Saturday, February 23, 2008

Flash Forward

I just love the comments we get asking us to work "within" the union. We have done that, have the tee-shirt and it still hasn't worked, that's why we are goin' to all this trouble, duh! Here we have people ADMIT that the union is broke and don't work good, well Hee Haw, good buddy at least one spark in your distributor is firing! Bless God, and pass the bucket of pork rinds! You are the very folks that should be canceling your union dues!
Now if you weren't getting cable t.v. would you keep paying for it every month? I don't think so. But your union is broke and you take the wise old Democrat point of view, "if it don't work throw more money at it"! As Dr. Phil would say, "How's that workin' for you"?
We are not your six toed cousins from the hills! And nope we ain't mad at ya'. We are done tryin' to fix the broke tractor. There's work that needs to be done and we aren't goin' backwards and git us an old mule. Daddy tried that and nearly killed his fool self. Now when you've actually plowed with a mule before and wanna come talk about how hard it is workin' for Raytheon then You I will listen to, but not all those other panty waisted girly men out there.
I have worked in restaurants, and retail. Yes, I have worked at Wal-Mart, and you know what? Those jobs are fine for unskilled labor. If you don't want to go to school and work hard at getting a skill then Wal-Mart is what you deserve. Yes, Wal-Mart would need a union if people didn't have a choice in who to work for. Wal-Mart isn't such a great place to work. I was a manager there and thought the hourly folks needed a union. It was so bad I thought the managers needed a union. But I did Wal-Mart the favor of quitting and living without the joy of my presence. There are plenty of retailers out there, if you find one that treats its workers well then that is the one you should shop at. Please send me a comment and let me know which retailer treats its people well so I can shop there too.
And stop trying to tell us that if we don't like being hourly then we can just become salaried. Really? Do you mean if I go ask H.R. to make me salaried that they will just do it? If I could I would, and I hate working a salaried job! If Raytheon did that then the union would slap them with a big old grievance, so guess what that's never going to happen. Don't think of us as black sheep of your little family. We don't want your representation, nor do we want your permission to exist. We only want the union to go away. We do not want to co-exist. We are the majority. We will not make the same mistake we did during the last contract. We are better organized, and do not cave in to your fear tactics. There are more of us than there are union members and we will decertify this union. We just want to help you to feel better about the transition when it happens.
There was a day and time when people were loyal to companies and worked there their whole lives, but today people are smarter and just quit! Companies that don't take care of their people need to spend a lot of money constantly training new workers. Those companies can't compete as well as companies that retain good workers. Wal-Mart can stay in business because it doesn't take any special skill to keep them going, so they can afford to fire all their Christmas new hires every year, and they usually do. The really good workers they keep and make certain to give them 39 hours a week or less so they don't get any benefits. Welcome to the savvy low life scum of retail! When those good workers quit there are over 400 applications waiting in personnel for a phone call from folks who don't understand retail. In 6 months they will get the best education of their life and go back to college, get an MBA and probably treat their employees like Wal-Mart treated them because they didn't learn the 'real life lesson'. Take care of people and that is how you are a success. You aren't successful by having an inflated bottom line, a big bottom means you need to go to the gym more and push yourself away from the dinner table.
A lot of my co-workers are scared and rightfully so. What will happen to me in two years when the union is decertified and they won't be there to save my slacker butt from the unemployment line? Well, if you are a slacker, you deserve the unemployment line, since somebody else has been doing your work for you. Good workers get rewarded, and if they don't pay you well enough then guess what? There are other places to work for like Boeing and Lockheed. If you haven't stuck your head out the hole you're in for awhile then guess what? There is an EXTREME shortage of aerospace workers. Read the article for yourself, and rejoice! We are dinosaurs that need to be highly compensated or the aerospace industry will crumble. The industry is learning the hard lesson of how much harder they need to work to keep people. The millennial generation tells employers to give them more or they will leave and work somewhere else. Well good for them and better for us. I think Raytheon needs to give me the massages and the lattes to keep on working until I'm 70 so they don't have to put up with the millennial kids coming to work these days (about noon - if the employer is so lucky)
Okay let's flash forward to two years from now when the union is decertified. For die-hard union supporters it will suck. It won't suck because Raytheon will be a worse place to work, but it will suck because of the mental stronghold of union folks. They will be grieving that their little "family" is dead. It's the same syndrome that gang members go through when they wake up and realize that they have to figure things out on their own and think for a change. There won't be someone holding their hand telling them who they should hate. Now they will have to figure out who the enemy is and hopefully they won't look in the mirror, because they will come to realize all too soon that they are their own worst enemy. I got a pretty good taste of how pleasant it was to work at Raytheon during the strike. There weren't a bunch of bitter old slackers standing around complaining about how horrible it is working under the torturous conditions at Raytheon.
Those whiners never worked in retail.
Some folks complain that their 401K will go away. Well good riddance, a 401K is a sucker investment anyway. Folks that bother to educate themselves know that 401K plans only offer extremely safe venues which do not pay very well. During your working lifetime you can lose over $1 million by investing in a 401K instead of having that same money work for you in a multitude of better mutual funds available outside of a 401K plan.
There is fear that people will lose their job when the union is decertified. That just will not happen with the shortage of aerospace workers today. Only the extreme slackers will go away and the union shouldn't be protecting those folks anyway, since it just makes the union look stupid. There are very few people willing to move to our lovely oasis here in Tucson. It is the desert and they just won't come here because it seems formidable. A lot of folks have worked in awful factories and will never allow themselves to take on an assembly job ever again. Raytheon can not legally lower your pay either. They can pay new hires less money, but they won't do that for long since aerospace workers are retiring faster than they are being trained. Millenials won't work at Raytheon, ohhh PuhLeeezze! We make bombs and your hands may get dirty and you can't wear flip flops, oooohh like No way, dude!
Now when Raytheon can figure out how to serve lattes on the production floor and will let you wear pajamas and flip flops then you might have to worry about the millenial generation competing for your job, but that won't be until they've worked at Wal-Mart, Starbucks and Hooters for a out 10 years and realize, omg I need more $$$ or I can't text my bff Jill and hang out in Boca 4ever!
Life will be great without the union. People can only take so much negative us against them propaganda. Especially after this election year. The only thing we hear from talking heads is blah blah blah. We tune out the rhetoric and look around and realize, I don't have it so bad. I could be existing in China, or some other God forsaken communist regime instead of the best country on earth where you have the freedom to choose where to work instead of having it mandated to you by the bureaucrats in your government. Some union supporters don't even get that. There are a bunch of whacked out union folks that think communism is far better than freedom. They are so used to being told what to think that they truly want the government telling them what to think, do and how to live. Stop smoking your rope, crawl out of your sweat lodge and see what life is like outside in the real world. It's like beautiful out here baby!


