Thursday, April 30, 2009

Recycle the Union

Have you heard the union is going to strike again? Oh but now they fear it in a down economy. Let them strike. We'll party inside like last time! Luncheons and breakfast fiestas while our union freezes out by the blue barrels, waiting for hope; a breakthrough that never comes.
Brothers, don't listen to that call for strike! The company will take your jobs as fast as the law will permit. Hundreds are waiting in line for Raytheon Jobs. Instead, throw this union to the trash! Recycle the union, start fresh.

We needed a union that would attract smart people,instead of slugs. Everyone knows the union carries the dead weight of the Company. Even the top dogs in the union admit it. What did they do to fix it, after years of complaints? ? So lets fix them! They're too stupid to run a union. And these dunces have been in charge for 57 years!

Stop paying these idiots ruin your lives.
Start paying attention to the lies they tell.
What other union has a membership drive?
Any one is better than this union from hell!
visit to get your copy of the petition.


Anonymous said...

Celebrate this first day of May by removing this sorry excuse for a union today and really gain the rights that you deserve!

Anonymous said...

Once again, get rid of the IAM and the company will walk all over you. Taking away money and benefits. there will be NO reason for the company to even talk with you, let alone negotiate with you in any way shape or form.
Do you really think the company will want to negotiate with every one of you scabs on an individual basis?
Lose the IAM and you WILL lose money and benefits. The company will seek out people that will be willing to do your job for LOTS less.
With the economy what it is, I would think that you would want to work with the IAM and see what you can do as a united front.
Take a step back and seriously think about the direction you are trying to take. You speak tough now as you still have jobs and benefits. What will you have to bargain with if your endeavor is successful?
I foresee the company taking away wages, benefits and working conditions.
I honestly do hope your quest fails. Not only fails, but fails miserably!

Anonymous said...

Anyone that believes "Go IAM", is as lacking in moral fortitude as the useless leaders of this sorry excuse for a union. Raytheon NEEDS a quality workforce to build the weapons our military must have. Some of the slugs that work in the factory will loose their job, but not because Raytheon is greedy... they will loose their jobs because they are slugs! This company has spent an enormous amount of money on each person just for the clearance needed to do the job. If you think they will cut their own throat in an attempt to save a couple of bucks, then you probably don't deserve to work at this company anyway. I think this company will give raises to those who deserve it, and they will definitely afford everyone a chance at RONA and 9/80 workweeks. Not even speaking of the wasted dollars we Union workers have spent on dues.... Wake up people, and give yourself an immediate raise! Dump this sorry excuse of a union, and join the capitalist way!!!

Superbia Parti said...

Hey Go IAM,

I'm gonna relish ripping apart your lies here. In Arizona it's illegal to do what Go IAM threatens the Company will do. Thanks for your lies out front. Now the rest can see you for what you are...a LIAR Union. Please answer back GO IAM! I would love a dialogue right here! So lets get on with it.

You said...
"...get rid of the IAM and the company will walk all over you. Taking away money and benefits."
It's illegal in AZ to reduce your wages without a demotion. Next!

"there will be NO reason for the company to even talk with you, let alone negotiate with you in any way shape or form."
You'll talk and negotiate EVERY Year like Salaried folks do when you get your annual performance feedback with your boss, not HR. You unionists can do better than this, no?

"The company will seek out people that will be willing to do your job for LOTS less."
We are a shrinking aerospace workforce people. National statistics show this. The company must compete with others to get precious workers like ourselves. Let them continue to seek. We'll help them find good workers to replace unsatisfied former unionists that leave after the union is gone.

"With the economy what it is, I would think that you would want to work with the IAM and see what you can do as a united front."
You taught your people to hate us. YOU destroyed a united front by your own stupidity. We don't want to work with you any more. We saw what was done while working with you in 2003 & 2006. Also, the economy makes no difference. Last I heard, we already bottomed out. Next!

"You speak tough now as you still have jobs and benefits. What will you have to bargain with if your endeavor is successful"

We will gain the right to negotiate for ourselves! You took our rights away 57 years ago. Some of us will get raises. Some of us won't. But it will be on our own merits as RED BLOODED AMERICANS. We're nOt some bunch of pansies that need imbecils to lead them to the slaughter. You did a great job of that in the strike!

"I foresee the company taking away wages, benefits and working conditions."
We already talked about money. Stop spreading lies. The company will set benefits to the level that Salaried folks get now. If you don't like it, then move on. And what part of working conditions has your union ever improved in the past ten years? I constantly see you guys creating hostile working conditions.

So lets sum it up here, shall we?
We're gonna decertify the union, get a shot at setting our own wages like the engineers do, accept the benefits that ten thousand engineers do, get freedom from union abuses, and will get the added bonus of RONA, 9/80s and finally some respect from the salaried staff. Don't you know the salaried staff disses us because you Unionists have been a beligerent force in Raytheon for Eons? Dumping this union will rectify that in ways you sluggards can't possibly understand.

