Thursday, June 3, 2010

IAMAW Political Contributions

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers boasts more than 730,000 workers across the country, including employees in the airline, shipbuilding and railroad industries. In addition to labor laws, the union’s biggest legislative issues include pension reform, trade and the proposed privatization of Social Security.





% to Dems

% to Repubs



Soft (Indivs)

Soft (Orgs)

























































































































So far this political season the IAMAW is still contributing 99% to Democrats. I'm so glad they think Grijalva, Obama and Pelosi are doing such a fine job of turning this country into 1950's style Russia. Over $1.3 million this year to make certain that America goes down the drain even faster. And hey let's leave those borders open a little longer, after all those are future union dues payers and Democratic votes!


Anonymous said...

OK so...what about wages? I could give a flying fart about politics, i just want my wages fixed! What side are you guys on anyway? One day I read "work with the union", the next i am seeing this post! Make up your mind!

Anonymous said...

apparently some schizophrenia going on. I agree lets focus on the pay disparity the union caused. No time for politics or religion.

Anonymous said...

Opinions are like azzes, aren't they?

This union cares simply because it's convenient, not because it's the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Man if you guys only practiced what you preach, you'd be able to accomplish some amazing things!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous wrote on May 31, 2010 11:02:00 PM

"I am unable to find that quote with the time stamp you provided. However the union still is fighting wrong battles."

Search this blog, it's there in plain view.

Anonymous said...

You guys confuse me.What are you talkin about?

steward said...

Unions support anyone who supports labor legislation. Republicans at the bequest of big business throw road blocks and pass laws that hinder and hurt labor. It is that simple. If republicans would back unions and labor (you know the people, instead of the corporations) then Unions would support them.


Anonymous said...

Yet, it's business owners (e.g. corporations) who give people the jobs to do.

So, what 'hurts' labor, is actually good for business, which gives people employment.

Small business continues to drive the United States economy, according to a report issued today by the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Newly released data show that in 2005, small businesses represented 99.7 percent of all the nation’s employer businesses.

Know what makes 9.x% unemployment go away?

Are you still in that statistic, John?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Once again, this is union mentality at it's finest.

This is a "Fighting Machinists" attitude. Can't produce a rational argument? Hurl insults, and sit in a corner and pout.

Now, do you see why we no longer want this type of representation?

Steward said...

Actually I have formed an LLC and will be a busness man. I will hire people and pay them fair wages with benifits and show real respect to those who do a good job. For those that do a great job I will reward them.

On a couple of recent trips to Mexico I've seen a lot of workers there, mostly rebuilding their roads. I've talked to a few. A good wage in MEx is 80 peso a week with no benifits at all.No overtime pay either. 12 pesos to the dollar. That is what american corp would love to pay here too. Unions did and will continue to promote the type of wages you currently recieve. You can have good jobs, corporations can make good money and still pay their employees fairly.

That is the bottom line. If my employees ever want a Union I will not stop them, but I'll bet they won't because I will treat them better.


Anonymous said...

That is the bottom line. If my employees ever want a Union I will not stop them, but I'll bet they won't because I will treat them better.

Wow! Now, the shoe really is on the other foot!!

I wish you well, John; really. I hope you do get very successful - so much so that you are able to pay "fair wages & benefits".

My wager is that you'll be like 70% of other small business owners, making barely enough to make ends meet, and with fewer than five employees.

Would you make the recommendation for the organizing committee at your place of business to call IAM 933 and ask them to represent your workers??

Anonymous said...

Looks like Ed and the taco benders are at it again! Viva Mexico!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bigotry toward race is not welcomed here unless you direct it toward the union trogs. We know Quintana and his stooges are communist in socialist clothing.

Steward said...

If IAM 933 wants to represent my employees, then go for it. I will support it. I am also doing business in Mexico already. I have one employee there. He is americano, but he will hire mexicans at twice the local wage. I told him that I want good workers, not siesta workers.

Now, Mr Quintana has his own agenda, yes he is a socialist and that is his belief. He is a good person, but his ideals and mine are not the same. Jimbo is not a socialist, he's a realist. Me I'm and idealist.

Mexican, american it doesn't matter to me. Good people is what matters to me. I have already started the process FM3 papers with Mexicos immigration office. I will soon be an American Mexican. Funny, here we have Mexican Americans. Comprende?

Make the Union Yours, not Mr Quintanas.


Anonymous said...

"Jun 9, 2010 5:42:00 AM"

My side?!! I got news for you.....No wait. I am not on the unions side and you think I'm not on yours , hmmmm facinating!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you are on your own side. Neither side wants to hang with a racist. Slurs have no place in this discussion.

Anonymous said...


Yet another weapon in the tool box of a trade unionist.

Anonymous said...

Nothing from the rogues gallery for a weekend?

Haven't given up yet, have you?

Anonymous said...

Lots of good stuff however you cannot afford them at your union capped wages.

Anonymous said...

I think he can afford his IAM certified T shirt. That is all they wear don't they? ROFLMAO!

Solo said...

What is going on at FACO with process and assemblers?
Layoffs in 814........

Anonymous said...

I heard yesterday that they are looking for assemblers to lay off...any truth to this?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
I heard yesterday that they are looking for assemblers to lay off...any truth to this?
Jun 15, 2010 10:11:00 PM"

You need not worry the company loves their a$$ lickers they'll never get rid of you scabs.

Anonymous said...

"You need not worry the company loves their a$$ lickers they'll never get rid of you scabs."

Spoken like a true union man-You should be proud of the example you set for the union and your family.

You are a real prize!

Solo said...

Thanks for the intelligent input on the matter................

There looking to layoff 5 people in 814.
Came in last week and asked for volunteers to go out for 6 weeks.....

Also heard they are wanting to combine assembly and process out at FACO.....

Anonymous said...

"Spoken like a true union man-You should be proud of the example you set for the union and your family."

Oh don't give me that crap! Raytheon is in deep trouble..Lawrence sent out videos to everyone's home because management has been lying and pushing crap out the door to make their numbers.
Furthermore you scabs bought into it!!!
I read your blogs about how you were "working for the warfighter" and how the "union workers were so lazy" because you guys got sooooo much done while we were on strike for better pay.

Well look where it got you. You helped management weaken all of our positions and at the same time got out their numbers for them. Now they have lost contracts and in a few days or weeks you will hear the anouncement that there is more bad product that went out the door!

Wonder how many more contracts we will lose.But that won't matter to you, you still think the company has everyones best interest at heart.
You guys are idiots! I am ROFLMAO at you!

Solo said...

Sending out a video when a company is in trouble.....
That makes sense....

In the grand scheme of things, the company worries about stockholders being happy and the union worries about maximizing dues (however it can) to stay in business.......

Anonymous said...

Wrong Solo Scab... in the grand scheme of things the company is more interested in their bonuses or they would be recalling the bad product they know about but are ignoring.

Then again you guys are convinced that the company can do no wrong. How does it feel that when we are out on strike and you were so busy working for the warfighter, that you would be building product that would not work and actually endager their very lives?

