Sunday, August 3, 2008

Brother, Can You Spare Some Change?

Union leadership wants us to sit down with them and talk. They want us to join the union and engage in the process of change with them. The funny thing is you don't invite your neighbor over to fix your car unless it's broken. The fact that the union president wants to have discussions with folks who support our cause is evidence enough that this union is broken. When union stewards say, "you'll be sorry when the union is gone" is evidence that they don't believe the union stands a chance against our small band of poorly organized com padres.

How has the union become so out of touch? The single biggest issue that the contingency workers had with the union strike is that they wanted us to join them on the picket lines, but they were too ignorant to figure out that they NEEDED our buy in. They kept the details to card carrying members, or did they? It seems more likely that they went into negotiations without knowing what they wanted to negotiate for. If the Raytheon contract was so important to the IAM nationals shouldn't they have sent in highly trained national negotiators to win their case?

So why should we join the union now? It's officially broke. It doesn't work. It isn't viable any longer. And no one in leadership believes the union stands a chance against even our motley crew. The union hasn't given us a choice of whether we want to be represented by them. It's like when a sleazeball drops a ruffie in your drink and says, "you're gonna like this". That's not consensual sex and this union doesn't believe that they need my permission to get serviced by them. Give me a freakin' break!

If the union was confident that they are doing a good job then they would put it to a vote. Instead of backroom deals and loud stupid intimidation they would act in a professional courteous manner by having discussions with folks who don't agree with them. They would really want to hear from us disenfranchised workers. But they know that if they put it to a vote, the majority of people would vote 'no confidence' in their leadership skills.

How can I prove what I am saying? Simple, wait until the new contract and see if they have the balls to even ask people if they still want the union to represent them. Entire job skills and departments would jump on that chance and say 'count us out'. Then the union could begin to discover why their tired old party lines no longer work.

Why do I hate and despise this union, and won't sit down and talk to their leadership? Because in the middle of a war they choose to make a statement by going on strike and trying to hurt the capability of our soldiers to fight. They are equal in my eyes to al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden. They sit around reading their communist newsletters and trying to figure out what is wrong with America. The answer? They are what is wrong with America. They do not understand the importance of fighting for freedom. They do not understand a representative form of government. That is why they assume power and are unwilling to renege.

And I am not willing to renege my fight. This union must be decertified. The backstabbing and intimidation must stop. The war against management must stop. The whining to H.R. must stop. They wear their offensive tee shirts. What? Offensive shirts? Yes. The union shirts offend me. What they stand for offend me. They are dictators saying that my money comes from them. Unfortunately I have to live with a 33% reduction in pay compared to national rates for my job skill, because they "represent" me. I can't get a RONA or a bonus for working hard, because it isn't fair to everybody! Well, boo hoo! Life isn't fair, and I want to be paid for my work not my union dictated pay rate. Let me prove my worth.

I am a Raytheon stockholder and I want to see my stock worth something. With the apathy stirred up by this union Raytheon stock will continue to struggle. When they ask me to sit down and have a drink with them I'll have to say, "no thanks, brother I'm allergic to ruffies". Instead of reading you commie propaganda, start reading about the founding of THIS nation. Our forefathers struggled against overwhelming odds to give us the best country in the history of the world where leadership is granted as an honor not a right of office. Communist rule by opression, representatives rule by permission. Stop the date rape game and give us all a choice!


Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Aug 4, 1:35pm: If I know the author, he makes more money in Achievement Awards than you do in Overtime! If there was no union, his merit pay would go max.

He's pissed off! Can't you see? Not at union members, but at the "stewards" who have driven him nuts!
How dare the union go on strike during a war? Do you have loved ones in combat? YOU have no clue!

Take his blog for what it is; a pissed off dude ranting and raving against a union that has screwed everyone.

The ruffies and Al-Qaida comments are nasty. Sticks and Stones! So is stealing earning power, to give to the less competent. And refusing to work for our war-fighters for 11 weeks is evil. It looks like you need to grow some thicker skin there bubba. Oh yea, and learn to spell.

Anonymous said...

First off, you have NO idea what I make in earnings. Second, comparing the union and it's members to terrorists and illegal activities is just way too over the top. Get a grip!
Isn't it the unions that got you the 8 hour work day? The 40 hour work week? The above minimum wage pay? And it's because of unions that you still have those things.
Oh, and you are still there benefiting from what the IAM has gotten you. If it's such a bad environment go get a non union job! Or work to change it from within.
But then again, you strike me as more of the complainer type to me. Bitch and moan but do nothing type.


Anonymous said...

In response to the union anon,

You are apparently a union official or zealot as indicated by your defense in this union.