"I honestly do hope your quest fails. Not only fails, but fails miserably."

That is no lie! You honestly hope we fail because you ride on the backs of the workers at RMS. Get a real job, Steve!

Dump 933!

Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying your guess as to my identity is not even close. Way off the mark to be exact.
Yes, I am IAM through and through. Just not in your local.
What I have stated in numerous posts are things that I have seen companies try to do. The only way the workers have been able to keep wages, benefits and such is by standing together as a united front.
Your company is NO different than all the other greedy companies out there. You think they are going to bargain with you individually. What a crock! Get a grip! Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!
You think you are such the great worker that the company will fall apart without you. That they can not find someone out there to do what you do for less money, no 401k or match, no pension and as few other benefits as possible. Oh yeah, mandatory overtime as well. And then they will try to make you all the same classification so they can pay you LOTS less. Grunt 1 and Grunt 2, I bet those spots will pay a ton of cash. HAHA!
You think there grass is greener on the other side of the fence. And you will until your company proves you wrong. And when they do I will be expecting a big apology from all you anti IAM folks out there......
But don't worry, I really won't expect to get one from you. Not sure I could handle listening to you whine and complain about having to apologize to me. I am getting tired of your whining and complaining as it is.
In solidarity,
GO IAM!!!!

Superbia Parti said...

You said:
"The only way the workers have been able to keep wages, benefits and such is by standing together as a united front."
Yea, we've seen you say that. So why did you let your union ruin that concept here?

"Your company is NO different than all the other greedy companies out there. You think they are going to bargain with you individually. What a crock! Get a grip! Wake up and smell the coffee!!!!"

You need to stop the lies. Our company already negotiates with ten thousand employees who have no union. We drank coffee and we have the grip. Next!

"You think you are such the great worker that the company will fall apart without you. That they can not find someone out there to do what you do for less money, no 401k or match, no pension and as few other benefits as possible."

Your rhetoric falls short of the line. It's not that we are so great, but that we are a known commodity. We have value. Your union has abused our value and sold us short. We'll get those benefits you speak of, just like the salaried folks. The company has motives to treat all it's employees with the same package. Your lies are see-through!

" Oh yeah, mandatory overtime as well. And then they will try to make you all the same classification so they can pay you LOTS less. Grunt 1 and Grunt 2, I bet those spots will pay a ton of cash."

Grunt jobs might get classified like that, true. But your union has only represented the grunt jobs anyway. What about us in skilled labor? IAM933 failed us miserably for the past five contracts. We've heard all your stories before. And mandatory OT already exists. They just aren't using it right now. But it is already part of our contract, genius.

You think there grass is greener on the other side of the fence. And you will until your company proves you wrong. And when they do I will be expecting a big apology from all you anti IAM folks out there...... "

You wont get an apology from me for getting rid of IAM. I will be better off when your goons are gone from here. We want to get rid of IAM933 and maybe start our own non-affiliated union, so some political machine doesn’t suck up our dues, or pay YOUR salary job at the big union back east. One thing for sure, IAM933 is our enemy, because they chose it to be that way. We aren't against all unions, just yours. IAM constitution sucks. It keeps you from representing your workers, so your union sucks worse than all other unions in the country. The Wipisinger Education & Technology Center is actually where they perform lobotomies on union negotiators, because all of the ones that return here come back stupid and ruin our contracts.

"But don't worry, I really won't expect to get one from you. Not sure I could handle listening to you whine and complain about having to apologize to me. I am getting tired of your whining and complaining as it is."

Thanks for finally putting a name to your whimpering petitions for us to join your effort Jeff. You need to go back to your goon squad in the IAM 933 and the National & chew them out for screwing things up this bad. This is all your fault. Your stupid union chose to take a zero percent raise for three years, and then foster a strike upon us after a 9% raise offer in the following contract. BTW the union accepted it entirely after it forced 1200 plus workers to sacrifice for the national IAM show of stupidity in 2006-2007. Your workers were pawns in a poorly assembled scheme to get some press coverage for your bozos back east.

"In solidarity, Jeff GO IAM!!!!"

So Jeff, you want solidarity? I have an answer for you. Get your union to pay every hourly worker that was on the payroll at RMS on November 1st of 2006 seven thousand dollars before June 15th. Union and non-union workers equally. That will settle the account with your union folks who sacrificed for the carnal slaying you gave their credit and Christmas of 2006. And for the non-union workers, it will compensate for the stupidity your membership has treated us with by following "scab treatment" policies of the IAM. When we all get our checks, I might stop writing these flaming criticisms of your lame-duck union. It might be a good deal for you and Mr. Buffenburger, no? Have him call off his dogs too.... you know, the dog stewards that scowl at us happy scabs?