Is that the high quality work that you say the company would reward you so richly for if there were no union? Or...could it be you'd be included in all the bonuses for sending out crap as long as you the numbers?

Solo said...

Never been a part of the union. The term is called freeloader.......
If you truly knew anything about business you would know that.
I am glad I work in a right to work state.
Know what that means?
The name calling gives you no credibility...
Try to contribute to the discussion in a mature manner or don't contribute at all.
Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

"You need not worry the company loves their a$$ lickers they'll never get rid of you scabs."

Do I sense hostility? Hahahahahaha! BTW Solo, the term is not freeloader. They dont define us. We are free workers. They are slaves who pay hi dues and are told who to talk to, who to vote for, and if they have to walk of the job. Uinon sniveling about "lost" contracts is a joke. The union got pay for some that cost the rest of us our raises. Anonymous 8:08:00 PM, you know jack. You believe the company can do no right. So your as big a fool as you accuse Solo.

Before you come bichin at us, why dont you fix your union?

Anonymous said...

The union boy won't care about fixing his union. After all his wages are very good for being a assembler or maybe a assembler with a tech title.
Right to work is good. It is another fine example of freedom.

Anonymous said...

Name calling, hostility, this is what you ousters do best.
I am just following your lead.

Rather than face the truth that you guys have helped management sell defective missiles to the warfighters, you distract everyone by blaming the union for your own short comings.

You guys were the ones who started the name calling and distracting from the facts with misleading information when you first started this blog.

The fact remains ,you have helped the company lie, cheat and rip off the government and have sold out our soldiers in an effort to advance yourselves into salaried positions and then blamed the union when the company didn't give you what you thought was the promised land.

The sadest part of all is when the company gets turned inside out over all of this,(which again you helped create) you will have nothing and will still be looking for someone other than yourselves to blame!

BTW, I stand corrected (by your own words) you are Freeloading Scabs!

Solo said...


Anonymous said...

Yep.. that's the exact same comment management had when warned about quality.
Thanks for confirming you are in the same boat!

Anonymous said...

"Name calling, hostility, this is what you ousters do best. I am just following your lead."

Not true. Read This!

You aren't helping the union much with that vomit. Maybe you should seek counceling from John or Jimbo.

Solo said...


I do my own thing so that one day I can be part of the 10,000 not the 2,000

Lets discuss supporting a political party that will cut jobs in the very industry we work in......
Did someone shoot themselves in the foot????

Anonymous said...

"You helped management weaken all of our positions and at the same time got out their numbers for them. Now they have lost contracts and in a few days or weeks you will hear the anouncement that there is more bad product that went out the door"

What a line of caca. Your very own union dumbed down the tech positions to enable job advancement for your CEP assembly union drones. If there is any bad product it is from the result of your CEP prodigies. Do you really think you receive adequate technical skills by just attending an online vocational school? When you dumbed down our qualifications you in effect also lowered the value of our jobs. Yes we got the numbers out for them, it’s called work ethic, and it’s a whole lot better than work slowdowns caused by union labor. You are proof that this union is a cult and you are a brainwashed follower. I think you’ve had enough Koolaid from Watson.

Solo said...

I chuckle when I see a union t-shirt carrying a Wal-Mart bag with their lunch in it.....

Anonymous said...

How difficult is it to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

Anonymous said...

"The fact remains ,you have helped the union lie, cheat and rip off the worker and have sold out our laborers in an effort to advance yourselves into high paid political positions and then blamed the ousters when the company didn't give you what you thought was the promised land."

"The sadest part of all is the union got turned inside out over all of this,(which again you helped create) you have nothing and are still looking for someone other than yourself to blame!"

BTW, You stand corrected.

Anonymous said...

"How difficult is it to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Occam's Razor; I like it!

Glad to see a little fight in a few of you; thought that it was only little ol' me carrying the torch of freedom.

Wal-Mart bag & union t-shirt; gotta love how f'n ignorant these sheeple are.

Why don't they really appease the union gods and shop at Fry's or Safeway?

Anonymous said...

I doubt the Occam's Razor theory is the primary process at play.
That was an Upton Sinclair quote.

May I suggest Crabtree's Bludgeon? It seems to work within the confines of the misinformation campain we are suffering these past few days.

'No set of mutually inconsistent observations can exist for which some human intellect cannot conceive a coherent explanation, however complicated.'

Anonymous said...

Too intellectual for the group; they're comprehending little of this tangent.

Anonymous said...

"Haven't given up yet, have you?"

Have you?

"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."

Is the blog diatribe too deep for your unionist brain? You still think we are worth what we are getting paid?

How many walmart bags you got at home?
You have to admit they do indirectly help their socialist comrades out in China.

No comments yet from the union gallery!

Anonymous said...

One for Watson--
"The best way to keep one's word is not to give it."

Anonymous said...

I see, not muc new. Just the same old name calling and bashing.


Steward said...

McCrystal for president.


Anonymous said...

For as long as I've worked here, the technical skills have been under represented at RMS. The Ousties blamed this union directly for it. The union blames Raytheon for it. Over the past three & one half years, I have talked to hundreds of workers about our combined situation and found a high level of discontent with the local lodge among non members, and a lot of disgruntled members too.

Take the May 9th entry of John for example. Does that look like the comments of a unionist who was happy with leadership? Even when he and I were arguing over the union back in '07, he made it clear to me that he had serious differences some powerful voices in this local. So it is with the rank and file. But somehow there are some Ousties who feel I've taken my eye off the ball.

What we should do is give the union an opportunity to right the wrongs. Why? Because they are listening. Most of the union leadership think its time for a fix, and have heard your message. They know full well that there are lots of Ousties waiting for the outcome of these talks. Believe me, they want to defuse this, because it is a powder keg.

There is no need to go to back to war with the union. Not since we agreed on a plan in principle. I prefer they take the measures needed to finally fight for the forgotten workers. My fight is to pull those workers up so they are no longer below par on wages. Other Oustie ideas are talked about too, like RONA, and 9-80 etc. This is a battle over smart local agenda representation versus the bloated national agenda that’s forced upon union leadership from above.

What we don’t want is a local that represents the ideas from outside our workplace, or a political tool to influence us to support somebody else’s big ideas. This union is better suited to fight for justice within the plant site of the best missile factory in the world. And leave the big time politics to others. And so I continue the fight. I'm fighting for the same thing I fought for last year, except I am doing it in a way that the union and the non union workers can live with.


Mr X. said...

Here we go; fuel for the fire, and a little lunch-time reading for you!

[inadequate technical skills representation]....The Ousties blamed this union directly for it. The union blames Raytheon for it.

It's (still) called CEP - or, what's left of CEP that caused the problem. Your new socialist friends of twenty years ago sold you out; you didn't have a choice then, and you don't have one now. The company has the ball, the playground and the rules. Still.

....he [John the Steward] made it clear to me that he had serious differences some powerful voices in this local. So it is with the rank and file. But somehow there are some Ousties who feel I've taken my eye off the ball.