You state “ Comparing the union and it's members to terrorists and illegal activities is just way too over the top. Get a grip!”

Didn’t your union vote to strike during a time of war? In striking didn’t your union intend to cripple the production effort to get wage increase, sign in bonus, and “Pass through language”? Did you really support the war fighter as your propaganda states by your intended production stoppage? Your union may not be terroristic however it does have strong National Socialistic roots.

“Isn't it the unions that got you the 8 hour work day? The 40 hour work week? The above minimum wage pay? And it's because of unions that you still have those things.”

Yes in the mid 1800’s trade unions did initiate 8 hour days and a 40 hour work week. In 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act made the work week legal thanks to the New Deal program initiated by President Franklin Roosevelt. No it’s not because of unions we still have the work week, It is because its law.

“Oh, and you are still there benefiting from what the IAM has gotten you.”

I haven’t received the benefits yet. I’m still wondering why the union gave away our yearly RONA check since 1997. Most of our wages have been stagnant for over eight years as compared to national average. Salaried workers at Raytheon have enjoyed an average of 3 % per year increase in wage plus a yearly Rona check.

“If it's such a bad environment go get a non union job! Or work to change it from within.”

Thanks for your advice. We are going to change it by decertifying the union. Thus in turn receiving a non union job and receiving the benefits the salaried workers enjoy.

“ But then again, you strike me as more of the complainer type to me. Bitch and moan but do nothing type.”

Most gripes seem to come from the union leadership on how bad the company is and how they are out to fire you. The company provides your employment. You do not work for the union you work for the company. In my several years at this company the majority of the people fired were union members. They were the people the workforce had to cover for and the people your union protected.

Go IAM NOT 933

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Aug 5 9:26am: Thanks for coming back! Tell your friends about this place and lets get the debate going. At least you got ballz to come back. That's how we roll, y'all.

Now, pull your head out of your butt, because NOWHERE did anyone mention the simple members of your union. Read the print! "STEWARDS", "THE UNION" = LEADERSHIP! Your union, yea, it's leadership is evil. In my eyes, the members are victims of the union just as bad, no.... more than myself! EI; The union (read leaders) tricked it's members into voting for the strike. It hyped up a strike since 2003. Those poor victims gave up thousands of dollars for a strike they thought they could win. The union knew they couldn't but ordered their people to do anyway. The poorest of them all, when they broke down and crossed the line, your union cursed them. NO! ...CURSE YOUR UNION!

Nobody wants to hear the same old crap about how "unions got you a 40 hour workweek"...blah blah BS! I get much more than minimum pay because I have SKILL, taught by school, not by union. I don't benefit from anything this union did for me, I get ripped off by them! I prefer scratching for my own benefits.
I once heard, if you wanna change the union, join it. We non-members have made changes around IAM933, and we plan to continue. We are going to decertify it and make the most glorious change to the company in fifty two years! Only then will the hate speech stop. Only then will the members be free from tyranny.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Huckleberry, wake up!

"First off, you have NO idea what I make in earnings."


Your pay is clearly defined in the IAM contract. The max you're making is a little over $40k per year, not including the overtime you work.

Now, there's one topic that gets to a person. I thought unionism was AGAINST employee's working overtime. This is why the employer is "punished" by paying premium rates for overtime. Did you know that your union actually DISCOURAGES people from working overtime, so there can be more jobs for others. I'll bet you didn't even realize that, did ya?

"Second, comparing the union and it's members to terrorists and illegal activities is just way too over the top. "

We call bull**** on that as well. You ARE terrorists, compared to management, you're tyranny isn't any better!

"Isn't it the unions that got you the 8 hour work day? The 40 hour work week?"

Yet your members piss and moan that they can't (easily) flex their time, or that they don't have 9/80. You can't have it both ways. Now, had you stayed in school and actually leaned something, you'd realize that federal law put 8/40 on the books, not a union. There was this little conflict at the time. I think they called it World War 2!

"The above minimum wage pay? And it's because of unions that you still have those things."

Wrong. Assemblers should be making $14 to $18 per hour; technicians, electricians and other SKILLED trades should be making more than they are. Your union whores itself out in order to placate the masses! Your organization brings the lower levels up by suppressing the higher levels. Explain why this is a good thing.

"Or work to change it from within."

See 2003 through 2006 for that mistake. We tried; you failed. Sad to think that many of us thought that it'd work out; by your leadership's example, they have failed.

"Bitch and moan but do nothing type."

As so many of those that hold union cards, like yourself, that in due time, it'll be irrelevant!

GO (away!) IAM!

Anonymous said...