Put your money where your mouth is. Pay up or shut up. Admit that you guys screwed over all of us RMS workers and pay the penalty. Prove your sincerity to the workers and apologize to us all for such a blunder. When your union grows a pair big enough to do that, then maybe I can begin to believe you really want to help us workingmen out. Till then, all evidence of IAM working for us little men is null and void. It's a business, designed to take 2 & 1/2 hours, growing to 3 hours of every man's monthly paycheck for life. What a scam!

In Rugged Individualism
Superbia Parti
Dump 933!!!

Anonymous said...

There are two points that are intriguing in the prior discussion; did you see them?

"And you will until your company proves you wrong. And when they do I will be expecting a big apology from all you anti IAM folks out there...... "So, I see that Jeff is already stating that we may actually win this battle? Die-hard unionist there, people, saying that the end may be here for IAM933. Was it our band of truth-telling patriots, or the "I'm taking my ball and going home!" mentality of losers? Jeff, tell us which one it is! Fear not, our aim is to make darn sure that your dream comes true; it's our dream as well.

"But don't worry, I really won't expect to get one from you. Not sure I could handle listening to you whine and complain about having to apologize to me. I am getting tired of your whining and complaining as it is."If you're tired of us, then go away. Better yet, you leave, but be sure to bring more of your like-minded associates around to challenge our arguments. We've really been looking for those who can have a logical argument for the point of trade unionism and this local, but we seem to run them off too quickly with our proof positive arguments. Where is Bobby in all of this? Why isn't he around to show us the error in our ways? He wants to play, but now he is up the labor food chain; he can't play now, they won't let him. The second-string gang there at the "rat shack" on Ajo Way? Where are they? Hiding in the "member's only" area; forbidding members to join in and argue for the cause. Your 1st Amendment rights muted by an organization? Amazing! You pay to belong? Astounding! What's next; CPUSA membership application?

The truth is really beginning to hurt now because now you can read it. Now you can see that the end is near for IAM 933 representing the hourly workforce at RMS. Now you can see that you'll pat us on the back with one hand, while stabbing us in the back with the other. The goal is to protect the organization, not the people who make up the organization. Don't be naive to believe it's the same thing; it never has been!Yes, the future without union representation may not be nirvana, but we'll never know what that future will bring until your lame excuse for a labor union leaves us once and for all.

Go away IAM!

Anonymous said...

So, I see that management is really beginning to crack down on the use of overtime. Now, the excuse that's used today is 'improving profitability'. However, we're thinking that someone in senior levels of management is actually reading this blog. Go back and read what was posted here on Friday March 27, 2009 at 1709 by Oust933.

Management Vs. OvertimeDo you think that they're trying to prove what was stated back then? I think they might be. Now, we'll wait and see who'll squeal first; management or labor?

This blog as a management tool? Bwahaha!It's hard to plan on working a bunch of overtime just in time to go on strike; great move again, RMS management!

Anonymous said...

Is it not against the Union bylaws or constitution to work overtime? I thought the union was against working overtime because the extra need for labor by the company should be meet by hiring more people thus increasing the union membership. Yet all the union members seem to be afraid that there won't be any overtime to work and they won't be able to pay for stuff they purchased on credit.

Anonymous said...


I have a question for you. I will take your word that you are from somewhere else and do not work for RMS but I have to assume that if you are IAM, the contract you work under must be similar to ours. How does any union justify the fact that people who have been working here for years and are experienced at what they do are paid the same as the unexperienced/underexperienced workers who come in new off of the street? This does not strike me as being very fair. How do you and or the union justify this obvious shortfall that is built into the contract not by the company but by the union? I am on the fence about this whole deal but would love to get your response to this question. Thanks, IAM (not sure)

Anonymous said...

Anon: May 4, 2009 7:27pm wrote ....because the extra need for labor by the company should be meet by hiring more people thus increasing the union membership.Exactly right; now, you're getting it! Now, it'd seem like this union has a split personality, when it comes down to that overtime crap. Isn't this a paradox? uh-oh, college-level words again; what does that mean??

Yet all the union members seem to be afraid that there won't be any overtime to work and they won't be able to pay for stuff they purchased on credit.As was mentioned in an prior post elsewhere on this blog, overtime is a management tool, used to regulate the amount of labor needed to produce product. Too much production? Turn off the overtime faucet and let the peons cry! When management experiences a crisis, you can bet that the spigot will be on for that overtime, and those people will be cryin' their eyes out that it's not their turn to work it.

By the way, did you see which cost centers had the most overtime? What do those people do over there, anyway? Don't they ever go home?

Anonymous said...

