Thursday, January 15, 2009

Featherless Chickens

Welcome back from vacation everyone! 2009 puts us within sight of a union free shop. It's been a fun two years watching the tough union guys frown at us as we go about our business testing products out on the lines. I wonder how they reconcile that in church? They've challenged us to stop whatever it is we're doing. "Stop making anti union web sites!" " Stop wearing T-Shirts and hats!" "Stop wearing those offensive buttons." "Whaaaaa! I'm gonna tell HR on youuuu!" (sob) And they did. And HR told them to shut up and stop crying.
It seems like our side has won the debate by de-chicken. IAM Lodge 933 lacks any leadership capable or willing to confront the opposition in debate. The union has chickened-out of a debate by not showing up. Once in a while we'll get the token slogan or two on the blog, but we haven't had any debate on this site from the opposition. Why? IMHO they are featherless chickens. They are flapping their featherless wings around the company squawking up a storm doing a whole lot of nothing. They can't handle the heat of debate.
Their officers can't write a convincing argument to represent. They are unwilling to represent themselves, they are unqualified to represent me, how do they think they can represent you out on the manufacturing floor? One way you're getting represented is the increased taxes on your salary.
The three percent raise you get this month is gonna get offset by a negative margin, right about the time the union negotiated contract let your medical costs soar. They raised your dues because we got smart and quit. Now they demand a bigger share of your check!
You either support the union, or you reject it for a more practical alternative that doesn't include taxation without representation. The union's argument for keeping a bargaining contract flies about as well as a featherless chicken. I choose to side with the majority of RMS employees and go for the deal that salaried folks get. Oust 933!


Anonymous said...

I resent your claim that the IAM Lodge 933 is unwilling to debate! These brave folks attack cars, cut tires, and dropped screws in Raytheon parking lots. Union leaders are making false claims that we are anti union and trying to sweet talk others out of unions. While the facts show we are trying to end a union that has lost its way and gone bad! Hay folks! We are not the ones talking you out of your money! This union doubled your dues over the next two years! Then the union leadership stated falsely that the non union hourly is to blame! It was the union that was against the law that would allow non union hourly to represent them selves. The union does not want competing hourly workers!

Union leaders have us scorned for pointing out facts that the union is uncomfortable hearing, like we want to be a real part of the company and not be at odds with a union for trying to make changes that helps Raytheon and in turn the country! That will require ending some union rules and allow hourly workers to compete and move ahead in the company. What difference does it make to me an hourly worker if someone else works better and is recognized by the company! Good for them! Hay, I have ideas, and I can do that too!

My idea is to see an end to this old union, its rules, and it’s cost! Hay folks, are you aware that there is a 300% difference between amount of money you waste on union dues and the same amount going into your own 401K! That your union dues go to pay for union fat cats and their golf courses, and don’t forget, bribe law makers with donations if, and only if, they support unions.

Debate what? Just end this union!


Anonymous said...

Members of 933 have got to be the hardest working group of laziest people on the planet!

Anonymous said...

Think unionism really is beneficial? Take some time and read this, long, but worth the read. Even die-hard unionists are beginning to wonder if it's worth it.

Food Stamp Unionism!

Anonymous said...

I am not interested in trading one group of Carnies for another.......

Anonymous said...

Solo I am in agreement with your comment, but I found this to be of interest:

"The bosses of business unions believe in the capitalistic system, they believe in business, they believe that the employer knows best.. These labor leaders generally view workers who complain about management abuses are “troublemakers” or “malcontents”. Business unionist labor bosses simply cannot envision workers having their own ideas about how a company should run it’s business..that’s just beyond their comprehension, it doesn’t fit into the business unionist worldview.

Shockingly familiar, isn't it? As we march merrily into extracting the leach that is the from the teat of the company, we must also be willing to ask the employer "are you ready for us to be an equal partner?"

Anonymous said...

"equal partner", now that's funny. I am sure they will invite you all to their staff and budget meetings. And I am sure they will bring the dump truck out with all the cash they are going to give you.

The only ones that will gain from this is the company and the executives. The people on the floor will get nothing if the union is ousted.

But then again, you are talking about a "right to work for less" state.......

Good luck with that.

Go IAM!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Right to work means that you have the "Right to Work" in a union shop and not be a member.......

Black and white......

Anonymous said...

Anon: Here, let me fix that for you:

"The lazy, shiftless, slacker, worthless people on the floor will get nothing if the union is ousted." Those who produce, they will be rewarded.

One more thing to fix for you:

"GO away IAM!"

Superbia Parti said...

To Anon, "Equal Partners:

Funny, I have gone to staff meetings over the years. But my pay is still slacking because your worthless union has control of it.

Let's make a deal! Why doesn't your lame union release all of us non union members from the bargaining unit that want freedom from oppresion.

You union types may have your union, and us non union types can work for the company and negotiate for ourselves. If you do that, maybe we'll even call off this decertification!

Your union doesn't DARE!!!!! Featherless Chickens run your union, and we are exposing the ugly truth. They are incompetent sloganeers who drink the kool-aid of Marx.

Local 933 spreads disinformation and uses fear tactics to scare you into remaining with them. The politics of fear is a lost cause!

Remember, all workers got ZERO pay increase for 3 years, before a single payraise. And then a strike?! That strike sent us backwards. But Bobby got a raise!

With a union, you don't have a right to work for more, only less. The union takes the difference, and prohibits merit pay for performance.

Without a union, you get a chance at a reward for your profesionalism. And merit pay, RONA, 9-80s..etcetera.

Oh yea, the vote to increase your dues was a FARCE. The National decided it would take your money, regardless. They told you what they needed you to hear so you would give them your money. You are getting fleeced! Oust IAM933!