Thursday, October 11, 2012

Will you support the Strike Vote

Doing Twice the Work? Job at Risk? Will you support the Strike Vote? Did you ever feel like you are doing twice the work, but you are not getting paid for the increased effort? This is the message that the Union has been placing all over the factory these days. Funny how they are coming around to asking questions about wages eight years late. Where were they back in 2003 when they gave the work force a ZERO PERCENT raise for three years? We didn’t forget. Wages are an important part of the rift between college educated and highly skilled workers at Raytheon, and the members of the bargaining unit that got hefty raises at the expense of the rest of the work force. Electrical Technicians, Mechanical Service Technicians, Machinist Technicians, Prototype Tool & Die, Metrology, Calibration Technicians, & “Engineering Test Technicians” deserve an upward wage adjustment. The union wants our support, just like they would like yours. Power in numbers they say. Yep, I have to agree, there is power in numbers. When they repair the pay injustices of the past few contracts, they can count on the support of the very people with the brain power to help them most! Raytheon has an evolving workforce, and you can bet your bottom dollar RMS won’t replace product test specialists with others of equal caliber. NO, they are replacing them with this robot you see here. However, they will be hiring “Engineering Test Technicians,” Metrology Service Technicians, and Mechanical Service Technicians in the future, to replace those talented workers that over time will go out the door into the sunset. But the Union has ignored these technicians. Continue this trend at your own peril IAM 933. The type of workers who depend on the union are becoming less and less desirable to Raytheon as new hires, while the technicians who stand the most to gain from Raytheon’s 21st century improvements are ignored by the Union. Guess which high demand employees aren’t running down the doors on Ajo Way to join the Union? That increases the likelihood of another petition to decertify the union as the pendulum of time erodes the union’s majority. So while your Union is asking rhetorical questions like “is your job at risk?” or are you doing “Twice the Work?” They need to ask themselves “Can we afford to ignore these technicians any longer?” This weekend the Union is conducting a strike vote. Go vote! That’s the patriotic thing to do. As long as your most skilled workers are ignored, you stand a ZERO PERCENT of successfully conducting a strike against the Company. And if you do strike, the hundreds of workers who voted to decertify this union will work diligently to make sure a petition is circulated during the strike to eliminate the source of the injustices we have all suffered over the past three contracts.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Step right up, its show time!

Step right up ladies and gentlemen! It’s time for another fabulous shew!!! This contract season we have a variety of talented story tellers to make you foam at the mouth and buy your way back into the Union because you just realized how much you hate the Company! How much baloney are you ready to eat when the Union says the Company's profit mongers will force those funky twelve hour shifts on you while they cut the wages that you earn working from five PM till 5:30 AM? By the time November rolls around, you are going to be delerious. While Chacha is riding a unicycle on top of the tight rope, she's preaching that the managers don’t want to give premium pay for those long shifts. Are you ready for the BIG DISTRACTION Leigh will use to sell you out? When the negotiating committee accepted the twelve hour shifts they didn't fight for the values they claim to defend. Now the Union is getting ready to shaft the workers, threatening a pay cut on the premium pay for those long shifts. If this was an issue, they should have held out and got it in writing that this would not be a permanent working condition on our workers. Once upon a time, unions fought to stop abuse, but these guys will divert your attention and sell out, again and again. Get ready, because there's a twelve hour shift coming to a product near you! Your brave negotiating committee is going to fight tooth and nail when the Company plays the factory cards and shows a full house of 2+3+2 schedules that will demoralize you and turn you into a zombie robot. can hear it now; "If you freeloaders would join the union, we would have the power to get a better deal." The problem isn't the Company, clowns. It’s the way IAM933 does its monkey business. The Union will still screw the workers, no matter how hard they fight, because they can’t see when the Company negotiated for those twelve hour shifts, they openly admitted they under pay the talented workforce that saved their contracts! Its time this Union demonstrated to us non members that you have the smarts to fight for the right causes instead of the dumb ones. There are hundreds of us non members who feel that we could do our own negotiations better than this union has done over the past three or four contracts. Can you do better?