Saturday, June 20, 2009

Socialist Trolls and the things they say!

Socialist Trolls and the things they say! Enjoy! :-)
Funny thing, this document has been rolling around on my hard drive since December of last year. I wouldn't call our good buddy Jeff a troll, but the stewards in the factory love to repeat these slogans. Is it a coincidence or is it brainwashing by the union? Our union calls us freedom fighters Rats! Why would a Rambo pay $1000 a year to the union so his pay can be held down by $4000 per year? Who's the rat?

A union is only as good as the members that are in it.

The union is governed by its constitution. Members are practically barred from making changes to the existing document. Good people joining the union doesn’t change it, it changes the people. Unionists should check out their own constitution! Local 933 is one of the most pathetic unions and cannot be helped by vocal members who want change. Only disenfranchising the union will get the changes we need in the 21st century.

Without the union, you are at will employees of the company, with no contract, in a right to work (right to make a low wage) state.

I love this “At Will Employee” tearjerker. Arizona has some of the toughest right to work laws in the country when it concerns employee protection against tyrant employers. Your union doesn’t tell you that. Must I remind all of us that there are over ten thousand employees here at RMS without benefit of a union contract? I see their wages just suck royally, NOT! They don’t need a union, and YOU don’t need a union. The union NEEDS you to pay for its fat-cat lifestyle. Who’s paying whom? RONA was lost by local 933! Jimbo got almost $92,000 last year off your dues!

If companies treated their employees well and with respect, paid them a fair wage and benefits, then there would not be a union at their work place or an attempt to form one.

The reason some employees don’t get any respect is because they SUCK! Bad attitudes, lack of effort, milking jobs, and filing frivolous grievances are all are valid reasons why union types get looked down upon. Their reputations are built upon years of under achievement here.

If the unions disappear you people will be working 80 hour weeks at $10.00 an hour and have no benefits.

If unions disappear, union bosses will be working for $10.00 an hour and have no benefits, because they wont work for a living. Instead they milk your hard earned paycheck. Don’t fall for this stupidity check. Ask a non-degreed salary worker if they get ten bucks an hour with no bennies! Many of them left the union for their salaried jobs.

Management will work you to death and fire all who won't work 7 days a week.

Whoever said this is a complete idiot. They really have no respect for you or your intellect. This is a mantra coming from the religion-cult of the union. Worship is on Sundays at the union hall! Would you like grape or cherry Kool-Aid?

If you want to change the union, join it!

No thanks, we’ve already changed the union for the better, and we plan to change it for the best come October 31 of this year. By that time, we’ll be union free, and able to negotiate for ourselves what the union has taken from us for the past 57 years.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to jargon and brainwashing techniques employed by the delusional leaders of the union. A special thanks to all the other web sites out there that support removing the union from RMS. and any other ones I have failed to mention.


Decertify this POS! said...

The union is spending a lot more money to get its extra 17 members for the year. If you look at the LM-2 filing for 2008 and for 2007 it cost the union $59844.00 for the extra 17 members. That is $3520.00 per member. Can anyone see that the union is imploding at its own demise? They are spending more for new members than ever before. This only means that the iam933 union representation concept is very hard to swallow. It also appears they will compensate the cost in new members by a dues increase. Does anyone see a similarity in its operation to that of Enron? IAM933 is a corporate black hole. Money going in and nothing of value going out unless you are a retired legacy Hughes person.

Anonymous said...

What about the $25000 spent on office furniture? Has anyone ever seen it? Or is it hidden in the officers living rooms? Also, why are the member meetings held at the IBEW hall and the executive officers' meeting are at the Ajo Way IAM933 hall? Is there something inside the Ajo Way hall that the executives don't want the membership to see? UNION MEMBERS PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, LOOK AT THE REAL WORLD AND ASK WHY.

Anonymous said...

What Ramon R. should have wrote.

To my brothers and sisters, the only time I have felt this this whipped was when I crossed the equator on a Navy ship. This is a great sign of respect for those not priveleged to have kissed the belly of Neptune with his belly full of grease on a moonless night. Know that I'll kiss your belly also.

Now to you others, sometimes you see our sacrifice, sometimes you don't. Most of the times you do not, but when you do, clamming up toward us is seen as a sign of respect. Any excuse could allow you to tell us how stupid we really are. How we led 1400 workers off the job only to come groveling back in eleven weeks. Our self worth and selfishness made us believe we could take the money of our employers with extortion. I used my family as a shield. I intimidated others to cause fear, so they would stand with me in the cold and loose. Loose the welfare of family, and respect of the community. Family is the source of my condemnation, and my union leadership is the cause of my shame.

Our employer negotiated fairly but firmly. Our leaders mishandled the fire, and fell to hot emotions when their opponent called their bluff. Our leaders used tactics not worthy of trust. Feelings went wrong and they lead us charging to socialist change. They hid behind you and caused you to abandon your prosperity. Something must be wrong with the idealism they push.

They told you the missiles were dropped, and the forklifts broke walls. They tell you how much you are needed, but if you did cross, one of them scabs you will be.

Look at those around you; the ones who lost their ass. We are professional so we will work to make up. We will wear a badge of shame to show we are a marked class, a group that was lead into the cauldren of socialism and pain. We responded to the passion cries of a few who rise up in rebelion with lies and intimidation to take what is not theirs. Quietly we will critisize those who were smarter than us, and came back into the bosom of prosperity. We will hate on them, and wish to have what is theirs, while publicly renouncing them as to draw shame away from ourselves. We will paint shirts with pride.