Your own words will prove that point here in a few paragraphs from now. John's issues were dead-on, but if nobody in the group would pay him any attention, what makes us think you'll do any better than John?

What we should do is give the union an opportunity to right the wrongs. Why? Because they are listening.

They are simply placating you and a few others, Oustie. C'mon, tell me you can't see that; it's so blatant!

....Believe me, they want to defuse this, because it is a powder keg.

Of course it is! There are still those of us out here that believe the situation has NOT changed, has NOT been made any better, and this union will still be bent over by management.

....Other Oustie ideas are talked about too, like RONA, and 9-80 etc. This is a battle over smart local agenda representation versus the bloated national agenda that’s forced upon union leadership from above.

That, dear readers, is your sellout. Oustie, sad to say, but the Koolaid stains are on your lips. You know full well those perks will NEVER be offered to the bargaining unit. They will definitely not be accepted by the Negotiating Committee either. Simply put, there will be too many strings attached; thus the union will walk away, and the membership will be pissed.

This union is better suited to fight for justice within the plant site of the best missile factory in the world.

What you're (still) failing to master is the simple fact that big-time politics and trade unionism are synonymous. You'll never have one without the other.

And so I continue the fight.

As we consider the name Benedict Arnold to perhaps be a more fitting handle for you.

So, you go back here and read this:

Change we need

Then come back and read what you just wrote and tell us again how it's NOT a sell-out!

Anonymous said...

Mr. X

You sir are right on the money. Kudos to you!

Anonymous said...

You can't get a pay raise to the technical workforce by 2012. The law says you can't do jack for now, so why all the posturing? You can read about my success or failure right here. There are over two years between now and '12. By that time you may not even want to do squat. What have you done in the past six months besides get on my case? Its easy to talk about me, but what are you doing to help either cause? Talk is cheap.


Loser Steward? said...

Yes, talk is very cheap.

Mr X, I agree with alot of your statementments, but abviously not all.

CEP was shoved down the throaat of the bargaining Union by Huges Aircraft. I've mention this before. After the Union choked on that pill they then embraced it for their own and have tried to make it work for all. Unfortunately it was hi-jacked by others (we know who) for their own agenda to bring the lower pay scales up. That I don't really have a problem with. The problem lies in the fact the the company has only a small pot of cash to give at contract. So this is the eason we have this imbalance. Get rid of CEP too. Let the company pay for any schooling for any employee for any classes that can advance theri carrier within raytheon.

There is now a different leadership and very unhappy unionist, so they are listening, just need more proding. There was a tremedeous backlog of grievances over 150, some that were over 2 yrs old (one of mine included) they had until June or July to clear them up (the union and HR)perhaps they have, if so that will then free up Jimbo and the others to now concentrate on Oustie issues (These are really everyones issues to, not mine anymore).

Actually we had RONA once ( I belive 2 years, Louise took that away from the bargaining unit). 9/80, u may be right about that, problem is it defies the traditiona 5/40 work week that Unions fought so hard for (before that it was 7/24, no OT, No vac, etc. So that one will be hard.

I too belive Corps and Unions leadership are pretty much the same thing. But, u need a big dog on ur side, might as well stick with the one who won't bite u as hard.

Benidict Arnold is not appropriate for Oustie@therally

He is right, we fought like a couple of alley dogs a few years back. There was pure venom between us. When I finnaly said get over your anger because I was not accomplishing anything with it, things got better. If u will all work together u will succed, it is that simple.


Mr X said...

....The law says you can't do jack for now, so why all the posturing? You can read about my success or failure right here.

All I'm doing is simply replying to that success and failure. Anybody have a scorecard?

What have you done in the past six months besides get on my case?

I don't denigrate you or John; I simply point out the fallacies of the very thoughts you post about now that you were so vigorously against three years ago.

Talk is cheap.

You, sir, are sadly mistaken. The words that have been posted here and other places over the last three years have allegedly shaken 933 to the core; those were YOUR words, I believe. Yeah, those words might be 'cheap', but damn effective in raising the stakes in this hand of poker.

Let me give you a look into my crystal ball.

With a large majority of the bargaining unit population still being assembly, these people still need to be satisfied at contract time. They are still the bread-and-butter of this local.

The other side of the coin is the technical staff, many of which are NOT in the union.

It's only going to take a handful of those assembly folks to see what's happening; they'll cry up that unionist chain of command and say "we're not being treated right so a non-union scab can get a better pay raise!"

So sorry, but Jimbo and the rest of the gang over there in the Ajo Way shack are screwed. You'll never red-circle that assembly group and get the technical folks the raise they deserve.

Think you have all the answers? You can't see that happening?

Anonymous said...

Only one comment today; I have things to do.

This Union has not been shaken to the core for nothin, hell most could give a shit. Plenty of apathy here unionist or not.

So why the 'freak out' when the literature was passed around, why all of the agony when the petitions were passed around to rid ourselves of this union?

Anonymous said...


If not, tell me where I should go to read and contribute to one.

Anonymous said...

If not, tell me where I should go to read and contribute to one.
Jun 25, 2010 11:19:00 AM"

Do I really have to tell you where to go? Haven't you figured that out already?

Steward said...

So why the 'freak out' when the literature was passed around, why all of the agony when the petitions were passed around to rid ourselves of this union?

Not sure what freak out u mean.

I certainly did not start this blog. I just came in to express a Union point of view. I wish it would be a place to learn for or against. It can be if U take it back. Just like the union has been taken over so has this blog. Assholes have their agenda.


Superbia Parti said...

This blog is for both pro and anti Union ideas. If you have a gripe about either side, post it here. Yea, our anti Union effort is how this place began. But as far back as I remember, it welcomed intellegent debate. And so it continues.

This place is open for disgruntled Union members to place complaints and non Union members to say what ever they feel too. Union leaderhip is watching and gaging the comments. So is the Company. So comment away!

Steward said...

U go superbia


Ohh, since the company is reading this too.

I have a compalint filed with the EEOC and am talking to an employment atty. Get ready to dig deep MF, Cause if u hadn't noticed I do not back off.

See U in court soon Bob Guth, Larry Rhienhardt and of course least wer forget sweet lil Lerrie Ann who's lies started all my crap. I beat her in court in Marana and will now sue her and her family for everything I can get.

No more stilletos, I hope u been savigng my money. Bitch.

Anonymous said...

"watching and gaging the comments"
Should not that be "gauging"?

"Steward said...
U go superbia"

That's right... you can't even spell correctly and you are the fearless leader. You Rock!

Anonymous said...

Pot calling kettle black? See def 3!

Anonymous said...

"Not sure what freak out u mean."


Amazing the short and selective memories some seem to have here.

Isn't THIS a 'freak-out'?

"Assholes have their agenda." - John the Steward, Jun 26, 2010 4:16:00 AM

Then re-read John the Steward from Jun 26, 2010 1:13:00 PM

John? Leader? No, he's tossed outta the game. His commentary is as worthless as the stuff spewing from Mr X.