Personally I have no problem with what others make where I work. I believe that it would be very difficult to find people out on the street that can do exactly what we do in the Aerospace industry. They may have some of the basic skills needed, but not the exact hands on experience that one has after years on the job.
With that said, in my opinion, I feel that there should be one wage for every craft. My skill and experience got me my position, but the union did in fact get me my wages. There is NO other place near here that I could go work at and make anything close to my present wages. As a matter of fact, my last job offer was about one year ago and they offered me $5 less than what I was making at the time. Oh yeah, I would have had to move to another state on my own dime.
Those of you on the anti IAM side need to think seriously about this. When you say that your company will negotiate with each one of you individually because they do that with the engineers, do not confuse willingness with ability. They may have the ability to do that, but I really doubt they will be willing to do that. Can you even imagine how long that task would take?
Oust the IAM and those jobs you love so much will cease to exist. Oh the jobs will still be there, but unfortunately you won't. The company WILL go out and find those people willing to work for less. It will happen. And if I needed the job, I would be one of those people to move in and take yours for less wages.
Stand together as a unified IAM and those things you want from the company in a negotiations will come to you. Right now, I bet the company knows there are enough people that are willing to cross a picket line to keep the work flowing. Or flowing enough to keep the doors open.
And yes, I bet the company is reading this blog and the others. And they have their spies out there on both sides of this debate.
I really do hope your quest fails! Join the union and work to make things better from within. Give it a try and I bet you'd be surprised.
In solidarity,
GO IAM!!!!

Superbia Parti said...

Wow Jeff,
You are an eloquent writer. You are one of those guys who can sell
snowcones to eskimos! It's about time someone with a writing skill
came over from the union side and began to take up an earnest
debate of ideas. A heartfelt thanks from all of us for putting your best foot forward. Now tell your curmudgeons to lighten up at work!

Lets talk about your points for a moment, shall we? In your first
point you agree with me that our aerospace skills are a comodity,
we are difficult to round up, so to say. Our hands-on experience
sets us apart. But then you contradict yourself when justifying the "one wage for all" concept when you tell us that there is no other place that would pay you the same! WOW! I don't share that misfortune. I've had opportunities I could have taken that were a few bucks above what I make now. Yes, they are in other locations, and I would foot the travel bill, but those jobs are there. This industry is hurting for talent as you said in the begining. You need to be more consistant in your arguement.

Jeff, I disagree with the "one wage for all" concept your union
preaches, because it is an unjust wage system. I took classes to
get into the job classification I have now. My job used to have a
higher wage in this company relative to other positions, but union negotiators have hacked my job's pay in favor of other skill sets.

Those other skill sets are less demanding and are less school
intensive. My job is actually harder to fill, because of the small number of us that have reached to the top of our field. It isn't fair to us who schooled for the higher pay to then have to give it up, just because the union thinks everyone should get paid the same. Those of us who have moved from the other job skills into this one did so with the goal of higher pay. That was our "carrot". Now our job's value has decreased over the past few contracts, and it's not the Companies doing. The union is punishing us by redistributing our pay to others. It's in the union constitution to
do that. And you support that when you said "The union got me my pay."

You say the Company won't negotiate with it's workers. Wrong
fluffy! They will be forced to do so by Company policy. That policy
is already in effect, and in writing.I just read it and asked the right questions to get the truth. Nice try.

You say "Oust IAM and those jobs will cease to exist." Wrong again
soldier! Again, I'll use your contradiction against you. There are only a few of us aerospace workers capable of doing the job we are a comodity. The Company is in business to make money. Our work promotes that profit. Will unskilled workers to replace us, they won't get the job done. They could empploy engineers to do our job, but why pay such high wages to do labor, when they are needed so badly in the skill they have? So the Company may go out and LOOK
for workers to do my job cheaper, but they will fail miserably.

There are no other workers with skill and "clearances" needed to
fill our jobs, Jeff. Especially for less wages. I bet you don't
have the special clearances we need to work here. Maybe, but likely. But you pass a veiled threat of "if I needed a Job, I would be one of those people to take your job for less". No you wouldn't. You are an IAM supporter. You wouldn't take non union wages. You need to go back to school and get special certs to fill my job skills. I'm rootin' for ya, Jeff. I'ld love you to get a job with me so I could talk to you in person. I would educate you on self reliance and free market concepts.

I agree with you that there are plenty of workers willing to cross
the picket line this year. If our effort fails, we will have contract negotiations. There will not be a strike. Four out of five
union members will quit and cross. The Company is free to raise our wages this time to correct levels if they choose, even if they reduce the raises some.

If it angers some members, then they can quit. Because this time,
the union will give in, regardless.

You are right again Jeff, the Company is spying! So is the union.

It seems like everyone is a spy these days. We just put it out on
the table. Spying on us is as simple as coming to this web site and a couple of others that are in our fight.

We plan to win, Jeff. And when we do, we'll make Raytheon a great
place for all to work. If Raytheon becomes a tyrant, then it will
be easy to re-institute a union. Especially with Card-Check bills
flowing through Congress. But I bet the peole ar RMS will like
their jobs more without a union. The only people loosing out here
will be the union, as a business.

