

Ramon R said...

American Federation of Leaches, Criminals, Ingrates, and Oddballs

Anonymous said...

You betcha ... bout 90% of Union members don't agree with their crap. But they sorta weaseled their way in. They are comprised of lawyers,political crooks and people who need to fight for a cause no matter how misguided it is. However local IAM 933 AIN"T them!

Anonymous said...

And the master of contradiction speaks…””bout 90% of Union members don't agree with their crap. But they sorta weaseled their way in.””

You and your little clan are affiliated with them. Since you are challenged in English language affiliation is defined as the act of affiliating; state of being affiliated or associated.

Are you saying that 90 percent of your members don’t agree with them? I thought your union was based upon a democratic principle. If the majority of you union members don’t agree with them then why doesn’t your union vote and disassociated with the AFL-CIO? Is it because they are kind enough to let you use their facilities? You may want to use their lawyers next contract time so we hourly don’t get screwed any more by your negotiators. Your clan is very adept at flinging crap out both sides of your mouths. And that is why your union and unionism as a concept is destined to extinction.

I do agree with your statement “However local IAM 933 AIN"T them!”
It is obvious when you look at your Lodge’s real estate.

Anonymous said...

"Since you are **challenged ** in English language affiliation is defined as the act of affiliating; state of being affiliated or associated."

"If the majority of you union members don’t agree with them then why doesn’t your union vote and **disassociated** with the AFL-CIO?"

If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive.Your parents are siblings aren't they?

Q: What is the difference between a 0ustie and a catfish?

A: One is a bottom-feeding scum-sucker and the other is a fish.

Anonymous said...

What evil is this, that I must hereby converse with the archdaemon troll Ramon. I have seen soggy Weety-bix exhibit more verve, more wit, more sparkle, more joi de vie than you even in your most animated moments. Do you not realise that the world would be an infinitely better place, one in which we could all happily exist, if only you didn't? 'Hate' implies some sort of interaction between the subject and object. I suspect it's a word I cannot use in your context. Can one hate an inanimate object, a vacuum, a nothing? If indeed that is possible, then yes, I suppose I hate you. I certainly loathe and detest you. I have seen mange ridden, bulimic dogs eat things that are of more worth to the world than your self. I wonder at your ability to imitate something organic. It is so mindlessly cunning. Personal hygiene. They are not words you are terribly familiar with are they? Still, this ignorance can possibly lead to good. Raise your arm and stick your nose in your armpit. Now breathe deeply. Soon you will lose consciousness. Your head is filled with the dust from the half-dozen or so thoughts you have managed to snare within your lifetime. If you once had any redeeming quality, it has been strangled and garrotted by your other brutish traits. I have sometimes thought that one day righteousness might be restored in the world by some simple act, such as you swallowing your tongue. But alas, I fear you are too busy flapping it in the breeze to ever swallow the horrible truth. I have seen more convivial things than you wrapped up in newspaper in overfull bins at the fishmarkets. I cannot continue with this epistle. What is the point? You are so stupid you probably don't realise these strange black markings called letters are imbued with meaning.

Anonymous said...

One day an oustie dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair he has his first meeting with a demon...

Demon: Why so glum, chum?
oustie: What do you think? I'm in hell.
Demon: Hell's not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down a drinking man?
oustie: Sure, I love to drink
Demon: Well you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays that's all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, winecoolers, diet tab and fresca...we drink till we throw up and then we drink some more!
oustie: Gee that sounds great.
Demon: You a smoker?
oustie: You better believe it!
Demon: All right! You're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lung out! If you get cancer - no biggie -you're already dead remember?
oustie: Wow...that's...awesome!
Demon: I bet you like to gamble.
oustie: Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Demon: Cause Wednesday you can gamble all you want. Craps, Blackjack, roulette, Poker, Slots, whatever...if you go bankrupt...well your're dead anyhow.
Demon: You gay?
oustie: No...

Demon: Ooooh (grimaces) you're gonna hate Fridays.

Anonymous said...