Superbia: Intelligent debate? Has it degenerated that badly? See above for details.

An endless loop of discussion begins yet again.

Steward said...

Okay Bob or Larry we hear u (You) dimwits. Tossed out, but will bury u all yet. Never gone though.


Superbia Parti said...

"...But as far back as I remember, it (the blog) welcomed intellegent debate. And so it (the blog) continues." It has actually improved. Remember Haha dude?

Anonymous said...

Here are my thoughts if any intelligent beings out there want to comment. It seems that this blog has become mired down and isn’t accomplishing much of anything. It is fairly apparent that the only one “representing” the union is John the ex steward who is apparently a drunken sot who is no longer employed at Raytheon. There is no other discussion except the fact that “the Union is listening” but to me personally, I see no progress being made just stalling tactics and a general erosion of the will of this group. Why doesn’t the union get someone coherent to lay down what is so great about the unions position on this blog? Why don’t they post what they are doing to resolve this group’s complaint? Why don’t they engage and respond here? Instead we have the ranting of drunken John (who by the way owns his own LLC and has billions of dollars and is suing the pants off of everything that moves!) and to be perfectly honest the blathering of others all about joining the union or opposing the union. Seems like the union has pigeon holed this whole operation and has it where it wants it, on the back burner. Where is the new blood? Where is the advertising to get more hourly interested or aware of this site? I see none of it and I truly believe you have been hog tied. The union has trussed you up until after the next contract is signed when the union will once more have time on its side and so the cycle continues. It is sad.

Anonymous said...

The union has a public relations officer with a responsibility to respond to your post. As for the anti-union effort, it seems to be divided. There are those who are willing to work with the union to fix and meet their objective. There are also those who will not rest until this union is removed. And for this blog, it is a viable alternative to the union web page so that all opinions may be heard. Regarding your comment on union stalling tactics, the anti-union activists who aggressively oppose the union will subject the "objective seekers" to public embarrassment if their suspicions that the union is stalling are proven correct. The “objective seekers” wish to correct the long standing rift between those getting over paid, and those not getting paid enough. They feel this will remove the biggest hurdle to worker satisfaction. Nobody is talking about RONA or Merit Pay any more.

steward said...

A very intelligent post. Except I do take exception the the drunken slot. Sure I drink some, maybe more than most. I usually stay coherent. It helps me relax and I've been told by doctors that I use it for medical reasons. They want me off of it and replace with narcotic pills. I'll keep my whiskey. Enough of me. I don't belive the Union is hog tieing or trying to slow anything down. I do belive they just have way too much on their oplate and need to prioritize. I think you make a great point. I wish someone else on the Union side, an active steward would start posting here. I have asked myself that same question. I know Jimbo and John C have way too much on thier plate to do it, but I know there are other intelligent Union people who could do this. I really have no vested intrest except for the fact that I started this a long time ago (notthe blog, just posting the unions view) so I intend to continue hoping that your lot will get better.


I do know that Jimbo reads this blog and I'm sure othersd do too.

Educated Member said...

Superbia Parti said...

"...But as far back as I remember, it (the blog) welcomed intelligent debate. And so it (the blog) continues."

Just out of curiosity...what pray tell type of education do you even have Sir?

As far as I am able to discern your intelligence (if you even are intelligent) is only from working with the monkey's!

Anonymous said...

""Educated Member said...

As far as I am able to discern your intelligence (if you even are intelligent) is only from working with the monkey's!""

For an educated phallus you've failed to grasp the concept of plural verses possessive noun structure. Go back and finish your GED. Enough with the nit picking and let’s get back to discussing why we "DON'T" need this union.

Anonymous said...

Numquid, cum crisas, blandior esse potes? Tu licet ediscas totam referasque Raytheon, Non tamen omnino, Ramon, Educated Member eris.

Steward said...

Most of the technical bargaining unit are educated adn would not have the job if not so. Me ASEET, was working on a BS from ASU. I did work salaried too. Got screwed.

Now move forward with the nit picking and achieve something here.


Educated Member said...

Speaking Latin isn't all that impressive, since it's considered a dead language, but oh wait.... so is your ousties group!


Anonymous said...

So ramon confesses, he is the haha dude! You call yourself the educated member too? A GED is not an education! Jokes on YOU haha dude!


Anonymous said...

"...But as far back as I remember, it (the blog) welcomed intellegent debate. And so it (the blog) continues." It has actually improved. Remember Haha dude?"

Why did you have to mention that waste of air? Now look what happened.

Anonymous said...

Is this a blog focused on ridding the union or focused on the haha loser. Come on guys. Watson is probably proud of this guy. Moderator please filter.

Anonymous said...

Who's Ramon? If the union wants to be taken seriously then why do they have Ramon and John speaking for them. Watson is not man enough to handle that task? I say enough of working out a deal with them. Its apparent they are not serious.

Anonymous said...

""Yeah that's what I would expect from you scabby bitches.... piss and moan about the union and it's so called tactics yet you censor the post's so it spins in your favor.""-- Educated Member

To Un-educated, Non educated, home schooled, dropout member

I would believe that SP had a good reason for deleting your post. It is obvious that you like your union contribute nothing of value to our forum. If you decide to contribute at a more sane level then you can play. You seem to have a problem Mr. HaHa and it needs to be addressed.

Anonymous said...

The uneducated member is lame. He is also known as agent smith, aka the HAHA Dude, aka the treasurer.

He never did put an intelligent conversation on this blog. For a guy to have scrapped his way through 9th grade and make it this far, wow. But there he staggers.

It must feel bad to have been turned down by the Wipisinger Education and Technology Center because you dont have a GED, and to know you'll never move up in the Union because of it must really be a downer.

youknowwho said...

The speed with which this discussion devolved shows why this union is wholly inadequate to support most of its' members needs (save for the dead weight). It also shows why the decertification effort failed... this time.

As I recall, this blog was started as an attempt to decertify IAM 933 as the bargaining representative for the hourly workforce at Raytheon. It was not, I repeat, NOT, started for the following:

- political diatribes and haranguing between right and left.
- personal sniping between union and non-union members.
- precluding ANY union representation at Raytheon.

What we wanted was better representation at Raytheon. That may be self-representation, or it may be another union with another power structure. Either option would be better than the current option.

Yes, I know some of the decert committee members have met with union officials. Do I consider them turncoats? No. I may be more skeptical of the union officials' intent than them, but I do believe they're going into this with the intent to make the current situation better- or at least less broken- than it is now. Mr. X, I tend to agree with you in that this union needs to go, but, while we have it, we need to try to improve it. I still won't join the union, since I believe I have more of a voice outside the union than I would inside it. If the union is really willing to make amends for its past errors, they'll listen to us.

To those of you in the union (like Ramon), your attitude towards us only reaffirms my skepticism. I suggest you change your tone in these comments to a more businesslike tone. After all, the union is really just a business, the bargaining unit are your customers, and your membership will only continue to decrease if you treat your continue to treat your coworkers with this level of contempt.