And that's what IAM is all about, no? It's a business designed to
take our money. You wish I would join your union, and pay about 40
Dollars a month, wait...that just went up! Now you want over fifty
dollars a month?!!!!! And next year it goes to more than 60 Dollars a month! That's a 50 percent increase over two years, Jeff. Your union didn't get me that kind of increase. Why should anyone in there right mind pay that, for the laughing-stock union we have here??

In Solid Opposition

Anonymous said...

Join the union and work to make things better from within. Give it a try and I bet you'd be surprised.I was a member, Jeff, for quite a while. I watched this local go from a (marginally) worthy entity to an utter worthless one in a matter of a decade. Many of us watched their self-destruction over eleven weeks in 2006/2007; they're too stupid to realize they struck Raytheon for no valid reason, and now squeal for overtime to make up the difference: or try to.

I'm a witness to their socialist endeavor for equal pay for (very) non-equal work.

I'm tired of carrying the load in the cart, Jeff. I know my peers have nothing on me when it comes to skill and effort (especially effort).

Jeff, I've drank the Kool-aid of socialism; it now has a bitter taste in my mouth.

We can do better, Jeff; so can you!

Go away 933!

Anonymous said...

Right now, I bet the company knows there are enough people that are willing to cross a picket line to keep the work flowing. Or flowing enough to keep the doors open.Since you weren't around, Jeff, the company had no appreciable loss of income or productivity during that eleven week long strike in 2006/2007. In fact, productivity improved during that time, when compared to several years' past. Face it, the job was done (and done well) without the labor of 933 members.

And yes, I bet the company is reading this blog and the others. And they have their spies out there on both sides of this debate.This blog and other sources of valid information are in the open because this side is not scared. We don't need a "members only" area to trash the commentary that's posted here and other places.

"Just remember....the truth hurts. So keep as far away from it as possible." That's what the socialists are telling the workers right now.

On the other hand, we are not afraid of the truth. Get rid of the worthless excuse of a union, and really find out what you're worth.

Go away 933!!

Anonymous said...

"Unions are a great deal for you if you are below average."

Are YOU below average? Then let them continue raping your paycheck every two weeks.

Give yourselves a pay raise - quit the union!

Anonymous said...

Get off your keisters and mail in your signed petition. Talk is cheap. Show your support. Wear Orange shirts. Tell others to do so.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line in negotiations is the greater good of the bargaining unit as a whole as opposed to getting something for a few. I would prefer to get a GWI for the entire bargaining unit with no classification raises that a smaller GWI with classification raises for a few.
Most jobs in the aerospace industry are ones that are not readily found in the real world. People may have the basic skill set to do the job, but not the actual hands on skills that are learned after years on the job. Over time, with the right training, those people will become proficient at the entire aspect of the job. Just like all of us that have been on the job for more than a couple of years. With that said, most of the production jobs work to prints or planning, so most things are there for the inexperienced to see/read to get the job done. There are always the supervisors and engineers to help them as well. See, there really are other ways for the company to get along without you should you oust the IAM.
I don't know why people are so worried about what the person next to them makes. I work with people that have the basic experience to get the job, but not the hands on experience. And to be honest, I do not care what they make! That is their business, not mine or yours. As long as it is within the negotiated wage range of their classification the Union really has no control over that. Besides, the company is the one that hires the workers at a specific wage. The Union has NO control over that at all. The Union does not hire and they do not fire. That is the company's job.
The company loves when their workers are not united. They know that with a divided work force there are a ton of things they can do and get away with; from changing policies and directives to offering little in the way of wages and benefits during negotiations.
Should your effort succeed and the IAM is ousted, I can't wait to see and hear about the lengths the company will go to to keep out another Union and/or not bargain individually with each and every one of you like you think they will. There are billions of dollars spent by companies on union busting firms. The tactics that companies will use to keep out a union are extraordinary. From firing workers involved with unions to holding captive audience meetings on company time to scare you away from unions. For those that don't know, that is where the company forces you to attend meetings.
For some reason my education and security clearance has been questioned so I will tell you this: I was taught my trade in the US Navy, honed my skill set in the US Navy, and got my initial clearance in the US Navy. Presently, I do not hold a security clearance, but was cleared for Top Secret before I was honorably discharged so getting it again would be no big issue. I have an Associates Degree as well as a Bachelors Degree and am working on my Masters Degree.
Once again, I hope that your effort fails. Not only fails but fails miserably .
In solidarity,
GO IAM!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The bottom line in negotiations is the greater good of the bargaining unit as a whole as opposed to getting something for a few..
That, friend, is called 'socialism'. Everyone gets the same, no matter what there benefit is to the greater good. Now, why doesn't that work in the salaried ranks? That would be called 'capitalism', right? What's that degree of yours in?
The company loves when their workers are not united. They know that with a divided work force there are a ton of things they can do and get away with; from changing policies and directives to offering little in the way of wages and benefits during negotiations..
That's a crock of crap, Jeff, and you know it!
Should your effort succeed and the IAM is ousted, I can't wait to see and hear about the lengths the company will go to to keep out another Union and/or not bargain individually with each and every one of you like you think they will..
I'll concede one partial point; yeah things will change, and they'll be for the better! You've shown no proof other than generalities that it'll get worse, Jeff. Bring facts, Jeff, not speculation.
The tactics that companies will use to keep out a union are extraordinary..
Yeah. We'll do better without a union here, Jeff, really.
For those that don't know, that is where the company forces you to attend meetings..
Oh, the mean, nasty man is brain-washing us all. IAM doesn't do the exact same things, Jeff? C'mon, man, get real!
I have an Associates Degree as well as a Bachelors Degree and am working on my Masters Degree..
Oh, more of that rot from the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center?
Go awayIAM!!