"First off, you have NO idea what I make in earnings."


Your pay is clearly defined in the IAM contract. The max you're making is a little over $40k per year, not including the overtime you work.

WRONG! That is just your guess at my income from my union job. Let's just say that my skills got me my job, but the IAM got me the $65k I make a year. Oh yeah, I work VERY little OT.

The company is not going to give you anything without a union there to fight for you. That kind of talk comes from people that have no idea what the company really wants. The company is out to pay you as little as possible while they make as much as possible.

Get a clue people!

Anonymous said...

You do not work at Raytheon Tucson making that kind of money as an hourly employee without a substantial amount of overtime.

"Your union whores itself out in order to placate the masses! Your organization brings the lower levels up by suppressing the higher levels. Explain why this is a good thing."

You still didn't explain this point.

Anonymous said...

With a little digging into the union 2007 LM-2 your income “with very little overtime” is similar to that of the union’s business representative. Top hourly position at Raytheon is approximately 53k with very little overtime. Also given the boisterous braggart tone in your wage announcement tends to confirm you are indeed the business representative.

If you are the business representative you should be very ashamed of your lack of quality and consideration in representing the hourly workforce. You should be putting in as much OT as possible to fix your broken union. You do not explain to your members why the hourly RONA was lost by a prior business representative in 1997. You do not explain why the union has not made any effort to reinstate our RONA. You do not explain to your members why any wage adjustments or raises were targeted on certain job classifications.

All we “the workforce” hear from you and your union hierarchy is the same old paranoid mantra “The company is not going to give you anything without a union there to fight for you. That kind of talk comes from people that have no idea what the company really wants. The company is out to pay you as little as possible while they make as much as possible”

Well here is a clue for you the hourly workforce is tired of IAM’s presence here at Raytheon. We do know our jobs are secure and we do know how to negotiate better pay without you. Your old union president once said “We want to keep good jobs good” Well without the union we plan to make the good jobs better.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, 6 Aug 6:10 am: You are a poster child for our campaign! OMFG I couldn't have hoped to get a better specimen to come here and make our case for us!

You say you make 65K a year w/little O-T, there's only two ways. Either you're the Bus. Rep of the union, Mr. S. Taylor, or you're a robust liar. If you're a Rambo you only make 25.51 an hour. That's 53,060.8 dollars a year w/out O-T. To make 65K a year, you would have to average more than 6 hours a week O-T, including holidays. That's hardly working "VERY LITTLE O-T."

So Mr Taylor, or who-ever you are, go get some ethical union friends with a bit more brains than yourself to help this discussion become fruitful. You are outgunned in the wits department. And you have a deficit on facts.

If it is Mr T, he should be ashamed of himself for bragging about making 65K/Year on the backs of laborers, many who work tons of O-T at less than half his pay. And to brag of "very little O-T" insults them.

Those same laborers are going to vote your lodge out of RMS in 2009. Expect a pay cut. But in the mean time, feel free to join us right here and discuss the issues concerning the future of IAM933 at RMS. Bring your friends, and ask the ones who wish to contribute to keep it rated PG.

Anonymous said...

OK times up Steve. This thread has been left hanging for weeks. You had your butt handed to you on a plate after those comments. Cant hang with a couple of blue collar workers huh? Jimbo must have told you to shut up and make flyers!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that you assumed you knew who I am. But you are wrong! Like so many of your other posts, you are sorely mistaken. I am a strong IAM union member, just not one that works anywhere close. And yes, the previous post about my wages is correct.
I check out your blog to read the crazy things you post about how things would be so much better without the union. Look at Boeing, they made how much last year and are not willing to give their touch labor a share of that money.
You are all mistaken if you think Raytheon is going to pay you for what you think you are worth if they don't have to.
Without the union there you will all be sorry. Just my opinion, but you know what they say about opinions.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so lets see if I get this right. You don't work at RMS
in Tucson, you claim to be a foreign IAM agent who makes
65K a year with very little O-T. OK, so you're a hired
provocateur, paid by the union to quell unrest within the
ranks. You say you are a Strong IAM Member. Big Deal! I'm
a strong NON-Union worker! You claim your gang got me the
40-hour week & the 8-hour day. Bold LIE! You say I benefit
from what your lame union got me. Another Bold LIE! And
you want me to get a non-union job?