One day two 0usties, Dave & Steve decide to go out diving for seafood.
They quickly manage to fill up a sack of seafood so Dave decides to take it back to shore & grab another sack to fill.
Steve is out at sea all by himself when he see's a shark coming towards him.
Frantically he calls out to his friend Dave who is still at shore, "Bro Help me Help me there is a shark heading straight for me."
Dave calls back "Yeah Im coming bro"
Steve is freaking out, the shark swims right up to him & bites off his leg.
Again he is calling out to Dave who is still at the shoreline "Bro come and help me, the sharks bitten off one of my legs.
Dave yells back "yeah hold on Im coming!!"
Steve tries to stay calm and wait for his brother but then the shark bites off one of his arms.
He yells back to his brother Dave "Hurry!! Come and help me the shark has bitten off my arm and my leg."
Dave calls back "Hold on Im coming!!!"
Then the shark bites off his other leg, Steve yells " Dave you have to come & save me. The shark has bitten off both my legs and an arm."
And as usual Dave replies. "Just wait Im coming"
The shark then bites off Steve other arm.
Now Steve has no arms or legs.
His brother finally arrives to save him.
Come on bro, get on my back & I will swim you back to shore.
When they get to the shoreline Dave says with an exhausted sigh "Man I feel like I’ve been fucked"
And Steve replied "Well I had to hold on some how!!!"

Anonymous said...

Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

Why did Watson put a net over his head?

Because he wanted to catch his breath.

Anonymous said...

At least the blog is being used.

Anonymous said...

An 0ustie had just applied and interviewed for a Supervisor position, eager to get started right away rather than wait the traditional two weeks to get a cubicle and other necessities set up she begged her manager to get her started right away!
Her manager said, "Sure, but you'll have to give me a blow-job first."
Wanting to show off real bad, she agreed.
As she went down on her manager, she suddenly jumped up and said "Man your dick tastes like shit"
Oh yea, her manager replied, "I forgot, Gary get’s to start as supervisor today."

Anonymous said...

An 0ustie had just applied and interviewed for a Supervisor position, eager to get started right away rather than wait the traditional two weeks to get a cubicle and other necessities set up she begged her manager to get her started right away!
Her manager said, "Sure, but you'll have to give me a blow-job first."
Wanting to show off real bad, she agreed.
As she went down on her manager, she suddenly jumped up and said "Man your dick tastes like shit"
Oh yea, her manager replied, "I forgot, Gary get’s to start as supervisor today."

Oust933 said...

A cowboy named George was overseeing his herd in a remote valley in Arizona, when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.

The driver, a young black man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?"

Joe looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, Why not?"

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo.

The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an E-Mail on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with an E-Mail on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."

"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says George.

He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.

Then George says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"

"You're a union, er, community organizer named Obama!", says George.

"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required." answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don't know a thing about how working people make a living - or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. ...

Now give me back my dog."

Don't be Obama!

Anonymous said...

Two 0ustie's were hitch hiking across country one day when they were picked up by a guy in a van. After getting in the van they noticed a monkey and asked the driver about it.

The driver said "watch this" and proceeded to slap the monkey. The monkey got down and gave the driver a blow job. When finished the driver asked the 0ustie's,"you boys want to give it a try"?

Simultaneously both 0usties said "yes but you don't have to slap us"!

Anonymous said...

At least the blog is being used.

Feb 11, 2011 5:43:00 AM

You're joking Right...?

Anonymous said...

At least the blog is being used.

Feb 11, 2011 5:43:00 AM

You're joking Right...?

Feb 11, 2011 1:03:00 PM

No, not really.

Anonymous said...

At least the blog is being used

Anonymous said...

Let's put this blog back on track!

Last summer, unions spent an estimated $10 million on the Democratic primary in Arkansas in a failed attempt to defeat then-Senator Blanche Lincoln. It was $10 million worth of their members’ dues that was wasted. Unions did not waste their members’ money because Blanche Lincoln opposed higher wages or better benefits. Union bosses wasted their members’ money because Blanche Lincoln fell out of union bosses’ favor for not by backing the job-killing Employee Free Choice Act (aka card-check).

On the mid-terms, unions spent hundreds of millions on voter registration, campaign donations, TV ads, manpower and GOTV efforts. Nearly all of that money went to union-bought Democrats.

In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that union members who object to having their union dues spent on politics can get a refund for the portion of their dues used for politics. Since then, however, many union members have found the process of getting their dues refunds an burdensome process.