Anonymous said...

If you feel the salaried ranks are such a good spot to be, then get a salaried job. But wait, that would lead to employment at-will. So be careful. I have a feeling that most of you all that are complaining couldn't hold a salary job anyways.

As for the policy and directive changes, well if you were involved with your Union you too would see these things. Here is what I have seen: the company trying to change the parking directive to if you get 3 parking tickets on plant and it could lead to termination; using negotiated sick leave against you when you use it with regards to attendance; mandatory overtime; taking away negotiated pension and 401k matching that are in the contract without even talking to the Union about it (this is a mandatory subject of bargaining). Without a Union these things would have been done without most people even knowing about it until it was too late.

I have been talking about issues that I have seen. you are the ones talking speculation. you have no idea what the company will or won't do. you continue to say how the company already negotiates with each and every salaried employee. From what I understand, it's not a negotiation but more like a "here is what you are getting." Do not confuse willingness with ability. Yes, the company has the ability to do this, but I doubt the willingness.
Has the IAM forced you to attend a Union meeting? Has the IAM fired you for not attending a Union meeting? Hmmm. Let me see..... oh yes, I remember this answer: NO! But the company can and will once there is no contract they have to live by.

First you question my education, now you are questioning it's validity. Make up your mind! Besides, I told you who I was, what my education is and that I am a staunch IAM supporter. Most of you can't even sign off with a name and you question me? What are you afraid of?

In the end the decision is up to each and every one of you. I would hope that the majority of you have been researching both sides of this issue. With the Union you know what you have because it's in the contract. Without the union, you are all just assuming what will happen. Remember what they say when you assume.

In solidarity,

Anonymous said...

"The greater good of the bargaining unit" meaning: greater good of the union as a business. It's not about people because the union is in business to boost its bottom dollar. Stop trying to make it look like you care, Jeff. IAM is a greedy company too.

"The company loves it when the workers are not united" Meaning: The union loves it when all unite and pay dues. Everything else said there is a distraction. It's a canned offensive statement designed to scare workers who read it. The facts are, ten thousand workers already get the "individual negotiations" and they are happy with it. You haven't disputed that, have you Jeff?

Two years ago my steward challenged me to ask salaried employees if they would like a union here, why, or why not. My steward made a fool of himself when I did my homework and asked ten engineers and recorded their replies! Jeff, I couldn't find ONE salaried worker in my building who would like a union.

All of them gave me different reasons why unions don't work. All of them felt they would be worse off with a union. Hey Jeff, you know what? Some of them were members of IAM933 before they went salary! Some of them had been recently "punished" by the company for wrong-doing. This was a wide view across race, sex, education, all things considered. The fact is Jeff; you are a salesman for an industry that thrives on fear and
ignorance. The smart people quit the union, they didn't invite it into the salaried ranks like the union would like. They left it in the dump. That's where we intend to leave it too.

Jeff, we have every reason to question you. You have an anonymous pseudonym like us. You didn't tell us who you really are or your true education level as you claim. You make claims, but don't back them up on all kinds of things. You ARE a staunch IAM supporter. We don't know if you are a PR person or what. But that's OK. We like to hear your side. We want your people to come see you tear us up! This is an open forum, Jeff. This is a forum for the debate on ideas. You make a decent presentation of your side of the argument.

As far as being afraid? We fear what unions represent. We fear union history. In the past, unions have resorted to violence to stop people like us. They don't argue with us as you have chosen to do. Is it a coincidence that the anti-union people at RMS have had their cars damaged, tires punctured and all.

After the strike, some fool went out spiking the parking lots! Some had lots worse done. Don't act naive Jeff. We have plenty to fear from an organization that has its roots in coercion and intimidation. How else can a group offer nothing and convince so many people to fork over so much money? Most of the workers fear the union more than the company. How sad that your organization survives on such tactics.

