Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Change we need!

The Change We Need!
The union leadership has a few things to be concerned about:
From what we have been told (by several individuals), they (Union Members) have been specifically discouraged from participating in on-line discussion on this blog. Know why? Remember the discussions from the Arizona Star-Net Blog two years ago? That’s one of the many reasons why.
Some members & non-members believe the discussion during the strike contributed to the decline of the organization.
The free speech on "those bad, mean anti-union web pages", apparently has led to internal strife within the confines of the local union. With seeds of doubt planted by this and other contra-union web sites, many of us believe the petition drive will become much more fruitful when the time comes.
Brave union supporters who have posted here with pro-union bias are repeating the same old, tired “stories” we’ve all heard for years. We encourage more union supporters to give us their side of the story. Unique inside the union perspective is requested! We wish to air all the issues concerning the collective, so we as a group know the facts before signing the petition.
Now that an opposition viewpoint is focusing on the fallacies of those long time anecdotes, a growing majority of the bargaining unit wishes to remove the bargaining unit in exchange for a merit system that rewards productivity and creativity. Poor performers, the union leadership, and their die-hard members are nervous. If we vote them out, they’ll get no federal bailout! So lets argue the issues here & now. Lets debate here. Lets ask all the important questions, and answer them to the satisfaction of the 1700 + workers in the bargaining unit. Ask all workers to come and read, submit questions, and challenge the status quo.
We expect a large rebellion once the decertification process begins. A percentage of the unionists will try to blame the anti-union supporters, who are exercising their rights as American workers. They are willing to do whatever it takes to stop the momentum of this campaign. Management is keenly aware of the identity of these individuals. After all, they are so proud of their union; their shirts, buttons, pins, stickers and other trinkets are their “badges of honor”. In reality, they are already blaming anti-unionists for the “lost contract of 2009.” When will they begin to take responsibility?
Finally, you’ll recall that the just-concluded election process, President-elect Obama’s political slogan was The Change We Need. That change needs to also happen here in the bargaining unit of Raytheon Missile Systems. Mean what you say; say what you mean. Vote for a change that’s closer to home, a change that will make a real difference in your life! Keep reading these and affiliated web sites to find out how and when this will happen. Oust 933!

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