This week, at CPAC, Republican Saul Anuzis (a former member of the Teamsters) announced the launch of a new website specifically designed to give union members assistance in getting refunds for the portion of their dues used on politics. It is not "anti-union," it is a site with one purpose; to help union members who do NOT want their dues money used on politics, regardless of party.

Anonymous said...


O u s t 9 3 3 said...

"At least the blog is being used."

Too bad; I've heard it's about ready to close.

Anonymous said...

Much that once was is now lost.

Anonymous said...

The blog may be lost however as long as they remain representative the discontent will always remain.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Isnt it funny that Agent Ramon Smith's comments are deleted without comment. He is an insignificant worm now that he was forced to resign from office.

Anonymous said...

If the heart of unionism is trying to break itself from those shackles, why can't we break ourselves from this lame and utterly worthless local 933 we have here?

State of Wisconsin booting out labor!

Damn smart people those cheeseheads!

O U S T 9 3 3 said...


Booted from office, yet still believes in the union way? Still pays those dues every paycheck?

What flavor is the Kool-aid?

Anonymous said...

Pssst! Ramon? Message for you.

Message for Ramon

Anti-Ramon said...

In 8/12/2011 we must listen for the wind in Ramons head to see a storm coming. Our company is spending more time blowing smoke up our Ramon than talking about product. It is spending more on beautifying the Ramon than preparing for production. Most talk of product is produced somewhere else, not here in Tucson, but sounds like Ramon. A company can lie to Ramon, it is not against the law. Listen to the wind, there appears to be more contractors on site than Ramon.

solo said...

No talk of Monday's process layoffs??


Anonymous said...

Of course there's no discussion on anyone other than assemblers or testers.

The other occupations represented by the union? C'mon, that's why there's no discussion.

Solo said...

Depending on what other job classes/senority the process people hold, 18 of them either moved or dumped on the street Monday. Many were told Friday that they were done on Monday.....

Anonymous said...

HMMMMMMMMMM. How can that be when the company only has our best interests at heart. After all you guys said we'd make more money without the union so are you saying that without the union those layoffs would not happen?!

Anonymous said...

Nope! We're just saying we could do alot better in all matters without your union on our own merit.

Anonymous said...

so are you saying that without the union those layoffs would not happen?!

Yes, that may have been a possibility that last week, you were doing process work, the next week, you might have been a custodian. Yet you still would have had a JOB.

Anonymous said...

It's a damn shame they didn't layoff your sorry asses, Then we'd see what good your own "merit" would bring.

BTW, the Sun called, he wants his place in the center of the Universe back.

Anonymous said...

Your union is riddled with several failures through the years. Contract 2003 should have stuck; You DIDN’T! Contract 2006 you should have of accepted contract; You DIDN’T! You had to have a strike due to 2003 contract and wanted respect. Contract 2009 you accepted weak contract; You didn’t want to lose any more members. You still expect us to join your Klan however instead of reason or rational discussion you instead ostracize us, damage our property, and threaten us on this blog. How can you demand respect from the salaried employees and those of us not following you when you stage your stupid knuckle dragging march down the hallways before contract negotiations? Most of us come in to work because it is our job and we like our work however your union seems to promote misery for the workplace by your constant nit picking about how unfair the world is treating you. This is a Right to Work state and given your mode of operation most of us if not all of us will never come to your side. If you want a purified union concept than please leave and go back to California or other union friendly states. We won’t miss you. Your union is a failed concept that should go away. Please.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the Breakfast Club? ROTFLMAO!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Now, there's a sharp and witty retort!

Face it, the comment posted yesterday at 11:14 AM has truth to it. What pisses you guys off more than anything (which is why you won't continue this discussion) is you know it's true!

Anonymous said...

Just the same normal rebuttal from the union Klan and I am sure they negotiate the contract with the same level headed response. No wonder we get F—-ed in the contract. Oh but wait, they keep telling us of their SUCESSFUL negotiations. I hear California calling for you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." -- George Bernard Shaw

0usties are pigs!

Anonymous said...

Poor Ramon must be having temper tantrums again. "Waaaaahhhh..they keep deleting my communist poetry! waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"

Anonymous said...