It's time to Oust 933.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I've been busy being on PTO, yet another take-away brought to you by this union. Remember, we used to have dedicated sick leave and vacation time? A few comments, then I have better things to do with my weekend.
the company trying to change the parking directive to if you get 3 parking tickets on plant and it could lead to termination,.
Try being an adult and know how to park a vehicle. I've been here more than a few days; never had any sort of parking or traffic violation. Know the rules; live with the rules; dozens of others do! Besides, I see some of the vehicles some of those folks drive; they're living way beyond their means.
using negotiated sick leave against you when you use it with regards to attendance.
Wait, there's that take-away again. See, now I know that you're not here in Arizona; you're in Florida:
mandatory overtime.
But, there are people who WANT the overtime. Some people around here earn enough in OT to increase their total annual wages by up to 40%. If the union can't give it to them, they'll give it to themselves. You're going to complain about that?
taking away negotiated pension and 401k matching that are in the contract without even talking to the Union about it (this is a mandatory subject of bargaining)..
The court case here proved the union didn't do the fighting, the emplyee's themselves had to fight! This union talks about 'fighting machinists'; they had to be drug into this fight ranting and raving. At that point, then they take credit for it.
Without a Union these things would have been done without most people even knowing about it until it was too late..
As mentioned earlier, you know, that 'adult' thing again. When does a person become responsible for their own actions?

Anonymous said...

You said: "The bottom line in negotiations is the greater good of the bargaining unit as a whole as opposed to getting something for a few. I would prefer to get a GWI for the entire bargaining unit with no classification raises that a smaller GWI with classification raises for a few."

You feel this way because you don’t have a classification that deserves more! You would steal from us and spread our wealth around to others. The union has legal authority to do this, but it doesn’t make it ethical. This union is famous for lack of ethics. This is why socialism fails, it never serves it’s people fairly.

Anonymous said...

Once again, all you complainers can think of is yourselves!

you said: "You feel this way because you don’t have a classification that deserves more!"

I bet you all feel you are the best, most important worker in that plant. Give me a break! News flash: The place will not fall apart without you there. you are NOT that important!

Getting something for all is better than a little for a few. Bottom line! No denying that. you can not tell me that getting a pay increase for 10-15 people is better than a GWI bump for the entire Bargaining Unit.

In the end you all pay the same for food, gas and other amenities. Now the person making the least pays alot more for that gallon of milk than the guy making the most. Same goes for dues.

Why wouldn't you want the best for all that work there? That is the problem with the majority of workers today. They all think they are God's gift to the work force. The "ME" generation. you all crack me up!

Remember, if you succeed there will be no turning back. The company will not allow another union in the gate. And you will all pay for your actions. Just remember I said that.

Luckily, I don't have to work with you egotistical dreamers.

In solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

In order to best serve the worker, a union should have the individual’s best interest at heart. It should encourage individual growth and support the merits of the individual. Unions should negotiate for benefit packages that are fair and equitable for all the employees. There should be no difference in packages offered to salaried employees and hourly employees. This goes for the entire deal. This union doesn’t do that.

There is no reason to encourage entry-level employees to stay at that level. The pay grade is low. It’s supposed to be low. The union should not fight to raise entry-level pay at the expense of other grades. That reduces incentive and moral. Our union has divided our workforce and caused dissention because they don't respect their workers enough to let them float to the level they earn. You call us selfish few. We call you communist, because you subscribe to the failed philosophy of Carl Marx.

This union negotiates based upon only what factors will cause union funds to increase based upon present membership. They work against union growth by honest worker values. Your way holds down worker progression. Your way rejects the philosophy that hard work pays off. Your accusation of selfishness is like spitting into the wind.

A union should work to protect safety of its workers. Not brag about what unions did fifty years ago, but actually do something when it hears about workers complaints regarding shop floor safety. This union has no recent history fighting for safety.

This union has lost its right to a united front. It has betrayed the workers who deserve the respect they have earned for the work that they do in the Company. The union has taken away wages and benefits and has been the source of deteriorating working conditions by dumbing down the jobs. It’s the union that wants us to be grunt one and grunt two, so they can justify an equal pay scenario. They want one wage for each craft. And the union has fought to create the few crafts that we now have at Raytheon. They blame the Company for what is the constitutional goal of the union! They claim to fight for what is right. But it only fights for what is right for itself. Damned the workers rights.

Out of one side of its mouth the union says the Company will fight to find workers who work for less, then out of the other side, it says we are a chosen few. You can't have it both ways IAM! The Company can't find workers who will take less, because there aren't enough to go around, even in the recession. So don't buy the lies people. Then they repeat the "The Company loves it when the workers are not united." The union has driven the wedge between its own workers. It only fights for what is right for the headquarters of the IAM. For this we will Oust 933.
Workers! It's time to rise up against this crappy union. We can go it alone as a group, or get a new union, as the collective desires. But one thing for sure, we need to get rid of this one now! Time is at hand. Don't delay. Send in your petitions. This is the time to get rid of IAM933. They are corrupt, they are infected, and they are weak. Act NOW.