Anonymous said...

"If the union is really willing to make amends for its past errors, they'll listen to us."

Let them have the year, then. to annihilate what's been put here and elsewhere for the last three years.

These are "nice tolerant friendly unionists", well, except for the pendejos who post here.

Steward said...

Ra,on is an elected union offical, Treasurer, Eboar dmember, and a stewared. All elected position. I think he has the knoledge and authority t o do so. Jimbo dosen't have the time and shouldn't post in this forum if he did have the time. He does read it though. Oh one more point, Ramon is a retired Navy veteren as ar a lot of union member are vets myself included.


Steward said...

Ith the Ha Ha dude is even Ramon. Anyone could post his name to it.

Anonymous said...

Layoff numbers next month? I heard ~1600 total including 450 hourly. Any idea what the total low senority hourly union workers are? I feel attrition will be due for the union.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget what the 4th of July is..."Independence Day"!

Happy 4th to all.
Even to to the union tribe.

Anonymous said...

Let me introduce myself to this blog. I heard about this during the strike (yes, I crossed) and I signed the damn petition and supported your cause and was sad when it failed. However, I was talking with a fellow coworker a couple of days ago and the conversation turned to no union versus union. I stated that I would have really liked to have seen what Raytheon would have been like without a union. My coworker stated that they would have really liked to see what Raytheon would have looked with a real union. This was a conversation stopper that took me a couple of seconds to ponder and I had to laugh and agree. Essentially we are represented by a group of fools who claim that they are a union but little about what they do actually is union. My friend went on to talk about how a real union would self police and would actually take the side of the company when a worker was proven to be a slacker or a time card frauder or not capable to do the job they were assigned. Instead we are stuck with an organization that supports all the previously mentioned flaws and basically is there for the support of the morons. That is what the true problem is. How do we fix this ineptitude? Do you destroy the current "union" or do you introduce a new union which truly represents all the workers?

Anonymous said...

Anon. Jul 3, 2010 12:12:00 AM Welcome!

This blog (and other places) have actually had this discussion; feel free to do some reading.

Instead we are stuck with an organization that supports all the previously mentioned flaws and basically is there for the support of the morons. That is what the true problem is. How do we fix this ineptitude? Do you destroy the current "union" or do you introduce a new union which truly represents all the workers?

Introducing a new union means eliminating the old union.

Our incumbent union representation and all of it's faults will be a fixture here unless it's extricated and NO union represents "bargaining unit" employees for one year.

THIS is the crux of the current discussion. Fix the old, or eliminate the old and start over?

Steward said...

Let me introduce myself to this blog. I heard about this during the strike (yes, I crossed) and I signed the damn petition and supported your cause and was sad when it failed.

Great post.

I'm John the "Steward" you will see posting here for quite some time. Read some of the past posts. Ignore the Aholes here.

The reason this Union doesn't "police" (well we sort of do) is that the company won't allow us into the hiring/firing part of it. If they did we would.


Steward said...


If you introduce a new Union you will have to go without any representation or contract for 1 year.

Gawd would Raytheon love that. Sure, any slacking union member would be gone and all of the representives of the old union would be slipping burgers soon.

Most likely u would never have a union again.

that is the issue, do u want representation or not?

If so, then build this union into what u want and get ride of the likes of Quintana, who's mission is not representation, but communisum.


Anonymous said...

Happy Fourth of July! Thanks for the vote of confidence, mr. youknowwho, and thank you mr. anonymous who signed the petition and posted yesterday around mid-day. You both bring credibility.
Since we have a union, we might as well coax it toward working for us all. The union leadership heard our protests, and promised to work to fix the disparity. If you wanted a union, but didn't want this one, now is the time to let your voices be heard. You can change this union for the better if you speak up. Change it till it meets your needs. Everyone should try to drop the rhetoric, and create solutions. Union guys, these are your potential customers speaking. If you want people to join, then provide a service they desire.

To the ones with the attitude; can-it already! Didn't you get the message? The strike ended over three years ago. The hate act hurts your union more than it helps. If you succeed in pushing the ousties and the union back into their respective corners, then you will force the union to fight not only the company, but also the organized group of anti-union laborers that it fought last time for its very existence.

A special thanks to all of you who served this country in uniform. To you who paid for our freedom with your signature in blood deserve our heartfelt gratitude, regardless of what side of this secondary argument you lie on. God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

If you introduce a new Union you will have to go without any representation or contract for 1 year.

Gawd would Raytheon love that. Sure, any slacking union member would be gone and all of the representives of the old union would be slipping burgers soon.

Most likely u would never have a union again.

that is the issue, do u want representation or not? --John

I say John
You may be an oustie in stewards clothing.
That is the best Idea I have ever heard from you. I totally indorse it.

Sorry to ruin the Kumbaya moment.
Happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

O@R: "Everyone should try to drop the rhetoric, and create solutions. Union guys, these are your potential customers speaking. If you want people to join, then provide a service they desire. "

You still forget one small issue.

There isn't one soul left on this plant that has worked here without this union influence for longer than that eleven week period three years ago. There are very few of the 'old school' members that did walk the line back in the 70s. Do they really care? Nope, as most are considering retirement before the end of the year.

O@R: "The hate act hurts your union more than it helps. If you succeed in pushing the ousties and the union back into their respective corners, then you will force the union to fight not only the company, but also the organized group of anti-union laborers that it fought last time for its very existence. "

Old habits die hard, don't they?

Anonymous said...

O@R: "Everyone should try to drop the rhetoric, and create solutions. Union guys, these are your potential customers speaking. If you want people to join, then provide a service they desire. "

You still forget one small issue.

There isn't one soul left on this plant that has worked here without this union influence for longer than that eleven week period three years ago. There are very few of the 'old school' members that did walk the line back in the 70s. Do they really care? Nope, as most are considering retirement before the end of the year.

O@R: "The hate act hurts your union more than it helps. If you succeed in pushing the ousties and the union back into their respective corners, then you will force the union to fight not only the company, but also the organized group of anti-union laborers that it fought last time for its very existence. "

Old habits die hard, don't they?

Anonymous said...

"Most likely u would never have a union again.
that is the issue, do u want representation or not?
If so, then build this union into what u want and get ride of the likes of Quintana, who's mission is not representation, but communisum.
Jul 3, 2010 4:33:00 AM"

Yeah right! We ain't members we ain't gonna be members those losers ain't gonna listen to us. They don't even listen to their own, change?
The only change that's gonna happen will be in how long the missile business stays here in Tucson b4 upper mngmt decides to outsource everyone here for cheaper wages,engineers ncluded!

Anonymous said...

They won't outsource,, what they want is to replace as many workers as they can through the workplace ofthe future. Look at 847.


Anonymous said...

What about 847?

those of us at Rita Rd know nothing about that place.

Anonymous said...

What abouy NAPI or Camden? Lots of work went there.

Anonymous said...