Anonymous said...

I have a question for you. I heard about through the underground rumor mill at work and was talking about it with some of my coworker friends. One guy who is a hardcore union member said that it is against the company rules to visit this site or talk about it at work. Is this true or is the union blowing more smoke at their members and trying to quash your efforts here? I really don't believe the company can tell us what we can or cannot talk about, I suppose it might limit what we can view on the company computers though. Also, has anyone else heard anything like this?

Decertify 933 Committee said...

The union as usual is blowing smoke. The company does not have a rule against talking about this site at work. The company does have rules against visiting non-work related sites. The National Labor Relations Board has rules against discussing or forming unions on work time, in work areas. The company is not allowed to supply resources for certifying or decertifying unions, so allowing you to chat on the workfloor about this site (or surf our site) could be so construed as supplying a resource. I would suggest discussing this site in non-work areas (breakrooms, hallways, bathrooms, outside buildings and in parking lots) just to prevent any conflict of interest. Now ask those same union members to remove their stickers from tool boxes and work benches. Company property is not allowed by NLRB for soliciting membership. No wait don't tell the union member to remove it, ask your boss to tell them to remove the offensive propaganda and be sure to file an unfair labor practice against the union for each violation with the NLRB. Enough violations and NLRB will likely call for a vote to remove the union for violating it's contract with the NLRB rules.