Don’t fear the lies about not being able to get a new union. That is achievable just like we will get rid of this one! This union may not like it one bit, but we don’t care about this union. If we want a new one, we’ll darned sure get it! The company won’t stop us!

This union is Recyclable!

Anonymous said...

The union is only as strong as its workers. If the work force is divided, they are not strong. This is what you do not understand. Without a strong united bargaining unit there is not much that the union negotiators can get for you all. The company knows just how many of you will cross a picket line in the event a strike is sanctioned.
The company has to love the dissension between the workers. Here is what I see happening if you vote to oust the IAM:

1. The company gives you zero in regards to wages and benefit increases (bad economy and all is what they will blame).
2. The company will implement any policy or directive it chooses (no one to make them bargain).
3. you try to get another union in and the company fights like crazy to keep them out (I bet a few of the people trying to organize another union get fired for this as well)
4. The company will have anyone they want do the work on the floor. Engineers and others will do the work most of you used to do.

I really do not understand how you can whine and complain as you do and refuse to get involved. That's like bitching about the government and never voting. Get involved! it's the best way to implement change. If you'd stop complaining you might see this.

I have been a part of 2 full negotiations with my company. As well as numerous face to face meetings with the company on other mandatory subjects of bargaining. Let me tell you this, the company will screw you every chance they get! The company hopes you get rid of the union because they will then proceed to walk all over you. Each and every one of you. Yes, even you egotistical ones that thing they are the best thing since sliced bread.

A divided work force is one that is ripe for the picking. Be warned, it will happen should your quest succeed.

All I can say is I am happy I do not work with you windbags! Wake up, smell the coffee and get involved with the local. It's your one and only hope!

In solidarity,

GO IAM!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the union is only as strong as its workers, then the union is invincible. You keep throwing out sayings, but you don’t back them up. You said, "Without a strong united bargaining unit there is not much that the union negotiators can get for you all." We don't need you to get anything for us. How many times do we need to say, your union is a failure! Over 50 percent of labor will cross a strike line first day this fall. So where is your strong union? Lets get rid of this infected union. It has Herpes Simplex Coruptus.

You try to scare us with your list of lies. #1 The Company will give what it gives, with or without this crappy union. The union capitulated, how would they get us more? #2 When the Company implements any policy, the union capitulates every time. They never fought a policy change and won. #3 The heads at HR don't care if there is a union, especially with present politics. They take a hands-off approach to labor's freedom to decide. You Jeff are naive if you think they would piss off both Democratic House Representatives from our district. I can see Congressional Inquiries now. Let one guy get fired for forming a new union, and Gabrielle Giffords would be standing on top of Bill Swanson's desk kicking up a storm. Go ahead, tell me another lie. #4 The Company will select workers based upon the profit motive. No efficient company will pay engineers to do technician's work for long. It isn't economical. Your arguments have holes a mile wide. This is what your socialist Kool-Aid has done to you. You claimed to have a college education, but you sure missed out on Economics 101.

You tell us we are complainers. Didn't you read that many in our ranks were members of the union before deciding to drop out, for failure to represent? Your way was tried! It doesn't work!!! Open your eyes and you would see this. We're taking back worker rights your crappy union hides for itself. We ARE involved for Christ's sake! We ARE implementing change. The union says "If you want to change the union, then join it." NO! We're going to change it OUR way NOW! We tried it their way. And union officers hear the cries for rebellion. They know we are within striking distance of the jugular of this infected beast.

Jeff, you claim you've been involved in negotiations. Have you ever been in a company that decertified it's union? How do you know they will "walk all over the workers"? Been there? You are just spouting off Wipisinger rhetoric that your socialist teachers taught you to say. Fact is, since unions and companies have belligerent relationships, it is normal for HR to threaten a union with tyrannical action just to get you to fight for the offer they wanted to give in the beginning. You are NAIVE!!! All workers will benefit from removing IAM933. It is the crappiest union in the world! Only an egotist would want to keep this egotist in charge of the union. Tell us we are a few egotists, complainers, etcetera. But there are hundreds of us. We all aren't the best things since sliced bread. We just have the courage to stand up and fight for what is ours. YOU have been taxing us too much and for too long. It's time you earn your pay without taxing ours. We want a union that represents us, not a union that forces us to represent it.

Too bad you don’t work here. I would pour you a cup of java and show you how involved with the local we are. I've had an influence on them. Not by my egotistical self. Hundreds of others like me have too. And you wait. I'm going to have a bigger impact on them in the future. My little voice is beginning to sound like the roar of jet engines in their ears now Jeff. Not because I'm the best thing since sliced bread. I am joined by the voices of hundreds, Jeff. The very people this union taxes without representation. They are angry and tired. They are not going to take any more crap. Alone I am just an average worker in a factory. But I am not alone. I am the voice of change.

Send this union to Waste Management!