Approximately 12,000 of our employees, are unionized, which represented approximately 15% of our employees at December 31, 2009. We cannot predict how stable our union relationships, currently with 9 different U.S. labor organizations and 4 different non-U.S. labor organizations, will be or whether we will be able to successfully negotiate successor agreements without impacting our financial condition. In addition, the presence of unions may limit our flexibility in dealing with our workforce. Work stoppages could negatively impact our ability to manufacture our products on a timely basis, which could negatively impact our results of operations and financial condition.

Steward said...

Rita Road,

In 801 and 847 Air to air or whatever they call them selves now they got a lot of tax $$$$ to build a factory that basically replaces workers. That is right they are using your money to replace you. That is Raytheon and your own govement.

Camden and NAPI, NAPI can't produce shit just look at tow. They build wire harnesses, then they gave then a circuitboard to build they blew that. Raytheon scrambled like hell to make it work, it failed miserably and Raytheon had to pay bucks back for it. Camden is a podunk town in the middle ofArkansas and will never have the work force to compete. Neither will NAPI. NAPI Navijo Nation.

Tucson is where Raytheon has a legal commitment to retain most all programs here for 50 years. That was part of the deal worked out to keep Don Diamond from rezoning the property south of Raython to housing. Wy, to keep FACO safe. That is the ticket. FACO.

This Union will always be a part of that same deal, they negotiated with the county, city Don Diamond and Raytheon for that 50 yr deal. And you think they do nothing.



Anonymous said... build a factory that basically replaces workers.

With the union's consent.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said... build a factory that basically replaces workers.
With the union's consent.
Jul 12, 2010 4:49:00 AM"

And with the ousties help!

Anonymous said...

"Approximately 12,000 of [our employees], are unionized, which represented approximately 15% of [our employees ]at December 31, 2009. [We cannot predict] how stable [our union relationships], currently with 9 different U.S. labor organizations and 4 different non-U.S. labor organizations, will be or whether [we will be able ]to successfully negotiate successor agreements without [impacting our financial] condition. In addition, the presence of unions may limit [our flexibility] in dealing with [our workforce]. Work stoppages could negatively impact [our ability] to manufacture [our products] on a timely basis, which could negatively impact [our results] of operations and financial condition.
Jul 8, 2010 4:39:00 AM"

Amazing 10 instances of "we" & "our" hand fed from the company to and posted by ousters.
It's no wonder you can't make your missiles fly! You idiots are helping them destroy your own company and jobs. You should give up trying to get rid of the union, move to China and become Wal-Mart managers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. "Move to China and become Wal-Mart Manager", You took the bait on that silly quote. Anyone with 2 cents worth of brains knows that is BS. Does RMS have 12000 labor employees with 9 US labor organizations and 4 non US ones?
What a Re-Re!!! *Slaps forehead with "L" sign*

Anonymous said...

O M G!
That's really intelligent from the group of the smartest men on the planet.
Seeing how the guy uses the word "your" missiles,jobs,and company,
it's appears he doesn't even work here.

Then you, apparently speaking for all of us, state that is was a setup.

You credit the union for being decietful liars who use coercion andscams and yet you setup this poor shmuck!

Whose side are you on Bozo??

Anonymous said...

Actually, the early-bird idiot posted the wrong information.

Raytheon 10-K shows 5600 (7%) represented by unions (no count given) as of 12/31/2009.

Anonymous said...

So what if the Ousties want to help mechanize our jobs?

Don't think we'll ever see robots building entire missiles; just don't see that happening.

Anonymous said...

Mechanizing is good! When Presidio is fully functional and proven in, it is to be sent to Camden. All the testers and metro pukes that maintain it will have to find new jobs. Isn't life just grand?

Anonymous said...

When Presidio is fully functional and proven in, it is to be sent to Camden.

Camden? Camden?! You're joking, huh?

For all YOU know, that stupid system may very well be the salvation of this bargaining unit!

If you can't troubleshoot, if you're writing skills are sub-par, then off you go to Presidio! The Land of Misfit Toys won't have anything like it in a few years!

All the testers and metro pukes that maintain it will have to find new jobs. Isn't life just grand?

Nope; they'll send them to Camden - lower quality of life, lower pay and the same job!

Anonymous said...

"Tucson is where Raytheon has a legal commitment to retain most all programs here for 50 years. That was part of the deal worked out to keep Don Diamond from rezoning the property south of Raython to housing." --John--

Read it and weep you naysayers.
Presidio will create a need for more techs, so get back to school and get smart. The tech jobs are staying, they'll be here longer than you drugged up old fucktards. Go ahead and retire already.

Anonymous said...

"Read it and weep you naysayers.
Jul 18, 2010 11:00:00 PM"

I was repair the wall behind the conference room in 801, when I heard Ricky Nelson talking to the program managers. He told them Presidio was THE stepping stone to move NWS to Camden. They were told not to say anything to anyone.

So think what you want jobs are going away!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait - not Arkansas (don't need to pay off the Clinton bill any longer), but Alabama?!

Presidio still isn't going anywhere, as Tucson will build the sections and do the FACO type work elsewhere.

Better learn how to chew tobacco and kiss yer sisters now.

Anonymous said...

wages are too high compared to arkansas. presidio is a button pusher job with the engineers doing the troubleshooting. tucson will become the new canoga park for engineering and devolopment bike shops.

youknowwho said...

Has anybody put two (threats of layoffs, jobs moving to other regions) and two (overpriced hourly assembly labor rates, IAM933's continued interest in shallow self-serving short-term victories over meaningful long-term job stability) together yet?

Given that I don't see anybody in union leadership under the age of 45, there seems to be no desire for the union to adopt a long-term strategy designed to keep Raytheon- and hundreds of hourly jobs- in Tucson. In fact, most of the employees I know under the age of 40 are opting not to join the union, so it really seems that the union doesn't even care about its own viability once its leadership (and half of the hourly workforce) are collecting their pensions.

Anonymous said...

So, unionists, what is it - greedy for a few, or willing to work so that the jobs really will stay here for 50 years?

I think you know where the Ousties stand on this position.

Steward said...

Hola amigos, Johnnie's back. Been gone a couple of weeks. I notice the same rhetoric, but it is intelligent which is good. 50 yrs is true, camden, presido and NAPI too. It is your Union love it or not. You can make it what you want.


Anonymous said...

O M G! This is too funny!

Anonymous said...

So, this story has brought nothing to the discussion?

Raytheon Moves On

How does those Alabama wages compare to Arizona wages, anyway?

Before you think things are rosey...try this story as well:

United Space Alliance begins the end

Anonymous said...

Alabama jobs won't take away from Tucson. They won't add to it neither. Space Shuttle was never built here. Pure Hyperbola! Your point is?

Steward said...

Well now, there it is. Your opportunity of a lifetime. What you have always wanted. HUNTSVILLE. Union free. Grab your sister, give her a big kiss and pack up the ol rambler and head east. Geez, I might go myself. Looks like a nice place 125,000 people there all related too. should be able to support a defense industry of 10 to 12 thusand. average wage? 10 12 / hr. great bennys too. So why wait.paradise is just a days drive away. Take all of the others with u.
You won't have old John the "Stewward" to kick around anymore. Wait, there is the internet, or do they actually have one there.