We didn't fight for a worthy contract, the company didn't have a clue. Remember the look on their face when we rejected their offer. Remember the look on our face when we surrendered. I ask you to stay with us. You know we are not worthy, but you serve us well where you are, to draw others into the same folly. You've shown your colors, and made your stand, gave all you're worth to the socialist machine. Lenin would be proud. They'll welcome us back with open arms, but they'll clam up in a sign of respect. You'll go back, so I must too.

1400 brothers and sisters broke their back for this fruitless fight. I hope my kiss felt right on that moonless night.

J Schitt said...

Ahhh, if only R.R. could write that well.

Delusional thoughts, again, my friends?

Oust933! Today!

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard about the strike you keep writing of is that there were people crossing the picket line from day one. Truth?

Anonymous said...

Over 70 crossed during the first week, if memory serves me correctly.

Anonymous said...

Over seventy union members quit and crossed in the first week. There were many others who crossed that were not members of the union and were at work the very first day. Take a look at the chart listed at: and see for yourself. Those numbers are flawed however. There were actually slightly more crossers than this list illustrates.

I fear 933 said...

I've heard that local officials are visiting people at their homes, trying to get people to join; is this true??

Is this some sort of cult - like LDS?

Decertify this POS! said...

"I've heard that local officials are visiting people at their homes, trying to get people to join; is this true?? Is this some sort of cult - like LDS?"

-More like Amway however Amway does provide useful products.-

Superbia Parti said...

"I fear 933" and "Decertify this POS!": This is a forum for decertification of the union, not a forum for pro - con religious views. I implore you to refrain from using comparisons like those, because it is unfair to people of faith to be compared to this union. I encourage healthy debate on the issue of Pro-Con union decertifucation only. Thank you for understanding.

Anonymous said...

Since the union kept crappy records, the best I can guess is that 62 members crossed within the first two days. One list shows 195 people on it in total. Another shows 235 people on it. Yet another shows 238 people. The company has records that show more than that crossed. Together with the hundreds of non-union workers Raytheon increased productivity while we partied every day! I DARE the union to try another strike! HAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Ramon R. never graduated high school. He was a gang banger in Yuma that got into trouble and was told by the judge to either choose jail or the military. So, he spent 20 years in the navy and is pulling a military retirement. A strike for him is not as finicially hurtful as for the rest of us non-military retirees. So, the next time you hear him spouting off union rhetoric, consider the source.

Solo said...

Does the list also have nonunion members?

Anonymous said...

So all these people crossed the picket lines, dare I say SCABS, and you wonder why the strike wasn't successful? (I used that word for lack of a better term)
And you somehow feel that a de-certification is going to help you how exactly?
Why do you care what the Local does if you want out so bad? All you can talk about is what these people make, and what furniture they bought.
I bet a lot of people didn't graduate high school that work there. What difference does that really make??????? Besides giving you something else to complain about. Oh, if we are trashing people, did anyone take a look at the pic that is associated with this blog? Repeat after me... Jenny Craig, please help me! Maybe you need to stop worrying so much about what the Union does and hit the gym a few times. Ok, even once for that matter. That's not a double chin, more like a quadruple.
Have fun.

Superbia Parti said...

Mr Solo,
There were 59 non members on the list that I received. It seems listing all non members on a list became overwhelming to them after a few weeks. As time went by, the number of non members vs members crossing decreased beyond proportion acording to the list. There were hundreds of non-members in during the strike. Most are not on the list. But 59 of them are.

As for the wuss that can't handle my double (quadrouple) chins; try harder to stay on subject next comment. I know its hard for you. Its OK, we'll take it slow for you next time. Take a deep breath, feel better? Good.

When you ask what difference does sharing our potential with high school drop-outs make? You have GOT to be KIDDING! We didn't bust our ass going to school to get 30 cents more than an assembler!

The strike was stupid. Most union members admit it. It was poorly planned and badly excecuted. It was revenge for the nob-job negotiations in '03. We know it, they know it, and you know it, so get over it. We all rightly crossed the line. Why let crappy negotiators exploit us for their stupidity? Your dumb leaders got us ZERO percent raises from 2003-06. They traded temporary medical cost deferment for permanent pay reductions. Then you struck over pass-through language. Now you'll pay for the medical anyway, your pay is STILL permanently lower and you took that contract with "conditions." That makes you S-T-U-P-I-D! You were played, you were p0wned, you were Jobjacked!

I dare you guys to strike again! I plan to make a betting pool to see who will across the line first this time. My money is on ME! But I know hundreds of others who challenge my claim. It's a sport! At least half the union members I know told me they'll cross the line first day this time. Go ahead and make your scab lists. Go ahead, pop my tires. You'll loose ten thousand dollars again, and we'll laugh at you when you come back...again.

To those union members who gained some smarts since '07 but are afraid of union intimidation; You are invited to secretly send in a petition with signatures. You don't have to quit the union to do it. It will get the first democratic election in 57 years to decide if we keep the IAM Losers on Ajo Way.

Anonymous said...

So all these people crossed the picket lines, dare I say SCABS, and you wonder why the strike wasn't successful?

No no no no no.....

The strike was successful in rooting out the evil that lives in the shack on Ajo Way.

That was NOT an economic strike; that was a political strike. The leadership of 933 had to PROVE to the international that they were worth of being called unionist; this is why.

Two strikes, back to back, happened in the early 70's. Nearly all of the current membership had never experienced anything like that - they were taught a very expensive lesson.

The union f'd up; they should have been ready to strike in '03; the leadership and the membership ran from a much better opportunity to make a point. You now see why they had to strike in '06?

This lame and hollow excuse of a union did more for the membership during the decade of the 80's. Sad that it's been disassembled (by both sides) since that time.

THAT is why your membership counts suck, because what you offer sucks.

Oust933 today!

Anonymous said...

Highly Recommended