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ramon said what?!!!

""We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions""

Hey Ramon, look at every socialist country in the world. Lets take...erm...CHINA! How well does its "economically weak" get paid? You would take from the rich to give to the tyrants, because the poor will never get any.

I hope you are on disability, because you must have brain cancer.

Anonymous said...

"The greater a man's talents, the greater his power to lead astray. It is better that one should suffer than that many should be corrupted."

Oust 933 said...

First, thanks to the blogmaster for thinning the slag from the blog.

Unionism is really being attacked, specifically in the public sector. Just see those traditionally die-hard states of the mid west in their attempts to de-claw public unions in order to save the taxpayers millions of dollars.

It seems to me that many of those same arguments are valid in this discussion of this weak and ineffective private-sector union we have here.

Don't tell us about past glory; tell us what this organization brings to the table TODAY. Anything?

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Arnold Watsonator said...

Ramon Ramon how do I love thee? Let me count the ways....Six!

1. Fired
2. Deported
3. Not breathing
4. Far away from here
5. Did I mention Not breathing?
6. No I guess it's just five!

homofrio said...

Choice Ramonisms garnered from the web.

"There is a new Profile Law in the books now.
White people will be pulled over and suspected of the crime simply on the basis of skin color and they are most likely to commit the crime. Law enforcement has the right to abuse the individual on the basis of skin color, as the skin color is probable cause enough."
-Ramon- Jan 19 2002

Anonymous said...

Poor Poor Ramon,
Looks like you have no voice in our blog. Kinda familiar isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Comment moderation has been enabled."

Interesting; anxious to see how this works.

Anonymous said...

After Ramon trashed the blog, they decided to cut him off. It must suck to be ousted by the oustees. But he been kicked out of every thing he did always. Some things never change.

Anonymous said...

Ramon is a good representation of this union. Ramon was trashing the blog. The union is trashing our jobs. Both never succeed in anything. We just got rid of Ramon. Now lets get rid of this union. Orange shirts on Thursday? Hurrah!

Anonymous said...

Ramon is banned, for being an obsesive jerk!! He was dragging down the blog. He's done here. Any and all intellegent critiques and arguments will be posted. Troll comments will not be seen by the public. Only valid comments will be released.

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear of a rumour about engineering absorbing certain hourly jobs because they can't find qualified people to hold the jobs? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Ramon says "Actually this kinda cool! If I make a statement in your favor you'll want to publish it. If I don't you'll censor it. If it's in between you'll edit it and no matter what..."
Yes Ramon, no matter what, we're editing your comments. You are obsessed with this blog. Get a life, you troll! And when you finally get decent enough, maybe we'll publish your unedited comments. But for now, enjoy your pizza.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone hear of a rumour about engineering absorbing certain hourly jobs because they can't find qualified people to hold the jobs? "

That rumor has been floating around for a couple of years now. It has yet to be substantiated.

There seems to be a percentage of some of these jobs that it seems that only an engineer can help with. Why does that happen?

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear of a rumour about metrology being outsourced starting 8/12/2011?

Anonymous said...

""Good news for you maggots. After 8/12/2011 you will no longer need a petition,your website or your pitiful meaningless blog.Now the countdown may begin! 213 days and counting...Goodbye""

Again with Ramon and his doomsday forecast. I hope he figured out what a resume is and filled one out. Good luck Ramon you'll need it.

BTW the blog is not about metrology. It is about your lousy union that is throwing our jobs out the window.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and what makes you think it's a rumor?

Anonymous said...

The fact it has yet to be implemented continues to keep the concept a rumor.

Anonymous said...

Who cares...
a bunch of metrology people going back to test.

Is the world going to end?

Anonymous said...

What's this I hear Ramon is going to CEP?

Anonymous said...

To get his HS diploma?

Anonymous said...

We need to get rid of CEP and Ramon is the one to do it.

Anonymous said...

Frank Galka did it. Anything goes with this union.

Anonymous said...

CEP is a shell of it's former self, as is Ramon.

Seems like a marriage made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

Over a week, and nothing posted?

Is this some sort of record?

Anonymous said...

Should we put a stake in it and call it well done?