Thursday, January 18, 2007

Petition Failed, This Time

On January 13, 2007 the union took another bad turn. They slapped the striking workers in the face by accepting the same contract which they went on strike for. We needed 570 signatures to put the union’s representation to a vote, and fell short of this 30% figure. While our petition to decertify the union failed this go around, we will have another chance before the next contract expires. It is to this purpose that this webspace is dedicated.


Anonymous said...

good luck fools. you are a gutles wonder who does not have the courage to fight for your livelyhood. you have believed all the buildup the military coronated you with. you have no idea about the city or state you live in. somehow you have deluded yourself to believing you are such a great worker you could command a six figure all star salary you are a scabby gutless wonder rolled up inognorance.

Anonymous said...

To my anonymous co-worker:

Your post from Jan. 14th did not end very clearly (hey, spell-check!), but I will tell you that the delusions are yours, not ours.

It's obvious that this union realizes there is a formidable task ahead to save their very existence; from the very people they claim to represent.

Anonymous said...

Anon, (Jan 14) You hide behind a thousand men crying strike, and YOU call the author a guttless (sic) wonder? You can't spell, you can't write, and you have no idea about the company you work for. But you DEMAND better pay? HA!
I can fight my own battles without your union to back me up. When this union goes, my pay will rise faster than the union has ever done! If you ever get educated, you'll see the union drags your pay down to protect and bring up the pay of the slugs. Judging by your comment, YOU are the fool.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous. What the hell is a 'gutles wonder'? And is it gutless to post this message anonymously? Also, the rest of your statement makes no sense. Is this typical lingo for union members? And it takes guts to stand on ones own feet instead having a pseudo-gang to back you up. Besides, unions were only needed in the past to force government intervention into abusive business operations. There are enough labor laws and lawyers available to protect workers from corporate abuse. The unions are only feeding off the fear and paranoia of the inept. Don't be a 'gutles wonder' and stand on your own feet and be confident in knowing that your abilities will secure your position. IAM NOT 933