Hally Luuu Yaa

Steward said...

Not quite sure how the space shuttle got in here, but must be another fine non Union employment. Who knows, I'm not even gonna spend the time to find out. Anyway why are u still reading these posts, thought you'd be on your way to that great non union plant in huntsville by now.


Mr. X said...

I think the point being made is that union aerospace jobs (shuttle) could soon start to turn into non-union aerospace jobs in Alabama.

Of course, there will be some of those wankers that will want to create a union and pee in the punchbowl.

Anyway why are u still reading these posts, thought you'd be on your way to that great non union plant in huntsville by now.

For the exact some reasons YOU just can't keep away. The entertainment value here is worth the price of admission.

Who knows, John; get your job back, and maybe a transfer to Alabama might not be such a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Willie & Doug are from from 'Bama when you boys movin back?

Take your other scabby girlfiends with ya when ya go!

Steward said...

For the exact some reasons YOU just can't keep away. The entertainment value here is worth the price of admission.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Steward said...

Just to let u all know the price now includes a divorce after 30 plus years.

Steward said...

Oh, I get to keep the dog.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there country music that has a storyline like that?

sex steward said...

I feel the love.

"Anonymous said...
What a LOSER!!!! 1st you can't can't make it with Lerrie Ann now your ol lady is kickin you out.

Maybe you should hire a hooker or better yet, join GLBTA, maybe then you can get some ass!

Jul 30, 2010 11:31:00 PM

Actually I could have had her at any time.

Don't worry about my sex life I now get plenty.

Remeber though. This isn't about me. Since u know all about GLBT, then I guess that is where u get yours.

No Bashing the Steward said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

John's new theme song.

steward said...


my feeling is that these kinds of posts that are driected strat to m are not posts from raytheon hourly employes. Most are hired guns set out to intimidate me from posting the truth for u. I doesn't work. I fear nothing.
now don't get me wrong just because u disagree is totallt different and welcome becasue that is what this sit e should be for.

larry said...

how much did Lerrie Ann charge you for her cookie?

Anonymous said...

Whether it's Lerrie Ann or his wife this is John's Reward!

steward said...

sicko there. he is representing u ousties?


steward said...

Out the MF to me. I will take care of him.

Anonymous said...

Who is the posuer bashing John? Why not bring a brain to the discussion?

*"L" sign to forehead!* Luuzerrrrr!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh right! The union can't represent anyone and you Mr. Loser,Mr. No Longer a Steward, are going to represent us??
Get real Moron!!!

Where is Superbia? said...

Most are hired guns set out to intimidate me from posting the truth for u. I doesn't work. I fear nothing.

Fear and intimidation.

Tactics that continue to be used, and continue to fail both sides of this discussion.


Grow up; leave the intimidation in the school yard.

Make yourself useful; discuss the current strike situation with SunTran & IBT.

Anonymous said...

"You sorry ass wipes have not only taken your eye off the ball, you've dropped it, kicked it down the street and lost it!"

Do I see a volunteer wants to take over? Where were you on Jan 12 2008? You humor me!

Anonymous said...

You sorry ass wipes have not only taken your eye off the ball, you've dropped it, kicked it down the street and lost it!

So I guess we see if IBT members are as brilliant as IAM933 members. There are parallels to the situation; too bad you're blind to them.

How many weeks do they stay out on strike and hurt the less fortunate of Tucson? Four weeks? Eight weeks?

Anonymous said...

"Then I get the members to turn on their leaders and I'd do it all in less than 8 months!!!!"

You better get cracken! You just spent one day of those eight months wasting time. Com'on! Get a move-on! Get those union mmbers to turn on their leaders already...LOL

Anonymous said...

No Problemo!!!
Whatever it takes, that's how it works!
The new factory run rules will put them right in the cross hairs. It's about time you guys bought into it!

Anonymous said...

"New factory run rules...."

When did I hear this - oh, yeah, long time ago when I first came to work here.

Do your job. Ask intelligent questions to learn more about your job. Get along with your colleagues.

Gee, did I miss any?

SunTran Driver said...

"Sun Tran Director of Marketing Michele Joseph said before the tentative contract agreement was reached that negotiations were resumed at the request of the union."


Anonymous said...

"Michele Joseph"

Is the wife of that piece o chit scab michael joseph?

Anonymous said...

Seems like groveling DOES get results!

Anonymous said...

Once again, unionist, your 'bruddahs' who do no work, continue to get in the way of those who do want to work. Any sexual connotations made as a result of that desire continue to be wrong.

Meeting with the union to fix things? Just another member of the epic fail society, I see. What kind of person are you that gets upset and violent over any perceived slight against unionism?

Now back to the discussion of unions good or bad?

What do you believe made the transit workers go back to bargaining, a ratification vote, and (probably) back to work in only one week?

Anonymous said...

"New factory run rules...."
"Gee, did I miss any?
Aug 5, 2010 4:36:00 AM"

You missed the meaning completely, but don't worry, come Monday everyone will start to see them.

Thanks to you ousties watching porn on company time, no one will be able to get internet on the shop floor now.

Tell your porn buddy Mr.Watts, if he wanted to jerk off,he should of hooked up with John the steward!

Anonymous said...

No Internet on the shop floor?

How much traffic will eBay lose now due to no unionists being able to trade the day away??

Non Union Boss said...

"Thanks to you ousties watching porn on company time, no one will be able to get internet on the shop floor now."

Why do you need the internet to do your job? No wonder you've settled for substandard wages. You produce substandard work and the customer is starting to notice.

Anonymous said...

"How much traffic will eBay lose now due to no unionists being able to trade the day away??
Aug 8, 2010 6:23:00 PM"

Don't know why not ask
Gary Leatherman
a.k.a. Rigadigado

Anonymous said...

You produce substandard work and the customer is starting to notice.

What was that motto again?

Raytheon - Expect Great Things!

Anon. Aug 8, 2010 11:22:00 PM

An Oustie making a few extra bucks while NOT sucking the overtime teat? Seems to me I know a few unionists that do much the same thing on a regular basis. I won't be crass enough to name names, but they know who they are.

The lack of Internet on shop floor computers just means productivity should go up at an alarming rate. You'll now have to work harder to keep up.

You'll also have to read this blog on your own time, as well. Terrible having to do work-related stuff on your own time.

Anonymous said...

"Terrible having to do work-related stuff on your own time.
Aug 9, 2010 4:10:00 AM"

Yeah like veiwing porn at work?!

That's really working hard.

You ousters are hypocrical bastards!
Look at Gary's feed back and you'll find the majority of them were time stamped during business hrs.
and he's the oust933 founder!

Amazing the lies you pukes spill!

"You produce substandard work and the customer is starting to notice."

It's a fact that when the strike was on and you scabs were helping the company, they came up with "lessons learned" by making shortcuts in the procedures. So get off the high horse! YOU helped to MAKE our products WORTHLESS!