Hey dork, I have a non-union job. And I plan to stay non-
union. YOU didn't get me my job, or the benefits I have.
YOU didn't train me like a real union would. Your union
doesn't protect my trade from crummy workers, it protects
them! Nobody on your third grade negotiating team can do
better than myself. My bennies are worse due to IAM933's
"stellar hardball" negotiators. Where's my Profit Sharing?
Where's my 9-80? Where is my Merit Pay? Why did your union
take the right of workers who go "salary" to rehire within
hourly ranks if needed? Why didn't Lodge 933 pay for the
lawyers who fought for retired union members? Tell ME you
fight for us?! Schlubs!

I will prosper when I can negotiate with my boss, instead
of waiting for some Winpisinger educated blow-hard to deal
for me without my interest at heart. YOU say I complain
too much. I complain about lazy good for nothing
un-workers, who milk the profits of the workers, spread
hatred, and then lie that they fight for us.
Union workers are getting an eye full of your lies, and
they will vote your odious gang outta here when they get
the chance, so they can liberate themselves of union
tyranny. You better worry that when this little union
drops from the payrolls of Raytheon, you're gonna get a
smaller paycheck.

And one last thing, If Raytheon decides to get stupid and
rip off the workers, we can always bring back another
union. Just not THIS union. It Stinks! There are a dozen
other union labels that would do a better job than the IAM
933. But first we'll give Raytheon a chance to show us how
big a bunch of liars your union is! 2000 laborers in
Tucson will be laughing all the way to the bank! Adios Steven, or Bobby, or whoever you are. One person you're not, you're not a worker.

Anonymous said...

If you feel you are such a great negotiator then why not take a shot at it with the Union? I feel bad for the likes of you and your anti union conspirators.
How can you even think that the company would negotiate with you if the union wasn't there? Like most companies in this country, they are out to get the most out of their work force for as little as possible. And yes, that includes your job. Your company can and will find people to do your job for less should the union get voted out.
Having been through a number of negotiations and seeing what they tried to get; mandatory OT/no pension/increased co-pays just to name a few. The union and it's members are what has kept those things out of our contract. Allow the union to leave and you will see exactly what your company thinks of you.
Last but not least, I am an IAM member and proud of it. I DO make approximately $65k a year with little OT. My skills got me my job, but the union got me my wages and benefits. I DO NOT work at Raytheon, but if I did I would be an IAM member.
With that said, I hope your quest fails miserably.

Anonymous said...

Boys, Boys...what is a the fuss about. The two of you back to your corners, take a deep breath, and get away from the personal attacks and focus on the issue.

The Local 993 does not have a retirement fund nor does your union contribute towards a retirement. Every 2 to 3 years, or when there is an election year, we start to hear from the Pro Union Voice of Ammerica to assure a fair election, who fligts for the working Joe or Jill. Well, look around you, your union has helped keep your job, why? If you are not worth the paper your paycheck is printed on, do the right thing and seek some professional help. Ever noticed there are more Union workers diagnosed with Bipolar disorders then non-union workers..Maybe it is a good excuse to not work today, just having a bad, why don't you take the rest of the day off. How about, professional ethics, really, sho me a union worker who hides their intentional errors on lack of training...duh. Grant you there are folks who are not too bright, they can be trained to pick up paper and empty blue barrels weekly, but they need adult supervision. Tell me again why union workers have to be supervised in their daily activities, at work. Why these folks can not assume responsiblity for their actions. Just the other another piece of hardware was dropped - the only excuse given was - not my fault your planning didnt provide me with instructions hold to use both hands to carry the boxes, so using my best judgement and vast years of experiecne I carried it in one hand, cant mention that I was walking and talking at the same time. So, lets you sho up for work, after 2 hours you need a rest break for 10 minutes (by law not union contract), then it back to your work station, by then another one of union buddies stops by and asks you are business and not to be disrespectful, you reply I always have time for you. Then it is lunch time, another benifit of fair labor laws, but this time you are suppose to off the clock , it is your time to do with it as you wish, so wasting your lunch time shouting the bull, you report back to your "work" stationm then open the planning up to see what charge number you can use for the day and proceed to fill out your timecard for the remining of the day. While you have the planning open, lets see was ther any changes from yesterday, got to read them over to see, in most cases, the planning has not changed, so you leave your station to take a personal break, if you are asked by anyone you reply, I have to go to the restroom I'll be right back. Oh no, it is almost quiting time and you havn't the piece hardware off your work station, you inspect it - oh no ther is something wrong with it- you report it and then ask for overtime to fix it.
You might say I am describing almost anyone at Raytheon Tucson, but most of us have desks, nice chairs, a phone with audix, maybe a pager and we know to others as inspectors, testers, assembliers, material handlers. But one title that can not be applied is lazy, good for nothing, gold brickers, slackers, scabs, because that would be illegal. AM I close to descibing the 2000 workers here at the most respected defense company in the world.