Why do you need the internet to do your job"

BTW it's not about needing the internet, it's about the fact we continue to suffer a loss because of you pieces of shit! We were also told we could not read a book or anything else while we are waiting on tests to finish. All because of an "ethical investigation" ousters viewing porn, to be more precise!

So the real question is... how are you scabs going to fuck us next?

Anonymous said...

" Seems to me I know a few unionists that do much the same thing on a regular basis. I won't be crass enough to name names, but they know who they are."

Ok I will help you out.

Alan Wootton

How does he have all the time to do all these listings? He must make so much money at ebay that his Raytheon job must be a hobby.

More Unionist Ebayers to follow with stats and history...

Anonymous said...

"It's a fact that when the strike was on and you scabs were helping the company, they came up with "lessons learned" by making shortcuts in the procedures."

Key words "Helping the company"
Yes we help the company however you must have a different motive.

Who wrote the proceedures in the first place? Seems to me they streamlined the manufacturing process by hands on approach. Your true value became known when you went on strike. You guys are pathetic.
Work slow down anyone?

Concerned said...

''it's about the fact we continue to suffer a loss because of you pieces of shit!''

Loss?! Oh, yeah, like your having access to the world IS HELPING YOU FOCUS ON YOUR JOB!

''We were also told we could not read a book or anything else while we are waiting on tests to finish.''

read your test instructions, read your planning, read your troubleshoot guide - WRITE the troubleshoot guide - while you're waiting on tests to finish. F'n excuses, man!

''So the real question is... how are you scabs going to fuck us next?''

Taking your piss poor excuse of a union away would be nice.

Hey, did you see the contract language that the Teamsters got? One RIF and they can go on strike! Why can't this union do the same thing?

Anonymous said...

Maybe your union can negotiate Internet access in lieu of pay increases next contract. You dimwits always have misguided agendas.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I find all this a bit crass but interesting none the less. All this talk apparently from one person talking about the crap product that the scabs produced and porn surfing and whatnot. Are you for real? In my area when I returned from the strike we saw no rework due to the engineers who worked our line and some of our process' were better. Some weren't. I suppose they couldn't fix it all and I highly doubt anyone can. So where do you work that you are seeing all this crap from the "scabs" and management? I would truly like to know. What I did come back into was a fairly well working machine. Of course I work on only a small cog in the Raytheon effort but I haven't heard about any of this in other areas where I have friends working throughout 801. I hesitate at calling someone a liar but returning from the strike really shook my union fed beliefs that the company is evil and they can't put together a nut and a bolt correctly. Also, today when I went in it was business as usual and people were surfing the internet just like they always do. Is the porn surfing occuring in one specific area or what exactly is going on?

Anonymous said...

''I hesitate at calling someone a liar but returning from the strike really shook my union fed beliefs that the company is evil and they can't put together a nut and a bolt correctly. Also, today when I went in it was business as usual and people were surfing the internet just like they always do. Is the porn surfing occurring in one specific area or what exactly is going on?''

You will not be given this information, as disinformation and bold-faced lies are a part of the union equation. This has been repeatedly point out here and elsewhere. You pay those dues to be misinformed and lied to. Nice business model, isn't it?

This blog is just one way of keeping the cockroaches behind the walls and out of the light.

So, you have seen it with your own eyes that it's selective? Careful; now you'll have unionists running all over the plant, wanting to play junior supervisor and rat out those who do those very things.

Mr Z said...

It would appear that another stalemate has been reached. Again.

The unionists are complaining that the anti-union bargaining unit members are a part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. The Oustie sympathizers again ask if there's any benefit to having this particular union continuing to represent this bargaining unit.

As it's obvious to see, the solutions are:

a) everybody in the union
b) everybody out of the union
c) Status quo.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Aug 11, 2010 10:26:00 AM

I agree, when you go out and buy something for example a vehicle, do you go and buy the first one you see or do you research the product what it will do for you, what the manufacturer will provide you with. since this union has a monopoly you only have the one choice or do without, which they don't want you to do. They need to therefore have incentives to join it's that simple.

Anonymous said...

What happen to the meetings? Was this just another attempt by Watson to wear down the momentum of the oust movement? Their inaction is not working as evident by the self destruction of certain union representatives. Watson should at least have some bites on his resume now.

Anonymous said...

John the Steward was actually helping in that regard, while he was still there.

Oustie@Rally was thick in the middle of it, then .:poof:. nothing.

Anonymous said...

I had heard the Jimbo had some serious family health issues with parents out of state that took his attentions. Have not heard outcome, but wish him and his family the best.

Some good points from the newcomer! Welcome and stay active with us.

All the finger pointing about product quality falls mostly on the company, as THEY choose the vendors and suppliers. WE have to work with what they give US. Trying to help them as best one can only insures YOUR own future!
Their poor judgement in where to cut corners,ie.;crappy vendors, inferior components to save a buck, eliminating procedures / processes to speed production or delivery, automating lines to cut manpower, and the like, will and HAVE bit them in the ass! Did they learn? Perhaps, but they'll never admit to it. We can point it out to them, but the decision is ultimately THEIRS!
Regarding the "politics". It's all related. Read the papers! YOUR dues supported and YOU elected the current bozzo. He is anti-business and pure socialist. The company HAS to play by the rules in effect and we get to go along for the ride!
It would be great to see some LEGITIMATE union input here. It's the same beligerant attitude displayed here that keeps people out of the union. You are a disgrace to the union and to your fellow workers. BTW,Do you eat with that mouth??

"when we are out on strike and you were so busy working for the warfighter,"
If you are so worried about quality and the warfighters, why strike? You could have and would have had a greater impact if you stayed in, played BY THE BOOK, and kept negotiating. But then, El Coppo would not have been elligible to get in the national!
Hey Jimbo, plan a meeting, I'll show up.

Anonymous said...

This comment was totally ignored, but probably should be addressed.

This is a scab union. It sells labor for cheap, the dumb asses don't have any sense. That's right, by your definition, it is a SCAB UNION.

Don't think I've ever heard this phrase exactly in this context. I don't the the poster did, either. A 'scab union' is a more common British term than an American one. You can't have a second 'recognized' labor group working against an established labor group in the US. This second group is the 'scabs' union, working against the established, incumbent union.

So, the point you're making is that an inherently weak organization is going to be the strong ones who go after Raytheon. We've seen how well this has worked out. No, this union is just strong enough to survive another contract or two. At that point, it'll be irrelevant.

Teamsters charge half as much in dues, and get twice as much as this pathetic union. SPEEA charges less than that, and they keep getting better contracts too.

Red herring arguments. Want to know why this union (and most others) are totally out of context? An article from eleven years ago explains it vividly: Four Reasons Why Unions don't Work

Unions are weak in general - here's a look at why that might be: Unions & Public Opinion

Think about this as well: Why the Union Can't Win

Decline & Fall of a Union

Other Labor Union Articles

That should keep you all busy this weekend with some restroom reading material.